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Twelve Steps to the Throne
Twelve Steps to the Throne
Twelve Steps to the Throne
Ebook134 pages2 hours

Twelve Steps to the Throne

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In her Book, Twelve Steps To The Throne, Rev. Mrs. Kathy Sandlin captures a beautiful portfolio of the Practice of Prayer. As you read it, I know you will enjoy and be blessed by its depth in knowledge, and the Biblical Structure of the Ministry of Prayer. It will teach us how to come into deeper relationship with God, and will serve as an excellent Training Tool for Intercessory Prayer Groups/Teams. This book will be instrumental in establishing excitement in your personal prayer closet, as well as corporate prayer lives and practices. After preaching in Reverend Sandlins church and privately praying with her, its a joy for me to release my richest blessing on this wonderful book. I unequivocally recommend for the Body of Christ, Rev. Kathys book, Twelve Steps To The Throne.
Dr. Larry Lea
Best Selling Author of
Could You Not Tarry One Hour?

Twelve Steps to the Throne is a concise thesis on prayer birthed out of the heart of a genuine intercessor. Rev. Kathy Sandlin has done a tremendous favor to the Body of Christ by allowing the Holy Spirit to compile many years of her experience in prayer. This book is a must-read for all kingdom-minded Christians. The Kingdom of God is blessed to have this biblical revelation on the subject of prayer.
Bishop Ray Boggs
Upper SC Conference

In her book, Twelve Steps to the Throne, Kathy Sandlin challenges believers to press their way into the presence of God. The author inspires the reader with descriptions of the Throne Room, offering twelve practical principles of worship in the heavenlies. The devotional tone of this book will challenge the reader to enter into a deeper relationship with the Lord of Glory!
Bishop James Leggett
President, Holmes College of the Bible
Greenville, South Carolina

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 6, 2012
Twelve Steps to the Throne

Rev. Kathy Sandlin

Rev. Kathy Sandlin, an ordained minister in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, holds a Bachelor of Theology degree. She is the founder/president of the International Cathedral of Prayer; a 24/7 prayer center. ICOP houses two church plants, Kingdom Bible Institute, and twenty-five diversely anointed ministries of prayer and intercession. She is a gifted teacher, much-sought-after conference speaker, and operates in the Five Fold Ministry, with her strongest gifts being apostle and prophetess. She is a singer, songwriter/musician, and a prolific writer/author. She has ministered across denominational lines for thirty years, making herself available for conferences, camp meetings, revivals, schools of ministry, etc. She is married to Frank Sandlin, has two children and four grandchildren. She and her family reside in the Greenville area of South Carolina.

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    Twelve Steps to the Throne - Rev. Kathy Sandlin

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-3954-6 (sc)

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    The First Step To The Throne


    The Second Step To The Throne


    The Third Step To The Throne


    The Fourth Step To The Throne


    The Fifth Step To The Throne


    The Sixth Step To The Throne


    The Seventh Step To The Throne

    Supplication Prayer

    The Eighth Step To The Throne


    The Ninth Step To The Throne


    The Tenth Step To The Throne


    The Eleventh Step To The Throne


    Twelveth Step To The Throne


    Twelve Steps To The Throne

    In this book you will discover the power of

    twelve different types of definitive prayer found

    through out the Word Of God. They are designed to enhance

    our knowledge of communication with the Father, to increase the value of our

    personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and teach us total dependence upon the

    Holy Spirit as we pray. For it is the Holy Spirit Himself who makes groanings and intercessions that we do not know. He knows best how to Intercede for us and through us.

    Blessed Be His Holy Name!

    Rev. Mrs. Kathy Sandlin


    This book is dedicated to all of the wonderful Intercessors, Prayer Warriors, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers of America and around the World who have a call upon their lives for Intercession. May the Lord richly enhance your knowledge of who He is through your Prayer & Intercession relationship with our Heavenly Father!


    My heartfelt thanks to all of my Personal Intercessors around the globe for their faithfulness in prayer and their intercession over me during the writing of this composition. Also to my flock, The International Cathedral Of Prayer, for their kindness and support. A very special thanks to my two Secretaries who are gifted beyond their years in the typesetting skills revealed through their untiring labors; and to my editor, Dr. Melanie Riddle, who has stood by my side for 12 years in ministry and has been an educator in the public school system for 28 years. Last but certainly not least, my husband Frank, of 39 years, who has held up my hands, stood by my side, dried all of my tears, and never ever let me stop writing.


    I have often made the statement that Prayer Is The Breath Of Our Christian Life. I believe this to be truth. Without powerful communication with the Father, we are not breathing spiritually. To pray and talk to God is how we communicate with Him. Levels of prayer can vary, as well as the different types of Prayers that we may pray. Prayer is not only our Communication our heavenly Father, but it is also our Communion with Him.

    When God created Adam and Eve and placed them inside the garden, they were not put there just to look good and name the animals. God created Adam to fellowship with Him. To walk and talk with Him in the cool of the day. I think as the Body of Christ we have lost that value of our intimacy with the Father God. Prayer should be sweet and intimate with God as we begin to fellowship with Him on a daily basis.

    We must also understand that there are many different types of Prayer. That is what I have defined for you in this book, Twelve Steps To The Throne. As I have traveled to Nations, throughout our Nation, Regions, States and Cities, I have discovered one thing. The Body of Christ needs greater and deeper insight on the various ways that we need to pray.

    Sure. We all have a special devotional types of Prayer that we do everyday. However, when it comes to Intercessory Prayer, there must be a diversity of Prayers in order to cover all of the bases for which we may be interceding. There are also times that we begin our prayers with Praise; there are times that we should begin our prayers with Worship!

    This is also defined for you .

    As you pursue greater knowledge of the various types of prayers, intercession, warring, etc… You will begin to see what a need that we have throughout the Church to touch the heart of God and the strategic levels of Prayer that it sometimes takes to get us there. When we reach that place in our communion with the Father that we can crawl into His lap, lay our head upon His shoulder and cry Abba, Father we have accomplished something powerful in our prayer lives. Intimate Intercession is the pathway to pure relationship with the Father, God! We as the Body of Christ are being called there , just like God called Adam.

    If we are not alert in our walk with God, it becomes very easy to let our conversation times with God slip right through our fingers. It is very easy to do. We live in such a microwave world and mentality, we think that we can push a button and turn God on and push another button and turn God off. Again I say, Prayer just does not work that way.

    Prayer is our relationship with our heavenly Father. It is our communication and communion with Him, and Him alone. As I minister in these areas of preaching and teaching on Prayer Across the Globe, I am more alerted and informed that as the Body of Christ, we must conform to His ways and learn the value of spending more time with Him in order to learn of Him. I am also seeing it happen in many places.

    These types of prayer that I am defining to you in this book, are of such spiritual nature that I am also seeing the Body of Christ spending hours, days, weeks in prayer, intercession and fasting, for the times and seasons that we are living in. God is calling His people to pray. In order to see the last day outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we have preached, prayed, believed for, heard of, we must take whatever time that we have to pray and make our prayers as effective as possible. In Twelve Steps To The Throne you will discover the joys, secrets, anointing, excitement, enthusiasm, and much more as you learn about, Praise, Worship Supplication, Petition, and much more.

    Some of these defined topics are a lot of fun to pray. Some of them require us to give up something once in a while. Others of the topics are not really a joyful place to be for long seasons. However, each one of them are necessary types of Intercession in order to complete our prayer ministries. You will discover the value of the Prayer lives of Men and Women of the Bible who experienced good times and bad times, trials and triumphs, joys and sorrows, pain and discomfort, losses and gains. However, they only saw their breakthrough as they pressed through. At that point, they find God awaiting them on the other side of their situation to bless them indeed! Once God’s people make a decision to call upon Him for help in their time of need, we realize that He is an ever present help for all of us!

    As you read these pages of my experience that follows, may the Lord richly bless, inform, train, equip, and put new plows in your hands for a more exhilarating, exciting, and successful prayer life. May you see your answers to prayer come to pass as you follow these Biblical guidelines for Intercession. Remember, Jesus Himself became our Intercessor on the Cross. He prayed for us in the Garden Of Gethsemane. He sought for Solitary Places that He could be alone with His Heavenly Father. Jesus Himself was an Intercessor. Who can you Intercede for today?

    Prayerfully Yours,

    Rev. Mrs. Kathy Sandlin

    International Cathedral Of Prayer.

    The First Step to the Throne

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    In the book of Ephesians chapter 6, the Apostle Paul does not mince words as he describes to us our warfare wardrobe . He describes this necessary attire, the whole armor of God, that we need in order to engage in the spiritual warfare taking place all around us. He also defines the demonic celebrities of the upper class spiritual atmosphere as principalities, powers, and the rulers of the darkness of this world. We must have open minds enough to accept the Word of God in understanding that our warfare is not

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