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Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly Conduct
Disorderly Conduct
Ebook494 pages8 hours

Disorderly Conduct

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It was hate at first sight.

At twenty-nine, Drew Meloni is a millionaire who refuses to settleor settle down. He needs to control everything in his life, especially his women. He calls them his flavors of the month, and he likes to keep them at bay.

At twenty-four, Arianna Lopez is an out-of-work artist and virgin who lives off of her fathers fortunes as she seeks to conquer her own dreams.

When business brings these two together, sparks fly. Arianna is unimpressed by Drews bravado and arrogance, and hes infuriated by her ability to resist his charms. When they find themselves thrown together again, no one wins. Both have their eyes set on a dream house, and Arianna takes a big risk when she outbids himpaying far more for the house than she can afford. And she now blames Drew for her current financial trap. The two go back and forth and are eventually arrested for disorderly conduct. A judge warns them what might happen if they cant figure out a way to stay apart or play nicebut soon enough, theyre both under arrest again.

The judge sentences them to live together for eight months, and violation of their agreement could land them in jail. Things go from bad to worseuntil they realize that what they feel for each other is sincere love.
Release dateDec 1, 2011
Disorderly Conduct

Debbie Penzi H2O

Debbie Penzi-H20 earned an associate’s degree in criminal justice from the Erie Community College in 1998. She is a volunteer firefighter in West Seneca, New York, who plays bingo and slots. She lives in the Winchester District with her husband, Scott; their children, Scott Jr., Brian, and Tracie; and their cats.

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    Disorderly Conduct - Debbie Penzi H2O

    Chapter One

    A stroke of paint that once took the shape of Air Force One was now a random variation of colors and abstracts. Pastel oil paint scattered across the canvas, pulling away from that focal point of Air Force One she started out with. A smile curled around her lips as she pictured a man, Drew Meloni. He was absolutely breathtaking; from his pretty boy face and his washboard abs right down to his size 10 shoes. His hair longer, with a layer cut that articulated the styled he wore it in. His eyes were brown, round and big, much like hers. Drew only stood about 5 feet 11 inches tall if that, which was only a mere 5 inches taller than she was. So when Arianna Lopez wore heels; they complimented each other well. Drew always wore the same cologne and it didn’t matter where Arianna was, if she smelled it, her eyes would go wandering, searching for his beautiful smile. Sometimes all points led straight to Drew and sometimes she was staring at another man who chose to wear the same delightful scent.

    Arianna took a refreshing breath as a chuckle left her lips, reminiscing in a time and place where they first met; she was standing in the lobby of the Ocean View Hotel. Arianna had just gotten back from college; she was away for nearly six years. Majoring in Art and taking extra classes to study more about the history; while enjoying the painted canvas that had been made famous by many different artists over the years.

    She glanced around the busy lobby focusing on the front desk where she noticed many employees assisting customers on that hot May afternoon. Arianna checked her watch knowing the owner Mr. Meloni was expecting her, wondering if perhaps she missed him since traffic hindered the estimated time she allotted for arrival. Her eyes focused on a man across the lobby and saw him Drew Meloni, for the first time. He was knee-deep in conversation with another man; she later learned was his brother Mario. When he glanced her way a smile curled around his lips and before he could finish what he was saying to his brother, he was doing a double take and excusing himself. It was like a force far greater than him was pulling him to get a closer look.

    Mario walked over to the front desk watching, he had never seen his brother drop everything to gain a woman’s attention before, or make the first move for that matter. Usually the woman flocked to him, and his overwhelming ego did the rest.

    Do you suppose he’ll crash and burn or get the girl? Mario asked looking at Sara the front desk clerk.

    Sara glanced at Drew and the woman he was approaching and laughed, She’s nothing like the others who find themselves in his company. There is, a, ‘certain purity’ about her that I can’t quite put my finger on. Sara commented as she glanced at Mario and shrugged her shoulders and smiled. My guess would be his overwhelming ego is gonna get him slapped across the face.

    Drew’s first thought was similar to the one Arianna had, ‘breathtaking’ as she stood alone in the center of the floor, looking lost and confused. Her long brown curly hair flowing freely in the gentle breeze the automatic doors brought in every time someone entered the hotel. She wore a soft pink sun dress that was open in the back, and on her feet were white sandals. Over her shoulder was rather large tote bag, some woman used totes as purses, and since he didn’t see another hand bag of any sort, he assumed that was her purse and headed her way with the biggest smile he could stretch across this face.

    Hi he approached her. I’m Drew; I’m single and definitely interested in mingling. I must however stress the fact that my status is going to remain the same even after I give you the greatest pleasure you have ever experienced. He was blunt and to the point, laying it all out on the table expecting her to bit, especially since he had never been rejected in the past.

    Arianna’s jaw dropped, what an arrogant ego-maniac! Born and raised Catholic she had followed her faith precisely by the way the bible said to. Arianna couldn’t believe this amazingly beautiful man who first took her breath away, opened his mouth and propositioned her to commit a sin.

    She grunted, Excuse me, I’m actually here to see the owner of this establishment she pushed herself past him and the overwhelming ego.

    I am the Commander and Chief, and I happen to know for a fact that the Presidential Suite is available, so if you want, we can by all means go upstairs and discuss Foreign Affairs! Certain this time after learning who he was, she would accept his proposal.

    Arianna faced him and a grin curled around her lips as she reached into her tote bag and grabbed the contracts her father sent her with and pulled them out. She approached him and shoved the envelope containing the contracts at him with her left hand at the same time her right hand smacked him right across the face. You arrogant ego-maniac, the only way you’re landing Air Force One on my runway; is if I’m the acting First Lady! Good day Mr. President! she turned and walked right away from him.

    Not only did he crash and burn, she called his penis Air Force One, and he looked around wondering just how many people in the lobby heard the comment this woman made, and judging by the way his brother and his one employee were laughing and high-fiving each other, he knew the humiliation was only just beginning. Drew did the only respectable thing he could do and that was walk away, heading for his office. Belittled by rejection his ego was not taking this well. He was however, Drew Meloni, and with that came a sense of pride and tribulation. He usually only had to snap his fingers and the women were right there attaching themselves to his arms.

    Mario was quick to hurry after his brother, dying to find out what she said, since the front desk was too far away to actually hear, although the crack across the face seemed to echo loudly.

    The phone rang and Arianna was pulling herself out of the memory lane to answer it, Hi Papi her smiles were always sincere when talking with that of her father.

    Good afternoon Princess, I didn’t interrupt anything important did I? Jose asked calmly.

    No Papi, just painting Arianna walked toward the sink to wash her hands, while she held the phone between her shoulder and her ear.

    Princess I need a favor Jose said with hesitation.

    His tone alone alerted Arianna to what that favor might be as she noticed the calendar hanging on the wall. Realizing it was just about this time last year; that triggered the chain of events that put her to where she was in the present time as another memory came to mind.

    The pick-up line was definitely one of a kind she’ll give him that much, but she never expected to see that man walk into her church the following Sunday with his family. As soon as Arianna saw him, she ducked behind a display case of pamphlets to hide. To make matters worse, he approached Miguel immediately with a friendly handshake and a smile that edged deep within her soul as her heart started to beat faster.

    Drew, my apologies on bailing Friday, something came up and I couldn’t hand deliver the contracts myself, I trust everything went well?

    Oh I got the contracts alright! Drew said hesitantly as he glanced at Mario who approached.

    And quite the crack across the face too Mario added with laughter.

    Miguel’s jaw dropped as he turned to find his sister and spotted her lurking behind the display rack. Miguel was quick to reach and grab his sister and pull her right out into view where she was forced to face Drew again. Oh my God Arianna, did you strike this man? Miguel’s tone was harsh and bitter.

    I must admit it was rather embarrassing, she did it right in the center of the lobby and we were very busy at the time. I don’t know what kind customer service practices Lopez Industries is adhering to these days, but I almost contemplated dismissing the entire account and finding another company to work with. Drew said firmly, letting his scorned ego play victim.

    Mario’s jaw dropped as he glared at his brother stunned.

    Drew I’m terribly sorry and you have my word this matter will make to the attention of my father immediately. Now I think my sister here owes you an apology. Isn’t that right Arianna?

    Arianna knew she was standing in a Holy Establishment and anything she said out of context would be a direct violation of her upbringing, but this arrogant ego-maniac just threw her under the bus and made her out as the villain and there was no way in HELL she was letting him get away with it. Arianna was the prodigy of two very influential bloodlines; Italian and Puerto Rican; whom both steam from stubbornness, control and possessiveness.

    Arianna had much to say in regards to this man, but chose another slap across the face that was harder than the last and heard by everyone within 50 feet and left a nice printed reminder on Drew’s freshly shaved cheek. I’ll apologize when Hell freezes over! she whaled and walked away.

    Jose Lopez was talking with one of the Church parishioners and heard the slap and what his daughter said next and immediately excused himself, choosing to address Drew first, getting a brief description from his son on what happened now and on Friday and then went to find his daughter who left the church.

    Mario on the other hand couldn’t contain himself and laughter was all you heard coming from him. Drew was furiously embarrassed and went to find a seat way in the back of the church to sulk.

    Outside Jose and Arianna discussed what happened in a civil tongue and she was about thirty seconds into her version of what happened on Friday and he could tell by the way her eyes danced around that she had been bitten by the ‘Love Bug’. Arrogant yes, Ego-Maniac absolutely; Jose knew Drew Meloni very well. For the last five years he and Miguel had become very good friends; a friendship that started when Jose handed the Ocean View account to his son. Much like his son, Drew was a ladies’ man, and loved his bachelor status. There was no doubt in his mind what his daughter said had truth to it. And he could so seeing Drew using that pick-up line and what he got as an answer was exactly what he deserved. However, there is a time and place for all things to happen; in the work place was not one of them.

    I know it was wrong Papi, but he just made me so mad; and even more so now.

    Princess I agree, believe me I do. And trust me I would have smacked him good too, but here in a church in front of the whole community. You owe that man and everyone else here an apology. Violence should never be present inside a church and I think you know what you need to do.

    Can’t I just say, ten ‘Hale Mary’s’ and five ‘Our Fathers’’ and be done with it? Arianna giggled.

    Jose gave her a sideways glance and Arianna leaned over and kissed her father’s cheek and walked back into the church. She should have stopped where Drew was sitting, but chose a general apology approach instead. She walked up to the Alter and asked the Priest if she could have five minutes before his sermon to apology the right way. And it was a little humiliating on her part; she’d never done anything like this before. But she addressed the congregation and acknowledged her wrongful doing here and on Friday in Drew’s place of employment. Then she turned to the Alter and said she was sorry to God for disrespecting him. Then after doing the sign of the cross she returned to her seat; the first one in the very front row, since finding her family was not going to happen after that humiliating apology.

    The course of the next year had the same effect every time the two came in contact, minus, the slap. You see, Arianna didn’t approve of the way Drew lived his life and he couldn’t seem to understand why it was so important for her wait for her wedding night to experience hot passionate sex. Especially when he was confident he could deliver an award winning performance.

    Snapping back into the present, Arianna was equally as hesitant, Yes Papi, I’ll do whatever you want.

    Great, I need you to take the new contracts and catalogs over to Drew Meloni at the Ocean View, are you okay with doing that? Jose took an exhausting deep breath. I wouldn’t ask, but you were the last resort. Miguel’s out of town and my other associates are busy.

    Sure, I’ll give him what he needs and be on my way, how hard can it be? Arianna added with trepidation in her voice.

    Bring him a beverage, its good business practice, leave it short and simple and please Princess, leave the slap out this time.

    Of course Papi

    The phone call ended and Arianna headed for the bathroom, quickly changing out of her painting clothes, threw her long hair into a twist; that was clipped at the back of her head, and the remaining hair fell down like a fountain out of the clip. She pulled a couple strains down to case her face and added some make-up. She slipped into her pal pink Capri’s and a soft white and pink halter top; that looped around her neck and fanned out around the waist. She sprayed some perfume on and stepped into her sandals. At the door she grabbed the tote bag and left for her fathers’ company to get the contracts.

    On the way to the hotel, Arianna stopped and grabbed an iced coffee for her-self; and one for Drew even though she loathed the man. She pulled into the parking lot of the Ocean View, wearing her big round black sunglasses, instead of taking them off and closing the top to her 1975 Classic Shinny Red Corvette Convertible, she grabbed her tote bag and the two drinks in the carry-on tray and walked toward the hotel. As soon as she walked in, she spotted Drew in a conversation with another businesslike man on the other side of the lobby. The man was his hotel manager Bill Montgomery, and Drew was giving instructions on what to do for the concert on the beach tonight. It was something new they were involved in, and last week there was a domestic disturbance that Drew did not want repeated this week.

    Look, Drew glanced at his watch, I have a meeting any minute now, so I’m gonna leave you to your job, and I’ll check in with you a little later.

    Holy smokes, someone get some water, because it just got a hell of a lot hotter in here? Bill said glancing Arianna’s way. Drew looked and chuckled under his breath.

    Correction, the meeting from hell Drew sighed heavily then looked at Bill again, that my friend; is Arianna Lopez, and she may be absolutely breathtaking, but she’s like a loaded gun and normally she has the barrel aimed right at my head, and what’s worse, is, she’s apparently my two o’clock

    She’s the ‘meeting from hell’, c’mon Drew you’re usually the cat’s meow, how come you haven’t bag this chic? Bill teased.

    I can’t stand that woman, and who even knows if I were to try and bag her, I’d make it out alive. The woman is pure evil I tell you.

    Arianna pulled her glasses off after she set her carry-on tray on the counter and glared across the room at Drew. She could tell by the way the two men were laughing, that he was talking about her. So she waved him on and sighed, rolling her eyes, Let’s go pal, I ain’t got a fricken day she muttered loud enough for Sara behind the counter to hear and laugh out loud.

    I take it you don’t like Mr. Meloni? she said straightening the magazines.

    Arianna glanced at this young girl, probably her age or younger and smiled, The man is arrogant, and the biggest ego-maniac I know. Believe me when I say, Drew approached without her noticing, The sooner we get this meeting over with, the better.

    I couldn’t agree more Ms. Lopez, shall we go to my office? Drew growled, catching the look on Sara’s face and growing embarrassed.

    Arianna winked at the girl as she picked up her stuff off the counter, but then, to further irritate Drew, she reached into her bag and pulled out a business card and handed it to the girl, Here if you’re ever looking for better employment, give my father a call.

    What’s this; you can’t come in here and solicit my employees? Drew raised his hands to motion his frustration. Drew was a little cutie and Arianna knew it. She loved the way he always dressed in businesslike clothes, and how he wore his hair in what she called a wiggled mess, and how his big dark brown eyes had the effect of hypnotizing a person, and when he was mad, those eyes danced around making him that much more attractive.

    I can do whatever I want, it’s a free country, so if you don’t like it, tell someone who actually cares! They started to walk toward his office; she pulled one of the coffees from the carry-on tray and handed it to him. Here, I bought you a coffee, although I could of thought of something better to waste my money on, but my father says its good business etiquette to be courteous.

    Drew looked at the drink and wondered if she poisoned it, and almost threw it in the garbage, but held on to it anyway. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his work keys and slid it into the lock and unlocked the door, holding the door open allowing her to pass. It was the first time she was in his office, and after he turned the light on she glanced around. Immediately she spotted a painting hanging on the wall and instead of grabbing the seat he offered at the round table, she walked right to the painting, dropping her bag onto the floor. Drew set the drink down on the table and walked over to where she was standing and looked at what she was looking at.

    A smile couldn’t be suppressed when Drew was admiring art, and when he saw her with the same smile, he wondered if she appreciated art as much as he did. It’s a fabulous piece, I picked it… but before he could finish, she was shushing him and giving the ‘Talk-to-the-hand’ wave, and reaching up to touch the painted canvas. Softly gliding her fingers through the strokes of the paint and closing her eyes. She took a deep cleansing breath as she pictured the meaning of this particular painting in her head.

    Oh my God, the energy from this painting alone is mind blowing.

    As if you would know how to perceive the concept of ‘mind blowing’, I’d be more than happy to show you if you’d like, or are you still waiting for that ‘first lady proposal?’ Drew asked, still finding her to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and the only one he failed to get in bed.

    I see you haven’t changed Mr. Meloni, or should I say Mr. President? Keeping up on regular ‘tune up’s’ with Air Force One or have you neglected the careful responsibility, and just gone gun-ho with every hoe in town? Arianna walked away from the painting and bent down to grab her bag and sat at the table. She took a sip of her iced coffee as she pulled the papers out from her bag and set them on the table. Drew’s jaw dropped, as he probably loathed this woman as much as she did him, and for a split second he wished she was a man so he knock her clear across the room with one punch. Instead he pulled out one of the chairs and sat, grabbing the contract first and reviewing it page by page. He could feel her staring at him and grew nervous, she had that effect on him, and whenever she was in the same room he just couldn’t function properly. He pretended he read the contract, when really he was struggling with the fact that he was so attracted to this woman he couldn’t see straight. Then he figured his lawyer would give it a good read anyway, so he grabbed the catalog and started to glance through the pages of new stuff.

    "This is good; I like the new line, it might actually work well in my Miami hotel, when is this available for order. He asked still glancing at the catalog and not her.

    Arianna wasn’t paying any attention to what he was saying, because she was too busy wondering if what she had heard about this man was true or not. She had heard many conversations in passing as women gloated about Drew Meloni and all he had to offer and especially how good he was in bed.

    When she didn’t respond to his question he glanced up and found her staring at him with a quizzical look on her face. Earth to Arianna he said waving his hand in front of her face. She snapped out of her trance and her big brown eyes were blinking. Are these available for order now?

    I have no idea, but I’m sure that’s something you can iron out with my father. Arianna replied sarcastically.

    Drew glared at her, and then returned to the catalog. So did you find a decent Christian boy who will cater to your Virgin Mary ways yet, or are you still searching? Drew nonchalantly asked as he turned the page.

    Arianna sat back in her chair and looked at him, Still looking, not that it’s any of your concern, he’s out there somewhere.

    Drew glanced at her left hand, That finger will be empty for a very long time, because no man in their right mind will ever secure a marriage proposal without sampling the goods first.

    You’ve sampled plenty of goods, how come I don’t see a ring on your finger?

    Drew chuckled, I’ll never get married or settle down, I like my variety of woman, and the fact that I don’t have to listen to all the crap that comes with being in a relationship. I love the fact that I can come and go as I please.

    Don’t you ever wanna have children? she asked aghast.

    I like woman, boats and fast cars, nowhere in there is room for a child.

    That’s a shame, because you are a good looking man, too bad you let Air Force One do the thinking for you She sipped at her drink again and then looked at his drink. Are you not going to try your beverage?

    How can I trust that you haven’t poisoned it? Drew snarled, not liking her comment about how he thinks.

    You really are an idiot, Arianna gathered the catalogs she wasn’t leaving with him and shoved them back in the bag.

    Maybe your real problem is the fact that you just need to get laid, a good long stiff one might actually do you good. It helps with the completion too.

    Arianna grabbed her bag and looked for her compact mirror and opened it up and looked at her-self, There’s nothing wrong with my completion.

    Maybe not now, but mark my word, a lack of sex at your age, produces pimples! Drew grinned in laughter. Then he reached and grabbed his member right in front of her, Why do you think I keep Air force One in the air so much, I’m older than you, and I’ve never had a zit in my life.

    Arianna pulled the top off his drink and threw it right in face and slammed the container down on the table. I thought perhaps a cool down was necessary, all that talk of sex was getting you all hot and bothered, Mr. President. She sighed heavily, standing and walking away.

    Drew pushed his chair back and stood up; he looked down at his shirt and pants, furious. You stupid little bitch! He yelled. But she gave him an ear full and slammed the door and he was left alone to deal with the mess himself. He first unbuttoned the dress shirt and pulled it off. Then he went into his bathroom and cleaned himself up. After that, he cleaned up the floor and then grabbed his keys and some other things and left the office.

    Arianna was in her car, reapplying more lipstick when Drew came storming out of the hotel and they locked eyes immediately. In his hand was the shirt and he headed her way angry. She wasn’t the type to run off quickly; and actually wanted to see what he’d do next. Drew forcefully threw the shirt on her front seat, demanding she have the thing dry cleaned. Arianna glanced at his broad muscular chest that the wife beater tee didn’t cover and raised an eye behind her sunglasses. He was definitely a sight to look at, she noticed that when he was mad, not only did his eyes dance, but his muscles flexed making it hard to focus at that point.

    And you tell your father, I’ll do business with someone else, Drew growled, as he caught a glimpse of her ride, and had to take a step back for a minute to see if what he was seeing was for real. No way, this is 1975 Vette! he walked along side of the vehicle admiring its beauty and condition. Then he bent down and got a closer look at the wheel well, and then moved to the front and looked at the grill, and then around to the driver side. He opened the driver door as if to hint for her to get out. When she didn’t move he held out his hand and with hesitation she took his and she stepped out of the vehicle. Do you mind if I sit? Arianna shrugged her shoulder and Drew sat down, admiring the dash and the steering wheel. "Everything is original, look at the steering column; they don’t make cars like this anymore. He glanced under the dash and popped the hood and got out. He opened the hood and did a thorough inspection of the engine. Arianna walked over, growing up with brother’s she knew a thing or two about cars, so when Drew talked about the manifold she knew what he was talking about. She even commented on what was needed to bring this puppy back to its original state. Drew glanced at her surprised; he’d never met a woman who knew cars. He closed the hood and made sure it was secure before stepping back around to the driver side, opening the door again, and waiting for Arianna to sit back down. She took the keys out of her pocket and waved them in front of him.

    You wanna take her for a test run; see how she opens up on the highway?

    Yeah… Absolutely he smiled, showing all his white teeth. Arianna walked around the car and got in on the passenger side and pushed the shirt onto the floor. Drew got in and started the car. He shifted gears and backed out of the parking spot then went forward, driving slower down the strip, until he was turning to hit the highway. Once they were on the highway, he opened her up a little, but didn’t stay on there-long, because it was loaded with State Troopers. He got off and drove down some country roads, where he was sure no police would be hiding, and then really opened her up. Arianna pulled the clip from her hair and allowed it to flow in the wind; she unhooked her seat belt and raised her arms, savoring the wind in her face. Drew took her down another road; that was rarely used because it led to an old house no one has lived in for decades. He also knew that at the end was a dirt road turn around; he wanted to do something he hadn’t done in a long time. That was hit the brakes and let the dirt road underneath spin him uncontrollably. But this maneuver was also very dangerous and if you didn’t know how to handle a fast car, you could kill your-self and whoever else was with you.

    Do you trust me? he glanced at her seriously.

    Is that a trick question? she asked with concern.

    Put your seatbelt back on, he said stopping. Arianna put it on and he shifted down into first and then took off, shifting as he accelerated. Arianna saw the end and had no idea what came after that and she grabbed the dash for support. Drew hit the clutch and then the brakes and turned the wheel. They hit the dirt and spiraled in circles, Arianna screaming the whole time. Dirt flew away from the car like debris in a tornado and Drew grabbed Arianna and pulled her closer to him, hiding her face against his chest, so that she didn’t get dirt in her eyes as he closed his own eyes. When they were done spinning and came to a complete stop, Arianna slowly lifted her head off his chest and she couldn’t believe they were still alive.

    What a rush! Drew whaled, taking a cleansing deep breath. Then he glanced down at Arianna who was still so close, she could hear and feel his heart pounding in his chest. That’s better than sex. She tried to speak, but no words came to mind and then he brushed some dirt off her cheek with his fingers, and stared into her dark eyes. How old are you Ms. Lopez?

    Arianna was lost in another world as she raised an eye to think, he touched her more closely on her cheek, moving closer as if he wanted to kiss her. His closeness gave her amnesia and she was drawing a blank. Her heart was pounding as loud as his, mostly because she wanted him to kiss her, waiting anxiously for him to follow through. Older than 18, was all she could remember. Drew suddenly remembered he hated this woman, and let go of her face and shifted away from her. He shifted gears and started to drive away, slowly, thinking about what he almost did back there. Panicking inside because no woman had ever gotten to him the way this one did, and being this close left a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.

    Arianna was glancing out her window, regretting the fact that she didn’t get that kiss, and then lost all concern about it when she spotted the old house. Oh my God, stop the car! she demanded. Drew pulled over and before he could shut the car off, she was opening the door and jumping out. She ducked under the broken picket fence and hurried through the high brush toward this house. Drew turned the car off, pulled the keys out and went after her.

    Hey, wait for me, he called out, but she was already so far ahead, and by the time he caught up to her, she was peeking through dirty window’s trying to see inside.

    This is the Old Benson House Arianna said with excitement. Do you know who Robert Benson was?

    Well not personally, but I have heard stories Drew chuckled; he was very familiar with this house and the history that went along with it.

    He was only one of history’s most prestigious Artist ever, he was the reason Pierre LaBlanc became an artist. I knew it was here in Virginia somewhere, but the internet didn’t provide an exact location. I can’t believe this house is empty. Arianna moved to another window, anxiously wishing she could get inside and see more.

    Well from what I gather Benson’s great, great, great, granddaughter won’t come down on the price, and it needs way too much work to pay asking.

    You sound like you know this from experience, she glanced at him curiously.

    I love this house, and if I had 6 million in cash lying around, I’d buy it.

    You should have financed it.

    I only finance businesses, anything else I pay cash for; besides this house would never pass inspection.

    I gotta see inside this place, Arianna said walking over to the sign in the window, storing the number in her cell phone and then shoved it back in her pocket. Drew reached out and grabbed her hand and started to pull at her. The feel of his hand on hers felt real, and forced a little hesitation on Arianna’s part, as she stopped and looked at this man. Drew flashed that cute-ass smile of his and nodded and that was all he needed to do to form trust. Then he showed her a way inside the house and they went on an adventure. Drew was flabbergasted by her demeanor and how she reminded him of a kid in the candy store, her eyes dancing in delight as she had a comment about every aspect of this house.

    Arianna knew by the time they were done exploring, she wanted this house, and there was only person she knew with that kind of money, her Papi, and was going to pull out every ace she had in her hand to make this house hers.

    Hey, my parents live about ten minutes from here, you wanna go freshen up and wash that car of yours? It’s pretty dirty.

    Yeah sure, Arianna said as they walked back to her car. Again Drew drove while she relaxed in the passenger seat. Arianna opened her bag and pulled out her wallet and looked at her driver license, because she was still having a brain fart about her age. I’m 24, she added closing her wallet.

    Get out of here, 24, and still a virgin Drew argued in laughter, I have to admit, I’m floored, and I honestly didn’t think girls over the age of 14 were still virgins.

    And I attend Church faithfully every week; I must admit it’s rather shocking to see you there.

    My parents insist I go, and seeing I’m there, I might as well make good use of confession. Drew teased, he actually enjoyed listening to the sermons and liked when the Choir sang the hymns.

    I bet you have a lot to confess to huh?

    Oh I have many sins; pre-marital sex is just one of them. Drew chuckled.

    Interesting! was all she could muster-up in response. Then she thought about what he said earlier, Are you really gonna cancel your business with my father’s company?

    I guess I can over-look it for this one time, Drew winked.

    Chapter Two

    They pulled into the Meloni driveway, and went back a good hundred yards before reaching the main house. Arianna opened her door and got out before Drew had the chance to come around and open the door for her, like the gentleman he was. They walked inside and Drew showed her where the bathroom was, so she could freshen-up. He, on the other hand went to say hello to his parents who were out back, enjoying the pool with his sister Jocelyn and her four children. Drew bent down and kissed his mother and then his sister, next he shook hands with his father.

    I wasn’t expecting you, Ben said surprised.

    Actually I was in the neighborhood, and just thought I’d stop in and use the facilities and maybe the hose and vacuum. I have Arianna Lopez with me, she’s in the bathroom.

    Really, Ben raised a shocked eye. How did you two end up together, and where is your shirt?

    Drew looked down at his chest and laughed, Well, her father sent her with the new contracts, and well, things got a little heated of course, I wasn’t slapped this time but she did throw a drink in my face. I was leaving and spotted her in the parking lot and of course went to have more words with her, that’s when I noticed she was driving a 1975 Corvette.

    And let me guess, you had to drive the thing, I bet you took her down Old Mountain Road, where you did spin outs, and now the car is filthy. Ben laughed shaking his head.

    Of course, Drew laughed back, and then walked to the mini bar and grabbed two soda’s; one for him and the other for Arianna.

    Where is she now? Jocelyn asked curiously.

    Inside, I’ll be right back Drew went back inside and Arianna was just coming out of the bathroom. He took her outside to meet his parents and sister and her kids on a more personal level, they all knew of each other from church, but rarely ever sat near each other, and never really got on a personal friendship level. In fact, aside from Jose, Arianna’s father, Drew only formed a relationship with Miguel her older brother. In fact the two had done the bar scene many times, and were always on the prowl for new booty. Arianna cracked open her can of soda after saying hello and shaking everyone’s hand and took a big drink. Arianna then sat down while Drew went out to start cleaning the car.

    So did my son’s reckless driving scare you? Lisa asked nicely, this was the only woman Drew ever brought home and formally introduced to her, so she was new at making mother/friend conversation.

    He asked if I trusted him, and then he took off toward the turn around. Needless to say, I screamed the whole time the car was spinning, but when it was all said and done, it wasn’t too bad.

    Drew isn’t the type to settle down, and if he did, I doubt it would be with someone who wasn’t Italian or an American citizen Jocelyn snarled harshly.

    Jocelyn, what is wrong with you? Lisa said embarrassed. Arianna, I’m very sorry my daughter is so rude.

    Arianna looked at Jocelyn, thinking ‘what a racist bitch’, That’s okay Mrs. Meloni, no offense taken, but Drew’s not my type, personally I think he’s an arrogant ego-maniac, but that’s just my perception, and to set the record straight, I’m 50 percent Italian, my mother came straight from Italy, you can’t get any more Italian than that, as for being an American citizen, since my birth certificate states that I was born here in Virginia, that gives me the all the same luxuries you were born to and just in case you failed American History, last time I checked, Puerto Rico, is actually part of the United States. She stated glaring at Jocelyn. Then she finished her soda and stood up. Excuse me, it was nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Meloni she said to the parent’s and walked away saying nothing further to Jocelyn.

    Jocelyn, shame on you Ben said shaking his head at his daughter.

    C’mon dad, she’s not one of us, and I hope you’re gonna put your foot down before she becomes the newest ‘flavor’ of the month.

    Outside Arianna watched as Drew vacuumed the car, and then got in and sat in the driver seat. Don’t you want me to wash the outside?

    Nope, this is good; if you want a ride, get in. Arianna started the car while Drew took the vacuum back in and winded up the hose and then got in the car with her. He watched how she pressed the clutch and then shifted into reverse to back up. Once they were out of his parent’s driveway, she opened it up. Showing him just how she handled herself in a car like that. Drew found him-self holding on and wondering what the hell he did, because she was obviously pissed off about something. She didn’t say a word all the way to his hotel and stopped in front of the lobby doors, where he reached to open the door.

    Um… tell your father I’ll have my lawyer look over the contracts and I’ll get them back to him within a few days okay.

    Yeap, Arianna said, shifting down to first and taking

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