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Remembering Your Spirit: A Story About 9/11, Life After Death and Learning to Heal.
Remembering Your Spirit: A Story About 9/11, Life After Death and Learning to Heal.
Remembering Your Spirit: A Story About 9/11, Life After Death and Learning to Heal.
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Remembering Your Spirit: A Story About 9/11, Life After Death and Learning to Heal.

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About this ebook

Mark Chabus had it all: a beautiful girlfriend, a loving family, and a new direction in life. At twenty-three years old, he was pursuing his passion for cooking at the French Culinary Institute in New York City. His life came to a screeching halt when his girlfriend perished in the World Trade Center on the morning of September 11, 2001. Chabuss inspiring story describes the emotional pain he endured, as well as an eight-year journey toward healing, self-discovery, and spiritual awakening. Chabus takes readers on a voyage from heartache and suffering to a place of strength and harmony.
In Remembering Your Spirit, Chabus shares his evidential stories that provide proof that the spirits of our deceased loved ones do assuredly survive death. He also shares how this horrific tragedy became the very catalyst for recalling his souls purpose. Through his true stories, Chabus provides hope, healing, and inspiration for those struggling through lifes difficult times.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 20, 2013
Remembering Your Spirit: A Story About 9/11, Life After Death and Learning to Heal.

Mark Chabus

Mark Chabus has a BS from the State University College at Oneonta, as well as a degree in classic culinary arts from the French Culinary Institute. After a decade-long successful career in the NYC catering and event industry, Chabus shifted gears. He now focuses on spreading his messages about healing, spiritual awareness, and how to turn pain into opportunities for growth. The wisdom he imparts is the result of his experiences after losing his girlfriend in the Twin Towers on 9/11. He also founded a not-for-profit company called Retreat for Relief, Inc., designed to offer free inspirational seminars and wellness retreats for those suffering from personal tragedy. Chabus currently resides in a suburb of New Jersey with his wife, Kate, and their two children, ages three and one.

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    Remembering Your Spirit - Mark Chabus


    your Spirit

    A story about 9/11, life after death and learning to heal.


    Copyright © 2013 Mark Chabus.

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 5/16/2013





    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    I dedicate this book to all of the friends and family members of those killed as a result of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. I hope that my story can help you find the peace that you deserve.

    There were so many heroes that day, and we will never forget the bravery that emerged from such a horrific disaster. God bless the firefighters, police officers, paramedics, EMTs, and countless other courageous civilians that risked their lives to save others.


    D o you know who you are, where you came from, and why you are here? Do your thoughts, words, and actions reflect the deeper, more meaningful, spiritual part of you?

    Many people suffer for years until they connect to their spiritual side and access information that can free, uplift, and empower them. There are words and thoughts that can heal us which I refer to as the light. There are many degrees and variations of this light but just one spark can awaken us. Just one flicker can help us to emerge from the darkness where all suffering occurs to a place of peace and joy.

    And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. Genesis 1:3

    This light that is referenced over two hundred times in the Bible is knowledge. The New Oxford American Dictionary defines knowledge as Information acquired by a person through experience or education; certain understanding; awareness gained by the experience of a situation. This information is available to us if we are open to it. It is that knowledge that can liberate us from our afflictions and bring us closer to the essence of who we truly are, to the very core of our beings.

    Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

    So why do most people continue to suffer when the very knowledge that can heal them is readily available? Why do we torture ourselves when this important information is within an arm’s reach? Mostly, it is because we are so busy tending to the illusions that we have created in our lives. We are so wrapped up in our dramas that we barely have any time for introspection or new learning. It is so easy to forget the bigger picture when we have so many distractions. Family and financial obligations, work, and household chores; there are just too many more important things that steal our attention. Fortunately, despite our ignorance to the spiritual side of life, we are blessed with countless opportunities to recognize the light. These opportunities or blessings can sometimes come in the form of despair; such as illness, divorce, loss of a loved one, or even loss of a job. No matter what its guise, its purpose is to catalyze our search for deeper meaning and knowledge. So it is from these tragic events that we find understanding, wisdom, and awareness.

    From my own place of darkness, I was suffering and desperately needing more understanding. I knew there had to be more to life but my insecurities and ignorance prevented me from exploring. I knew in my gut that with the right information, I could be happier and live a more fulfilled life, and my instincts proved right because eventually when I connected to the light, my life improved drastically. As soon as I began my search for knowledge, everything began to align. My life finally started to make sense to me. The result of this clarity was freedom, and on the heels of this freedom, came joy.

    There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen

    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. Plato

    You can access the light through many different channels. I found it in books, workshops, and classes. I listened to it from teachers, guides, and counselors. And most importantly, I pulled out the light from within myself through the process of meditation. I also gained wisdom from my many experiences. It seemed that the more I grew, the more the light became available to me. Similar to a growing tree; the taller it grows, the closer it gets to the sun. After years of confusion, I finally remembered why we are here. Our spirits come from a place of all knowing, and we have cut ourselves off from it so that we can learn and grow. Like a seed that needs the darkness to germinate, eventually when our roots are developed, we need the light to advance and expand. Without the light, our growth is hindered, and we begin to weaken and eventually even pass away. That is not to say that all death is the result of a lack of knowledge, but it can be for some. Furthermore, I have learned that we all have a set of tools that are wired into our bodies and can help us to discern the validity of information that comes to us. What is true to one person may be untrue to another, so these infallible instruments assist us in weeding out all of the misleading inaccurate information. These tools are our emotional nervous system and our intuition. Our emotions are the feeling responses to external stimuli, and they tell us exactly how to behave. So if a thought or word is destructive or uncomfortable, then you will know to disregard it. From my own personal experience, when I have read or heard things that made me feel good, they have advanced me significantly. Whereas, when I read or learned things that were upsetting or worrying, I would feel stifled and suppressed. Our intuition on the other hand is the ability to conjure an inner knowing beyond any logical reasoning. It is a faculty, possessed by all, that can provide us with visions, ideas, solutions, answers and understanding. These two instruments are vital in our process of gaining wisdom.

    The only real valuable thing is intuition. Albert Einstein

    There can be no transforming of darkness into light and of apathy into movement without emotion. Carl Jung

    Therefore, if you have the feeling that something is missing in your life, it is time to begin seeking the light. If you are suffering from illness or pain, feeling anxious, worried, or confused; it is time to connect to the light. If you are feeling jealous, resentful, greedy, impatient, frustrated, lazy, bitter, depressed, or fearful; allow it to be dissolved in the light. The light is what you need to nourish you; it can give you strength and vitality. It can reduce stress, ease your tension, and resolve your grief and conflicts. For every thought and word that torments you, there is an equivalent one that can heal you. You just have to be open to it. Most of us repeatedly think worrisome thoughts again and again until they sicken us. Our own thoughts can overpower us and prevent us from living an incredible life. A good life is not something we have to struggle to achieve. We just have to connect to the right source: the source that created us. Reach for the light and do not give up. Never stop asking and never stop seeking.

    I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3

    For thousands of years there have been many masters that have walked this earth, reminding us that the light exists and teaching us how to connect to it. It has been revealed to us that we can experience heaven on earth. We have been encouraged to let our light shine for others as well as ourselves. I have written this book to share my stories with the hope that it will open you up and inspire you. My stories contain the light that I have absorbed as a result of my personal experiences. Remember, if this feels good to you, it is worth contemplating.

    For wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Proverbs 2:10


    I would like to thank my parents and my siblings, Kimmie, Kristy, and Danielle, for all of their love and support throughout my life. I would like to thank my wife, Kate, for everything she does for me as well as the happiness she brings to my life. I love you.

    I want to thank Lynne’s family and all of my close friends particularly Pete, Chris and Joe for staying by my side and helping me to stay on track. Your comfort and encouragement have gotten me through the toughest days. Thank you to all of my teachers and guides that have taught me all of the incredible things I know today. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    I dedicate this book to every person that has gone, or is going, through a very difficult change. I promise you that it does get better, and I hope that my story will help you to see the light more clearly.


    I always had the feeling that there was something more to life, as if something were missing. I had a happy childhood with loving parents, a nice home, and a good education. I was generally excited about my life and had an unquenchable desire to know more, see more, taste more, and have more. I had a religious upbringing as a Christian and attended Catholic school. I played sports and loved art and nature, and I was extremely social.

    So why was it that the older I got, the more bewildered I became? The more I conformed to the preexisting world I was born into, the more I started to really suffer. Growing up, I learned from trial and error or what to avoid and what to pursue based on its association to pleasure or pain. I looked to my parents, elders, and friends for acknowledgement, approval, and support. I became confused and unbalanced because I did not realize that their ideals and beliefs were only their opinions. I did not know that we have the freedom to create our own beliefs and carve out our own distinct paths. Eventually I joined the herd of lost sheep that roam around this planet desperately seeking answers. It became a perpetual issue that left me feeling fragile and confused as well as dependent on others.

    If people were older than me, I just assumed they had already figured things out. My best years were when I was young because I did not worry about trying to understand the complexities of life. I was free to just explore and amuse myself. My whole life I kept telling

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