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Geek to Playa
Geek to Playa
Geek to Playa
Ebook57 pages38 minutes

Geek to Playa

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About this ebook

I am an entrepreneur and philanthropist raised in one of the notoriouscouncil estates in the south of England, now residing in Mayfair, London. I own over 100 businesses aft er graduati ng University in Economics, since then I have made it big through determinati on, total self belief with an approach to success that can only be likened to a rock star. It doesnt matt er that I eat in the fi nest restaurants, I drive the fastest cars, and that I live in the most presti gious address in the world. It matt ers now that I am your teacher to getti ng confi dence, swagger and many many ladies. It is my honour to show you how you can be an all time great just by me teaching you my master lyrics and moves. One of the greatest moti vati ons on this planet is getti ng laid and I am your guide to getti ng it and a new world of prosperity and happiness. In everything that I have achieved in my incredible life I only have one more impossible dream left and that is, I wish I could be buying this book and reading it for the very fi rst ti me, yes I truly wish I could be you lucky bloody you.

Release dateJul 22, 2011
Geek to Playa

Maverick Denver

I am an entrepreneur and philanthropist raised in one of the notorious council estates in the south of England, now residing in Mayfair, London. I own over 100 businesses after graduating University in Economics, since then I have made it big through determination, total self belief with an approach to success that can only be likened to a rock star. It doesn’t matter that I eat in the finest restaurants, I drive the fastest cars, and that I live in the most prestigious address in the world. It matters now that I am your teacher to getting confidence, swagger and many many ladies. It is my honour to show you how you can be an all time great just by me teaching you my master lyrics and moves. One of the greatest motivations on this planet is getting laid and I am your guide to getting it and a new world of prosperity and happiness. In everything that I have achieved in my incredible life I only have one more impossible dream left and that is, I wish I could be buying this book and reading it for the very first time, yes I truly wish I could be you lucky bloody you.

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    Book preview

    Geek to Playa - Maverick Denver

    © 2011 Maverick Denver. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 07/07/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-8351-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-8352-5 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    This book is printed on acid-free paper.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    I was raised in a grotty council estate in England; I now live in Mayfair, London. I live a life of total luxury travelling all over the world. I wish for nothing only for you the reader of this book to join me in a world of self indulgence thus inspiring you to true greatness, and getting women left, right and centre. This is a journey of discovering the life that you can achieve.


    11. Introduction

    12. The Internet

    13. Pride V Practice

    14. You’re Not Getting Married Your Practicing

    15. Science Is On Your Side

    16. Confidence Verses Shy

    17. Brains Verses Less Intelligent People

    18. The Six Points Of The Shag

    7. Closing Techniques

    8. Summary


    How do you do, my name is Maverick Denver highly sophisticated unbelievably educated, I speak a dozen languages and I am incredibly suave.

    I am also one of those tossers that will lunch at the Dorchester and dine at Le Gavroche but on the flip side I am your eyes and ears to a new, prosperous and enchanted life.

    Through this fun book I may at times come across as obtuse and at times rather crude but please take it as a message you require, you need to hear the truth nothing more nothing less.

    You will read great quotes from legendary historical famous people to inspire you, lifting your confidence and arrogance to the Promised Land; all these incredible people will be backing me up in everything I tell you. Always remember If Maverick says it learn it.

    This is a book for a new generation of love makers, whether you’re back on the circuit, starting out on the amazing life venture of meeting women for the first time, or just in need of a massive confidence boost for your daily life.

    You might be still getting yourself off by sticking your penis in a shoe box or making love to your bed room pillows, maybe fed up of taking crap in your life, either way I am the man that’s going to kick your arse into top gear.

    Please younger generation I can talk street, gutter, council, jive, converse with prince to pauper and just to let you know I have made love to many many hundreds of women in fact you would probably refer to me as a connoisseur when it comes to the finer sex.


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