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Principles of Healing: How to Receive Divine Healing
Principles of Healing: How to Receive Divine Healing
Principles of Healing: How to Receive Divine Healing
Ebook74 pages1 hour

Principles of Healing: How to Receive Divine Healing

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For years, I was skeptical about divine healing. I thought that it was too good to be true. But one day, I got very sick and I needed help. Like anyone with common sense, I went to the hospital to be treated by medical Doctors. I sought for the best of them because I could afford it and I certainly wanted to live. To my surprise, I found out that those Doctors are humans and they don't have all the answers. They did the best they could for me but my condition did not improve. So, I sought God and He healed me fully and completely. I discovered that there is something that is impossible with men, but with God, all things are possible. (Luke 18:27)

This book is not intended to bash the medical Doctors. To the contrary, I actually admire them. But for Doctors, many people would have died before their time. So, I am not anti Doctors. Instead, this book is intended to share with you a practical way to get healed. When the Doctors have done all they could do for you, it is good to know that there is a God who can heal your body and He has never lost a patient. More so, God's method is very effective. He works through Doctors, but He can heal without them. With God, there are no prescription drugs, no recovery room, and no need for a follow up appointment. In short, this book is not a fiction of someone's imagination. It is a practical guide to God's divine healing. If you need healing and you really want to know how God can heal you, I seriously encourage you to read this book. Believe me, your life will never be the same again.
Release dateApr 23, 2016
Principles of Healing: How to Receive Divine Healing

Dr. Joshua Joy Dara Sr.

Joshua Joy Dara, Sr., is a pastor and a practicing attorney-at-law. He was born in Nigeria in western Africa. In 1980, he immigrated to the United States, and he is now a US citizen. He earned an associate of arts degree from Kwara State College of Basic Studies in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. He earned a bachelor of arts degree from California Baptist University in Riverside, California. He earned a juris doctor degree from Southern University School of Law in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He earned a master of laws degree from University of Arkansas School of Law in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Dara is licensed to practice law in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. In addition, he is admitted to practice before the United States courts of appeals for the fifth, eighth, and federal circuits, the US Claims Court, and the US Court of International Trade. He is the senior pastor of the Zion Hill Church family in Pineville, Louisiana. The church is one of the fastest growing churches in the region with more than three thousand members. In addition to being a pastor and a practicing attorney-at-law, Mr. Dara is a businessperson, a community leader, a published author, a recording artist, a motivational speaker, a television evangelist, a television show host and producer, and the founder of Joy Dara Ministries, Inc. He is married to Elizabeth Joy Dara. They are blessed with five children.

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    Principles of Healing - Dr. Joshua Joy Dara Sr.

    © 2016 DR. JOSHUA JOY DARA, SR. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    The information, ideas, and suggestions in this book are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Before following any suggestions contained in this book, you should consult your personal physician. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising as a consequence of your use or application of any information or suggestions in this book.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/15/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-9418-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-9417-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-9416-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016906707

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    Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from KJV Classic Reference Bible, copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.


    Chapter 1 What Causes Sickness and Disease?

    Chapter 2 Your Options to Be Healed

    Chapter 3 Differences between the Healing Options

    Chapter 4 The Process of Healing

    Chapter 5 Did You Know That God Is a Physician?

    Chapter 6 God’s Will Is That You Be Healed

    Chapter 7 Know Who You Are in Christ Jesus

    Chapter 8 God’s Methods of Healing

    Chapter 9 You Must React to the Word of God

    Chapter 10 Conclusion


    dedicate this book to all of my five children for being good kids. My life is better today because of you. Thank you for being a source of inspiration to your parents. Thank you for embracing our family values of God first, followed by family, education, personal responsibility, integrity, hard work, and commitment. Thank you for doing the right thing. Thank you for keeping your nose clean and not bringing shame to your family name. I love you with all my heart, and I am very proud of you.

    Love always,


    About the Author

    Joshua Joy Dara, Sr., is a pastor and a practicing attorney-at-law. He was born in Nigeria in western Africa. In 1980, he immigrated to the United States, and he is now a US citizen. He earned an associate of arts degree from Kwara State College of Basic Studies in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. He earned a bachelor of arts degree from California Baptist University in Riverside, California. He earned a juris doctor degree from Southern University School of Law in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He earned a master of laws degree from University of Arkansas School of Law in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

    Mr. Dara is licensed to practice law in Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. In addition, he is admitted to practice before the United States courts of appeals for the fifth, eighth, and federal circuits, the US Claims Court, and the US Court of International Trade.

    He is the senior pastor of the Zion Hill Church family in Pineville, Louisiana. The church is one of the fastest growing churches in the region with more than three thousand members.

    In addition to being a pastor and a practicing attorney-at-law, Mr. Dara is a businessperson, a community leader, a published author, a recording artist, a motivational speaker, a television evangelist, a television show host and producer, and the founder of Joy Dara Ministries, Inc.

    He is married to Elizabeth Joy Dara. They are blessed with five children.


    For years, I was skeptical about divine healing. I thought it was too good to be true. But one day I became very sick, and I needed help. Like anyone with common sense, I went to the hospital to be treated by medical doctors. I sought the best of them because I could afford it and I certainly wanted to live. To my surprise, I found out that doctors do not have all the answers. To their credit, they did the best they could for me, but my condition did not improve. So I sought God, and he healed me completely. From that experience, I learned a very serious lesson: some things are impossible for humans, but with God, all things are possible (Luke 18:27).

    This book is not intended to bash medical doctors or the world healthcare system. On the contrary, I admire healthcare practitioners. Without them and the healthcare system throughout the world, many a person would have died before his or her time. So I am not anti medical doctors, and I am not against hospitals and medical clinics. Instead, this book is simply intended to share with you about the power of God to heal you. God is not in competition with the healthcare providers. In fact, most of the knowledge and expertise of healthcare practitioners and science at large came from God.

    The blunt reality is that the best of the world’s healthcare system has its limitations. So when the scientists and the world’s healthcare system run out of ideas or simply have no clue about what ails you, it is good to know that God can heal your body. He has never lost a patient!

    God’s method of healing is very effective. God can heal a person both naturally and supernaturally. He can work through physicians, hospitals, and clinics. God can also heal anyone without the world’s healthcare system. Amazingly, when God heals supernaturally, He doesn’t send you to a hospital recovery room, prescribe drugs, or tell you to come back to see him at a follow-up appointment.

    The purpose of this book

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