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Life Lessons: A Memoir
Life Lessons: A Memoir
Life Lessons: A Memoir
Ebook62 pages58 minutes

Life Lessons: A Memoir

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This book talks about the experience that CJ has had and how she has learned form them. It talks about her abusive relationship and how it took her over 2 years to get out of it with her children. It also talks about how her children and other experience have taught her about life and about God. Each expereince is another story in itself and another lesson that she hopes the reader will think about and learn from.
Release dateNov 20, 2012
Life Lessons: A Memoir

C. J. Marshall

C.J. Marshall is a mother of two who has had alot happen in her life. She has gotten 3 college degree. She is a fighter having survived an abusive realationship, and having fought to get her children back. Even after all that she has been though, she is still loving and friendly to everyone she meets. She is patient as everything that has happend to her as taken a long time. She is not a quitter, as she has rebuilt her life many times. She has a strong faith in God and is not afraid to share it with others. She currently lives in Northern Ohio.

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    Life Lessons - C. J. Marshall

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    iUniverse rev. date: 11/16/2012



    Part 1: Things my Children taught me

    I learned more about God the Father when I became a parent

    My children, my teachers

    Learning lessons

    Charlie the T-Rex

    Part 2: Things life has taught me


    Are you a slug?

    A homeless man at work

    Black Jack

    Important people

    The car

    Israelites and you

    The Chat

    Part 3: My Story


    Every day, life give us lessons to learn about our self, others and God. They teach us, how we are suppose to act, treat others and more. Some of these lessons are easy to learn like touching a hot stove will burn you, others are harder to understand like who we are and how we are suppose to live. Lessons are any experience we encounter during the day: a stranger down the street, the wild animals in your yard, your family and even the shows we watch or the internet that we use. We need to understand that each experience we face, teaches us right things as well as damaging ones. When we learn from our experience, we become smarter and more mature in our lives.

    This book shares with you some of experience and lessons that I have learned in life. Many of you may have had some of the same experience that I have had and never thought there was a lesson to be learned. Some of you may have leaned more than I have, or not have learned anything. That is ok, each of us is different, and we learn at different paces.

    One example that I know of is any big disaster that happens in the world, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornado and more. If you ask people after they have gone though one, you can hear many different stories. Some gain more faith in God and mankind, whiles others lose the faith that they have. Every one of us is different and every person learns things in their own way.

    This book is in three parts. The first part deals with lessons that my two children have taught me. Either they did something, or said something that made me learn a thing or two from them. The second part deals with lessons that I learned in my life from other things. They could be from work, or animals, or people. The last part deals with my story, and what I have learned from the trials I went through in my life.

    I know with the experience I have had; I have learned many things. I have learned how strong I am. I have learned what love is all about, I have learned about true friendship, and what a family is all about. One of the most beneficial things that I learned was more about God. God is a loving father who never leaves us and helps us when we need it.

    I have many people who I would like to thank for helping my with this book.

    First and foremost, I want to thank God for everything: from saving me while I was still a sinner and never leaving me during all of my trails. There were many days when I would want to give up, yet you gave me the strength and peace to go on. I never felt alone, even when no one else was there or understood.

    I also want to thank my friends and family both in Ohio and Florida. There are too many of you to thank personally. You helped me and the children with many things, and I thank you. We could not have made it as far as we did without your help.

    I also want to thank the two wonderful churches that I have been apart of. NCBC in Florida was there for us when our trials had begun; you took

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