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Learning to Live: 10 Principles of Success
Learning to Live: 10 Principles of Success
Learning to Live: 10 Principles of Success
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Learning to Live: 10 Principles of Success

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Have you ever wondered why some people rise to the top while most remain dissatisfied and unhappy? Why do some people seem to have whatever they desire, while most struggle for their day to day existence?
This book will show you why some succeed and most fail, and prove that success has nothing to do with luck or connections! And everything to do with how you see the world and your place in it!
Its time for you to learn what the ultra successful already know!
Learn how to:
Overcome thoughts of fear, depression and defeat!
Overcome the Gravity of Failure and reach new levels of success!
Focus your power of creation and design the life you desire through your words and thoughts!
Find and use your internal tools to take control of your life!
Remove self-defeating thoughts and replace them with thoughts of strength, power, focus and confidence!!

Now is the time to stop hurting yourself for what you dont know! This book has found you for a reason! Read it. Learn it and use it to change your life!!
Release dateSep 19, 2011
Learning to Live: 10 Principles of Success

Darrick Bronson

Darrick Bronson is an exciting author with a unique writing style that makes difficult subjects easy to understand and read. He is an avid believer in increasing self-esteem, attitude and self-confidence to achieve success. He has earned two University degrees and is the founder of the Self-Esteem Booster Card System.

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    Learning to Live - Darrick Bronson

    © 2011 by Darrick Bronson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 09/29/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-7429-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-7428-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-7427-0 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011914561

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Pain Causes Change!

    Chapter 1

    Freeing Your Conscious

    Chapter 2

    Taking Responsibility

    Chapter 3

    Self-Esteem and Confidence

    Chapter 4

    Gratitude and Appreciation

    Chapter 5

    Positive Mental Attitude

    Chapter 6


    Chapter 7

    Goal Setting

    Chapter 8

    Purpose and Service

    Chapter 9

    Perseverance and


    Chapter 10

    Lifelong Learning

    Bonus Material

    Chapter 11

    Body Language and

    Personal Influence

    "We receive the light and then impart it . . . and thus repair the world"

    ~ Marianne Williamson

    Dare with determination.

    Advance with confidence toward your dreams.

    Reach for new heights with the resiliency of a child.

    Inspire others to increase with Love.

    Serve with purpose and passion.

    Heaven is within us all.


    Learning to Live is a book founded on the premise that we are all born into this world without instruction or manual, but with a keen sense of curiosity, and a God given urge and right to grow upward and outward! We are born with an innate desire for health, happiness, success, wealth and abundance! These are our desires; the idea of life is to thrive and create a better existence for not only ourselves, our families and our communities, but the entire world! Through our creativity and service we all prosper.

    This book is a collection of life altering beliefs that have been used by some of the most successful and powerful people in the history of the world. They have been used by billionaires, United States Presidents, successful inventors, engineers and scientist alike to overcome all types of physical and mental limitations.

    The beliefs in this book have been used to overcome poverty, lack of education, and all other self-perceived disadvantages one may believe is holding them back from happiness and success! It has long been known and understood by a few, that as a man thinketh in his heart so is he, however no one has ever taken the time to explain to us exactly how and why this is true! No one has ever explained to us why we must think in a certain way to be successful! Once we understand the why, the doing is much easier!

    This book is for those who no longer want to live as victims in the game of life, but have firmly decided to rise above the weak veil of ignorance and poverty—and choose to be successful. Your success in life will be determined by your conscious choice to develop the strength and belief necessary to live the life you deserve!

    If you practice and commit these 10 beliefs to heart, you will change your life for the better; it has been proven time and time again throughout history! And all that is required is your faith and action. It has been said that, as your beliefs change, your thoughts change, as your thoughts change, your actions change, as your actions change, your habits change, as your habits change, your circumstances change, and as your circumstances change, your life is made newall by first changing your beliefs.

    ~ Darrick Bronson


    Pain Causes Change!

    I don’t remember much about the accident. I just remember waking upside down in a haze of twisted metal and broken glass. Inside the vehicle lay three scared and oblivious young men pinned inches away from death. There wasn’t any laughter or toughness to be played. We were just three boys foolishly tempting fate and relying mercifully on the hand of God.

    I don’t remember much in regards to the car flipping over on the interstate at 70 miles per hour, but I do remember the drinking, I do remember the driving, and the anger. I do remember the feeling of helplessness that led to the poor choices and reckless behavior of that night.

    I do remember the unhappiness and the belief that the future was a place that I did not belong. And my life reflected that belief! I lived as poorly as I felt. I was a college dropout with low self-esteem and a negative outlook on life. I lived as a victim. I felt that the world was against me, and that life was unfair and unkind. In other words—I lived as if I had no power!

    If any of these false beliefs sound familiar to you, then you have found the right book, because nothing could be further from the truth!


    I know that life can be very difficult, but you are not a victim! You have infinite power; life is not cold and uncaring, life is a gift from God, and it was meant for you to find happiness and joy, not suffering and pain.


    I am going to tell you the best news you have ever heard in your life—Are you ready? You have the power to change your life for the better at any given moment! I repeat; you have the power to change your life for the better right now!

    Jim Rohn, one of my favorite authors and mentors states, You can change your life in any 5 year span! It can be 20 to 25 or 80 to 85; it doesn’t matter, all that is required is that you make a simple choice to change. You must make a decision. You must say, Enough! You must believe that you deserve better; you must want to do better and believe you can do better! Your change will only come when you change first!


    The night I crawled from the wreckage of that car still physically intact, and with no casualties to take responsibility for—I made a decision to change! I had to change or die!

    Prior to that day, I blamed everyone else for my mistakes and problems. I was an emotional and psychological wreck. I had suicidal thoughts, and had mentally worked out the plan to make it happen.

    I had hit rock bottom and I wanted to end it all, but why? Why is suicide ever considered an answer? Sure life had dealt me a difficult hand as a child and it only got more difficult as a young adult, but stillis suicide ever the answer!?

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It is not the answer! And only through living life will you ever recognize that to be true. Through life and learning you gain perspective! So if you are reading this book and you have had thoughts of suicide—please reconsider! Suicide is not the answer!

    Instead, use that pain to reenergize you. Use that pain to create the changes you want to see in your life! Don’t give up. You can do it with the tools in this book. Success is for you, and after learning and applying the timeless principles in this book, you will be better prepared to meet the challenges of life! You will come out of your problems smarter, happier and well on your way to living a more successful life.

    When you are ready to make a true and lasting change, an opportunity will present itself. However, it is your responsibility to recognize this opportunity and take action.

    Realize that this book has found you for a reason! It is

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