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The Secret Exposed: Survive the Recession  by Mastering the Law of Attraction
The Secret Exposed: Survive the Recession  by Mastering the Law of Attraction
The Secret Exposed: Survive the Recession  by Mastering the Law of Attraction
Ebook128 pages1 hour

The Secret Exposed: Survive the Recession by Mastering the Law of Attraction

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The economy is changing, and inflation is going up at an increasing rate. When you turn to the news, you see people rioting, protesting Wall Street, and looking for answers. Now is the time to begin thinking of a plan to secure your future. The Law of Attraction is a tool to be used for encouragement and enlightenment. This book shows you how to master this skill and be prepared for future changes.
Release dateNov 28, 2011
The Secret Exposed: Survive the Recession  by Mastering the Law of Attraction


I grew up in church, and asked multiple questions to my pastor and leaders every Sunday because I wanted to learn more about the true nature of reality and the meaning of life. My pastor gave me the nickname “Teacher” because he was intrigued by the types of questions I would ask. My favorite question was “why” and I wanted to learn every aspect about spirituality. As an adult, I held on to the nickname Teacher, and added TeacherNSession. I am open to learn from everyone who is willing to teach. My passion is to teach the world everything I’ve learned because someone else took the time to teach me. My understanding about life has grown significantly and I plan to explore the endless possibilities life has to offer. Visit to learn more.

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    The Secret Exposed - TeacherNSession

    © 2011 TeacherNSession. All rights reserved.

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    First published by AuthorHouse 11/22/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-4855-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-4853-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-4900-5 (e)

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    Everyone craves to know the secret to how to receive the abundance of life, how to attract money, and how to attract relationships we read about in romance novels. Three percent of the world knows how the law of attraction works, and how to manifest their wants into their perception of reality. But, the rest of the world is still scratching their heads trying to figure it out. That is why it’s a secret. The BIG secret. The knowledge kept from the mass population, and leaving people to believe they do not have control over their own lives. It is destroying the middle class citizen and creating the large financial gap between the rich and the poor. It is creating the feeling of loneliness to those who want to be in fulfilling relationships. People are unknowingly attracting negative situations in their lives, and they’re still in the illusion that these situations are mysteriously popping into their reality. But, the truth is, it was drawn by their manifestation of negative or positive energy.

    The law of attraction does not work like a diet. You can’t one day decide you want to loose weight, and exercise for a month, but still expect to keep the weight off for a year. It’s a life change and dedication to yourself to remove all negative energy in your life. It’s creating negative situations that you don’t want. Continuously, create positive energy to attract positive manifestations you want in your life. A day of positive thinking and drawing pictures of you in a brand new car is not going to get you the things that you want. You can’t attract positive energy when negative energy dominates your existence. First, you must work on eliminating the negative energy in your life, and then replacing it with positive energy. The more positive energy you create, the more positive energy you will attract, and the more positivity you will feel.

    The secret is exposed, in this book, as a self guide to remove negative energies that repels you from receiving all positive situations that you want in life. This is a commitment you will make to yourself to experience all good things you desire. It will work, but only if you are positive and make the effort to make the necessary changes to allow the process to take effect. You will feel positive and free from all negativity. You will master the law of attraction.

    This book covers everything I’ve learned over the past eight years. Through my research, I had so many questions and concerns. My favorite question is why? because I believe there should be a reason for every cause. I’m afraid many questions might not be answered by the time the book is published. But, I’m confident that it will open discussions among conscious people. And even the unconscious will join in because they’re curious. And the curious might tell me that I’m wrong, and what they’ve learned is the truth. BUT have they ever asked anyone the question why? As long as you can ask why, the possibilities are endless. The questions must be addressed without prejudice because an intellectual person will do their research and ask why before making a final judgment about a subject.

    People who are arrogant and reject the truth without researching it first will never gain true wisdom. Until they learn to ask why. The book is the result of me asking why since I was a child. I’ve gained the nickname teacher from my former pastor in church. He gave the nickname because I asked a lot of questions, and I continuously searched for answers. I remember asking my teacher, why she believed no one could alter the Bible, and could it be possible that the Bible was not the original teachings of Jesus Christ. Her answer to me was because God wouldn’t allow that. My next question was, Why would God allow sickness, rape, and murder? How is that possible? She didn’t have an answer.

    I used to believe I had incredible powers given to me by God growing up. Everything I prayed for, even for others, I received. I can explain countless of examples throughout my life where I was using the law of attraction, but didn’t understand how I was doing it. One example, when I was in college, my counselor wanted to move to Pennsylvania. She wanted a particular apartment and a particular job. I prayed, while on the phone with her, and visualized her being happy because she received the things she desired. She called within weeks to tell me she got the job and will move into her new place.

    Another example, my college friend was upset, and expressed her concern to me. She was afraid she wouldn’t graduate because of a housing issue, and an eligibility problem to receive student loans. We prayed together. Six months later she was renting out a room, and finishing her last semester in college. One smaller example, when I was child, I prayed for my stuffed animal to come to life because I wanted a dog. Three months later, my mom surprised me with a dog that looked exactly like my stuffed animal. In all three examples, I was using the law of attraction unconsciously.

    Life is unfolding knowledge I could only dream about. I’m learning and educating myself so that I may translate it into my book. It’s very exciting. More exciting than football, the jersey shore, or attending a concert. Learning about life and how to reach enlightenment is better than anything I’ve learned attending a university. Being conscious is the greatest gift I received this year.

    I could have awakened earlier, but I was too afraid to learn the truth. I was concerned about being like everyone else. I knew I was exploring outside the box, but reality shook me back in. I shut the door behind me and wished I never ventured outside the box again. This occurred while I was attending college and expanding my own thinking.

    Now that my thinking is officially outside the box, I never want to look back. I will never crawl back inside the box out of fear or lack of acceptance. There are many people like me and more become awake each day. More of us begin to learn, teach each other and ourselves about the knowledge of the universe. We gain wisdom and the desire to awaken others. The world is better with people living conscious. We are all one because we are all connected. We go through life to live and grow. We learn through experiences. I believe that soon enough it will be common to live and be conscious.

    My goals are simple: to awaken human kind and to live spiritually. You’re probably wondering what I mean by awakening human kind. Life is more than what we see and do in our daily lives. Some people are more concerned about entertainment, sports, and TV, than real life issues (such as the recession, debt- ceiling crisis, or human rights). Get out and explore the world around you. We all should wake up to look at reality and who we are. Begin to discover the meaning of life, and our purpose on Earth. I’m not applying that I’m perfect, but I am very conscious. I’ve always been a thinker. My goal is to help people become awake. Become conscious. Become free of pre-conditioning from school and other vices.

    Mastering the law of attraction is a life style change. A way of life. A way for you to bring your true desires into existence and create positive energy. The law of attraction works like karma. When you do positive things for others, positive things will be returned to you. I’ve made the error of looking for those positive things. Even cursed karma because I felt no good karma was being returned back to me. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Good karma does exist. Don’t look for it. If you curse good karma because it’s not manifesting fast enough, it may not manifest at all. Your negative thoughts are blocking it from coming directing to you.

    Instead, think of the positive things in your life and be thankful. Be open to learn new things. Don’t let your ego get in the way to higher learning. If someone is trying to teach you something, it doesn’t hurt to listen. No matter how big or small you can learn from everyone and from every situation.

    This book is dedicated to my little sister who died at age 20 on October 5th, 2011. She died instantly from a car accident. She never had a license. She was sitting on the passenger side, when the driver allegedly made an illegal U-turn on a busy

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