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Beyond Armageddon: A Journey to the End of Time
Beyond Armageddon: A Journey to the End of Time
Beyond Armageddon: A Journey to the End of Time
Ebook145 pages2 hours

Beyond Armageddon: A Journey to the End of Time

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Is there hope for this planet and for the human race after Armageddon? Will there be anything left on the Earth after the destruction brought about by the great and terrible Day of the Lord?

By drawing on religious insight and using scriptures from the Old and New Testaments, author E. Daisy Rodriguez delivers a concise explanation to these questions and more in Beyond Armageddon. Rodriguez explains how the end-time story continues with the establishment of Jesus Christs Millennial Kingdom, the end of planet Earth, Gods White Throne Judgment, the Lake of Fire, and finally, a preview of the New Jerusalem.

Building on years of intensive study of the Scriptures, Rodriguez delves into crucial issues and offers a thorough, solid understanding of this important subject. From discussing the fate of those who survive Gods wrath and the end of the kingdom of darkness to the battle of the ages and everlasting life, this guide shows how the human race will arrive at its final destination.

Release dateDec 9, 2011
Beyond Armageddon: A Journey to the End of Time

E. Daisy Rodriguez

E. Daisy Rodriguez supports Christian missionaries who serve the churches of countries in the developing world. She and her family live in Florida’s Palm Beach County.

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    Book preview

    Beyond Armageddon - E. Daisy Rodriguez


    A Personal Note From The Author

    Introduction: From Time Into Eternity

    Chapter One

    The Coming Wrath Of God—And The Day After

    Chapter Two

    Survivors Of The Wrath Of God

    Chapter Three

    Planet Earth: The Final Battleground

    Chapter Four

    The End Of The Kingdom Of Darkness

    Chapter Five

    The Saints: Ruling And Reigning With The King

    Chapter Six

    Resurrection And Judgment Of Israel

    Chapter Seven

    The King Of Glory And His Kingdom

    Chapter Eight

    Life In The Millennial Kingdom

    Chapter Nine

    Rule, Rebellion, And The Rod Of Iron

    Chapter Ten

    The Battle Of The Ages

    Chapter Eleven

    Death And Hades

    Chapter Twelve

    The White Throne Judgment Of God

    Chapter Thirteen

    Everlasting Punishment In The Lake Of Fire

    Chapter Fourteen

    Everlasting Life In The Ages To Come

    Chapter Fifteen

    Examine Yourself: Is Your Name Written In The Book Of Life?

    End Notes


    To my brothers and sisters in the Lord: Richard and Susan, and Cliff and Renee, for their love, support, and encouragement throughout this project.

    To Richard D. R. Hoffmann for all his help and professional advice.

    A Personal Note from the Author

    A PASSION TO DISCOVER the end-time story foretold by God’s prophets of the Old and New testaments caused me to dedicate years to studying the Bible, seeking to find the truth. My professional training and many years of experience as a history teacher gave me the skills that prepared me to take on this project. At first I wanted simply to satisfy my curiosity to discover what the Word of God has to say about the time of the end, and I was challenged by all that needed to be unraveled. Soon something became apparent: end-time prophecies of the Old Testament could be proven and confirmed by New Testament prophecies, teachings, revelations, and events, interwoven throughout the Bible. Through the application of this truth, the Scriptures began to reveal the end-time story that I was seeking. But that was not the end of my story.

    I felt prompted by God, even driven, to write a book; which brought me to a personal dilemma. I had never ventured into the field of writing—history yes, writing, no! Not only that, but I was very busy in another area of ministry. For many years I had been serving God as a missionary working with national pastors and church planters in Cambodia, Cuba, and other countries. I am part of an organization that provides assistance to these national leaders so they can fulfill the Great Commission. Nevertheless, wanting to be obedient to God’s orders, and after much consideration and many prayers, I decided to plunge into the project.

    Along the way, God blessed me with the help of Richard D. R. Hoffmann, a professional editor, writer, and an avid student of end-time prophecy. Five years later, two books have been written, which, when combined, tell the whole story of the end of the ages.

    The first book, Mud on the Eyes of a Blind Man, describes the last seven years of this world system, ending in Christ’s Second Coming and the battle of Armageddon. Bringing out the end-time prophecies in the Old Testament books of Daniel, Isaiah, Zechariah, Psalms, and the Minor Prophets, then matching and confirming them with the prophecies given by the Lord Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, and the book of Revelation, the true story of the reign of the antichrist, the rapture of the Church, and Jesus Christ’s Second Coming finally emerges.

    In this second book, Beyond Armageddon, the end-time story continues with the establishment of Jesus Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, the end of planet Earth, God’s White Throne Judgment, the Lake of Fire, and finally, a preview of the New Jerusalem showing what life is going to be like in the ages to come. For those who are seriously seeking to understand end-time biblical prophecy, Beyond Armageddon and Mud on the Eyes of a Blind Man are must-reads.

    At a time in human existence when many different theories and all kinds of teachings permeate the world of end-time prophecy, these books bring a fresh and reliable view of what is going to happen at the time of the end. I value and respect every person who picks up Beyond Armageddon with the desire to know what the Word of God has to say about the future of mankind—and the end. Much thought and many prayers and years of work have gone into bringing the book to the public, especially to those who believe in Jesus Christ.

    For the glory of God,

    E. Daisy Rodriguez


    From Time into Eternity

    HUMANS MOVE ON A linear track—yesterday, today, tomorrow; birth, life, death. We are bound in time and under physical laws that control this material world. Our human bodies reflect the effects of that linear path as we age.

    But God, the creator, does not exist on a linear track. He is outside time and beyond the realm of the physical universe. The everlasting God can call the things that are not as though they were; he can declare the end from the beginning and from ancient time things that are not yet done. His thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are higher than our ways. God is the great I AM—God Most High, and sovereign ruler in control of the universe.

    At the time of creation, as the book of Genesis reveals, God formed man out of the dust and breathed into him the breath of life. God created man a spiritual being in his own image so humans could have a personal relationship with him, the eternal God. Humans quickly rebelled against this and decided to have a life outside the life they could have in him, the loving God.

    Beginning with Adam and Eve and throughout the history of the human race, people have chosen to follow Satan in his rebellion against the creator. But God in his goodness, mercy, and love did not and has not given up on his creation. Throughout time, he has used his servants and prophets to forewarn humans of events that would occur in their linear track. Sadly, we have seen how the people have ignored those warnings and have continued on their destructive path of rebellion against God’s commandments and precepts. Finally, the Almighty gave humans a stern warning through his prophet: Choose to obey and be blessed or chose to disobey and receive the curse. As we read in his Word, the people chose to disobey and were judged for their rebellion.

    Then the sovereign God did an incredible thing! He came down from heaven in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ, and he penetrated humans’ linear track—he lived among them. Father God gave the Son an assignment: change the heart of humans and set them free from Satan’s kingdom of darkness. Through his sacrifice on the cross, Jesus defeated the adversary’s power to keep people under sin, and through the indwelling of his Holy Spirit he changed the heart of man—from a wicked heart to a heart that loves God.

    Was that the end of humanity’s problems with its creator? Did Satan’s power cease?

    Not at all! Even though God has made eternal life a free gift by faith and not by works, a great number of people have chosen not to receive God’s saving grace given at the cross and their hearts have remained in rebellion against their creator. As for Satan, although he was defeated at the cross, he has found ways to continue deceiving people, keeping them under his control. Therefore, the Father gave the Son one more assignment to fulfill—Jesus will return to Earth to complete that mission, and when it happens, this world system and Satan’s kingdom of darkness will finally end.

    As we look into the future, we must understand that the sovereign God has put all times and all seasons in humans’ linear track—past, present, and future—under his authority. His prophets, his apostles, and even his Son have prophesied about Jesus Christ’s Second Coming and the impending wrath of God, and it will happen exactly as it was predicted. At the time of the end, the just God will have no recourse but to administer his wrath to those who choose to rebel against him, following the enemy’s path to eternal damnation.

    A Journey to the End of Time

    The purpose of this book is to look at the Word of God and understand these times and seasons the Father has put under his authority, which he has already willed to happen at the end of time. We will move through the Scriptures in chronological order following our Lord Jesus as he returns to this Earth to administer the wrath of God over sinful humanity and to destroy Satan’s kingdom of darkness. But even beyond that awesome moment when Christ returns, even beyond Armageddon, God in his Word is revealing what events will follow as the human race prepares to end this present age and move into the ages to come.

    When God’s wrath finally concludes, King Jesus will then establish his kingdom here on Earth and will rule it for a thousand years. As we read through the following chapters, we will see what the Scriptures have to say about Christ’s Millennial Kingdom and how this final time period of planet Earth will conclude, as humanity moves into its final judgment before a righteous judge, the Almighty God. In the end, we will have a foretaste of the New Jerusalem, that beautiful gem coming down from heaven—the eternal abode of those whose names are written in the Book of Life. It might be difficult with our finite minds to envision the eternal ages to come, but his Word has already given us a revelation of what it will be like to be in him, the everlasting God, forever.

    So let us embark upon an extraordinary journey Beyond Armageddon to the end of time and into eternity—where there is no time. We will start here on planet Earth at the moment when the sovereign God is preparing to unleash his wrath against a rebellious sinful world. When it is all finished, planet Earth will be devastated—it will look like a desert. But Father God will prepare the ravaged land to be the kingdom of his Son, the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

    For behold, the Lord will come with fire and with His chariots, like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire and by His sword the LORD will judge all flesh; and the slain of the LORD shall be many.

    —Isaiah 66:16 (New King James Version)



    EVER SINCE THE HUMAN race began its trajectory on the path of life after the rebellion in the Garden of Eden, Father God has dealt with the evil in man’s heart in different ways. But in his dealing with man’s transgressions, our creator has never been capricious or unjust. He is a merciful and righteous God and in that manner has meted out his punishment. This is how the Lord revealed this truth to the prophet Jeremiah: "The instant I speak concerning a nation, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy it, if that nation against whom I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I thought to bring upon it. And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, if it does evil in My sight so that it does

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