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New Testament Bible Study for Daily Living: The Book of Revelation
New Testament Bible Study for Daily Living: The Book of Revelation
New Testament Bible Study for Daily Living: The Book of Revelation
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New Testament Bible Study for Daily Living: The Book of Revelation

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The end time is a big news topic today, and its easy to grow fearful. As Christians, however, we have assurance that the second coming of Christ will not be the end, but the beginning of a glorious new world.

Retired minister Mary Lou Tickell digs deep into the book of Revelation to help prepare you for the future in New Testament Bible Study for Daily Living. Tickell shows how God has revealed the past, present, and future in Revelation, as well as giving us signs to indicate the end time. Basing her study on the New King James Version Study Bible, Tickell reveals how other prophesies intertwine with the overall prophesy of Christs return to give believers a more complete picture.

In easy-to-understand language, Tickell discusses the various signs and prophesies of Revelation backed by their corresponding verses. Such topics include

significance of the seals, trumpets, and bowls;
unveiling of a scroll by Jesus;
destruction of Babylon;
the great tribulation; and
Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.

We need not fear the end time. With this handy guide, Christians can rest assured that there is, indeed, eternal life with God and Christ for all true believers.

Release dateSep 26, 2012
New Testament Bible Study for Daily Living: The Book of Revelation

Mary Lou Tickell

Mary Lou Tickell is a retired minister of the Mississippi United Methodist Conference. She earned an MDiv from Memphis Theological Seminary and a BS in medical technology from the University of Tennessee in Memphis. A former missionary to Haiti, Tickell is a widow with one son and four stepchildren.

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    New Testament Bible Study for Daily Living - Mary Lou Tickell

    Copyright © 2012 by Mary Lou Tickell

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0186-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0185-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012941012

    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 09/24/2012




    Chapter 1 The Beginning Of Revelation

    Chapter 2 Churches

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4 Throne And Creatures

    Chapter 5 Seal Authority

    Chapter 6 Seals And Trumpets

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10 Little Scroll

    Chapter 11 Two Witnesses

    Chapter 12 Trinity Of Interludes

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14 Reapings

    Chapter 15 The Third Sign And Bowls

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17 Babylon

    Chapter 18 Babylon Continued

    Chapter 19 Marriage And White Horse

    Chapter 20 1000 Years

    Chapter 21 New Jerusalem

    Chapter 22




    ALL CREDIT FOR THIS work is truly given to God the Father, Lord Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I have tried my utmost to follow their guidance. Any mistakes are mine.

    Love and thanks: To Barbara Sistrunk, without you this work could not have gone forth; to Laurie McBride and Marianne Taylor for your excellent critiquing; to Yvonne Powell for your unfailing assistance with the computer and internet; to Steve Powell for the photo and encouragement; to Vetrice Williams for listening, giving encouragement, and offering suggestions; to Beverly Jordan who continues to encourage me to write about God’s word; to Glenda and Emory Jones who come to my rescue when the computer becomes too much of a problem; to Emory, again, for your faithfulness and hard work in editing; to Maggie Webb-Conard and team and Jeff Murray who are enabling me to have my work published. THANKS AGAIN.



    THIS BOOK IS NOT a scholarly, theological book, but one written in simple words. It is hoped that the writing will encourage one to study the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, and then read and study this Bible Study of Revelation to better understand what God wants one to know. The prophecy of the Book of Revelation is very important for the children of God.

    Many references are given. These are used to verify what is written. Scripture answers scripture. For true understanding, the references must be read and studied.

    The New King James Version Study Bible was primarily used for this study. But several other Study Bibles were used in order to obtain the best word translation. Our English language changes frequently. What a word meant forty years ago might not mean the same today. The various Study Bibles used are: Key Word Study Bible (New International Version), NASB, NIV, NKJV. The KJV was also used.

    There are special terms used to help keep one on track as to what is happening concerning the prophecy. For example: Humankind against humankind is used in the account of Chapter Six and throughout the following Chapters. Humankind is fighting against humankind. God is not causing the difficulties. He is allowing them to happen in-order that humankind might call upon Him for salvation. A time of sorrow, (birthpangs) is used in conjunction with Rev. 6:1-8. The great tribulation is used to explain what is happening to God’s people. This is stated in Rev. 6:9-11, and also given in more detail in Matthew 24:15-28. The time of sorrow and the great tribulation are two separate periods of time. God’s wrath, another period of time, is used as a synonym of the Day of the Lord. God’s wrath is the very hot anger God uses against the non-believer, the person who does not accept Jesus as the Son of God, but follows Satan in all of his deceitful ways. A non-believer does not accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus paid for as He was crucified on the Cross. The Day of the Lord (God’s wrath) is a period of time set aside by God to bring vengeance upon the non-believer. This begins in Chapter 8 and continues through Chapter 20. God’s wrath will not be poured out on God’s people, (those who accept Jesus the Son of God as their Savior). It is stated in I Thess. 5:9-10, For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.

    In the Book of Revelation there is one overall prophecy with other prophecies inter-twining, giving a full exhortation as to how God would have His creatures conduct themselves in this world. The overall prophecy is that Jesus is coming quickly and soon. He will call all of God’s children to Himself to live with Him and His Father, God, for eternity.

    Various prophecies that inter-twine in the Book are as follows: (1) The prophecies of the seals. (2) The prophecies of the trumpets. (3) The prophecies of the bowls. (4) The prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem. (5) The prophecy of the destruction of Babylon and the spirit of Babylon. (6) The prophecy of the 1000 Year Reign of Christ Jesus with the believers. (7) The prophecy of the destruction of the Antichrist and the False Prophet. (8) The prophecy of the destruction of the non-believers. (9) The prophecy of the New Jerusalem. All of these prophecies as a whole speak of the past, the now, and the future.

    The Book of Daniel of the Old Testament is the companion book of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament. Outstanding verses of Daniel that enlighten our understanding of the prophecies of Revelation are the following:

    Dan. 8:13-14, NASB Study Bible:

    Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to that particular one who was speaking, ‘How long will the vision about the regular sacrifice apply, while the transgression causes horror so as to allow both the holy place and the host to be trampled.’ He said to me, ‘For 2,300 evening and mornings; then the holy place will be properly restored.’

    Study the Time Line Table. The Antichrist begins the trampling of the Israelites at the beginning (time of sorrows) of the last seven years of the world as we know it. He increases the trampling during the great tribulation period and continues with the horror through the Day of the Lord (wrath of God).

    Dan. 9:27, NASB Study Bible:

    "And he will make a covenant with many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing

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