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The Forbidden Instruction Book
The Forbidden Instruction Book
The Forbidden Instruction Book
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The Forbidden Instruction Book

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If there was a business nearby, that was mixing counterfeit money in with their real cash, as they made payments for goods or services, you would want to know about that-wouldn't you? What if a church nearby was mixing counterfeit religion in with a few patches of truth? For many of us; such news would be just as important.
Learning about the false nature of the various religions gives you a head start when you are asked those tricky questions by friends or relatives. You can simply say to them-"place the word FALSE ahead of the word RELIGION every time you see it--then you can begin to see the true picture.
I am writing from a place that is a long way from the halls of fame.
Working through two video clips, the god delusion and the virus of faith. Eminent scientist Richard Dawkins produced the clips several years ago. There has been some reviews done on these videos in the past. Each time a comment has been made-it is from either side of the 'fence.' What makes my book so different; is that I am neither a religious-fundamentalist nor a scientist.
One day, we may see a follow-up video. The purpose of this book is to chip away at your worldview. Many believe that the religions of this world actually read and follow an instruction book; however, that is definitely not the case.
I invite you to challenge your worldview. Come along for the ride and take a fresh look at the worlds number one bestseller.
Release dateJul 2, 2012
The Forbidden Instruction Book

Neil Riding

My name is Neil Riding. I live on the east coast of Australia, and I enjoy a very pleasant lifestyle. My qualifications for this work are that I have no qualifications. I am neither a scientist nor a religious fundamentalist. I write on behalf of the truth. Many others have written about Richard Dawkins, but it has always been from the science viewpoint, or from the religion viewpoint. For my study, I use an instructional book as my reference material. I consider the information provided, without prejudice. The only consideration is passing on the truth. Please consider my book carefully and, if you believe what is presented, pass it on to the next generation—for their benefit also. If there were dozens of companies in your town, which were paying out counterfeit money––mixed in with their real cash––you would want to know about it wouldn’t you? Shouldn’t it be the same for religion? If there are churches in your town, which mix “counterfeit religion” with "some" truthful stories, you would want to know about that; too. Reading through “The Forbidden Instruction Book” will give you a ‘heads–up’ on what to look for. Without some knowledge of how religion operates, you are keeping yourself in the dark about such matters. Knowing the true story could be very important to you; and to your children (or young relatives). Take the time to learn a little about religion and instruction––so that you can give a reasonable answer to anyone who asks. You may have been going through your life; hanging onto deceptive ideas that have been passed down––from generation to generation. Perhaps now is the time for intelligent beings to break the cycle and start afresh. My book will give you a very different view––not from my own invention––but from the pages of a book that was first authored many years ago. There is no need for you to believe everything that is in my book. I would prefer you to take–up your own investigation. My book is merely the spark that sets your mind on the right track. In future, whenever you hear ‘churchy’ sounding people telling you how things work, you should wonder if they are reading an instruction book––or simply passing on the views from an ancient and mysterious past.

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    The Forbidden Instruction Book - Neil Riding

    © Copyright 2012 Neil Riding.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.


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    Chapter One The Work Begins

    Chapter Two Mary Sleeps

    Chapter Three The Earth Became Void

    Chapter Four Go One Further

    Chapter Five Segregation

    Chapter Six The Dark Places

    Chapter Seven Murder

    Chapter Eight Windows

    Chapter Nine The Rest

    Chapter Ten Ephraim And Manasseh

    Chapter Eleven ‘Sandy Claws’

    Chapter Twelve ‘Ishtah’

    Chapter Thirteen The Paths Of The Sea

    Chapter Fourteen The Cycle Ends

    The Book

    Boot ’Em Out!


    The momentum for this book comes from two video clips; which are about saving students from wasted-learning; in particular during school hours. The two documentary-style clips were produced by ‘Richard Dawkins’; a well-known English scientist.

    [The god delusion explores the unproven beliefs that are treated as factual by many religions, and the extremes to which some followers have taken them. Dawkins argues that the process of non-thinking called faith is not a way of understanding the world, but instead stands in fundamental opposition to modern science and the scientific method, and is divisive and dangerous. The Root of All Evil is a television documentary, written and presented by Richard Dawkins, in which he argues that the world would be better off without religion. The documentary was first broadcast in January 2006, in the form of two 45-minute episodes on Channel 4 (in Britain)].

    Richard Dawkins’ interest in these matters took him into the dark places of the world and led him to ask some difficult questions. He put himself ‘in the picture’, and he seems to get the point across. And yet so many have watched; and then just walked away, and forgot the message.

    I am inviting you to watch—read the text—and consider the outcome. The overall title for his work is fair; although it’s more likely that others were involved in the naming process. I hope that, by the time you have read through this material, you will like my suggested title, which is—‘A Dummies Guide to False Religion’. His work is basically made up of two parts…

    Part 1. The God Delusion

    Part 2. The Virus of Faith

    The clips are available to watch on-line. Some of his thoughts are repeated in this book, (to make sections easier to follow).

    In these two brief videos—Richard Dawkins gives an adequate account of how they appear to the outside world. My aim is to re-visit his material, and take the ‘Instruction-Book’ along for the ride. All the while; trying to show—that the religions of this world are really self-made; rather than ‘real religions’ following a ‘real book.’ One of the most obvious threats to the credibility of religion, is the fact that there are hundreds of churches—as well as all their (different) offshoots.

    If the various churches were in fact following a similar Instruction Book, they would each have a similar internal structure. For example they would each have the same position; (title); for the various levels of competence within their ranks. The present system has all sorts of (titles); for their workers and all sorts of ideas about how things (must) be done. Also; to suggest that the religions might have ‘made up’ the Book (for their own benefit), would be utterly false, because they couldn’t possibly have done a worse job. It simply wouldn’t make sense, for any religion to ‘invent’ a book that completely opposes their practices; and their ‘method-of-operation.’

    If you already dismiss the book, you can see that no good religion could ever come from such a thing, but you may be interested in the difference between the world-view and the actual text.

    If you still find yourself believing the religions simply ‘made up’ a fancy bunch of books, to set themselves up for their own belief-system, then you should easily change that view when you realize the vast disconnect between the book and the end product (i.e. false-religion).

    Regardless of where you now stand on religion; you will soon come to realize; that the religions are a man-made occurrence, and therefore cannot be built from their "claimed" Instruction Book. The religions are simply using the book as a leaning post, perhaps using it as an excuse for their actions.

    In the future, the question will arise (about removing man-made religions from our education system). Please consider some of the points that are made throughout; when you make your decision on such an important matter.

    There will be parts; where the reader might see that some things are difficult to cover. My first aim is to stick to the important topic, which is to get the message through to everyone. The stuff being taught in the name of religion—really is a waste of time. The students are learning things that have to be ‘unlearned’ at a later date. For example, students would need to unlearn the false; in order to take up a logical study of science. Students would need to unlearn the false; in order to just live a quite and peaceful life, (after their education is complete). And worst of all, students would need to ‘unlearn’ the false in order to have any chance of understanding the Forbidden Instruction Book. Any misquotes about the Instruction Book, might go unanswered; as present day thoughts could be the result of long held views; (which is the very thing that needs to be cleared up). Presentations; which are pro-evolution are generally ignored. Another thought that comes to mind is; "why would I use the term—forbidden book"? The answer comes from my own experience during my school years. Someone had challenged me to go look it up. So I toddled off with a scrap of paper, with a chapter name and some directions. I dusted off an old family Book

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