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The Truth That Lies Within
The Truth That Lies Within
The Truth That Lies Within
Ebook151 pages1 hour

The Truth That Lies Within

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The Truth That Lies Within carries a deep message to humanity revealing the challenges brought by the atrocities of the so-called modern world we live in today. This message rotates around the pillars of greedfrom all angleswhich has always been our guide to committing good and bad deeds.

A personal notion that might change a thought or two on how to better utilize your inner positive energy to recharge this planet and support its rotation, from a simple smile to the reality behind religion.

A deep plunge in the bounds of your soul to unveil the truth and certainty that is naturally hidden inside all of us defined as human beings!
Release dateSep 19, 2011
The Truth That Lies Within

Khaled H. Nabih

Born and raised in Egypt, Khaled H. Nabih is a self-proclaimed, spirited, passionate, and adventurous lover of nature and most outdoor sports, from hunting to scuba diving. Khaled H. Nabih attended the American International School in Egypt and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in chemistry from the American University in Cairo. His first job was as an off-shore mud engineer before he joined the Dow Chemical Company in 1997, where he worked in several departments, advancing from Quality Control and Technical Support to his current role in the commercial organization managing the North Africa region and other parts of Africa like Nigeria. “It doesn’t stop here for me,” he says. Khaled always loves to challenge himself in life, which seems to be the only thing that revives his soul. Traveling to several diverse locations, from Europe to Africa, and from there to the Americas and back home provided him with a good chance to encounter and experience many different people, which afforded him the ability to learn about distinctive cultures around the world. Khaled mainly focused on the similarities that people share around the world, which gave him the passion to reveal his inner reflections in his first ever The Truth That Lies Within.

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    The Truth That Lies Within - Khaled H. Nabih


    Some might consider love just a word, but those of us who experience it have a different opinion. This opinion is not on stable ground yet, however, as people tend to link it to their own experience.

    Love sometimes turns to hate, and other times, even worse, people tend to follow their inner selfishness, which guides them to be unfaithful and uncaring. This is usually linked to the natural fact of human greed that guides us to hurt each other—greed for the satisfaction of our inner needs instead of sharing a part of that with our loved ones.

    The real question is, why hate? If we look to most religious beliefs, hate should be eliminated; love and forgiveness are emphasized. There must be a very strong reason behind having this great emphasis on the word love. It is our natural human behavior.

    If we recognize what is inside us and fight it, we might be fighting the devil inside our souls; we might be pushing forward toward a safer world and a better future for our kids and future generations. That’s the power we have that differentiates us from the other creatures that share the world with us.

    Brains are within our power to change and control: we have a choice! We have brains, and we should use them to reason. Even if we remove religion from the equation, we cannot deny the common sense inside our souls.

    Black, white, yellow, brown: these are words of hate that we use to hurt others for no reason. Why do we use these simple color terms today to differentiate each other? The majority of people use their first impression to decide whether to love or hate. Having a different skin color is one factor that is directly linked to our feelings, whether love or hate. We tend to forget that underneath these colors we are all scary-looking skeletons!

    Another aspect that has always been added to the list of hate is religion. People try to gain confidence by referring to their own religion; others add a racist element to the equation. Who’s better than whom? We are all serving one cause; that’s a fact.

    If we try to force love and strive to let love grow in each and every individual’s soul, we might solve this difficult equation. The question is how?

    I still ask myself why I criticized a certain action that was taken by another human. I tend to focus on criticism, rather than challenging the fact and trying to change what I think was wrong. Why do we tend not to focus on the root causes of an action?

    Many other people behave differently than we do; we all come from different backgrounds with different beliefs. Look in the eyes of people who live in a culture different from their original one. They may feel confused or lost and definitely not in their comfort zone. Can we solve this? Is the answer equal education, wealth, and power for all humans? Do we also need to add love and respect? Eliminate poverty? Africa is a beautiful continent, but do we call it safe? Did we ever question why it’s not safe?

    Nuclear weapons, why? Are these our goals in life—power, power, and more power; to rule with power and list our state as a democratic one?

    This equation lies inside our souls, but our inner, self-centered, greed-focused mind tends to push us off-track toward our needs. We can live with these facts until they affect us. Once they do, it’s usually too late to understand, and our greed redirects us toward revenge, and hate takes over.

    Let’s try to focus on one thing, and that is Love! Can it ever occur?


    We all have a natural evolution in life until we die; then others come in and take over. Throughout the days of our lives, we interact with the world we live in, sometimes with emotions and other times with actions.

    But how did we develop an understanding of our reactions toward specific incidents?

    Is it because each and every one of us has an individual upbringing that influences our way of thinking today? This is why we have opinions, different views! We sometimes refer to it as experience.

    These daily interactions that come and go throughout our life span are also affected by our initial understanding of what is right and what is wrong. Could this be the initial onset of manners?

    We all grew up through various stages during which we were taught what to do and what not to do. Some are taught by their parents; some might not have been lucky enough to have such a luxury. This sets our attitude toward life! Are we ready?

    Well, this can vary, depending on the surrounding circumstances, and because of this, we develop and learn the real meaning of manners. It all starts from the day we are born, and sometimes we struggle to understand what is good and what is bad. We either avoid the issue or learn the hard way!

    Manners are a set of chemical chain reactions that are inherited throughout generations and passed on to the next with some modifications, depending on the surrounding media. This fact builds up a whole society. The unfortunate truth lies in the need to provide the correct media to obtain the desired reaction. If this media or surrounding effect is disturbed, we will never reach our desired outcome for the reaction. Especially if these effects are politically implemented! The question is, how can we control these coordinates? Can we click on Save to preserve manners throughout generations?

    If we try to focus and work toward providing the right circumstances, surroundings, media (or we can refer to it as life), we might obtain the most beautiful planet in the universe we acknowledge today. Poverty, hate, war, racism, power… these are some of our barriers.

    Do they define who is civilized and who’s not? Do we use them to create what we call uncivilized today?

    If we can define the world’s goal toward manners and strive to provide the associated media that supports our reaction, we will cross the great barrier toward an equal, global civilization.

    Every child born of a new generation has a chance to create this global goal of civilization through guidance of the provided manners associated with the required medium. Can we do that?

    The real challenge is, how?

    Manners: they define the world we live in!


    We all live our lives in different ways, in search of what? Will we ever find a good answer for that?

    Some might have, but at a certain point in life we tend to realize that all we do is work, play, share thoughts, pray, sleep, plan a vacation, meet new people, and so on. But do we ever question at the end of each day whether that day was successful or not? I am sure there are people out there who really care and others who have never thought about it.

    How did we affect the world we live in today?

    If our general goal in life focuses on leaving a good memory with every step we take, leaving a good mark wherever we go, life might be filled up with care and less destruction. If we try to leave footprints through every step we take forward or backward, we might guide others behind us; we might create a whole new concept of life without even noticing.

    Every day we learn a new fact, process, technology brought to us by others who share the universe with us.

    We do take that for granted and just go on with our daily activity. We ignore the fact that these new discoveries are helping us every day. If we look around us, we realize that what we call today the modern life is an outcome of others leaving a great memory in our lives. How can we ever pay them back? Can we continue this message?

    All prophets lived to guide us by example toward a better life; do we ever question what would have happened had these rules never been set? Was the real goal to set a good example? To leave memories to be followed by believers?

    Well, there must be a good reason behind the power that God implemented inside our brains—the power to remember: our natural memory card!

    What would the world be today if we focused on what we learned from the people who inspired us?

    What would it be if we set one goal that never changes throughout our life span: leaving a good memory!

    I can only imagine!

    At the end, what is a human being except a memory? The question is whether it is a good or bad memory?

    Do we care? This is the challenge.

    People who left a great memory are still alive inside our hearts and minds. Can we pass the message along and add even more, or should we go on and live and die as though we never existed?

    Leaving a memory can take many forms, but these forms should always be created by those who love. We must care! Without care in our hearts, selfishness takes over, affecting others around us.

    Care sets the basic foundation for a great memory to last.

    The question here is, do we want to leave a good memory?

    Live and die special!


    On one of those rare, peaceful, midweek evenings, I was preparing my regular cup of tea when I became distracted by a documentary presented on television by one of those popular news agencies. It was a very disturbing one, as it was presenting a documentary about new recruits hired to serve terrorist groups in Iraq. But this time, kids!

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