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Mackin for More Millions (Pt-2)
Mackin for More Millions (Pt-2)
Mackin for More Millions (Pt-2)
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Mackin for More Millions (Pt-2)

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..After being a winner of the Annual Players Ball, Jigz was critically stabbed in the chest outside of the Paramount Theatre, by a deranged x-hooker who was once his main woman. He was rushed to the hospital near death, and it took several months for him to fully recover. Little did he know, that his problems had only just begun. Charles Leggs Tapia, who was a multi-millionaire, held Jigz responsible for the death of his nephew, Razor Red, and vowed vengeance. From that point on, all of Jigz hookers and anyone close to Jigz, started coming up murdered, which sent him into a world of drugs and addiction. Now he has to gather his senses and willpower, to fight his way back to the life of Pimping, that he is accustomed to. Then, and only then, will he be able to deal with Leggs.
Release dateJul 26, 2011
Mackin for More Millions (Pt-2)

Donald Jigz Titus

Donald "Jigz" Titus was born and raised in Oakland, California. He went to Clawson elementary school and graduated to Hoover Jr. High. He was exceptionally good in Arts and Crafts, and won a scholarship to go to C. C. A. C. (California College of Arts and Crafts) in the 9th grade and was the youngest student to be enrolled there.     He graduated from Hoover Jr. High and went to Oakland Technical High, where he went on to get a diploma.    After graduating, he started a singing group called "The Numonics". They went on to record an album that was produced by Mickey Moore called "Numonics Rollin". That is when he was introduced to the bright lights and fast women. One of the singers died named Marvin Myers, who was one of his best friends and inspirations.    He was intrigued by the fast life and soon gave up singing to be a part of it. So during the course of the next two decades,  he fathered four children and lived the lavish life of a Mack, becoming addicted to it. After being arrested numerous times, and the death of his oldest son, Dante, he finally gave up the fast life and decided to start writing novels. For exercise, he goes bowling with his youngest son, Anthony.    He is currently living in Northern California with his beautiful, loving wife, "Susan", their daughter "Michelle", and working on the sequel to his first novel, "Mackin For Millions" called,  "Mackin For More Millions (PT 2)" which is also soon to be released. E-Mail;      (for feedback or comments)

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    Mackin for More Millions (Pt-2) - Donald Jigz Titus

     • Chapter—1 •

    The ambulance siren screamed loudly in the night, as the driver expertly drove the vehicle quickly through the early morning traffic in Oakland California. It was New Year’s morning, 1980.

    Donald Jigz Tyler, a very well known Mack, lay in the ambulance stretcher with a fresh stab wound in the upper right side of his dark chocolate chest, very near death from the loss of too much blood.

    Foxy, his main hooker sat next to him, holding his hand with tears streaming from her usually beautiful hazel eyes, which were now red and puffy, down her olive complexion of her perfectly shaped face. Under normal circumstances, when she wasn’t under such duress, though it could still be seen, she was considered an exotic beauty, a mixture of Oriental, Italian and Black, with long silky straight black hair. She had naturally long eyelashes with a deep dimple in her chin, as well as one in each of her cheeks.

    Jigz had been stabbed in front of the Paramount Theater following The Annual Player’s Ball, by an ex-hooker of his whose name was Brandy. She was frustrated because she had made an irreversible choice for which Jigz would no longer allow her to be with him, sending her into a further out of control downward spiral. She felt that he was going to do something to her, she knew it, so she had to run off, after throwing hot bacon grease into the face of one of Jigz’ hookers. She knew he would have nothing else to do with her. Immediately after stabbing him, she was knocked into the path of an oncoming AC Transit bus, and crushed to death.

    Jigz’ best friend, Mystro, followed close behind the ambulance in his brand new, silver Rolls Royce. He was followed by Precious, another one of Jigz’ ten hookers. She was driving Jigz’ brand new Rolls Royce which was Black with a peanut butter vinyl top.

    Kim, Jigz’ thoroughbred red-headed white girl, sat next to Precious. They rode quietly, both deep in their own thoughts and worried about their man. Foxy was in the ambulance keeping him strong.

    Don’t worry daddy, Foxy said as she ran her hand gently across his smooth unconscious face. You’re going to be alright. We’re almost there.

    Foxy had been through a lot in her life. She had been with Jigz over four years now. Precious and Chi-Chi had been with him longer, but chose not to take the responsibilities of being his main woman, so Foxy worked out just fine… .

    Foxy’s mother was from Arizona, and was Oriental and Italian. Her father was Oriental and Black, from California. Her mother came to California in the early 1950’s, and she had met and fallen in love with him at first sight. They were soon married and settled down in Sacramento, where Foxy was born.

    She had a very exciting childhood, and her father took her everywhere he could when he wasn’t working. She spent most of her young days with her mother, trying to help her cook and clean up the house.

    When Foxy was 5years old, she started school and loved it. She loved being able to play all day with the other kids, and learn to read and write. It was a new world for her. She always had a different story to tell when her mother came to pick her up.

    Her little brother, Gino, was born when she was eight and she literally took possession of him. She felt as though he was her very own baby. She would bathe him and dress him every chance she got, and couldn’t wait for the bell to ring to go home so she could be with him.

    Tragedy struck when Gino was two years old. Their father was killed in an auto accident, which had left their mother devastated. She had to move to a bigger city where she would have more job opportunities, so she moved to Oakland with her two young children, trying to start a new life. She found work at a dry cleaners close by, conveniently on the corner of their block, necessary for a single mother. She enrolled Foxy in a school just two blocks away.

    Time passed quickly and soon Foxy graduated from high school at the tender age of 17. She went to community college, and majored in Business Education. Then she was struck with still another tragedy. Her mother was riding to the supermarket with her next door neighbor, and they too were involved in an auto accident. The two women were gravely injured, with her mother suffering the worst injuries of the two.

    When Foxy found out and rushed to the hospital, she remembers as if they were seared in her brain, her mother’s last words to her. Under strained breath, she said, Please take care of Gino for me. I love you. Then she passed away, leaving a sad young daughter, crying and all alone, yet determined to fulfill her mother’s request. She got a job at a trucking company as a secretary. She found a nice little apartment in Alameda, and bought herself a late model Volkswagon.

    She worked there for awhile, until the company went out of business, then she was laid off. She found another job doing maid work at a Holiday Inn motel in town, and it made ends meet. Gino started washing cars to help her pay the bills and they seemed to be doing just fine. Then Razor Red came into their life… .

    The speeding ambulance with the eerily billowing siren pulled off the freeway at the Park Boulevard exit, and went up to 13th Avenue, making a right towards the infamous Highland Emergency Hospital, closely followed by two Rolls Royces. When they pulled into the parking lot, a gurney on wheels and a trauma team waited for the ambulance’s arrival.

    Jigz was quickly transferred from the ambulance stretcher to the gurney, and rushed through the hospital’s swinging doors marked Emergency. Mystro, Foxy, Precious, and Kim followed close behind the fast paced rolling gurney and trauma team, as they were taking Jigz to one of the many emergency rooms.

    A tall thin doctor, with thick glasses, a freshly trimmed beard, and shoulder length, straight brown hair, stepped out of the room where they had Jigz, into the hall, and spoke to the small group of people. He quickly introduced himself as Dr. Bill Tanner.

    You will all have to wait down the hall in the waiting room, he said, pointing in that direction. His tone was assuring and confident, and though stern, a small comfort. We can handle things from here.

    Mystro and the women all walked down the hall to the waiting room and quietly took seats. They sat there in thought. Each person silently hoping that Jigz pulled through. Mystro looked at the women sadly.

    Jigz has a strong will to live you guys, so try not to worry yourselves, he address the small group. The Mack God ain’t gonna let him go out like that.

    Precious looked at Mystro earnestly. I hope you’re right ‘Stro, she told him. I don’t know what I would do if he didn’t pull through.

    Me niether! Foxy and Kim both almost said at the same time… .

    It’d been two hours since Jigz had went to surgery. The ladies and Mystro sat around talking about the events that had taken place that night. Soon Dr. Tanner came to the doorway of the waiting room. Everybody looked at his face for any sign of defeat. There was none.

    Well, he began. Your friend is a very healthy and lucky young man. The knife that was used in the stabbing hit a bone in his chest cavity, and a piece of it broke off inside. It caused complications, but we were able to finally find the piece of metal and remove it. He has lost quite a bit of blood which caused him to lapse into a slight state of comatose, but with the will of God… he’ll make it.

    Everybody all seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the same time, and the women cried happily and hugged one another.

    Wait now! Don’t get too happy, too soon. He is still in critical condition and will have to be transferred to I. C. U. so we can keep an eye on him, he told the group. Why don’t you all just go home and come back later today during visiting hours. Hopefully he’ll be conscious by then.

    He looked around at everybody as they made preparations to leave. Oh by the way, somebody has to sign a few papers before you go, he looked at them as Foxy stepped forward.

    I’ll go sign them she said. Mystro could you please drop Precious and Kim off at home. I’ll drive my daddy’s car home when I’m finished here.

    I’d rather let them drive my car home, and ride with you, you fine mutha’ fucka’ you! he said with a sly smile. I’d love to give my pot-na some news ’bout you choosin.

    I heard that! she frowned, and punched him playfully in the chest. That’ll be the day!

    Mystro loved Foxy like the sister that he never had. He remembers when he had helped Jigz rescue her:

    He had went with Jigz to Arizona to help rescue her from the clutches of Razor Red, a gruesome pimp that had kidnapped her and held her captive at his uncle’s Villa. His uncle’s name was Leggs and he was notoriously ruthless, and rich.

    While she was being held captive, Razor Red had knocked her down and made her hit her head, knocking her out. When she woke up, she had amnesia and didn’t remember Jigz or anything else. So Razor Red had played on her absence of memory and pretended that he was her husband and that Jigz was the enemy, trying to kill her. Razor Red had been overjoyed with his luck, for she believed him and did everything that he wanted her to do. She had become a willing participant in all of his devious, underworld activities. She quickly adapted to his way of living.

    He had Foxy to work in one of his uncle’s many whorehouse ranches in Arizona, and she made him thousands of dollars. By coincidence, Chi-Chi, one of Jigz’ white girls, was hired at one of his ranches in Carson City, Nevada. Soon after that, Foxy was transferred to the same ranch, where Chi-Chi recognized her and told Jigz. Chi-Chi wasn’t totally sure it was her because of the way Foxy was acting, drinking and doing drugs and all. So Jigz told her to look for the tattoo that she and Foxy had gotten on top of their left breast that said, I Love My Daddy. She finally got the opportunity to look for the tattoo, and it was there.

    Jigz and Mystro showed up at a masquerade party that was being given at the Villa dressed in disguises, and saw Foxy for themselves, and couldn’t believe their eyes. But it was the same Foxy. So they got an army of killers from Oakland and went back to the villa in Arizona. They had an all out war with Leggs’ army of killers, and Razor Red. In the end, Razor Red died a horrible death, getting his head chopped off, and his penis cut off too and stuck in his mouth. Foxy’s memory miraculously came back as she was finally rescued by Jigz.

    Razor’s uncle Leggs had gotten away and made a solemn promise to avenge his death, even if it took a lifetime to do it, but a full year had gone by and Jigz hadn’t heard from Leggs, nor had he had any problems from him as of yet. He still expected problems though, he just didn’t know when. Leggs had vowed to kill him… .

    Mystro did as Foxy had asked, and took Kim and Precious, home. Normally, they wouldn’t be caught dead in Mystro’s car, or company, without Jigz, but under the present circumstances, The Mack Game had to be cast to the side because of he and Jigz’ close friendship.

    Mystro was younger than Jigz, who was now 28 years old. He was only 24, with a light complexion, and a magnetic smile. He wore a slight mustache and goatee, with a full round afro hairdo. He had thick eyebrows, and a gold tooth in the front that could easily be seen when he smiled.

    He was 6ft tall, as was Jigz, and a slim build that was topped off with a muscular chest and wide broad shoulders. He was a Mack, and had eight hookers of his own.

    Here’s my card sweetheart, he told Precious, as he passed it to her. Call me if you ever need me for anything, and let Jigz know that I will be there to visit him everyday that I can, as long as he’s in the hospital, okay?

    Precious took the card and nodded her head yes, and thanked him for the ride as she and Kim got out of his car in front of the lavish duplex apartment that they both shared. Mystro then rode off into the sunrise and early morning traffic… .

     • Chapter—2 •

    Charles Leggs Tapia sat by his kidney shaped pool in the rear of his mansion. He was known as one of the richest underworld figures in Phoenix, Arizona. He had complete control of the narcotics, gambling, prostitution, numbers houses, counterfeiting, you name it, and you can bet that he had a hand in it. He even had connections in politics, and also with the crooked Judges and some dirty police in various cities. He also had a fleet of black Lincoln Continentals that he kept in a warehouse in Emeryville.

    He was 6feet 4inches tall, and extremely slim, with long skinny arms, a skinny tanned face, with heavy black bushy eyebrows, and a keen pointed nose. He was Italian and Black, wore no facial hair, and had perfect, big white teeth. He kept his hair combed to the back, and slicked down onto his head.

    Behind his back, people would call him, the praying mantis, because he put them in the mind of an insect with long legs. But he was an immaculate dresser, having a couple of his very own clothing stores at his disposal.

    Today was a special day for him. It was his dead nephew Razor Red’s birthday, he was construing the plan of how he was going to avenge his dear relatives death. He had gotten a call from Highland Hospital. He had a distant cousin who worked there by the name of Maria Torio. She was Hispanic and Black. She had informed him of what had happened to Jigz, and where he was. She had come across the information by chance while performing her daily duties, as she was working in the ER department there, and had full access to all records and intakes. Now he could put a couple moves together to finally dispose of Jigz for good. He had plenty of time… . nothing but time.

    He thought back to how his nephew had tricked Foxy into being with him:

    `Red had kidnapped Foxy’s little brother Gino, lied on him, and said that he had stolen ½ pound of cocaine out of his car.

    Foxy had known who Razor Red was, and despised him. She couldn’t stand the sight of him, and Razor Red knew it. So he had called Foxy and told her that she had to pay him the money her brother had owed him, before he would let him go.

    Foxy, being a square and all, only made a small amount of money weekly and couldn’t come up with the cash, so Razor Red told her how she could make the money easily, by being a hooker.

    He was right. She made a lot of money quickly. But every time she almost had all the money he had asked for, he would tell her that she owed him more. So she realized that the only way she would get her little brother back, was to be his woman. With no other choice, she agreed, and he let Gino go, and she sent him to Arizona where her grandparents were. Now all she had to concentrate on was getting away from him herself.

    During the time that she was with Razor Red, she had paid him a lot of money. He wouldn’t let her out of his sight for fear she’d leave, and eventually the already sick relationship had turned into a fatal attraction.

    She finally was able to escape from him, and afraid for her life. She tried to leave Oakland, but in route she met Jigz when the car she was riding in stalled on the freeway, while she was on her way to the airport. She was walking along the side of the freeway towards the exit with her suitcases, when Jigz rode up beside her, offering her a ride.

    When she got into his car, she explained to him her situation, and told him about Razor Red. Jigz smoothly convinced her to stay in Oakland with him, and assured her that nothing would happen to her.

    When he went to serve Razor Red the news, a never ending feud began, with shootouts and quite a few people being killed. Foxy stayed with Jigz throughout the whole ordeal until she was kidnapped by Razor and knocked into amnesia at Leggs’ villa in Phoenix Arizona.

    Now Leggs had Jigz at his disposal, finally, however he wouldn’t move quickly. He had plenty time… .

     • Chapter—3 •

    Jigz was lying in I. C. U. at the hospital, still in a coma. Tubes ran from his nose, chest, and arms, and he was also connected to a heart monitor that kept track of his heartbeat with a constant beep. He was being fed through an I. V. in his arm, and a catheter was attached as well. He was also connected to a respirator.

    It had been a week and still there was no change in his critical condition. Foxy came and visited him everyday, and so did Precious and Kim. The hospital wouldn’t allow too many visitors, but the three women refused to be turned away from seeing, him although he had no way of knowing of their presence.

    Foxy would come with cards and books and read them to him, and talk to him about daily events concerning the rest of his stable of women as though he was wide awake.

    Kim, Precious, Chi-Chi, and Foxy were the only ones from his stable that stayed in Oakland, although Chi-Chi took trips to Nevada periodically to keep things running smoothly. At the time she was in Nevada. The other six women, Karen, Pee-Wee, Summer, Paso, Poppi, and and Penny, all went to various ranches in Nevada like, Sassy Kittens, Mustang, and the Moonlight ranch. They would stay in touch with Foxy and Precious to find out about Jigz’ daily progress, and they would wire their money through Western union.

    Daddy, you’re going to have to wake up, Foxy softly spoke to him. I don’t think I can handle you not being here with me. A couple of the girls seem to be getting lazy, loose, and comfortable in the ranches. I think at least three of them will be gone before the week is out, she gently stroked his smooth forehead as she spoke. But the girls here in town are fine. We just all miss you and hope you come home real soon.

    She looked closely at his face for any kind of movement or reaction to what she had said, but there was none. He just laid there as though he was in a deep sleep, oblivious to everything around him.

    Nomatter what happens daddy, I am with you forever and a day, she kissed him softly on his dry, chapped lips and sadly left the room. But she would still return the next day… .

    A new nurse by the name of Angela Beddow was assigned to take care of him. She was transferred from another part of the hospital to his section.

    She was Creole, being mixed with French, Black, and Indian. She was born and raised in Alexandra, Louisiana.

    She was short, barely 5ft tall, and a very light complexion, with blue-green eyes, and waist length, curly, dark brown hair.

    Her body was full, but petite, and she had nice sized breasts and thick hairy legs. She too, like Foxy, had thin traces of a mustache. But where Angela had thin, soft looking lips, Foxy’s were puckered and full. Neither had to wear lipstick because their lips were naturally rosey red.

    She passed Foxy as Foxy left Jigz’ bedside. They nodded and spoke to each other, and Angela walked over and immediately began to clean his wound and wash him up.

    She looked closely at Jigz and smiled. She was always attracted to dark chocolate men, but the man she was with at the moment wasn’t chocolate at all. His name was Jerry Garner. She had been with him for five years, and it had been five long, hard years. He was addicted to heroin and cocaine and she was basically afraid of him, although she had had a 3years old son by him. She also had another son named Eric Lankins, who was 8years old, and a daughter named Raquel Lankins, who was 6years old. The son she had had by him was named Terry. Her other two children had a different father.

    You’re gonna come out of this coma, sir, she told him. So don’t let me down. I haven’t lost a patient yet.

    She continued to wash him off thoroughly, being careful not to affect his injury… .

    Days continued to pass by, with Foxy and the other three women coming to see him daily at separate times of day. Angela also continued to doctor him, making sure everything was alright. She had taken a liking to this well known black man and was kind of curious about his lifestyle, with all the different women coming to see him and constantly calling him Daddy. What was it with him? Was he an actor? Or a producer? Angela wondered, and some how, she was going to find out.

    Mystro came by to visit him. He just sat beside Jigz’ bed for awhile, then got up and left. He could not stand to see his long time friend in that condition.

    Then one day, Angela came to work and went straight to Jigz’ bedside, grabbing his chart. Things still hadn’t changed any. She checked his pulse and opened his eyes with her fingers, shining a small flashlight in them. To her surprise, his eyes fluttered for a minute. She quickly took her hand away and watched his eyes flutter open.

    That’s it, Mr. Tyler, she purred softly, in a whisper. Come out of it. You can do it.

    Jigz opened his eyes wide, then shut them back quickly. All he saw, at first, was a beaming light shining from above his bed. He squinted his eyes against the light, trying to get adjusted to the brightness of it.

    His vision was blurry at first, as he looked around, from side to side. Then his eyes focused upon Angela, and her face began to come in quite clear.

    I must be dead, he thought. I’m seeing angels.

    Angela quickly reached to the light switch on the wall, and softened the brightness a little, so he could see better.

    Where, . . . am I? Am I, . . . am I in heaven? Jigz strained to say. Are you an angel? he sounded as though he had gravel in his throat.

    Hi, Mr. Tyler. My name is Angela Beddow, and I am your assigned nurse. Welcome back, she smiled. No, you’re not in heaven, and I am not an Angel. I am very much alive, and so are you. She pushed the button, summoning the doctor, who was there almost immediately.

    Well, well, well, back from the dead, said the same doctor who was there when Jigz was first brought in, as he stood over Jigz’ bed. I am Dr. Tanner, he said, while checking Jigz’ vital signs. You had us all worried for a while. I’m sure all your, uh, girlfriends will be happy to see that you’re back with us.

    He went on to explain to Jigz the seriousness of his injury, and how lucky he was to still be alive, all the while continuing to check Jigz’ vitals, and wound. He peeled the bandages away, and looked at the healing injury closely.

    You seem to be in good shape and out of the red zone, young man, he finally stated. But the worst is still yet to come, so we don’t want you to move around too much, too soon. You could easily cause inflamation to your wound. You have to take it easy now because you are going to be in a lot of pain during your healing period.

    Nurse Beddow here, will make sure you are as comfortable as possible, he continued. Feel free to ask her for anything you might need. She will help you, and no funny stuff, young man! he said jokingly, with a smile. I know you’re a womanizer and all, but you had better take it easy and get well first! he smiled good naturedly, and left the room.

    Angela put clean wrapping on his wound, and disconnected the respirator. I’m sure you’re hungry, so I’ll get you some soup and juices from the cafeteria, she told him, and she too left the room.

    Jigz laid there

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