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Advanced Principles of Success & Prosperity: Empower the Genius Within
Advanced Principles of Success & Prosperity: Empower the Genius Within
Advanced Principles of Success & Prosperity: Empower the Genius Within
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Advanced Principles of Success & Prosperity: Empower the Genius Within

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About this ebook

You will discover:

The Business World in a Nutshell

Who Do You Have to Be to Succeed

Scientifi c Fundamentals of Business

The Relativity of Business Knowledge

Timeless Principles of Business

Advanced Business Principles

Understanding Time Wasters

Economics As a Subset of Life

The Seven Levers of Leverage

Principles of Lifelong Selling

Unlimited Income Strategies

Creating Streams of Income

The Five Echelons to Climb

The Fifty Genius Traits

Selling as a Way of Life

The Essence of Money

Release dateAug 14, 2012
Advanced Principles of Success & Prosperity: Empower the Genius Within

Matthew M. Radmanesh

Matthew M. Radmanesh received his MSEE and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in  Electronics and Electro-Optics Engineering in 1980 and 1984, respectively.   Dr. Radmanesh has worked in academia for GMI Engineering & Management and in industry for Hughes Aircraft Co., Maury Microwave Corp. and Boeing Aircraft Co. He is currently a faculty member in the electrical engineering department at California State University, Northridge, CA.   Dr. Radmanesh is a senior member of IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi Honors societies and a past president of the SFV chapter of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technique (MTT) society. His many years of experience in both microwave industry and academia has led to over 40 technical papers and a popular textbook entitled “Radio Frequency and Microwave electronics Illustrated.”   He received the distinguished lecturer award in the 1994 IEEE international Microwave Symposium and has redeived two awards from the IEEE  for his contributions to the IEEE-MTT society. 

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    Advanced Principles of Success & Prosperity - Matthew M. Radmanesh

    © 2012 Matthew M. Radmanesh. Ph.D. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 8/9/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-5520-9 (e) ISBN: 978-1-4772-5521-6 (he) ISBN: 978-1-4772-5522-3 (sc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012913985

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    Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The advice or strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your materials. The author is not engaged in rendering professional services, and you should consult a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profits or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.




    The Importance of Work

    What Sets This Book Apart

    Why Should I Read This Book?

    PART 1 The Essence of Being a Genius

    The Evolution of Knowledge

    The Misconceptions of Being a Genius

    How One Develops Genius Traits

    The Character Traits of a Genius

    Don’t think Big, Think Infinite

    The Fifty GeniusTraits

    The Gradient Scale of Genius

    Examples of Geniuses in History

    PART 2 

    The Slant of Life: Is Toward Selling

    To Succeed, Think Unlimited!

    The Five Echelons to Climb

    The Law of Leverage

    The Seven Levers in Leverage

    Understanding The Ten Ultimate Keys

    The Two Stages in the Selling Process

    What Is the Backbone of Selling?

    Selling as a Way of Life

    Economics asa Subset of Life

    The Gradient Scales to Prosperity

    Prosperity & the Ten Ultimate Keys

    A Prosperous Business

    Production Vs. Selling

    Why Do We Need Keys to Prosperity?

    Implementing the Ten Keys

    The Keys Form a Pyramid of Seniority

    PART 3 

    Key 1 

    Who Do You, Have to Be to Succeed?

    Who Do You Have to Be to Succeed?

    A Safe and Stable Space

    Minds Energy Can Create Power

    An Exchangeable Product or Service


    The Core Principles

    PART 4 

    Key 2 

    What Is Your Knowledge Base?

    The Precious Knowledge

    The Relativity of Knowledge Principle

    The Pyramid of Knowledge

    The Circle of knowledge

    Unique Vs. Arbitrary Principle

    Utilizing Sciences to Create any Business

    Business Knowledge

    The Technical Side of any Business

    PART 5 

    Key 3 

    What fire Your Leadership Qualities?

    What is Leadership?

    The Importance of Leadership

    Good Leadership

    PART 6 


    What Is Your Winning Edge in the Market?

    Having the Winning Edge in Business

    Setting Goals

    What Gives You the Winning Edge?

    PART 7 


    How Connected Are You?

    The Positive Communication Principle

    Communication in Business

    Specialized Particles in Business

    The Importance of Communication

    Your Connections to the World Count

    PART 8 

    Key 6 

    What Is Your Niche Market?

    What is a Niche?

    How Niched Are You?

    PART 9 


    What Team fire You Wording With?



    A Business Enterprise

    The Fundamentals of Teamwork

    Proper Correction

    Role of a Team in Goals

    Who is on Your Team ?

    PART 10 

    Key 8 

    How Many Streams of Income Do You Have?


    How Supply and Demand Determine Prices

    Building a Business Upon Exchange

    Failures in Exchange

    Exchange and Prosperity

    The Generalized Exchange Principle

    The Two Major Categories of Exchange


    The Essence of Money


    PART 11 

    Key 9 

    Do You Know The Trends in Your Marketplace?

    The Concept of Trends


    What Is a, Trend?

    Understanding Trends

    Momentum of Trends

    Positioning the Business with the Trend

    PART 12 

    Key 10 

    Do You Know the Laws of Your Business?

    The Laws of the Land

    Stay Legal for Longevity

    Asset Protection

    PART 13 

    Lifelong Selling

    Own or Borrow?


    Cash Reserve



    Plan of Action

    Happiness at Work



    PART 14 

    The Timeless Principles of Business

    The Self-First Principle

    The ABCD Principle of Investment

    The Ideal Investment Principle

    The Sweet Spot Principle

    The Dynamic Investment Principle

    The Static-Kinetic Principle of Business

    The Base of the Motor Principle

    Prime the Pump Principle

    The Patsy Principle

    Know Thy People Principle

    Fly with the Eagles Principle

    Shun the Negative Principle

    Sell to Survive Or Create to Sell?

    PART 15 Advanced Business Principles

    The Bright Phases Shining on the Business Radar

    The Dim Phases Fading from the Business Radar

    The Black Phases Submerged Below the Business Radar

    Positive Energy

    Negative Energy



    PART 16 Unlimited Income Strategies

    Now what...

    How to Buy an Existing Business

    How to Run a business

    Two distinct Classes of Assets

    The Preferred Investment Strategies

    The Business Principles

    Model Case Studies

    Risk Management

    Applications of Logic in Business;

    The Moving Parts of an Investment

    The Categories of Investors

    PART 17 The Final Summary of Thoughts

    Building Confidence

    The Ratchet Principie

    The Compounding Principle

    The Visualizing Principle

    Avoid Time Wasters

    The Long-form Solution Principle

    The Duality Principle

    Instilling Lifelong Learning

    The Most Powerful Ingredient to Success

    The Business World in a Nutshell

    PART 18 

    The Epilogue


    The Final Assignment

    Free Gift Offer

    Glossary of Technical Terms

    Recommended Resources

    About the Author

    Advanced Principles of 

    Success Prosperity

    Matthew M. Radmanesh, Ph.D.

    Why This Book?

    With the publication of the first book The Ultimate Keys to Success in Business & Science the groundwork for understanding the management principles governing any business enterprise, whether a local supermarket or a national government, was laid down solidly.

    This book takes off from that solid platform and flies off like a rocket into the wild blue yonder, exploring high speed methods of expanding one’s wealth as well as zones of influence and prosperity well beyond one’s wildest expectations.

    This book is your high speed bullet train into the realm of prosperity and makes one an invincible and extremely intelligent force in the realm of business and investments. This is done simply by tapping into genius power dormant within any individual, which is lying in wait to be explored and uncorked.

    In summary, utilizing this book in one’s life will make one a recession proof individual who can withstand high destructive forces of the economy and still come out on the other side smelling like a rose!

    Dedicated to

    the Infinite potential

    of Man’s Spirit Where

    Ability is the Prosperous King


    Matter the Mere Servant!


    Recently the author published a popular book entitled The Ultimate Keys to Success in Business & Science, which was well received by the investing community. This book clearly sets the foundation for understanding our world of business of which sciences are but a subset.

    However, upon further research, more data concerning our business world with its many misconceptions and common pitfalls was obtained. This is a universe far more dynamic and crucial to one’s survival than the field of sciences. The business principles even though separate from our scientific world and its laws, could not possibly come into practice without a thorough understanding of the technical side of life.

    In other words, for a person to engage in business and exchange of goods and services, he needs to be technically either well versed or have that area headed by a technically able individuals.

    Therefore, the need for such a further elucidation is what led to the creation of this second book and is where it takes off. It is the sequel or the second installment to the first book and intends to undercut areas that were not illuminated in the first volume.

    The present work is the culmination of many years of study, observation, and pondering on the dilemmas and enigmas of the business world and their origin. The resultant understandings that were extracted from this sophisticated and at times incomprehensible arena was amply rewarded in the process and became the essence of the current work.

    It is an interestingly uncommon book written primarily for the business-minded as well as the technical individual. It is intended to serve several classes of our society.

    a) The business owners and investors,

    b) The office managers,

    c) The engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, etc.

    d) The career seekers or job hunters,

    e) The common man wishing to achieve a greater level of prosperity.

    This book will surely serve also an important class of our society—the technical inventors who are looking for inspirations and new ideas to imbue them with enough understanding to finalize and materialize their thoughts into reality.

    It is written for the average man who may or may not be technically versed and yet desires to learn about the business world at large, or the job opportunities in his immediate surroundings. It is intended to lift the aura of black magic surrounding the world of business, to enlighten and demystify this subject in the minds of ordinary individuals.

    The Reasons for This Work

    Everyone, in today’s society, is struggling with this dominant and imposing thing called the business world and strives toward a higher understanding of its inner workings. Yet most books present the basic concepts with so much complexity and filled with so many business jargons that the general public has given up on the subject, choosing to retire to the sideline by deciding to work fulltime for someone else. In other words, their hopes of owning a company or a small business have been dashed aside and their dreams of a higher understanding have not been fulfilled in any of these books.

    Within the confines of this book, one is given a chance for the first time to take an in-depth look and to inspect firsthand the code combination to the locks placed on the treasure vaults deeply buried within our business world. These locks, which are mostly invented false data, have created an imposing barrier to the individual’s prosperity in many unsuspecting and hidden ways.

    By reading this work, you have taken the first step to explore the basics of our business world and armed with the tools laid down in this book, you will soon find yourself on a higher plateau of existence.

    Many of the concepts are totally new in the business world and express the powerful principles lucidly and dynamically, in simple terms with clear explanations, and thus provide an unforgettable impression in the reader’s mind.

    This is a new approach unmatched in any extant text today. The discovery of these fundamentals has had a huge impact on our current world and has truly made our business world a bright beacon of hope with a renewed interest in conquering our physical universe. This work has created, in very simple terms, a unified theory about the two distinct aspects: the business world and the mental universe.

    Finally, this work lays out the major milestones, that the business-minded, the scientist as well as the non-technical individual need to know before traveling on this adventurous road. The individual will be able to formulate and develop his own business plan that would crack open the Treasure Vault of the Business World. This has been kept hidden and locked to the average man, and this book will begin to bring him a completely new perspective on the concept of prosperity and in fact make it within his grasp.

    The Author’s Goals

    The author intends to bring forth a milestone achievement that can be summed up as:

    a) Introducing a whole new thinking methodology in the investment arena,

    b) Tapping into the hitherto hidden genius potentiality of an individual,

    c) Shedding light on the concept of selling and why it is so essential in any and all aspects of life,

    d) Presenting 10 golden keys that will unlock one’s life and take the mental brakes off,

    e) Making enormous prosperity well within the reach any individual coming from any walks of life.

    Any communications in the way of a healthy criticism and/or correction are welcome. Moreover, the author considers it one of the most rewarding things to have others grasp these materials in all of their simplicity and increase their own potential survival in this universe and help others to achieve their survival goals. In this process, Man is helped to take control of his own destiny, and without being shackled by the chains of higher authority or superstition.

    Therefore, in order to improve the quality of this work, the author would like to have all comments or suggestions be sent directly to:

    Dr. Matthew M. Radmanesh

    18111 Nordhoff Street,

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

    California State University, Northridge, California 91330.

    Or email to:

    Matthew M. Radmanesh, Ph.D.


    The current work, as presented in this book, has been truly a journey from the realm of the unknowns into the bright sunlight, filled with many amplified business principles. These principles have been obtained through the scientific methodology filter to achieve a workable set of keys that will open many doors for the reader in science, business and ultimately life!

    The author would like to further thank many of his professional colleagues, Dr. George Haddad & Dr. C. M. Chu (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI), the early mentors at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Dr. S. K. Ramesh (Dean of College of Engineering and Computer Science, CSUN), Dr. Ali Amini (ECE Dept. chair, CSUN), Dr. Ramin Roosta (CSUN, CA). Their support and collegiality through the years is definitely appreciated.

    My gratitude also goes to Jaime Rodriguez, a highly-valued individual, who put many of the presented principles to work and gradually became a hub of overnight success through the application of these business principles.

    Finally, the author’s deep gratitude belongs to his lovely wife, Jane, and his brilliant son, William, for making life full of fun and happiness during this power-packed project, and to his parents, Mary and the late Dr. G. H. Radmanesh, for their true love and unconditional support.

    Matthew M. Radmanesh, Ph.D.

    Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

    California State University, Northridge,

    July 2012

    The Importance of Work

    This book is structured around tapping into the infinite potentiality of life, which is surrounded in a sea of finiteness of the physical universe. It is a roadmap leading the individual out of the quagmire of finiteness and limitedness into the unlimited state of prosperity and abundance.

    It is not based upon, Here are some important business concepts, so let’s learn them and maybe we can improve our understanding of the business world. This is the approach most business books take and fill the reader full of business terms, jargons and terminologies, hoping that it would lead to a successful business activity down the road.

    Moreover, the books written by the founders of certain business enterprises are not broad enough to expand upon. They are usually narrow in the angle of their presentation and cannot be easily generalized into other investment fields.

    Therefore in this work, we have taken the high-speed road to a completely new approach in business, where we are in for the long haul, for an infinite income potential and work in eternity.

    This approach is based upon simplicity of life itself, combined with a new approach of using highly novel techniques and newly minted principles, which can morph any ordinary business into a superior cash machine.

    This is where we have structured this book on a top-down basis, with governing concepts at the outset and the byproducts as examples at the end. By using a simple and straight language and clarity of presentations, we enable the reader to create a new business or manage an existing business enterprise at high speeds with the wisdom of Buddha, cut through the haze with the sharpness of a diamond saw, and see problems from afar with a 20-20 vision.


    What Sets This Book Apart 

    ‘Superstition sets the whole world in flames; philosophy quenches them."

    —Voltaire (1694-1778)

    French Philosopher

    This book lays the trail map of how to energize any and all establisments that man has built through the ages and shows how to bring new resurgences into any part of it with great rapidity. The list of establishments is endless; prominent amongst them are the governments, corporations, companies, local supermarkets, family units, so on and so forth. Wherever there is life existing and trying to survive toward prosperity, this book could help out greatly to improve conditions.

    Just like the abolishment of the slave trades, which was made to be archaic through a higher awareness of its negative effects upon the humanity as a whole, thus revolutionizing our world, so would this book by bringing on a new era of incredible developments for mankind!

    This book is the road map leading to the discovery of great mental abilities and physical treasures and could guarantee enormous success in life or business. This is done simply through the discovery of one’s hidden potential and qualities inherent but masked in any individual!

    The motto is everyone is sitting on a gold mine, but his unawareness of it causes him to look elsewhere for gold! This book provides the tools he needs to use in order to first survey the mine and then using proper tools tap into the gold vein and create enormous wealth for self and others in the process.

    You are indeed fortunate indeed to have this valuable book to help you along the path of life toward a higher plateau of existence, unobservable from our current vantage point, but surely existing beyond and above the clouds awaiting to be discovered.


    Why Should I Read This Book? 

    To be philosophy’s slave is to be free

    —Seneca Wallace (5-65 AD)

    Roman Philosopher

    This book is structured around the infinite potentiality of life, which can deliver speed, vision and humanity to the business world. It is a roadmap leading the individual out of the problem-oriented world that he finds himself and will lead him into the sunshine of communication and the unlimited possibilities of brighter solutions to which he has never been introduced either by the academicians in the higher education system of colleges and universities or by the school of hard knocks.

    This book is based upon the proven and basic principles presented in the first book, The Ultimate keys to Success in Business and Science, and takes off where the first book leaves off.

    It is truly a tour-de force achievement and a ne plus ultra (highest) state of accomplishment to have a book introducing concepts that makes men into super human beings. It makes one stand in awe of one’ own eternal nature and one’s enormous untapped hidden capabilities.

    Therefore, in this work, we have taken the high road to a whole new approach in business, where we are in for the long haul, for an infinite income potential and work in eternity.

    This approach is based upon simplicity of life itself, a totally new approach, where we have structured it on a top-down basis.

    By using a simple and straightforward language and with the help of the powerful principles, we enable the reader to achieve his dreams and soar like an eagle into the realm of unlimited prosperity.

    Here is a book where, for the first time, we have ignored the mechanics of existence (comprised of physical limitations and quantities of things) and have focused primarily on the quality of life (comprised of ability and potentiality of things). A shift of focus from what is and how limited life is to what could be and how unlimited the potential of life is! This approach is a total shift of focus from limitedness and scarcity of things that we mostly hear about, to unlimitedness and enormous capabilities that exist in any situation and how much a slight shift in viewpoint can drastically change the outcome in any situation in life or business.

    The ultimate elixir in life, which can turn any low-production, hopeless or bankrupt business back to prosperity is the positive qualities inherently resident in the life force of the individual, which has been mostly ignored by the mechanistic approach of the authority.

    Therefore, it is not with great surprise that by simple implementation of the principles laid down in this book that we can effectively turn any low-production business around and place it into health much faster and sooner than all of the mechanical approaches that are presented by business experts.

    We also show him where the turkeys are so that one can stay away from and thus never mingle with them, so that their contagious bad habits never have a chance to transfer over to one’s life!

    The obvious reasons of staying away from turkeys are three folds:

    a) First, turkeys can’t fly,

    b) Second, they have this self-created and yet erroneous notion of how they know it all as well as how to best survive in life, and

    c) Third, they are usually somebody else’s meal.

    Therefore, this is a book written for the eagles of this world and intends to turn them into super eagles; a new specie of birds that are more intelligent and much superior than any existing breed!


    PART 1 

    The Essence of Being a Genius 


    The Evolution of Knowledge

    The current work is truly the result of evolution of knowledge, which has been unearthed through the years. It is the amplification and advancement of the discovered principles covered in earlier works. It is the result of combining and utilization of the many discovered principles in order to forge a more advanced technology so that the individual may reach his destination much faster. The current work owes its lineage and heritage to the following ancestors:

    A. Book 1: The beginning of the current journey began several years ago when the book The Gateway to Understanding: Electrons to Waves and Beyond was published. This is the cornerstone book that started it all and paved the way for all future scientific developments in sciences as well as the discoveries of all fundamental and advanced principles in the field of business, and life in general. In this book the genius founders of electricity and waves were introduced and the subject of electronic waves was unified with an old subject—optics. This book was a new look at the hard-core science of electricity with its commanding presence in our society and how the genius minds of its founders helped to shape the technical world that is blossoming today.

    B. Book 2: A natural sequel to Book 1 entitled, Cracking the Code of Our Physical Universe, followed a few years ago. This book further amplified and opened up the subject of general sciences and made a foray into the materials composing our world both on a microscopic and

    macroscopic scale: from an atom to a galaxy and beyond. It examined many aspects of our world hitherto misunderstood and brought forth the concept of scientific methodology and how it can be used in sciences or any aspect of life, to bring about workable technology. It cut a wide swath of clarity in the confusion of information and the massive false data existing and surrounding an average individual on a daily basis. It helped to fill the void of knowledge and to blaze a path to a higher plateau of understanding of life.

    A. Book 3: From the scientific principles explored in Book 2, the author created a successful dual universe wherein the scientific methodology was employed to obtain new information concerning the business world, which dominates every aspect of our existence. Using the duality principle, the principles that were discovered and codified in this book, helped to create a firm foundation for the business world. This book expanded the scientific principles to life and the business world, thus the dual sequel (or the business sequel) entitled, The Ultimate Keys to Success in Business & Science, was born. In this book, eight keys to success in any life activity or business enterprise were identified and established for the first time and were treated in depth.

    B. Book 4: In the current book, Advanced Principles of Success & Prosperity, we have used books 1 and 3 as the launching platform to release a set of principles and laws, which are extremely potent and irresistible in actual use. This book enables one to achieve one’s goals in earnest and thus allow him to attain unlimited prosperity.

    Therefore, we have come back full circle to where we started our work in Book 1, about the laws of electricity, its genius founders, and their postulates; however, there are two major distinctions worth mentioning:

    1.   We have isolated the fifty characteristics and traits of a genius for the first time and have provided a road map of how to achieve each trait, one by one, and thus anyone can become a genius if he stays the course. In this work, we are no longer fascinated with the bright minds of science nor do we stand in awe or embroider upon the achievements of the genius minds of the scientific community; rather we emphasize the fact that anyone can become a genius and achieve similar results if he utilizes this book cleverly!

    2.   We have introduced some solid encompassing principles, which when combined with the genius traits, will create magical results. It will start dispelling all ambiguities of how to engage in any activity, whether in life or business, and emerge victorious no matter what life throws at one. This ultimate factor of allowing the individual to implement his dreams confidently puts him at the positive cause point of one’s own life, enabling him to see the future and enter a zone of prosperity. This is a vision, which comes into focus in one’s own mind and gradually takes root in the physical universe and eventually becomes a reality well within his reach.

    Following the Book 1’ s style of title, an alternate name for this book could have aptly been "The Gateway to Prosperity: From Matter to Viewpoint and Beyond.."

    In short, this book is your ticket for the bullet train ride to the realm of immeasurable success and incredible prosperity.

    The essence of this work and its relation to its ancestors are clearly delineated in the diagram shown below.


    The Essence and Inter-relationship of This Work to Its Ancestors.


    The Misconceptions of Being a Genius 

    The English dictionary defines a genius as a person having exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in fields such as business, science, music, art, etc.

    With this definition in mind, one can see that almost anyone of a sane mind can rise to the occasion and with hard work and proper mental training become a genius in a chosen field of work.

    However, as simple as this concept may seem to one at first glance, one will run into a society which has an enormous prejudice and a major reservoir of false data on the subject of being a genius.

    In today’s society, if you are not born with such natural abilities to think like an Einstein, or a James Clerk Maxwell or a Michael Faraday one could never be called a genius. It is arbitrarily assumed that one has to be born a genius in order to be one. People mistakenly think that a) it is not developable, and b) no one can be made into one. Either you are born a genius and have it at birth or you don’t-that is the common false data propagating around in the society.

    Therein lies the answer to this enigma: the society’s opinion leaders, the schoolteachers, the media, the professionals, college educators, etc., cannot grant beingness to any individual who does not have the proper diploma or college credentials and degrees. Most of these Opinion Leaders are below the power of perception of simple truths and are mostly tooting the horn for some vested interest somewhere, who has a great interest to ignore and discredit any that does exhibit the genius traits.

    Therefore, our society has apparently run into a major dearth of geniuses and is run by mediocre to poor leaders in many subjects and fields of endeavor. Our economy is run into the ground of insolvency, decay and poverty by some very low-competence but highly credentialed leaders, who easily defy all natural laws and violate them on a constant basis. They create mayhem in our lives politically, economically and socially and yet never even have a second thought about what they have done, because they are far below the threshold of observation of their misdeeds!

    There are fields of study such as mental sciences, economics, etc., which have been so dominated by a number of ignorant and extremely unaware people, calling themselves scientists or better yet pseudo-scientists, that it will take untold number of man-hours to purify these fields from a complete chaos that they have caused.

    These pseudo-scientists who are mostly funded by government appropriations and special vested interests have knowingly or unknowingly introduced a number of arbitrary and false principles that have made their subjects very unworkable and thus have put the public as a whole into a complete quandary and utter confusion of what the truth really is!

    A few examples may elucidate this point further:

    a) To take a flawed concept such as communism and force it as a principle of operation in economics and government, and then govern a country into the ground accompanied by very low public morale is beyond imagination. To be so engrossed with such an untested and impractical concept and yet fail to see that it has slid everything and everybody into the dark ground of deep insolvency is pure ignorance and shows how far the political leaders have sunk below the level of simple observation of the obvious. Yet it is a common practice and there are countries that rule the lives of people and consider it a workable method of government and economics. It also shows the depth

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