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The Case for Classical Liberalism
The Case for Classical Liberalism
The Case for Classical Liberalism
Ebook43 pages34 minutes

The Case for Classical Liberalism

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To the victor belong the spoils: property, power the writing of the history.
Iconoclastic, The Case for Classical Liberalism removes the victors veneer from the pages of history to expose the unvarnished truth.
Release dateDec 16, 2011
The Case for Classical Liberalism

Jensen Jensen

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    The Case for Classical Liberalism - Jensen Jensen

    © 2012 John Jensen. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 2/24/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-0812-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-0811-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011961429

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    The Case


    Classical Liberalism



    The Great Depression:

    Mercantilism (Hamilton, Clay & Jackson):

    Nullification and Centralized Government in America:


    Classical Liberalism:

    In Conclusion:

    The Case


    Classical Liberalism

    John Jensen


    The Gutenberg Press is a good place to start. Prior to the printing press occidental knowledge was stuffed in cloisters with monks and clerics where it was difficult for others to access. The system was feudal and nature was the main force with which to be reckoned. With the printing of the Bible this feudal world began to change. For the Papacy it spelled the end of the Holy Roman Empire. Luther, Erasmus, DaVinci, Bacon, etc. burst upon the scene and Humpty Dumpty was pushed off the wall and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men could not put Humpty back together again. In short, the king was dead. It took a few more centuries to seal the deal, but the king was dead.

    The Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall McLuhan is one of the few books ever written about the influence the printing press had on the human psyche and how it transformed western civilization from holistic, tribal behavior to linear, individualistic behavior. Television, as McLuhan also revealed, has the opposite influence. Since its advent, our behavior has reverted and become more holistic and tribal. The task of our age is to reconcile the two.

    The printing press gave birth to a new reality called individualism. For the first time in nearly 1,000 years many individuals could know what only a few individuals had known. Nature was still the force, but individuals began to wage a battle to take control of nature. Along the way they took control of their lives and wrung their life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness away from the king. The consequences of this are well documented in Oliver Cromwell’s revolt in England, in the barbaric, mob-revolution of 1789 in France and, of course, in the American Revolution which is what

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