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Taking the Mystery out of Cold Calls
Taking the Mystery out of Cold Calls
Taking the Mystery out of Cold Calls
Ebook34 pages21 minutes

Taking the Mystery out of Cold Calls

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Making cold calls in sales is a challenge. In doing so the mistakes you make are important to you because of these mistakes. This helps you to readjust. This readjustment is an opportunity to make your next cold call smoother and more professional. The more cold calls you make in pushing yourself to work harder and the better results will make you become smarter. When you take a risk there is a chance for failure. Then with a positive attitude, you request and you move up to a higher level, making you more confident. Keep in mind it's sales if you are not failing. Usually you are failing anyway because you are working below your potential. Go into the unknown where the prospects are unlimited. In doing so, you will develop a talent that has an unlimited possibility and you will become more confident and stronger. Keep in mind when you are truthful, you don't have to lie aural. Be defensive with a lie in your approach. When you lie you don't have the self confidence and your approach won't be smooth and believable. In making your cold calls have an attitude of authority. Be truthful and develop an attitude of trust. The prospect can tell if you are not truthful. When you are truthful this will help build up your self-confidence and the approach will be smoother. Prospects respect salespeople who are truthful. Always keep in mind your place is to help your prospect make the right decision and relieve him of the burden of making the decisions. Usually what you expect is usually the outcome. In making cold calls it pays to expand your thoughts. In the end, this will expand your vision for success. Your vision and positive thoughts backed by actions lead to success!
Release dateJul 19, 2011
Taking the Mystery out of Cold Calls

Jerry Anselmo

I started helping people in the financial planning building almost fifty years ago. It was a good feeling to know your clients are better off because of your help in financial planning. There is something you do not get paid for, but if is a good feeling to know you will get your blessing from your maker later on. I started out as an agent, promoted to assistant sales man and then to a Superior in Sales and Finance to a District Sales manager. During my time in management, I trained over 200 agents, some of them became assistant sales managers, and some of those became District Sales managers. In my training, I taught them how to sell present clients, getting referred lead and how to make cold calls successfully.

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    Taking the Mystery out of Cold Calls - Jerry Anselmo

    © 2011 by Jerry Anselmo. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 06/14/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-2437-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-2813-6 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: pending

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    What is Selling?

    Cold Calls

    Daily Performance

    What if I Fail?

    Using Questions in Cold Calling



    Plan to Succeed

    Successful Planning

    The Key to Successful Planning


    Approach—Non-Verbal Communication

    Territorial Proximity

    Thoughts—Get Out of The Box


    About The Author

    This book is dedicated to my wife Joanne, our children and their spouses, and our dear grandson.

    Without the editing over the year of Jody and Tracy, this book would not have been. Many thanks and much luck as being a professor.

    When you are making cold calls the world is your market place.

       Jerry Anselmo, Clu, Chfc, Lutcf

    When you are helping your fellow man with their problems, there is very little time to think about yours.

       Jerry Anselmo, Clu, Chfc, Lutcf


    It takes a special talent to be a salesperson, and I don’t have it. . . . "A

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