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The Mystery of Indian Hill: Karma Boy and the Kid and the Secret of the Ages
The Mystery of Indian Hill: Karma Boy and the Kid and the Secret of the Ages
The Mystery of Indian Hill: Karma Boy and the Kid and the Secret of the Ages
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The Mystery of Indian Hill: Karma Boy and the Kid and the Secret of the Ages

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In 2006, thanks to Rhonda Byrne, Dr. Stock was introduced to the Law of Attraction and quickly became fascinated and set out to learn everything he could about it. He soon compiled what Dr. Robert Anthony calls ones Success University in his home library. He envisioned one day that his two boys would study the material he had compiled. But after witnessing the sad state of affairs of the current cartoons his sons were watching and the violence that permeates todays video games, he knew that he didnt want to wait until they were old enough to delve into the volume of material he had accumulated. He had to do something now.

He made it his intention to find a way to teach his boys and todays youth the Law of Attraction and the Law of Cause and Effect-Karma in a new, fun way. In his first installment of a planned ongoing series, Doc introduces us to Karma Boy and his ever-faithful sidekick The Kid, along with a unique cast of characters to teach these universal principles that are not currently taught in our traditional school system but are sorely needed. The story is set on the actual farm that Doc grew up on in our nations heartland, blending local history and lore while unfolding what he refers to as the Universal Rulebook of Creation. This was truly a labor of love, as he wanted to give his boys every possible advantage in living the life of their dreams.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 20, 2012
The Mystery of Indian Hill: Karma Boy and the Kid and the Secret of the Ages

Doc Stock

DR. STOCK is a patent-holding inventor and a practicing doctor of optometry living outside the Kansas City area with his wife, two sons, and their two very spoiled cats, who allow the Stocks to live with them in “their” house. He wrote the original draft entirely by hand in between patients at his office over the course of six months. Dr. Stock grew up on the farm that is described in his story, working alongside his father and says he wouldn’t have had it any other way.

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    Book preview

    The Mystery of Indian Hill - Doc Stock




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16


    To my beautiful wife, Meshelle, who has given me the joy of being a father to our two boys—who have in turn taught me unconditional love.

    Aidan and Connor, it is for you two that I write this book so you both could come to know the power you have at your command to live your lives by conscious and deliberate design.

    To my dad thank you for everything you did for me, for which I will never be able to repay. I love and miss you.

    And to my brother Ron, I hope you get a kick out of reading this story and recognizing the similarities.


    Thank you to Rhonda Byrne for introducing me to the Law of Attraction and setting me on my journey within.

    I would like to thank the other teachers who have helped me along this adventure.

    Dr. Robert Anthony—who I like to refer to as the Godfather of Manifestation—has been very instrumental in my awakening to the power that each of us has in creating our lives deliberately.

    The Abraham-Hicks teachings have been very helpful in realizing my true nature.

    The late Dr. Joseph Murphy taught me the power of the subconscious mind.

    I have really enjoyed the educational books, DVDs, audios, and the passionate blogs of Dr. Joe Mr. Fire Vitale.

    And lastly, thank you, Carnelian Sage, for personally convincing me that I was capable of writing my story if I was truly motivated and inspired only by love.

    Chapter 1

    W ho’s king of the world? Doc bellowed into the warm night air in his best Let’s-get-ready-to-rumble voice. C’mon, say it! C’mon, do it. Do it, said Doc in a playful tone. He had his son KB in a light headlock in one arm and KB’s best friend—the Kid—in the other arm in the same precarious position. The whole time, Doc inflicted demeaning noogies back and forth between the two boys.

    It was the start of the summer break for KB and the Kid, and they were at KB’s subdivision swimming pool for his official kickoff-of-summer pool party. KB had just finished the eighth grade with the Kid just one year behind him. It was the first day of June, and the smell of the dogwoods blooming and the chirping of the crickets filled the warm Kansas City night air. The pool had Japanese lanterns on each of the main posts of the surrounding fence, which added to the underwater lights and cast a shimmering glow to the entire area.

    Stop it, Dad! This is not funny! cried out KB while squirming around and trying to get free. KB could feel the eyes of the other kids burning upon him. All the while, they were having a great big laugh at his expense. KB could feel his head filling with heat the madder he got. Even his ears felt hot. It was if steam was coming out of them because he was so mad.

    Why does he have to constantly embarrass me every chance he gets—and at the worst possible time—like right now? KB thought. How could he possibly think that I would find this funny at all? Does it make him feel like a ‘big man’ to humiliate me in front of my friends? Does that make him feel cool and hip in the eyes of the other kids?

    The Kid, on the other hand, was laughing and playing along.

    You are, you’re the king! Mr. King! Oops, sorry—Dr. King of the World! the Kid shouted out as he was eating up the attention from KB’s dad. Doc was in his mid-forties with slightly graying hair and a short goatee. He was not a tall man, but he had the muscles and the strength that only came from a lifetime spent lifting weights.

    The Kid’s actions only made KB even madder; couldn’t he hear everyone laughing at them?

    Doesn’t he know what kind of abuse this is setting us up for from here on out? thought KB. Who knew how long it would take them to live this one down?

    Okay, KB. Lighten up, Francis, his dad said in a joking tone. Don’t lose your sense of humor. Don’t do it! Don’t ever lose your sense of humor, KB, said his dad emphatically. This was one of Doc’s many sayings that started out as a movie quote.

    Lose my sense of humor. That’s rich! thought KB. "There isn’t anything funny about this situation. Oh yeah, by the way, thanks. Now I’m going to be known as ‘Francis’ by all the other kids. Great! Yeah, the same kids that I used to be bigger than and better than in all the sports, the ones that used to suck up to me to be their friend. Great! Now, I’m going to have to return the favor to get on their good side so this doesn’t get around the whole school. How degrading. I used to be one of the most popular kids, and now this. How did this happen? How did things wind up like this? What went wrong?

    "I can’t believe my dad doesn’t remember what it was like to be a kid when he was my age. It’s hard enough without your own father making fun of you and getting the others to laugh at your expense. I mean, c’mon, he is supposed to be on my side, my guardian, my ultimate protector. You know, my dad!

    Oh no, he hasn’t had a few bourbons, has he? thought KB as his mind raced. He didn’t smell any as he spun around and looked toward his dad’s pool bag for evidence. "He just doesn’t realize how he can get when he does have one or two.

    To make matters a thousand times worse, Ava is here and witnessed the whole show. I really wish she hadn’t seen this. I’ve been trying to impress her and get her to notice me again like old times. This is not the type of attention I wanted.

    The past year, most of the other boys in KB’s class got their growth spurts and got much taller and stronger, but KB didn’t. He remained around five feet two with a slender build. Ava had been hanging out with that Todd guy.

    Yeah, so what if he is now the biggest and the best in all the sports—football, baseball, basketball, blah blah blah? KB said to himself. Without his looks and his athletic ability, what else is there? I mean, he is a shallow guy, and he doesn’t care for her like I do. He won’t stay committed to only her like I would. Besides, he doesn’t come from any money at all, thought KB. Mom! cried out KB, Get Dad to stop, now!

    Honey, please. It’s KB’s end-of-the-school-year pool party, and you’re embarrassing him in front of the other kids, said KB’s mother, Meshelle.

    Thank God she understands me and is looking out for me, thought KB. Why can’t he just go away for a while? It would be just fine if it were just Mom and me for a while. This wasn’t the first time such a thought had crept into KB’s mind. If he isn’t having a laugh at my expense, he is always lecturing me, preaching to me how good I have it, how I don’t appreciate anything he does for me or all the nice things I have that he didn’t have at my age, yada yada yada . . .

    Okay, okay, I was just playing with you two. No harm, no foul. Right, KB? Right, kiddo? I’m sorry, KB’s dad said. I didn’t accidentally crush your head with my ‘mighty guns,’ did I? he asked, laughing out loud while kissing each of his well-developed biceps in an overly dramatic fashion.

    No problemo, Dr. S., said the Kid. It was all in good fun.

    Yeah, right, KB thought. Just wait. He’ll see. I’ll get him back. Yeah, paybacks. I’ll embarrass him in front of his doctor friends. We’ll see if he has lost his sense of humor. We’ll see how he likes it. I’ll be like, ‘Yeah, Dad, no harm, right? Just playing around,’ as he is feeling my wrath.

    Sure, Dad, no problem. Why don’t you have another drink, okay? said KB.

    Kaidan Barrett! Meshelle said sternly, that’s enough of that smart-aleck talk!

    Uh-oh KB, she used your middle name, said The Kid as KB snapped to attention.

    That is not acceptable. You don’t disrespect your father like that, even if he did upset you. He didn’t mean anything by it. Right, honey, right? said Meshelle.

    Of course not, said Doc. KB, I’m sorry. I was just playing around, you know, because I love you.

    Yeah, right, because you love me. Well, how ’bout you just don’t ‘love’ me quite so much? thought KB.

    C’mon, KB, said the Kid. I thought that was kinda fun. Like your dad said, ‘No harm, no foul.’ Right, KB?

    KB knew that the Kid secretly wished that Doc was his father, as he had never known his own father. The Kid’s mother never talked about his dad even though the Kid pushed her to reveal just something, anything, about his dad that he could cling to. Therefore, the Kid relished every moment he got to spend with Doc. He looked forward to every chance he had to hang out with KB at his house, and KB was usually glad to have him around.

    The swimming party was winding down, and the other kids were leaving when that Todd walked by KB and said, See ya around, Francis. The remaining kids got one last laugh at KB’s expense courtesy of his dad.

    Perfect, thought KB. One last dig.

    All of a sudden, she was standing in directly in front of KB.

    Thanks for inviting me to your annual school’s-out-for-the-summer pool party, she said. I had a good time.

    KB just stood there staring at her long blonde hair and was lost in the prettiest blue eyes he had ever seen.

    Don’t freeze up. Say something now! KB told himself. C’mon, you’re blowing it! Here’s your opportunity to save face with her, he scolded himself. What’s the matter with you? You don’t have trouble talking to anyone else. Say something, anything!

    After what felt like an eternity, the Kid gave KB a light elbow to his side.

    You’re welcome, Ava, KB managed to stutter. I’m really glad you could make it. KB’s whole body started to tremble, and a bead of cold sweat formed on his forehead. He tried not to be obvious as he nervously wiped it off his brow. Yep, you’re really knocking her socks off so far. Quick, you had better make a recovery, he thought. This might be the last time you see her for a while this summer. I know, I’ll say something witty. Yeah, something funny.

    Ava, I bet you didn’t know that my real first name is Francis, did you? KB asked under pressure.

    No, I didn’t, Ava replied.

    That’s because it’s not. It’s my middle name! laughed KB at his own expense. My dad should have been a comedian instead of an eye doctor. KB thought, Hey, this is getting a little easier. I’m on a roll. I’m gonna go with it.

    Although, I think we would have starved to death by now if he had been, said KB.

    KB, I had forgotten how funny you are, said Ava. Your dad is fine. You should be glad to have him. If you want to see something really embarrassing—a real train wreck—come to my house on Thanksgiving! Ava tucked her long hair behind one ear. You know, KB, we really don’t get to hang out like we used to. I had forgotten just how pretty your green eyes are.

    Oh, um, thanks. No, we don’t get to see each other as much, said KB. I miss that. We used to do a lot of things together. Maybe we can hang out more this summer.

    Hey, maybe this pool party wasn’t a total disaster after all, thought KB.

    That would be nice, said Ava.

    Todd walked up behind Ava and put his arm around her shoulders.

    Don’t count on it, Francis. She’s going to be spending the summer with me! said Todd in the most condescending tone possible.

    Yep, he could have just left without taking one last shot, but no, he decided to give just one more twist of the knife. I really do despise that Todd, thought KB. I used to be bigger than he is. I was always better at sports than he was. So what? Maybe I did bully him a bit . . . you know, maybe push him around a tiny bit a couple of years ago, but I certainly don’t deserve this.

    KB pulled himself up and strained to stand as tall as possible in front of Ava and Todd as they turned and left the party. It was like a stab in the heart watching as they walked up the hill toward Todd’s house.

    C’mon, kiddo, let’s go back to my house, said KB in a dejected voice.

    Is he spending the night with us? Doc asked.

    Yes, I spoke with his mother earlier, and she is working the late shift, so that works out well, said Meshelle.

    Great! Doc said. Maybe you two can have a ‘pit party’ in front of the big screen, camp out in your sleeping bags, eat lots of popcorn, and watch Iron Man 2.

    Sweet! That would be awesome, said the Kid.

    As KB and the Kid rode back home with KB’s parents, the Kid thought, That would be a little slice of heaven, hangin’ with Dr. S. in their awesome house in this really nice neighborhood. Plus, there’s the chance to play all of KB’s electronic games with the added bonus of both parents present. KB doesn’t know what he has, how good he has it. I’d give anything to be in his shoes. Well, I don’t have anything to give, the Kid laughed to himself. I just wish he appreciated what he has—a great mom and dad who live in a big house, not an apartment. He also gets chauffeured around in brand-new Acuras and wears the trendiest clothes, thanks to his mother’s sense of style, and he gets to eat at the best restaurants around town. I can’t talk to him about it though; I know he won’t listen to me, the Kid thought. We never have serious talks. He’d just make fun of me. Besides, I’m embarrassed to even admit to myself that I have these envious feelings. He scolded himself, Just keep them to yourself. Keep them pushed down deep, and don’t let them come up again ever.

    Later that night, the pit party was in full swing. The movie blared, pizza bones and popcorn were everywhere, and the juice boxes flowed.

    KB turned to the Kid and boasted. Did you see me talking to her, you know, for a long time? asked KB as he was puffing up his chest.

    Did I see you talking to who? the Kid asked.

    You know who ‘her’ is! I’ve only been infatuated with her for, oh, I don’t know, forever! KB exclaimed.

    No offense, KB, but half the guys in our school are in love with her. What makes you think that she would be your girlfriend, instead of—oh, I don’t know—maybe say, Todd? asked the Kid.

    How dare you utter the name of my sworn enemy—who I absolutely hate—in the middle of my pit party! KB shouted.

    KB, if you and I are both here, doesn’t that make it our pit party? the Kid inquired with a wry smile.

    Whose house is it? KB shouted.

    Doc stormed down the stairs. What in the Sam Hill is going on down here? Why are you yelling at him? Doc asked. He is your guest in my house. Keep treating him like that and he won’t want to be your friend anymore. Come to think of it, you won’t have any friends at all if you treat them like that! How many times do I have to tell you? Doc threw both arms up in the air in exasperation.

    Oh no, thought KB, here it comes—another lecture, another ‘life lesson.’

    The secret to having all the friends you could you could ever possibly want is to first be the type of friend to them that you wish to have. You’ll never want for friends again, Doc explained. And, by the way, I don’t ever want to hear that awful, vulgar word again!

    Which one is that, Dr. S.? asked the Kid. Hate?

    Yes, that one, the one that is the cause for so much negativity and turmoil throughout our world! exclaimed Doc.

    All the while, KB’s eyes glazed over, and once again, he put on his hearing blinders. The only thing that he heard was a squawking like the teacher’s voice in the Charlie Brown cartoon. Wah wa wa, wah wa wa wa!

    Okay, boys, get some sleep tonight! Tomorrow, we’re taking the trip down to our farm, and maybe we can also visit the historic Fort Osage—just the three of us, Doc said.

    KB could see that the Kid was just about to burst with excitement because he would get to spend the whole weekend with KB and his dad!

    Kiddo here probably thinks that we’ll be the Three Amigos, thought KB.

    Wow, I can’t wait for tomorrow! Can you, KB? asked the Kid.

    Oh yeah, I’m overcome with joy—not! KB said in a most sarcastic tone. The farm is so boring. There isn’t anything exciting to do.

    Well, I for one am happy to go, and who knows? We might even learn something, KB, the Kid said.

    Yep, can’t wait, KB retorted.

    Later that night, they both were losing the battle of being the last one to fall asleep.

    Good night, KB, said the Kid. See you in the morning.

    Good night, John-Boy, laughed KB. No, wait. I mean, Jim-Bob.

    Who’s the comedian now? asked the Kid as he drifted off to sleep.

    The next morning, KB and the Kid awoke with the smell of Doc’s fresh coffee and the bacon, eggs, and vanilla protein Belgian waffles he had prepared for the boys.

    Doc hollered in from the kitchen, Rise and shine, valentines! Breakfast is served!

    With only one eye open, a sleepy

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