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Soul Exposed Volume 2: Inner  Guidance, Facts and Self Literacy
Soul Exposed Volume 2: Inner  Guidance, Facts and Self Literacy
Soul Exposed Volume 2: Inner  Guidance, Facts and Self Literacy
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Soul Exposed Volume 2: Inner Guidance, Facts and Self Literacy

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It is an elevation of human beings, an inner explanation of some events of the world, it allows you to see the inner facts and the corresponding events that generate them.
Release dateSep 19, 2011
Soul Exposed Volume 2: Inner  Guidance, Facts and Self Literacy

A.J. Prince

i started the research in parapsychology since 1989 to be able to create my goals. So I started to write my direct perceptions everyday since then. that is how the idea comes to me to write Soul Exposed. I was a teacher before. I also wrote: Jennifer Nadine Victoria and Psychokinetic Telepathy Kickitwell Or Else Psychokinetic Phenomena(unfinished) Relation Amoureuse I am live in Vancouver Canada for quite a few years.

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    Soul Exposed Volume 2 - A.J. Prince

    Soul Exposed

    volume 2

    Inner guidance, facts and Self literacy

    A.J. Prince


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    © 2011 A.J. Prince. All rights reserved.

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    First published by AuthorHouse 9/1/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-3674-2 (sc)

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    Chapter XXV


















    DP: direct perception

    ILLR : incomplete level of life

    CLLR: complete level of life

    PPK : prediction and Psychokinetic phenomenon

    HBB: human being becoming

    Chapter XXV

    27 May, 2000

    DP184. While passing by the place, I see HBBs sitting inside of small business rooms. Some young persons appear. They are students looking for part time work, something they can finish before noon. There is a black man among the small business HBBs. All that occurs in front of my eyes, I am looking for work but I do not speak to the black person.

    It is something that has already happened to me.

    I met the black man at the British ColumbiaTeachers’ Federation. At that time there was a section created especially to take care of unemployed Teachers. I was doing voluntary work for the Federation. The black man was responsible for adult classes at the Vancouver School District. He offered me a position that I did not accepted.

    It was one of the stupidities that I committed in the past, which makes me the person I am today, that is very, very weak economically speaking. So, let us qualify this as a stupidity. It was a stupidity at the economic level. I do not recall why exactly I did not accepted it, but, obviously, I can explain the behavior. It was a part time job at night; I was looking for a full time position during the day.

    I was running away from the black community in Montréal during the period of my life, after having a traumatic experience with one. The last time I saw Jean Claude, he was going to live in New York.

    You reader will not know what happened exactly, but he put himself in trouble with the government of Quebec, had ask me to help him to get out of it. The worse is that I acquiesced to his uncanny demand, which could cost me a lot" At that period of my life, again, I stepped back in front of nothing. I was of an extraordinary courage so much so that it rivalled with stupidity.

    Was it really naivety or love of socialization? I liked the friendship established with him to the point to risk my freedom without asking any question on that. It seems that all young HBBs are like that a bit, reckless, with grandiose ideas, of humanism equally a bit exaggerated. Human beings are who they are

    No angel, neither beast, but unfortunately who plays the angel, plays the beast.

    Black persons did not have good reputation in Montreal. Life there is so much netter than the one in Haiti Once arrived in this North American City, we our mind a bit and do bad things. There is also a jealousy factor in that equation, caused by the fear of loosing works which the fear of everybody as a matter of fact and the immigrant and the native of the city. In other words, the bad reputation this black had in Montrèal, New York or any other city in the world is explainable by jealousy from the HBBs bring it these cities. When I met the black person who offered the job, I had wretched knowledge of the world, was not able to put things in proper perspective in other to weigh the pros and cons, that could have influenced the choice of the refusal and motivated the DP above.

    DP185. You have seduced me.

    In the notes taken just after the direct perception, there is mention of Angela. She was a young woman and Jews who lived in the house at 3339 West 42nd Avenue, Vancouver British Columbia, She was 21 years chronological age when she came to live at the house Mike who was finishing his master in architecture lived in the house at the same time Angela flirted with me as she arrived. I did not answer her sexual advances, because I was a bit surprised and preoccupied by the rent of the house, 21 hundred $ that I had to pay the owner to live in the house with roommates, because I was bugged by Mike and other modernos living in the house. They harassed me subtly and sexually and. I could not adopt severe measure against them and asked the to leave right away. I could only wait till the end of the month to do it, also to be in conformity with the laws of British Columbia on renting.

    What I did many times. Bisexuality was a new phenomenon for my being. I was some what traumatized by the bisexual men to the point to become incapable of connecting with woman for love and sexual activities. After she moved out, she kept in touch with me for short time. Then, when she discovered that I had a sick sexual behavior, she moves out to a second place without leaving any trace. In that sense I did not seduced her but rather frightened her.

    Of course, I seduced a few women during the course of my life, nit as many as a rock Star, as Mike Jagger would do, but anyway a few of them. However since 1998, all I did in the domain is involuntarily seduced married women, situation I was not interested in really and I am hetero. That means along these years I did not touch a woman sexually speaking, so I did not seduced any to my knowledge.

    The women in Vancouver have a way to communicate love very bizarre. The word is completely left away in the affair. Amanda left a bottle honey in the cupboard where I can see it. In bathroom, she left a picuire of a human skeleton, suggesting her nudity. Some women seem to find it very attractive. For me this kind of mean use to communicate love, sexual attraction here is without a doubt influenced by homosexuality, for this sexual behavior is too veiled and too shy given that we art no longer in puritanic era when sexuality was repressed.

    The person who speaks in the DP is real and alive, even though it is not easy to whom exactly. I hope it is one of these ladies in Hollywood who whispers love words in my ears often. Via transcendental behaviors or direct communication

    DP 186. The boys was in the water, I take him from there while asking him to pay to his grand mother what he owes her.

    It is about godmother (see that in the first volume) again who took care a bit of young adult and me when I was a child, adolescent. Despite the indication of godmother, this DP is about my grand mother, the mother of my mother and Siliane my sister who really took care of me when I was unable to do so. Both of them are in atomic life now, but infant, child, adolescent, I was with them very often. My father had a brother called Saint Louis I was with him more often than my father who was always at work.

    My godmother has a daughter called Marguerita, she may be complaining that I forget her by not getting in touch with her, given that I am always busy.

    186a. The picture if a cabriolet, small truck with frame in wood, making a U turn in a very busy street.

    The metaphor describes, may be a future of my character and at the same time a feature of HBBs’ character. It is about of course, you tell me, making a complete turn in the middle of a career or project process. It is something that happened to many in the groups of human beings. It makes us loose time, it keeps us under our real potential, behind comparatively to those who started life at the same time than us who has not made the sharp turn. Einstein complained of the phenomenon for making loss time, to be on a track for a long time and realised later it is not the right one, to have to start all over again.

    Besides, the first big U turn I made in my life had taken place when I had to live Port-au-Prince, Haiti to live in a new country not going well at the school where I taught after just finished secondary classes (Frère Polyvcarpe). I was surely a bit sleepy by the effect of the heat on a yearly basis and the financial misery in the country. The principal owner of the school did not pay me. One morning while making inspection I stopped teaching and waited for him by the door of the class. He got mad and we fought. It was the last drop that made the water container overflow, giving my back to all including teaching which, however, I started back in Canada later. I described it again in this volume in case you did not read the first one.

    DP187. Inside of the bottle of coke I have just open it is written: $ 3 millions 500000.

    Have I the desire to win mullions of $? The psychologist had said more or less

    You can perceive the person’s character, his desires simply by looking at his dreams.

    What hits my attention each time it occurs in North America is the long line up of HBBs waiting to buy a lottery (prediction game) ticket when there many millions to win. There is no such a thing when there are let us say, from one to 9 millions to win. My conclusion from the observed is that from one to 9 millions $ are nothing for the North American, bizarre way of conceiving it, don’t you think.

    I used to leave an empty bottle of Seven up in front of me on a wall to reinforced winning at Super 7, one of the prediction games in Canada. The DP reminds me of the company making coke and it is like saying:

    And me, why not me".

    Because I did not place an empty bottle of coke in front of me, which would not be appropriate for the purpose. Before, I was a big drinker of soft drinks including coke. Nowadays days I can buy only the less expensive ones. It is how I discovered Cream Soda and Rootbeer. I would drink 50 b0ttles of Cream Soda at once. The taste pleased me so much and does not ask me why.

    DP 188. Somebody is working at the road with a Caterpillar.

    It recalls my passed away father, he worked all his life with this big machine with which he made roads, cut lugs, etc. He was in heavy machinery. I was about 6, 7 years of chronological age; he operated pomp on the Artibonite River in Haiti. The pomp was composed of two huge engines and was about 5 kilometres away from the house. I brought him lunch there every morning for a time. Between the 2 engines which were already making a huge noise, the was a fan shaking a huge amount of air. I was really afraid while passing near the fan to the point that the memory stays vivid with me after many years.

    DP189. Together, some of my brothers and myself play at something. There is a kind of electronic machine with buttons shaped like piano key. One of the brothers pushes on the button as programming something. So I live wearing shoes in beige color that I have. I appear afterward on a sort of dalle; canal made with paving stone, used to carry water above ground like a creek. At the same time as I am coming back from there, I notice that I lost one shoe. I make a U-turn to go and look for it; I end up where water used to fall on the ground making a big hole. I enter into the empty hole; it becomes full of water right in front of my eyes. Not finding the lost shoe, I throw away the one I have continued to go home without shoes. A few steps from the hole. I see the vast plain in front of me full of water every where as if there is a flood of a river. I am worried; then, of the HBBs I left at home. I want to walk faster to arrive there right away, what I do not succeed in doing, embarrassed by so much water on the ground. Further again I meet a being very much taller that a human being making a speech with words and meanings that escaped me except Soul.

    As it is already said in the first volume, thinking that the concept soul belongs to religion uniquely, I had hard reticence to get mix with it and any subject related to soul. I gathered the documents, started to write the book before I discovered the title, after I did it, little by little I realized that the whole book was about soul and that the concept existed since the beginning of humanity, even before that, and so the concept is not the invention of religion. In the dictionary Soul represents human beings. In psychology it is a big deal, as in body, soul and spirit. I lost the shoes because despite my knowledge, I missed out the most crucial concept, that is to say the soul, the necessary part of our inner self, which covers also the animal species and the vegetable, trees and environment (Who said Harry Potter was a fiction? The DPs you are reading are also creating the world).

    DP190. Working at Maple Ridge and living in Vancouver at the same time, to go to work I take a storage bus with opaque wall instead of windows, except 2 small holes in in front to see where we going, like a par of glasses. This time coming back home from work I buy some candies from work and eat them right away. When I arrive home and see the small girl I remember that I promised her some candies. I promise her to buy her some candies the day after. The small girl represents, may be, my daughter or my wife in the future. There is also a look at my past selves in the DP, for I had worked for Maple Ridge school district as a teacher on call at the suburb of the same name many kilometres from Vancouver. In that DP there is a mix of incomplete and complete life level or reality.

    This direct perception is as others in this volume of soul exposed, those in the first volume, those in the volumes to come, as well as those you make everyday, although you may not always aware of them has many meanings. We have said that we are anywhere in time, so we are also everywhere in space (or is it that the elemental operator involved in DPs, faster than light speed, reduces space and time to the most simplest expression). One meaning of the DP is related to poverty, after I bought the DP I forget the promise to the girl, because I was so hungry. It explains also why, even though I am not young chronologically, I do not have children in order not to create them in misery.

    DP 191. While walking on the street (I hear the secret that you keep) I meet a man who tells me what he has done for the children. He invites me to make a piece of the road with him up to a certain place in order to do something for my being also. When we arrive there I recognize that it is Lycée Toussaint Louverture in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I see Fito going out of his classroom, which was mine in grade 6. Fito learns me that he is going to leave the classroom in next December.

    So the man I saw was really Toussaint Louverture who opened the door of political independence to Haiti, this Small Island between Jamaica Port au Rico and Cuba. Toussaint Louverture is a big name for Haitians. He made it very difficult for the French in the Island by sending back to France all the governor who were sent in Haiti, because justly, Toussaint was creating the basis for the independence of the country.

    During that period of time of human history- end 1700, trough 1800 and at the beginning of 1900, it was the time for rebellion, of liberation of HBBs under the grip of others. There was the French revolution, the independence of the United Stated of America. Today it is a different matter, This era is rather one of agglomeration, the regrouping of HBBs spread here and there, even if the motivation is rather economic, and it will do. I think, all in all it is good for humanity. Any way we cannot avoid it. So I would be pleased if Haiti becomes part of Canada, United States and, of cause, France. The only condition would be all Haitians; all HBBs in those countries would have to accept it. The big decision would take place democratically.

    Toussaint Louverture, ouverture, ouvrir=to open) opened the gate of independence for Haiti. Lady Di (to die passed away at a young chronological age and tragically. The winning coalition won the war in Iraq, but the poor American soldier continues to die there. Why? Would it be because of the name Bush (to ambush)? Diana would die because of her name seen in that perspective.

    It is a research I am doing and that I will publish with the name Psychokinetic Phenomena. One part will establish link between name and destiny.

    Fito says that he will leave in December. Nonetheless, who is Fito? He is Arnold’s son. Arnold is my brother who is living in Florida, nowadays. At that time Fito, small name for Fritz, was 5 years old. Arnold let him leave with me in order to take care of his education. I found a school spot for him at Lycée Toussaint. I let him go to school alone a few kilometres away from home, even though he was scarcely 6, even though I was going to the same school for secondary classes. It was in very miserable conditions, the life I was living there. After one year, he decided to go back to Dumay not very far from Dieurond where my parents

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