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Bretts Mountain
Bretts Mountain
Bretts Mountain
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Bretts Mountain

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A murder on lovers Lane, with no clues as to what had happened. Lieutenant Markham, and detective Robbie Rommeria, was stunned at what Mattie had found. And then they found another body this one was alive! Lieutenant Markham wanted to question her, when he was finished with the corpse, but she disappeared into the underbrush. She paid close attention on, making sure no one saw her moving slowly toward the woods. There was lots of debris, but she spied an opening! She ran as fast as her legs would carry her! The lady now couldnt remember any of her past, including her name! Not since someone struck her with the butt of a gun!

Release dateMay 13, 2011
Bretts Mountain

Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee, M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist and a member of the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, and the American Society for MOHS Surgery. She specializes in general and cosmetic dermatology and has become a global YouTube and Social Media sensation. She currently stars on the TLC series Dr. Pimple Popper. She lives in Southern California with her dermatologist husband and their two sons.

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    Bretts Mountain - Sandra Lee

    © 2011 by Sandra Lee. All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, place, and incidents are the author’s imagination, and are fictitious, and any resemblances to actual persons living or dead business establishments, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

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    First published by AuthorHouse 04/29/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4567-6857-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-0081-1 (ebk)

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    To contact me by e-mail address:

    To contact me by mail: Sandra Lee

    P.O.B. 415

    Morganfield, Ky. 42437

    I am writing another book, watch for—The Foster Children

    Thank you for reading my story!



    Bretts Mountain


    About the author

    Dedicated to:

    My Loving Sister's

    Phyllis, Karen, and Sue

    To obtain something you never had

    You have to do something you never did

    To hold onto something you will cherish forever

    You have to give something of yourself in return

    To walk holding hands with someone you love

    You must show your love

    To stay with someone through life forever

    You have found your soul mate

    By; Author

    Sandra Lee


    The weather had turned blistery cold that November day in 2005, when little Matthew came to the police station, to report what he had found.

    A murder on lovers’ Lane, with no clues as to what had happened. Lieutenant Thomas Markham, and homicide detective Robbie Rommeria, was stunned at what Mattie had found.

    The dead man in the car had been mutilated! Cut, and sliced many times.

    One of the most gruesome murders, either policeman had seen in their career. Never had there been such a horrific crime committed here before.

    The police dogs were brought in to help with the crime. They searched the area for other victims.

    The dogs gave the call of a find, down the path from the car; the detective almost knew there was another body.

    What he didn’t expect to find, was the two bodies down the lane, and a hole dug bedside them.

    It looked as if someone were burying them, and got interrupted.

    The lieutenant, and detective, wanted to collect all the information they could, before the FED’S got involved.

    The detective found another body. This one was different . . .

    This one was alive!

    They pulled her from the hole; she was covered in dirt, mud, and her clothes were torn near off.

    The lady had been near buried alive. She was the only survivor.

    Detective Rommeria, told her to stay beside the cruiser.

    Lieutenant Markham wanted to question her, when he was finished with the corpse.

    She disappeared into the underbrush. She had amnesia, or was refusing to co-operate. Either one could be possible they decided. She was the only clue they had to the murders, and she had disappeared!

    They wanted to keep it under wraps, about her being present at the murders until they could locate her again. She was the only key they had to the crime.

    They didn’t have time to look for her. The sun had begun to set. The sky had threatened snow, and they wanted to get this finished as soon as possible. A crime-site like this would be hard enough to work in daylight, but in the dark almost impossible.

    She wouldn’t get very far in the dark they thought, and she would show up soon. They were sure of it.

    She had to be staying around here with someone. She was a stranger. Neither the policemen, nor the policewoman knew her. They all agreed she had family close by . . .

    Bretts Mountain

    Spur Lacy, Oklahoma

    November, 3rd., 2005

    The woods seemed ghastly when she realized she was lost. She didn’t know where she was, nor had she been paying attention to her surroundings.

    She couldn’t find the road she had left.

    She didn’t think it was far to the highway, but there was so much underbrush it had her confused.

    She could tell the woods were denser further down, making it impossible to know from which way she came.

    What has happened to me? She thought.

    The trees were making an eerie sound. I heard trees could talk to you, if you would listen. What are you saying to me? Trees, why can’t you tell me where I am? I’m scared, hungry, and dirty. She said aloud. Then giggled, at saying such a preposterous thing.

    The density of this forest would spook anyone.

    The trees are all connected together, as if one!

    The wind had picked up, and turned so cold her fingers felt as if they would fall off. She had already spent two nights in these woods, and it looked as if she’d be here again tonight.

    She still hadn’t figured out where to go, or what to do.

    . . . Gosh, this is a nightmare! . . .

    Why was I running in the woods? Oh yes, the cop with the handcuffs. I can’t remember my name, now that’s something to worry about. She pondered.

    I should have stayed on the highway, but that sheriff would have arrested me, for what I haven’t the faintest clue.

    It was nearing dark again, the lady figured she better make her bed of leaves soon before it became pitch black. They at least kept her from freezing.

    What’s that sound? She thought to herself.

    She could hear a grunting that sounded like a pig,

    . . . That’s no pig . . . it’s a bear! . . . Egad! . . .

    It’s coming up the hill right toward me.

    If I stand still maybe it will leave, oh my! Someone, please help me, she screamed in her mind.

    She closed her eyes, to the scenario she might have to endure.

    To be eaten by a bear! Terrifying!

    Her heart was pounded so hard the bear could probably hear it. She knew she was down wind of it right now, but should it get a whiff of her scent she’d be dinner.

    Grizzles she knew to be the meanest of bears in these parts.

    She wished it was a deer instead, or something of a more gentle soul. Animals can smell fear on a person. Well, that’s what he smells on me.

    It’s not Clive Christians #1!

    Please be still, She told her heart.

    . . . I must conquer my fear . . .

    There was a crackling sound, not far from where she stood. The undergrowth crunched loudly.

    Just as she decided to open her eyes, and run, her arm was grabbed.

    She was about to scream, when a big hand clamped her mouth shut.

    . . . She fainted . . .

    . . . A night-light had been set up in the room she was in, and made it almost completely dark. . . .

    When she awoke, she was in a bed. On the other side of the room was a massive fireplace. The logs were burning bright, and she was cozy warm. There was an ewer of water on the stand beside the door, and just above it, a towel on a wall rack. There was a chamber pot in the corner, near the walk-in-closet.

    Where in blue blazes am I now? She whispered to herself, afraid to move or breath.

    I wonder who found me, and who lives in this big house? This frightens me almost as much as being in the woods.

    She thought now would be the best time to get her thoughts straight, before whoever brought her here returns.

    The last I remember, people were running anxiously around asking in demanding tones. What is your name? Where are you from? Who is the dead man in the car? Everything was so loud, and people were obnoxious, and sounding cruel.

    Oh yes the bear! There was something else. Why was I in the woods to start with? Shivering, she remembered nothing of her past, after someone hit her with the butt of a gun.

    There were people grabbing me, lifting me from some kind of deep hole.

    There was a big lump on my head, and my nose felt broken. My arm ached. My whole body was hurting, and I could hardly see from my eye.

    I was dirty, and my clothes were all muddy and torn.

    It was a long way down from the car, where they had been found me.

    I answered truthfully, the questions they asked me. I don’t know who I am, I can’t remember. I don’t know that man in the car. I’m confused as you are, as to why I’m here. The man with the badge was holding handcuffs. What are you doing? I realize you are a policeman, but why are you arresting me? Is that what your doing? The man with the badge didn’t answer.

    I need to sit down, and rest for a while. The detective who was holding her up said, all-right, but don’t go anywhere until the lieutenant speaks with you. There are a lot of questions you need to answer. I just nodded.

    . . . I was scared; I didn’t know what to do . . . except run! . . .

    As the detective went back to the car checking for clues, as to how the man was killed, I was paying close attention, making sure no one saw me moving slowly toward the woods. There was lots of debris, but I spied an opening!

    . . . I ran as fast as my legs would carry me! . . .

    Now, here I awake in a strange bed, brought here by a stranger.

    I will lie here for as long as I can, to get my strength back. I’m so tired from walking, and running.

    I remember now, why I ran. I didn’t know why they were questioning me? Not able to remember who I was came as a shock; I began to cry. I remember thinking; I know I’m intelligent. I must have amnesia. Then I ran!

    I decided to get up, and look around while I had the chance, before who-ever brought me here came back.

    She looked out the large window. The drapes came to the floor, curving gracefully at the bottom, like a skirt. How beautiful they are, she thought. Gold trimmed with green, gorgeous color combination, with green ropes to hold them open for the sunlight to shine through.

    It had started to snow, and the wind was howling. I am so fortunate someone found me. I likely would not have made it through another night.

    I can see a smaller building in back, made of brick, and logs. It looks like another part of this house, but not connected. Maybe it’s for the ranch hands, a shed, or it could be used as a meat locker.

    On the desk by the window was an album, being curious, she opened it. There was a picture of a man, a woman, and two children.

    Maybe it’s the family that abides here, she thought.

    The woman was light skinned, blond, and very beautiful. The man had dark skin, dark hair, and green eyes, a handsome couple. The children were small with the same blond hair as the woman’s, but copper toned skin. The names that were on the pictures were Brett, and Margo. The children’s picture a boy, and girl, had a written inscription that read,

    ‘Laura, and Larry’ our twins on their eighth birthday.

    There were many pictures in the mauve colored family album, pictures of grandmothers, grandfather’s aunt’s uncles. Some had dark skin as of Indian descent; others were light skinned, possibly Caucasian. It looked as though there were many family connections here, with many different backgrounds, and ethics.

    Okay, well I’m in a house where a family lives, so I am safe right now.

    I will rest until someone comes through that big wooden door, and a very heavy door at that. It looks as if made of solid oak.

    Knock; knock, Are you decent? May I come in? I pulled the coverlet closer to my body, and waited for the man with the voice, to enter.

    I had on a long tee shirt, and sweat pants that looked like they had been made for a giant! I wondered about my clothes, I didn’t want to think about who changed them. These garments will serve my purpose for the time being. I’m sure I won’t be here long. Things were weird, and happening too fast.

    Yes, I’m decent, you may come in.

    I think I must be in some kind of shock. I will take what ever comes, and deal with it. I’m bone tired, and I can’t run again for a while.

    The snow was coming down harder now, and the wind would freeze you into an ice cube. I could hear it whistling outside.

    I hope this person is the husband in the album. He has a nice face, and looks like he’s a good family man. The woman is very pretty. I hope she is friendly as well, for my sake!

    As the man entered he stated, My name is Brett Canterfield. I found you in the woods, near frozen to death. Are you okay? I nodded as he sat in the chair next to the bed.

    He is looking at me like I have lost the good sense God gave me.

    "I’m having my cook bring you up some warm soup. She washed your clothes; they should be dry by now. When she changed your clothes, she found you to have many bruises. She will doctor them for you, if you wish.

    I think the eye will be okay, but she’s bringing you an ice pack, to help bring down the swelling." He stated.

    How did you get this far out? Its miles to the nearest road, and on a day like this you could have died. he was eying me closely, but had a smile on his face. He looked more concerned for my welfare than who I was, and I was thankful a woman had changed my clothes.

    I was walking in the woods, and didn’t realize I had walked so far away from the road, until I realized I was lost. I lied. Then there was this real big bear, and I thought I would be eaten alive! I suppose I panicked!

    He roared with laughter, and said I don’t think you would be on Charlie’s menu for today. He had already been fed, and you’re too small for a mouthful anyway.

    I felt a little out of my category, and didn’t know how to react so I just said, Okay, he’s your bear?

    With a twisted smile, and speaking from the side of his mouth he said, "Charlie is no-ones bear, he just lives in the woods. I found him when he was a very little cub. Hunters had killed his mother, and he was starving. I couldn’t find any other cubs, so I guess she just had the one. I brought him home, and have tended to him since. I’m sorry he scarred you.

    I bought all the acreage you can see for miles around. I own ten thousand acres altogether, thanks to Charlie. Now there won’t be any hunters within miles of Charlie to kill for any reason. I will let people hunt for food, but not trophies." With that he stood up, and walking toward the door, he turned, smiled, and said.

    "There’s plenty of time for you, and I to get acquainted.

    The snow is now coming in drifts, and it will be a long time before you can get down off this mountain. The roads are being closed as we speak.

    Well I hope you feel better, Maria will be in soon, have a good nights sleep." With that he closed the door behind him.

    What have I gotten into now? He didn’t even ask me my name. What will I tell him, when he starts asking questions? What can I tell him? I don’t know whom I am, or if I am a murderer, a housewife, or a runaway mother?

    That’s disturbing. I don’t think I could ever take someone’s life, but what did the police want to arrest me for.

    This is like a dream your waiting to wake up from. It’s a nightmare.

    Maria stuck her head in the door, making the lady’s already tight nerves leap; she was on her feet ready to run.

    I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you may I come in? I brought you some soup, and a sandwich.

    Here I go! This woman will ask a lot of questions, I just know she shall, what should I tell her? What name should I give? My nerves are in shambles. Yes come in.

    I sat up on the side of the bed as Maria entered with a tray in her hand, and delightful smelling food, with a beautiful long-stem yellow rose in a small vase to complement it.

    She smiled as she said; "I will bring up some clothes for you in a little while. The one’s you had on were tattered, and in very bad shape.

    I found some things of Margo’s I think will fit you; they look about your size. When you have rested, I will tend to your bruises if you like. That eye will be black for some time."

    As she sat the tray on the stand, I said to her, If I had my clothes I could come down to the kitchen for food, I don’t want to be a bother.

    Maria gave me a look that frightened me to the core.

    She said in a stern voice, a little too sharp. "Mr. Canterfield would never allow a guest in your condition to climb stairs. He would be angry with me for even suggesting something like that!

    Now eat before your food gets cold. I will be back in a while," she stated stiffly.

    I just starred at the door, as she left the room. Then I heard it. Click. I was locked inside! What is this for? Have they heard something on the news or what?

    I then really began to look at things that surrounded me in this huge bedroom. This is a log house. The ceiling is made of beautiful logs, honed out just right, fit precisely together, and polished to the max.

    That painting above the fireplace, extremely gorgeous! The lady posing in a dark green silk velvet dress is beautiful. She looks like the lady in the album. With the fedora she’s wearing she looks as if she stepped right out of vogue magazine.

    I have never seen a more magnificent massive fireplace; the logs are gas, not real wood, but then what did I expect? A house like this where fire might get out. I don’t think so. The mantle has been honed from carved rock. The stones, my goodness they are to the ceiling, and I bet that ceiling is twenty feet tall . . . Wow! The walls are logs cuts from what I think may be red cedar.

    This room I’m in is very beautiful.

    From looking out the window, I think this house has three stories, and this is the top floor, all the bedrooms are probably located on this level. I’d love to see the rest of the house. I wonder if the other rooms are as beautiful as this one.

    It was getting rather late at night, she wished she could stop thinking. It was making her already taut nerves more rigid.

    How can any one afford a home like this? It would be my luck that he’s some notorious gangster. I might never be allowed to leave. I better stop these thoughts, or I will be more scared than I am already.

    I wonder if I am poor? Oh well, I will find out in the future.

    The undernourished lady finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.

    Somewhere, in her dream she was running, and running. I have to get away! Before he puts me in jail, I can’t remember who I am, so whom shall I call? Everyone is a stranger. I can’t run any faster; he’s catching up to me. There’s that bear, I hope he eats that cop, and then he can’t arrest me. I need some body to please help me . . . Somewhere she heard some-one screaming, who’s screaming?

    Brett was beside her bed in a flash.

    What’s wrong little one? Did you hear something, or was it a night mare? he held her tight in his arms.

    I’m not sure. I heard some-one screaming; It must have been in my dream, the nightmare was so frightening, there was a . . .

    Well you are okay now, Brett interrupted, "and I will stay with you so you won’t be afraid. Try to get some sleep. Rest is what heals the body, and mind.

    "I will sit here by the fire, until you feel safe again.

    I put you in this room, because it has a spectacular view in daylight. My room is just two doors down on the left, he reflected. This room once belonged to my mother, when she visited me. She did the decor in here."

    I wanted to ask who was in the portrait, but I didn’t want him to think me too inquisitive.

    Tomorrow you will see why she enjoyed it here so much. The slope can be seen from this window, and the stream below has a fantastic scene in the summertime.

    Maybe tomorrow, I can get a better view, of that separate house in the back. It was hard to see at night, by one light in the yard.

    She was fascinated, by the acknowledgement of his mother. A man, who speaks well of his mother, is a man that would take care of his wife immensely. I can imagine him being kind, and loving with her. His mother had raised him well.

    Should I fall asleep in this big chair, try not to be frightened when you awake. I will make sure no harm comes to you, while you sleep. That made her wondered what he meant by that.

    That was a strange thing to say, he probably thinks I’m still afraid, after the bear scare. Good ‘old Charlie the bear. She couldn’t help but snicker a bit.

    What or whom would harm any one in a big house like this? Here with all this security. Like, the real big heavy doors with locks. It’s like a sanctuary.

    What will tomorrow bring? I hope the snow gets deep to a horses’ butt. If it snows deep enough, the police from Spur Lacy can’t come up the Mountain. I’ve run too far for them to catch me. I need to attain information as to who I am, before they take me to jail. Well I’m sweating again, every time I think of being incarcerated.

    Goodnight Lady, go to sleep, I need my rest too, tomorrow is another day. she heard him snicker, as she closed her eyes. Had she been talking out loud? Oh!

    . . . Not good . . .

    When she awakened the next morning, she was alone in the room. Sometime in the night he had awaken, and gone elsewhere.

    "Maria what do you think. Do you see her as a danger to us? Do you think she was out walking, as she said? It seems strange. I can’t let a total stranger wander around in my home, not knowing anything about her. She really had a terrible ordeal somewhere before I found her in the woods.

    When you took her breakfast upstairs, did you lock the door? he asked Maria, as they walked through the great room headed for the kitchen. "I don’t want her walking around in here in daytime, someone could see her through the window, and I don’t want to be awaken with a hatchet at my throat in the middle of the night.

    She had a nightmare last night. I slept in the big chair by the fireplace. I heard someone scream. I don’t know if the scream belonged to that lady, or if it come from outside, I couldn’t be for certain.

    I don’t think I was seen, when I brought her in, it was almost dark. That could prove to be dangerous if I were." Brett stated.

    Maria could see the pain in his face. I really don’t know what to think. She said if had her clothes, she would have come down to the kitchen for her meals. I really can’t say as of now. Time will tell.

    Just remember not to get too involved with her, until we are more acquainted with the situation. Maria warned.

    And yes, I absolutely locked her door. Maria replied shuffling her feet as she left the room, which was a habit of hers when she was disturbed.

    I hope he doesn’t let another woman become a part of his life too soon.

    The blue eyed, blond beauty, was the apple of his eye. He really loved her, but look what happened.

    She broke his heart, and spirit with her angry retaliations, and why? Just because he didn’t go get that BMW, right when she said, ‘I want it right away!’ Wouldn’t even give him time to finish the cattle drive that week. What ever she wanted, she had to have that instant. I can’t understand why she did the horrible things she did.

    I often wonder, what it would have been like to hear the laughter of children. I came here too late, to even know my only grand children.

    That was Margo; never let anyone near her family. She was so selfish. I tried to raise her better, but with her, well no one could control that temper of hers. She was so much like her father.

    Brett did his best, the poor man. Will he let his guard down with this beautiful creature with the long dark hair, dark eyes, high cheekbones, and copper tone skin? She doesn’t look like the other one, but she could be just as deadly.

    I sure hope not. I doubt he will ever really trust any woman in his home again.

    It has been ten years since I’ve had a good night of sleep, without being awakened to the sounds, of the wind rustling, or the coyote yelping. Not sure what I heard in the night.

    . . . Not knowing, if she’s out there again! . . .

    As the mysterious lady dressed the next morning, it all came back like a scream from a horror story. The clothes Maria brought her fit very well, as if bought for her own person, she wondered if they had belonged to Margo, and if so, why would she give them to her, they were gorgeous, but of an older fashion. The skirt was a red satin with sequels, the blouse a darker red, with puff sleeves. She has the finest of clothes, and a very extravagant home.

    The wife must be exceedingly pampered. He’s big enough to tame a bear. I can just imagine, how he spoils his wife. I wonder where the wife, and kids are? I don’t think I need to question anything, or they might question me. Maybe Maria will tell me without me asking, I hope she does.

    She was about to try the doorknob, when a rap let her know she was about to be addressed by some one. I hope they are nice people. They seem to be, but why lock me in.

    I guess I will get that answer before I leave, but since I’m here for now, I may as well make the best of things. Good morning, I hope you slept well. A smile on his face, clean-shaven, and hair well groomed. My, he’s really handsome!

    Oh, yes I slept quite well sir. Thank you for saving me from the bear. When she looked in those green eyes she stammered.

    As she said, I, I, will b, be leaving, as soon as I can get down the mountain.

    He laughed, Well it will be a few weeks at the least, before the road is passable.

    By then we may be old friends.

    She swallowed, backed away, and turned to the window. Have you fed Charlie yet? I was hoping I could go down with you, when you feed him.

    Brett’s face became dark red, as he suggested strongly that she must stay as far away from Charlie as she could. He is a wild animal, and beware they may turn on their master at anytime, a person just never knows when.

    With that, he asked her if she was ready for the morning meal, while turning toward the door. I am getting a little famished, but I didn’t want to be a bother to you.

    He didn’t turn around again, but said as matter of fact, I will send Maria up, with that he was gone.

    She stood there with her mouth open, ready to express her need to leave the room, but click-the door was locked again.

    He was already gone, but she wanted to bang on the door anyway, and shout as loudly as she could for someone to let her out, but she knew it would do no good.

    There is something strange going on here, I wonder where there could be an escape route; should the time come I would need to do so.

    The window . . . how far to the ground? There’s a roof just below, probably covers a porch, or garage. I can’t tell which.

    That could be a way out.

    With that thought, she raced to the window, pushing as hard as she could to raise it, but to no avail did it open.

    I could break it, and escape, but that will be my last resort. There would be a lot of noise involved. I’m not sure if I could drop from the roof to the ground, without breaking my leg, or neck.

    Maria, climbed the stairs with the old familiar ache in her back, that came from an injury ten years ago, when she had to save her son-in-law, from being killed by Charlie. Maria had fallen hard against the stump, as the bear bumped into her, when he fell.

    She remembered how good it was to have a friend like Latte back then, I don’t know what we would have done without him. He came through like a trouper. Like the friend he really is, she pondered.

    That was a horrible time back then, here on this mountain. I shouldn’t think about it so much, but then it’s hard not too.

    Time will never remove the pain I have in my heart, which arrived from that fatal summer day.

    Brett called me to come here just a week before it happened; he had seen the change in Margo. He was scared for himself, and for her, as he listened to the things she was saying, and doing.

    He didn’t know where to turn, so he turned to me, her mother. I was the last person on earth she would listen to, but he didn’t know that.

    I tried to make him understand he didn’t need me here, but he said that was what he wanted. I asked him, if there wasn’t some one in Spur Lacy that would come to his home to help him with his situation?

    He said he needed family here with him right now, not strangers, so I packed a bag and here I am.

    . . . Here on her mountain. Maria shivered . . .

    I have breakfast for you Missy. Not even the threat of a smile. The lady thought. This woman makes my skin crawl, with her attitude. She scares me; I have no idea what she is thinking.

    Maria couldn’t smile, not after the thoughts she was just having.

    She sat the tray down, and again, there was that newly cut rose. Why do I get a rose, every time you bring a tray? she asked Maria. She just had to know a little of something that was going on here.

    The master of this house always has a fresh rose each time a meal is served, he says it starts the day off with a beautiful setting, and it makes the day more appreciative. Something new, and alive, is something very striking to look upon.

    Then looking piercingly at the girl in front of her she asked, Do you agree?

    I never thought about something like that, but I guess he is right. It is a lovely rose, but where could he possibly get roses in the dead of winter? She asked.

    Come on lady . . . talk to me!

    "He has a garden in the basement. He raises flowers, and vegetables year round. The basement is the full length of this house, and it is quite large.

    This room alone is thirty foot square. All the bedrooms are the same in size.

    He says it saves money to grow what you eat, but it’s really his hobby in the winter, because he doesn’t go out on the range with the herds, until spring arrives.

    The hired hands take care of the cattle, during the iciness. When the weather breaks, no one can hold him back from the fields. He loves this ranch.

    It’s taken him many years, to build it into what it is today.

    His father before him, kept the ranch in excellent shape, but he didn’t raise the range cattle, as is being raised here today. Brett also bought many more acres, than what his father owned. The ranch has expanded to be quite large."

    Then a strange look became apparent on Maria face. She had thought of something that made her become scary, cold, and distant again.

    The Master has only lovely things around him.

    What a peculiar thing to say . . . creepy . . .

    With that Maria left before the lady could ask about the door, and why it must stay locked.

    What is it they’re afraid of? She recognized the look of fear on some one’s face, and Brett, and Maria had that look!

    Well I have all day to myself; I may as well make the best of it.

    She found a pen, and pad in the drawer of the desk, so she sat, and began to write down, all she could remember from before she came here.

    There was a huge knot on her head. Her arm was sore, and stiff. She had bruises all over her, and a terrible black eye. Well it looks a little green, she giggled aloud to herself.

    She wondered, if she had been knocked unconscious when those people had found her in that hole, of coarse she had, she remembered getting hit with a gun butt, but she couldn’t remember who hit her.

    The car the man was in, what kind was it? Oh yes it was a BMW. Fast car. I don’t know why that man was there. I wonder where the place is, that all this occurred? What kind of hole was that? Was it dug for a grave? My grave?

    It was deep she remembered, muddy, cold, and she was in it. Yes, some one meant to kill her.

    Where was it? Five mile? Ten mile? Fifteen miles? She couldn’t remember where the car was, and she certainly didn’t know the man they found dead in it. She had never seen him before in her life, and he was really messed up, from what she could see. Bloody, and those cuts! It was an awful gruesome death for the man, who ever he was.

    That was all she could remember, she threw the pad down, and feeling trapped she knew she had to get out of here, and find out whom she was, and what was going on. She had no purse, or identification on her person when the policemen found her, so she had nowhere to start.

    The police would put her in jail for something, but what? So she couldn’t go to them . . . whom

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