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To Yourself Be Always True & My Best Friend and I
To Yourself Be Always True & My Best Friend and I
To Yourself Be Always True & My Best Friend and I
Ebook68 pages46 minutes

To Yourself Be Always True & My Best Friend and I

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By now it should be clear that the opinions expressed in this book are solely those of its author. And that both essays reflect the in-depth thoughts of this writer. Thoughts that are unlimited to the various subject matters but are still drawn from various stances pertaining to real life experiences based on what we come to learn and know about real living.

Self-identity is an extremely important matter to the cause of existence and socio-political frameworks. Marcus Messiah Garvey who is a Jamaican National Hero and a famed international afro-political and social anthropologist who struggled against the racial oppression of black or Negro people during or around the late 1940s to the early 1970s stated: If you have no confidence in self then you are twice defeated in the race of life. Mr. Garvey was encouraging people of all races everywhere to be and remain resilient despite their daily grief and gripe for racism. This Jamaican immigrant, who migrated to the United States of America realized the need for afro-centric people of all creed and classes to become enlightened about the many social and political as well as religious issues that faces them on a daily basis. These were and still are spitefully designed social and political barriers to prevent people of a darker skin tone from becoming successful or from succeeding the many hurdles lifes struggles evolve, or which are sometimes natural.

Mr. Garvey also realized that if people of color are to succeed then the key towards change can only be achieved through education which must be undertaken on a large scale. Because of this fact Mr. Garvey risked his own life; as many also believe this may well had caused the demise of this social-liberator, also the lives of countless others who helped to raise the level of political and social consciousness of not only the afro-American diasporas but of down-trodden peoples of all races, classes, ethnicities and religious persuasions everywhere.

Like the Hon. Marcus Messiah Garvey, this writer too realizes the need to further raise the social and political consciousness of all peoples regardless of skin color, ethnicity, creed, religion, spirituality, gender, age, social status or political persuasion.

These essays are therefore recommended to everyone who understands or seek to understand the intricate matters of lifes struggles. The author believes that by reading this book one will not conclude full understanding of self-identity, but will however better understand that the mysteries of living carries an endless scope of understanding, therefore the more aware one becomes the easier it is for such individual to accept the joy of living. Also, that if one doesnt understand life on a broad scale then the understanding of self becomes ever more importantly needed.

So, on the behalf of the author and all who have already taken a step towards the understanding of self, and too for those who have now decided to join others whove already found pleasure in the study and understanding of self, I do hope that the continuity in doing so will electrify their interest to maintain the effort to become, or to remain an encouragement to others especially after reading these two essays before passing this book on to another while hoping that the same positive results will be achieved. Also, that the need to further study the subject of self-realization may further encourage such ones to continue to seek even more understanding of this subject matter so as to better enjoy the pleasures of living as well as to share such pleasures with others who share such desire.
Release dateJul 18, 2012
To Yourself Be Always True & My Best Friend and I

Delaurna U. Murphy

The author, Delaurna Ulric Murphy, is a native of Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies who migrated to the United States of America with his wife Sonia. Their two eldest children, Kemar and Sophia Murphy, who were also born in Kingston Jamaica, followed. The third of their three children, Sheree Murphy, was born in the U.S.A. and a native of Bronx, New York. The Murphy’s regards the U.S. as their official place of residence and continue residing in the State of New York where Delaurna and Sonia first settled and grew accustom as they began their new way of life. At the time of writing this book Delaurna and Sonia Murphy are the proud grand parents of four grand children, all of whom were born in the U.S. and who are also native New Yorkers. Delaurna has been writing since the tender age of thirteen and continued to write until this present time moreso with the support of his ever loving wife, Sonia. With additional support from his mother-in-law Alexzenia; affectionately called ‘Miss Purru’ also being in the company of his brother Trevor, affectionately called ‘Jacques’ and his longtime friend Andrew; affectionately called ‘Culture’, he wrote and published his first book in the year 1989 which is a collection of poems titled “Poetic Visions”. This collection of poems was published where he resided at the time of writing, in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. This Poetic writer, author, Congo drummer, pianist, choral singer, folk singer, musical composer and arranger, stage performer, choreographer, dramatist, dancer, and Clinical Technologist is an experienced artistic director who enjoys traveling worldwide, foreign languages, stimulating intellectual conversations and debates, exotic works of arts, writing and compiling various literary compositions. Mr. Murphy and his wife Sonia are both employed in the healthcare industry and works at separate hospitals in the state of New York as Clinical Technologists. Both husband and wife are involved in different practices. It is the author’s intention to also publish short children stories and graded musical compositions written specifically for piano lovers.

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    To Yourself Be Always True & My Best Friend and I - Delaurna U. Murphy



    (original poems included)

    Authored by: Delaurna Ulric Murphy 

    Art illustrations by: Omar Taylor


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2012 by Delaurna U. Murphy. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse   07/11/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-2759-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-2757-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011962348

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    •   About The Author

    •   Foreword

    •   An Introduction To Two Exercises

    •   To Yourself Be Always True

    •   A Timely Death

    •   Self-Evaluation

    •   The Unique Me (poetic verses)

    •   My Best Friend And I

    •   A Synopsis

    •   My Best Friend (poetic verses)

    •   God’s Best Friend (poetic verses)

    •   An Expression Of Gratitude

    •   Gratitude Means Sacrifice (poetic verses)



    The author, Delaurna Ulric Murphy, is a native of Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies who migrated to the United States of America with his wife Sonia. Their two eldest children, Kemar and Sophia Murphy, who were also born in Kingston Jamaica, followed. The third of their three children, Sheree Murphy, was born in the U.S.A. and a native of Bronx, New York. The Murphy’s regards the U.S. as their official place of residence and continue residing in the State of New York where Delaurna and Sonia first settled and grew accustom as they began their new way of life.

    At the time of writing this book Delaurna and Sonia Murphy are the proud grand parents of four grandsons. Two of their four grandsons were born in the State of New York, one in the State of Connecticut and the other in the State of Massachusetts.

    Delaurna has been writing since the tender age of thirteen and continues to write until this present time moreso with the support of his ever loving wife, Sonia. With additional support from his mother-in-law Alexzenia; affectionately called ‘Miss Purru’ also being in the company of his brother Trevor, affectionately called ‘Jacques’ and his longtime friend Andrew; affectionately called ‘Culture’, he wrote and published his first book in the year 1989 which is a collection of poems titled Poetic Visions. This collection of poems was published where he resided at the time of writing, in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.

    This Poetic writer, author, Congo drummer, pianist, choral singer, folk singer, musical composer and arranger, stage performer, choreographer, dramatist, dancer, and Clinical Technologist is an experienced artistic director who enjoys traveling worldwide, foreign languages, stimulating intellectual conversations and debates, exotic works of arts, writing and compiling various literary compositions.

    Mr. Murphy and his wife Sonia are both employed in the healthcare industry and works at separate hospitals in the state of New York as Clinical Technologists. Both husband and wife are involved in different practices.

    It is the author’s intention to also publish short children stories and graded musical compositions written specifically for piano lovers.

    By: The author.



    This exercise is a reflection of the writer’s personal unique expressions and thoughts. It puts forward several examples of human as well as animal social behavior patterns based upon similar thought processes and too how one may possibly react towards another’s thought process based upon the reflection of the other’s uniqueness.

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