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Finding (And Following) God’S Will: One Family’S Personal Experience
Finding (And Following) God’S Will: One Family’S Personal Experience
Finding (And Following) God’S Will: One Family’S Personal Experience
Ebook71 pages51 minutes

Finding (And Following) God’S Will: One Family’S Personal Experience

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About this ebook

Finding (and Following) Gods Will is a picture of how God leads His dear children along. Through three years of patient searching for Gods will and three more years of preparation, Nancy tells the story of Gods faithfulness to them and their family through many trials and disappointments. Have you felt Gods hand on your life but have not had the courage to make a decision that seems too difficult? Or do you know someone who is struggling in this way? Many of us never experience Gods full blessing on our lives because we are not completely resting on His promisesthe sacrifice seems too great. Nancys account of Gods faithfulness through thick and thin will strengthen and encourage you to step out in faith, overcome your fears, and take God at His word. God often takes frail vessels and molds them to be used for His glory. The strength will not be your own; God will provide, and you will see that He still performs miracles today through those who are obedient to His call.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 28, 2012
Finding (And Following) God’S Will: One Family’S Personal Experience

Nancy Lindgren Rohart

Paul and Nancy Rohart were public school educators for the first thirteen years of their married life when they began to feel God’s call into full-time ministry. Then, at age thirty-nine, with three children in tow, they hesitantly heeded the call and herein record God’s miraculous ways of leading and teaching them. Paul retired in 2001 after twenty-five years in the ministry. They now reside in Gresham, Oregon, where he continues to teach three Bible studies each week.

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    Finding (And Following) God’S Will - Nancy Lindgren Rohart


       (and Following)   


    One Family’s Personal Experience


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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-4373-4 (sc)

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    1. Searching

    2. Peace?

    3. Decision Time

    4. Now What?

    5. The Move

    6. Satan’s Continued Darts

    7. Through It All

    E N D N O T E S

    This book is dedicated to…

    my husband and best friend, Paul

    who is my constant inspiration

    our two daughters and sons-in-law

    Carmen and Jay

    Kelly and Mark

    who have been God’s greatest blessings

    our grandchildren

    Andrew, Dylan, Davis

    Ashley, Austin, Aidan

    Alexis and Payton

    for whom we pray daily to keep walking with the Lord

    and our daughter, Kerri

    who is waiting in heaven to greet us.


    One Family’s Personal Experience


    John 15:14—You are my friends if you do what I command.

    I had the privilege of being born into a wonderful Christian home; my parents were both Christians when they married, and their desire was to have a godly home and family. The older I get, the more I appreciate the early influence that Christianity had on my life. What a wonderful privilege to be raised with Christian values and to be protected from so many worldly temptations that we deal with today. I’m sure it was often the prayers of my parents that kept me on the straight and narrow. How wonderful to have praying parents.

    My husband, Paul, was also the product of praying parents. His father was a pastor, and before he was even born, his mother dedicated him to the Lord and prayed that he would become a minister, (but we were not aware of that until after he had entered seminary). He had two sisters, Mary and Martha, and two brothers, James and John.

    I was considered naïve and immature by many classmates and never quite fit in. But the church was the center of our family, and I was so thankful for our church youth group. It became my greater family. Oddly enough, our girls said the same thing to me about not fitting in as they grew up. But I always told them that it made me happy that they did not fit in because the Bible tells us to come out from them and be separate—II Cor. 6:17a. I have always been a strong believer in keeping kids young—rather than encouraging them to grow up too fast. That seems to be the philosophy of the world. Rather, I believe, that we should allow them to enjoy and appreciate their childhood. There should be some differences between us and the world, as long as they are good differences for good principles. And we ought not be ashamed of those differences.

    When it came time to think about college, I knew I wanted a Christian atmosphere where I would be guided by godly men and women and could develop relationships that would be similar to what I experienced in my youth group back home. I was so thankful to be able to attend a Christian college about five hours from our home. To this day I am a strong proponent of a Christian college for

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