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We’Re Tipping Over!: The Urgency to Rethink Government, Business, Heart and Soul!
We’Re Tipping Over!: The Urgency to Rethink Government, Business, Heart and Soul!
We’Re Tipping Over!: The Urgency to Rethink Government, Business, Heart and Soul!
Ebook128 pages1 hour

We’Re Tipping Over!: The Urgency to Rethink Government, Business, Heart and Soul!

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Its time to wake up, and this book will help. You get to choose where you will be when the tipping starts. It helps to have a guide and this is a good one

-William Gladstone, author of THE TWELVE and THE GOLDEN MOTORCYCLE GANG, producer of the Film, TAPPING THE SOURCE

A must read! Andy Felds new book is an insightful guide to anyone wishing to take the next step to live the life they want in The New Normal

-Leili Mckinley, Founder, CONSCIOUS BRANDING: Your Identity is Your Destiny.

Finally, a message of hope and happiness in a chaotic world. Andy is not only on target with the current reality, but also offers a positive solution; A breath of fresh air

-Charles Water, Founder of Master Waters Moving Meditation System

We have reached a societal evolutionary tipping point and urgent action is required! The politics of government, the lack of business integrity, and our own refusal to accept personal responsibility have created an environment where the life we have known for decades is now unsustainable. Andy offers immediate tools for action! He gives a unique and inspiring blueprint for change, personal growth, and abundance, in the years to come.

Release dateNov 16, 2011
We’Re Tipping Over!: The Urgency to Rethink Government, Business, Heart and Soul!


Andy is the author of two other books, Simple Happy and Wake-Up Your Life is Calling. He is also a nationally recognized speaker, has been a guest on over fifty Radio shows across the United States, and is a regular on local Denver TV. He’s a successful businessman in the areas of mortgage banking and real estate and lives in Morrison, Colorado with his wife Julie and “the boys”.

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    We’Re Tipping Over! - ANDY FELD

    Copyright © 2011 by ANDY FELD.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4620-5831-0 (sc)

    iUniverse rev. date: 02/16/2012



    Cover Art


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Suggested Reading

    About the Author


    I acknowledge with gratitude, love, and appreciation:

    My sensational parents, Mimi and Sandy


    Brother Jon

    Dyanna, Michael, and Mandy

    My editor/proofreader, Lynn Hirshman

    My dear friends (who perhaps at times think I am a bit strange)

    My wonderful audiences and subscribers

    Cover art by Cheryl Lee Harnish,

    To my enlightened, connected, supportive wife, Julie, and my wonderful family:

    Jonathan, Mimi, Sandy, Mike, Dyanna, and Mandy.

    I appreciate you all more than you know.

    Cover Art

    The cover art is intuitively channeled fractal art created by Cheryl Lee Harnish

    This particular piece of Cheryl’s art is titled In Flow and is described as follows: This is expression in full flow. Let yourself be heard, let yourself shine! Time to take center stage. This is all about feeling the universal flow of energy, joy, creativity and communication. Sing, dance and let yourself be seen in all your glory. Set your creative inner being free! Express all those things inside you that you would normally hide from the world.

    Fractal art is a new way of looking at space and form. Simply looking at fractal art increases a sense of contemplation, well-being, and peace.

    As you read this book, I ask you to set your creative inner being free in order to discover a new path for our government, our business institutions, and our own lives, heart, and spirit.


    We sense something big is changing all around us. We know in our hearts and souls that the life we have been living here in the United States and around the planet over the past few generations may never be the same again. It is certainly economics, but it is also so much more! Some of us may be in denial of this ever-present feeling, some fear it, and some anticipate it in joyous optimism and anticipation of where we are headed.

    For the moment, yes, the ship appears to be sinking, but this is the Universe’s way of opening our eyes to future possibilities and probabilities. Will a great change in our society and the way we live our lives be felt the same by everyone? Absolutely not—and that is the purpose of this book. We cannot stop all the inevitable changes from occurring, but we are able to determine, consciously and deliberately, just how they will affect us individually, and what we are going to do about it.

    This book will begin with the basics of where we are right now economically and emotionally. The information to be shared would appear to be obvious, but most of us remain in a zombie state—either totally unaware or paralyzed by ignorance and fear. As the information is shared in this book, the reader will feel, in their gut, that it is true. Why? Because at a deep cellular and unconscious level, we are beginning to remember where we have come from.

    I do not write this book with any sense of doom, but rather with the knowledge that, just as winter passes into springtime, we are about to embark on our own rebirth, but this time, of truly epic proportions. As mentioned earlier, many probabilities exist, but the wonderful aspect of this is that we, as individuals, have total control over our experience and destiny. It starts with awareness and then moves to personal responsibility. This is no time to look to be rescued, as the standard saviors— government, friends, and business—are all part of the cause. The Savior is you!

    We all get caught up in the relative truths of the day—based on the newest trends and the spin our leaders give us. These relative truths are always changing; therefore, I hope to share the eternal or divine truths, which are everlasting. These are truths you do not need a newspaper, a friend, or a newscaster to give you. No, you will remember all these truths when you hear or read them.

    As with my other two books, I will always attempt to keep things simple and direct, and to have complete respect for you, the reader. There is an urgency to this book that did not exist in my other two, Simple Happy: Finally Learning to Listen to Yourself and Wake-Up! Your Life Is Calling. We are tipping over as a society right now and the consequences and chaos will be substantial. It is time for immediate change, action, and personal responsibility. The subject matter of this book is not rocket science in its ability to be understood—and my job is to keep it easy, simple, and fun. There is no need or requirement to take my positions as absolute fact—that decision is solely yours. I ask you to read, absorb, and feel for yourself, and then decide your personal course of action.

    Onward we go!

    Chapter One

    The New Normal

    Financial, Political, Spiritual

    These days, when speaking to businesspeople in my hometown of Denver, Colorado, or speaking to larger organizations around the country, I am often greeted by individuals wearing long faces. They explain that they are emotionally down, but although their life and business are not going well at this time, when things return to normal, rest assured, they will be just fine again. At this point, I ask, What if, this time, there is no recovery, and what if this is the new normal? As you might imagine, most people are not too excited about this possibility, as very few of us are equipped to be happy, as well as to prosper and thrive, in this new normal.

    Recently a person I was speaking with explained how important it was to sell his house as fast as possible since he might have to move for employment reasons. He told me the value of his house was more than $100,000 less than it was just eighteen months earlier—and he wanted to wait until the value returned. I asked, What if eighteen months from now the value goes down another $100,000—then what?

    I had another conversation with a friend about his employment situation. This friend had been laid off and was receiving unemployment compensation. He had just turned down a job offer because the salary was substantially below what he had previously earned. What if this is the best offer he receives?

    Yet, another individual candidly explained that so much of his happiness has come from things and purchases like fancy dinners, new clothing, and frequent vacations, but these items were no longer affordable.

    Everything may be changing right now, and our lives may be turned upside down.

    Let’s first take a look at what is going on, financially and politically, that is creating this new normal environment we now live in. In the United States, we have had financial recessions in the past, and our economists are quick to point out just how long they all lasted—as well as the relative levels of severity. Armed with this historical data of past recessions, many expect that it is just a matter of time until we emerge into a period of growth, full employment, and prosperity once again. However, this time may be very different as dynamics have changed in so many ways.

    In past recessions, we were

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