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A Banished Land: The Turning
A Banished Land: The Turning
A Banished Land: The Turning
Ebook375 pages6 hours

A Banished Land: The Turning

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I have befriended vampires and made a pact with a dragon. I have fought a war that was not my own, for a city that was not my home. I have made enemies simply because I am different. I won the fight against a werewolf horde and saved a city, but the fight is far from over for me. The repercussions of the war were far greater than anyone could have anticipated, and now my life and the lives of my best friend and my family are all in jeopardy. My name is Ivan, and time is running out.

A Banished Land: The Turning is more than your average vampire tale. Ivan, a man turned vampire by his beloved and best friend, made many enemies in the war against the werewolveson both sides of the battlefield. As a result, he and his friends and family are in grave danger. Now, Ivan has a choice: take the lifes blood of a human to gain the strength he needs to defeat his enemies and save those he holds dear, or stand by his values and find the strength to defeat his enemies from within.

PublisherAbbott Press
Release dateJan 12, 2012
A Banished Land: The Turning

Jake Jauch

Jake Jauch’s love of fantasy and science fiction inspired to take up writing at an early age. In 2009, he published his first novel, A Banished Land, when he was seventeen, followed by 2012’s A Banished Land: The Turning. He lives with his family in Alabama, where he still writes.

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    Book preview

    A Banished Land - Jake Jauch


    IT’S BEEN ALMOST TWO WEEKS since the siege has ended. I stand on the balcony of a beautiful white stone palace in the massive city of Haven. Haven is a city built inside of an enormous mountain range. It has two giant walls protecting the city and one smaller wall protecting the palace. Even though the city is well fortified, a section of the outer wall was destroyed during a substantial battle with the werewolves. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I’m in this place. My best friend left here after the war and called this place exile. I guess for him it was.

    This place is a completely different world. It’s a place where we, humans, forced the other creatures from our world, since we couldn’t coexist. We thought that they were too dangerous, or maybe we just wanted everything to ourselves. It still pains me to think about it. First we forced out the dragons, then the werewolves, and last the vampires. Who knows what other creatures are here that I don’t even know about yet. It makes me sad to think that we couldn’t live in peace with them. Now they’re here, wherever here is. In fact I don’t even really know what this place is called. As long as I’ve been here no one has told me the name of this place, most of them just call it home. Strangely enough I do as well.

    I had many reasons for staying here, like feeling more alive than I ever did back in my home world. Another one of those reasons is Luna, a vampire that I have now formed a strong friendship with. This is partially because of the battle that we both fought in. We were some of the few that were still protecting the outer wall when it fell. We fled for our lives and barely managed to get out alive. Near the end of the battle for Haven another vampire named Victor, who didn’t share Luna’s views or morals tried to kill her. I managed to save her life before it was too late.

    After several days of being unconscious she woke up and since then we’ve been spending a lot more time together. Luna’s older sister Lilith, who is also a vampire, has been in a strange mood since Luna awoke from her sleep. Any time that she sees us together she starts smiling and walks away. A knock at the door causes me to break my train of thought. I turn to see Tori, the head doctor of the palace. She walks across the room and onto the balcony.

    How are you today, I ask as I continue to look out over the city.

    I am doing all right, Tori sighs.

    Busy day in the infirmary, I ask as I turn to face her.

    Tori has short black hair and brown eyes. She has helped me many times in the past since I’ve been here. I have been injured several times already and she’s the one that I go to see when the wounds are slightly more than just a few minor cuts and bruises.

    Yes it has been, Tori says rubbing her hand across her forehead. A lot of soldiers from the battle are complaining about minor aches and pains. Speaking of which how are your wounds?

    Fine, I say flexing my right hand. My hand has healed well enough.

    I would still like to look at it, Tori says holding out her hand.

    I reluctantly hold out my hand so she can examine it. A long scar runs across the palm of my hand where I had cut it to the bone. This was my only option when I wanted to save Luna’s life. Now it has completely healed, with the help of Tori and her medicines. Tori runs her fingers along the length of the dark scar, but I don’t feel anything of the contact.

    Your hand appears to have healed very nicely, Tori says looking up at the scar on my face now. Your eye has seemed to have healed too.

    I touch the thin silver scar that runs down my forehead and onto my cheek. Just another souvenir from the war, I acquired this one from a werewolf when the outer wall of Haven fell. Luna, I and about twenty remaining soldiers had to run for our lives across a vast field. One of the werewolves got too close, and before I could attack it its claws gazed my face.

    Yeah, I laugh. Looks like I managed to survive.

    You were one of the lucky ones, Tori says looking down at the marble floor.

    I don’t believe in luck, I say as I look out over the city.

    Well whatever you want to call it, Tori sighs. I should get back to the infirmary; there are still a few soldiers left for me to see to.

    Okay, I say watching her walk from the room.

    I stand alone on the balcony for a moment and then the door opens again. I turn and see Tori standing in the doorway.

    I forgot to tell you, Tori says. Luna is at the training grounds, if you want to see her.

    Okay, thanks, I say walking towards her.

    You know, you and Luna seem to have been spending a lot of time together, Tori says cheerfully.

    I suppose that we have, I say thoughtfully. Why, is there something wrong with that?

    Oh no, Tori says quickly. It is nice to see her with someone.

    In a world like this it is nice to have someone to be around, I admit. Anyway when Arrok gets back we’ll go to the training grounds.

    Arrok is a black dragon that I have made a pact with. This means that we protect each other until one of us dies, and if we both keep true to the pact we shouldn’t die anytime soon.

    You know that she looks at you differently when you are around, Tori says. I asked her about it, but she said it is nothing.

    Really, I ask. Thanks for telling me.

    All right then, Tori says as she shuts the door. I will see you later.

    I walk to the edge of the large bed that sits against the middle of the south wall. I sit down and stretch. Why would she be looking at me any different than usual? I fall back on the bed and stare up at the underside of the canopy that hangs from the four posts of the bed. It doesn’t make any sense to me. I guess I’ll just have to ask her myself.

    I slowly get up from the bed and grab my sword that’s propped against the nightstand near the bed. I walk to the door and step into the hallway when Arrok swoops in over the balcony, landing neatly in the center of the room.

    Are you truly that impatient, Arrok asks as he folds his wings. Were you really going to walk to the training grounds?

    How did you know I was going to the training grounds, I ask quickly.

    Because that where Luna is, Arrok says, satisfied that he has the upper hand in the conversation. If you are ready, then we will go.

    I can go alone if you’ve been flying for a while, I say. You can rest here if you want.

    I am perfectly capable of flying to the training grounds and back, Arrok says staring down at me. Now if you are done, let us go.

    Okay, fine, I sigh.

    I climb onto Arrok’s shoulders and wait for him to take off. That’s the only problem with my pact with Arrok, when he thinks that he is right there’s no talking to him. When his mind is set nothing can change that, but I can be the same way at times. Arrok shuffles out onto the balcony and stretches his wings to their full extent. With his wings spread wide he dwarfs out the balcony and the entrance to the room.

    Then Arrok launches us off the side of the balcony and out into the vast open cave. We fall straight down then, veers up suddenly. The wind roars past me as we level off and begin flying towards the training grounds.

    Are you still back there, Arrok asks over his shoulder.

    You’ll have to do better than that if you want to get rid of me, I laugh.

    I will have to try harder next time, Arrok chuckles.

    We fly over the city and I watch as the people carry out their daily activities. Their lives haven’t changed much after the siege ended, even as short as it was. The war one the other hand is far from over. The main force of the werewolves have been scattered, these pockets of werewolf resistances are in the forests and other areas. They still believe in the hollow promises that Victor has given them.

    My hands instantly clench into fists until my fingers hurt, just at the thought of him. I hate him for what he did to Luna and the fact that he wants me dead just as badly. The picture of him is still as vivid in my mind as the day I laid eyes on him. Particularly his wicked grin of triumph when he inflicted pain on those I care about.

    Are you thinking about the Forsaken, Arrok asks as we fly over the last cluster of buildings.

    How could you tell, I ask in a flat tone.

    Because you become very tense, Arrok asks. It is almost like I can feel the hate radiating out of you.

    Sorry, I say unclenching my fists. I didn’t think that it was that noticeable.

    The hatred that you harbor is not healthy for you, Arrok says as we pass over the wall separating the city from the farmlands.

    What do you want me to do then, I say coldly. Just forgive him for what he did to her!?

    I expect you to do something besides dwell on the past, Arrok says still calm. She has recovered completely or have you not noticed?

    I have, I snap. You don’t understand how I feel, okay. I wasn’t able to stop him; all I could do was watch!

    But you saved her, Arrok says coolly.

    She still suffered, I say quietly now. I watched her writhe in pain because of the poison, she couldn’t heal.

    You really need to do something about this, Arrok says shaking his head.

    I already know what I’m going to do, I say, my voice turning hard as stone. I’m going to kill Victor if I ever see him again.

    Arrok drops the subject as we land near the training grounds. I jump off Arrok’s back and start walking towards the familiar figure in the distance. As I approach I slow my stride to make less noise. When I’m about four feet from Luna she turns and looks at me.

    How did you know I was coming, I ask.

    I can smell you, Luna says with a gratified smile. You still have that same odd alluring scent.

    Luna takes another deep breathe, like she’s savoring the sweet scent of a flower. I take a few steps forward so I am standing next to her.

    So you still haven’t figured out what the scent is, I ask with a grin.

    No, Luna sighs. It is a minor annoyance though.

    I can’t help but smile at the fact that there is something about me that a vampire can’t understand. Not that it means there are still things that I don’t know about Luna. Whether it’s the things about her past that she hasn’t told me, or other abilities of vampirism I’ve not yet discovered.

    Well since we are both here, Luna says walking towards a fallen tree with weapons lining the trunk. Why don’t we practice for a while?

    That sounds good to me, I say following behind her to the tree. What do you have in mind?

    Do you have any objections to a little swordplay, Luna asks looking through the various swords and daggers.

    Not at all, I say stopping near the tree.

    Good, Luna says tossing a wooden training sword to me. Then let us begin.

    I examine the sword in my hand. It’s cut just like a katana, except it has no handle guard. The wood has a waxy feel to it and doesn’t slide much as I swing it experimentally through the air.

    It is satisfactory to you, Luna asks.

    Yes, I reply swinging the sword a few more times. What are you using?

    Luna turns around with two shorter versions of the sword that I hold in my hand.

    These, Luna says lunging at me.

    I block the first few attacks and then one of her swords gaze my arm. While they don’t have an edge they hurt with enough force. I wince and Luna grins at me. Then I take a deep breath and let the berserker ability take over. Everything slows and I am only focused on her and the two swords dancing in front of her as she closes in for another attack. She strikes again and this time I block all of her attacks, I even counter with a few slashes of my own.

    We quickly fight our way across the training grounds and dodge around and through groups of soldiers and guards. The loud clanks of our swords cut through the air as they make contact. Luna ducks and slides from side to side as she evades my every attack. Sometimes there is less than an inch between her and my sword. Then she stops her evasive style in favor of an offensive one. Her attacks come so close together they become a single elegant and unrelenting assault.

    I dodge and block as much as I can to hold off her attacks. I know that she doesn’t mean me any harm, but I’m glad that she has chosen to use training weapons instead of the real thing. I counter attack every chance that I can get, which isn’t very often. Then I see an opening after her most recent flurry. I take the opportunity and strike out. She blocks the attack, but the force knocks the sword from her grasp. She then spins and we both stop instantly. The berserker fades from my body and I can see that her sword is at my throat.

    Not bad, Luna pants. You almost had me for a moment.

    What do you mean for a moment, I ask glancing down.

    Luna looks down at the tip of my sword, where it lingers only a fraction from her heart.

    It seems that we are evenly matched this time, Luna says smiling at me.

    I lower my sword the same time as she lowers hers. I notice that a large number of the people around us are watching and murmuring to one another. Luna and I walk back to the tree and lean the weapons against the trunk. I sit down and focus on slowing my breathing. I stare out at the ruined section of the wall. All of the rubble has been cleared away and about half of the section has been rebuilt. Marcus, the ruler of Haven and Luna’s father, has deemed the reconstruction a top priority of the safety of Haven.

    I can see some of the forest in the distance, the same forest that I landed in when I arrived here, also the same forest the werewolf horde swarmed out of to attack us. There are dark clouds beginning to loom over the forest, but only in a small area. Here the sun is unobstructed. Then a single blue flash of lightning strikes out of the clouds. The clouds slowly dissipate until there is only blue sky where the stormy clouds were only a moment ago.

    Was that a gateway, I ask quickly.

    Yes it was, Luna says. That is still in the middle of werewolf territory.

    I let out a whistle and Luna does the same. Arrok and Iris land by us in a matter of seconds. Iris’s blood red scales shimmer in the sunlight as she moves. Iris is the dragon that Luna has chosen to make a pact with.

    Are we not going to get provisions, I ask.

    We do not have time, Luna says climbing onto Iris’s shoulders. The werewolves that still choose to follow Victor have started killing newcomers as soon as they arrive.


    THEN WE NEED TO GO NOW, I say quickly as I climb onto Arrok’s shoulders.

    I agree, Luna says as she climbs onto Iris’s shoulders.

    Without another word from either of us the two dragons launch us into the sky. We fly over the wall and above the open grasslands. Only small bushes and shrubs are growing, even after all the fire from the battle. The wind roars past us as we fly towards the edge of the vast forest.

    So how long has this been going on, I ask. The killing of newcomers, that is.

    Ever since the end of the siege, Luna replies quietly. It is a cowardly attempt, of course only a Forsaken like Victor would stoop as low as to attack innocents.

    We’ll find him, I say coldly.

    We sit in silence and watch the forest slowly loom closer. Hopefully the newcomer will be alive when we get there or at least in one piece. The forest begins to take shape now. I can make out the different types of trees all closely knit together creating a massive canopy. We are almost to the end of the grassland when a howl rings out from the forest. A shiver runs down my spine as the howl echoes and fades away. Are we too late? Will we only find bits and pieces of the newcomer? I shake my head to get rid of the image. No we’ll make it. Then a shout emits from deeper in the forest.

    Did you hear that, I ask as we fly over the edge of the forest.

    Yes, Luna says quickly. We need to hurry.

    Say no more, Iris says beating her wings faster.

    Arrok increases his speed as well and we fly in the directions of the shouts. Luckily the person is making enough commotion to make finding them easier. Unfortunately that means that any werewolves in the area will be able to find the person faster as well. We’re now close enough to hear the person’s words and I can tell it’s a man.

    Help, he shouts. Get away from me!

    It sounds like the werewolves have already found him, I shout as we dive towards a tiny opening in the forest canopy.

    Luna says nothing, but draws her twin short swords and stand on Iris’s back like a surfer. We’re now about a hundred feet from the canopy. Just as we are about to rake the tree tops Luna jumps and lands nimbly on one of the branches. She skips from branch to branch until she’s out of sight. Her balance is better than mine; I wouldn’t dare try something like that.

    Get me to that clearing, I shout as I point ahead.

    Alright, Arrok shouts over his shoulder.

    I draw my sword and stand on Arrok’s back. He flies so low that his underbelly scrapes the canopy. Arrok flips out from under me as soon as he is over the small clearing. As I fall I can see five werewolves moving closer to a man about the same height and build as me. He has a large branch in his hands swinging it back and forth in a panic.

    The berserker ability takes over as I fall towards the ground. I position myself for the impact and hold my sword slightly below me. Then I slam into one of the werewolves driving the blade of my sword up to the hilt in the werewolf’s back. The force of the impact knocks the werewolf to the ground with the blade protruding from its chest. I pull the blade out and stand to face the other werewolves. I move in between the newcomer and the werewolves.

    Who are you, he shouts swinging the branch at me.

    I hit the branch with my sword and cut it shorter by a few inches.

    I’m the one that’s going to help get you out of here alive, I snap.

    Then another werewolf attacks, it jumps high aiming for my shoulders. I have enough time to react due to the berserker, but I’m not the one to kill this werewolf. Luna flies over my head and drives both of her blades into the werewolf’s neck. The werewolf falls in front of me and Luna lands neatly beside me.

    Did you think that I was going to let you have all the fun, she grins.

    Well I’m willing to share, I say with a smirk.

    Luna laughs and three more werewolves come out of the forest fringe to help the others. Now there are six of them to worry about, and a newcomer with a stick to protect. I run towards the two werewolves closest to me. The first swipes low and I block with the sharp edge of my blade. Three of the werewolf’s digits are severed and it howls in pain, but before it can recover to attack again my blade cleaves the side of its neck.

    The second werewolf doesn’t wait for me to regain my posture. I turn and the werewolf is already upon me, there’s nothing I can do. Suddenly there is a massive flash of black and the werewolf is gone. I glance up at the sky to see Arrok fling the lifeless werewolf to the ground before circling back.

    Luna makes quick work of the werewolf bearing down on her. Now there are only two left. Both of them can see that the battle is lost and flee across the small clearing. I run towards them, but they are too fast as they run on all fours. Then Iris blasts through the underbrush and snatches up the lead werewolf in her jaws. She shakes her head from side to side, tearing the life from the werewolf like a ragdoll. She then releases the werewolf and it breaks through several low hanging branches.

    The last werewolf stops and looks around in panic, knowing there’s nowhere for it to run. It turns to run between the space between me and Luna. It takes two steps, and then Luna throws one of her short swords. It hums through the air and thuds into the werewolf’s chest, but it keeps going. She throws the other and it sticks only a fraction of an inch from the first. The werewolf falls limp to the ground.

    Is that all of them, I ask taking a few deep breathes.

    It appears so, Luna says walking to the werewolf.

    She pulls her swords from the werewolf’s chest and wipes them off on its fur. We both turn to face the newcomer. He stands with his back to a large oak tree; the branch is still clutched in his hands. His breathing is heavy and he tries hard to stop from shaking. Luna and I walk towards him.

    Get back, He shouts stabbing out at us with the branch.

    We’re not going to hurt you, I say calmly.

    I don’t care, he says shakily.

    Maybe you should put your sword away, Luna whispers.

    Yeah, that might help, I laugh as I sheath my sword.

    We are here to help you, Luna says taking a step closer.

    I walk up next to Luna, who seems to be better at the whole newcomer thing than me.

    It is still dangerous here, Luna says glancing around. We need to go.

    She takes another step towards the newcomer and he lowers the branch. It looks like she’s convinced him. Then he swings out with the branch and it barely misses her face. I move forward and kick the back of his hand causing him to drop the branch. I’m instantly inches from his face.

    If we wanted to hurt you or wanted you dead we would have watched the werewolves rip you apart, I shout. Although there are plenty more of them out here and they will find you in a matter of minutes.

    He seems taken back by my reaction. I have no desire to fight more werewolves.

    Okay, he stammers. I’ll do whatever you want.

    I want to get you to safety, I say trying to calm myself. Or do you want to stay here?

    I turn and start to walk away.

    No, wait, he shouts. I’ll go. Anywhere has to be better than here, right?

    Okay, I say turning so I’m facing him again. You’re not afraid of heights are you?

    You don’t mean we’re going to ride one of those things are we, he asks in a panicked tone.

    Yes, I say shortly and then I let out a loud whistle.

    Arrok and Iris land in the small clearing that we stand at the edge of. The newcomer takes one step back and looks up at them.

    They’re dragons, he says shocked. How is this possible?

    I don’t know if I’m the best person to explain that, I say looking at him. Come on, you can ride with me.

    We walk to Arrok and I climb up, I then lean down and help the newcomer up. Once he’s settled I turn look over my shoulder at him.

    Are you ready, I ask.

    I hope so, he laughs nervously.

    Arrok kicks off the ground a little more gently than he normally does and we slowly climb into the sky. Luna and Iris are beside us in seconds. We turn towards the mountains of Haven and begin our journey back.

    I’m Matthew, he says as we level off. Everyone calls me Matt though, or at least they used to.

    It’s nice to meet you, I say over my shoulder. I’m Ivan.

    What, he examines. You’re Ivan?

    Yeah why, I ask.

    You’re the guy half the people in Alabama are looking for, Matt says.

    Really, I say with a grin.

    Yeah, Matt says excitedly. Your face was on the news and everything. They’re even offering a ten thousand dollar reward for you safe return.

    That’s interesting, I say glancing at Luna.

    She meets my gaze and smiles lightly.

    I bet I could cash in on that reward, Matt says thoughtfully.

    Sorry, I say. But you can’t.

    Why not, he asks his good mood gone.

    Once you’re here you don’t go back, I say slowly. Your face is going to be on the news now too.

    No way, Matt says numbly. How is this possible? I can’t stay here!

    Listen, I say calmly. You are going to be safe where we’re going. It’s a massive city built inside of a mountain range. Once we’re there someone will answer all of your questions.

    Fine, Matt replies distantly. I can’t go back, how can this be?

    We fly over the edge of the forest and out over the grasslands again. The trip back seems to be taking less time than the trip to the forest. The dark peaks of the mountains are jutting up from the horizon and growing larger with every second that passes.

    This place is beautiful, I’ll give you that, Matt mumbles in astonishment.

    It sure is, I breathe.

    So, why are you two here exactly, Matt asks.

    This place is where I was born, Luna says. This is my home.

    Our home, I correct. After I disappeared from your world, I found that I preferred this one better.

    No, I meant here helping me, Matt asks again.

    Those were werewolves, I explain. About two weeks ago tens of thousands attacked our city. We managed to drive them away, but many of them are still convinced they can take the city. So their new tactic is to kill newcomers as they arrive through the gateways.

    But I had nothing to do with them losing, Matt protests.

    It does not matter to them whose side you are on, Luna says calmly.

    I can tell that he’s working himself into another panic.

    Just calm down, I say slowly. We’ll be at Haven soon.

    This is your fault, Matt shouts then grabs me.

    He wraps one of his arms around my neck and tries to choke me. I can feel him squeezing harder, but I’ve tucked my chin down so I can still breathe somewhat. I let out a low chuckle.

    We’re over a thousand feet in the air, I say through gritted teeth. You saw what we did to the werewolves; you don’t want that to happen to you.

    That was on the ground, Matt stammers.

    You know it’s not the fall that kills you, I say coolly. It’s the impact.

    I fling myself to one side and we both slip off of Arrok’s back. I know that he will catch us in a matter of seconds, but Matt doesn’t know that. The wind rips at our clothes for what seems like an eternity but is really only a few seconds. What started as an attempt to intimidate me as become a desperate attempt to cling to life, Matt is squeezing so tight to my neck I can barely breathe, and then Arrok suddenly catches us both on his back. Even though we are now safe and have both climbed back onto Arrok’s shoulders, Matt is still trembling uncontrollably. I take a few deep breaths and clear my throat.

    I’m sorry, he says shakily.

    So am I, I say rubbing my sore neck. I shouldn’t have done that.

    I glance over at Luna as she shakes her head. I know she doesn’t approve of what I just did, but she’s still smiling. We’re now over the last stretch of grasslands and almost to the outer wall.

    This is Haven, Luna says as she waves to one of the soldiers on the wall top. This is where you will be staying for as long as you would like.

    Matt says nothing as he gazes out over the fields and streams. His reaction was much like mine only a few weeks ago. That seems like a different time now, years ago. We fly over the second wall and over the vast city of Haven. Matt’s expression grows even more amazed the closer we get to the palace.

    This is amazing, Matt says astonished. How long did it take to build this place?

    Decades of work, Luna says. It took thousands of people to see it through as well.

    We fly over the last wall and straight to the largest balcony, where a single form stands motionless. Marcus, the ruler of Haven stands waiting for our arrival. The dragons land softly and quietly on the polished marble floor. We all climb down and walk to Marcus.


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