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Wendy Goes to Junior High School
Wendy Goes to Junior High School
Wendy Goes to Junior High School
Ebook125 pages2 hours

Wendy Goes to Junior High School

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Wendy has mixed feelings about starting Junior High School. She wants to be popular and fit in by wearing the right clothes and saying and doing the right things. One minute she hates boys and the next minute she finds boys are pretty exciting, even Russell Rogers who has bullied her all her life. Being a teenager is definitely a confusing and challenging job! See what happens when the most popular boy in the school asks Wendy to dance and the most popular girl gets jealous of Wendy! Don't miss this exciting story combined with laughter and a touch of romance that will keep you wanting to read more!!
Release dateSep 27, 2011
Wendy Goes to Junior High School

Christy W Nobella

Most of us wouldn't want to repeat our Junior High School years. Having survived Junior High School, I have pulled from my own embarrassing experiences, as well as others, and have created a fun story of courage, a little romance, and have added some comic relief to keep the story entertaining, along with providing hope to anyone struggling through Junior High or who is now a survivor and wants to relive a unique time of their life. Join Wendy as she stands up to the popular bully and finds out she can be popular in her own way and find romance along the way! I live in Utah, was blessed with a loving husband, and have 5 amazing children.

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    Wendy Goes to Junior High School - Christy W Nobella

    © 2011 by Christy W Nobella. All rights reserved.

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    First published by AuthorHouse   09/01/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-2651-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-2650-5 (ebk)

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    Dedicated to everyone who has gone through the

    growing pains of Junior High!!!!

    Wendy glanced down at her watch and realized it was getting late and she should be heading home. It was a perfect July day and she was enjoying her walk through the field across from her home. This was her place to escape to where she could experience adventures in her imagination and become whoever she wished to be. Today she imagined herself as the most popular girl in school with silky black hair bouncing down her back, chocolate brown eyes, set in an ivory porcelain complexion. Her smile was irresistible, set off by a flirty dimple in her right cheek. Everyone was her friend and life was perfect.

    Her thoughts were quickly interrupted when several boys invaded her privacy, zooming by on their bicycles. Much to her horror, one of the boys was Russell Rogers. Her dreams of being the most beautiful girl came to a screeching halt as Russell yelled out Freckle Puss, narrowly missing her as he raced by. She could hear all of them having a big laugh at her expense. Oh how she hated that name. It reminded her that she wasn’t the most beautiful girl; but instead, very ordinary. In place of an ivory complexion, her face was covered with dreadful freckles. She had been told that she was fortunate to have strawberry blonde hair; however, it was thick and coarse and had a mind of its own, usually curling in the wrong direction. In her opinion, her only pretty feature was her sapphire blue eyes. They were very expressive and tended to give away her emotions. Russell was lucky to be long gone, because if her looks could kill, he would be history!

    As she continued walking home, Wendy remembered two years ago begging for an umbrella for her birthday with the hope to hide from any more of the sun’s kisses. Her Mother thought she was kidding when she requested an umbrella for her birthday; but at her continued persistence, she did get a red one.

    Her Mother also promised she would eventually outgrow her freckles, but not soon enough to suit her. Wendy soon found out that the umbrella was another great way for Russell to torment her. She carried it proudly in spite of the relentless teasing she had to endure from him. When she would relate the endless teasing episodes delivered by Russell, her Mother always made the comment why dear, that means he likes you, followed by, someday you may even marry Russell.

    Not if he were the last boy on earth Wendy insisted.

    As much as she loved her Mother, she really began to wonder if her Mother understood boys at all. She had never told her Mother the real reason her lunch pail had broken last winter; only that she had slipped on the icy snowy sidewalk breaking it. Thinking back on what really happened, made her smile.

    Russell and his fellow bullies took great delight in rushing out of school as soon as the bell would ring. There was one path that led out of the school grounds. They would race ahead and make snowballs which they delighted in throwing at the girls as they would make their way home. In their snowball antics, several snowballs would have a small rock inside, or they would be molded into the consistency of a solid ice ball. They took great care to aim at your head or your bottom. Upon hitting their target, squeals of delighted laughter from the bullies could be heard. It was impossible to race by without getting hit by one or two of their ice missiles.

    Wendy had come up with a plan to outsmart Russell and his gang. For the past few weeks she had decided to go sit in a bathroom stall for a time until she thought the bullies had gone home. To her amazement, her plan had worked. She was able to walk home from school in peace and quiet contemplating how to eventually be able to purchase the right kind of makeup to camouflage her freckles.

    Just before class ended one day, Russell asked, How come I never see you after school anymore?

    Wendy’s heart skipped a beat, and she tried her best to remain calm. Not wanting to alert him to her secret plan, she commented. I’ve seen you and your bullies. You all think you’re so tough picking on girls! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?

    She knew she had gone too far when Russell told her, I’ll be waiting for you. You’re just my size!

    She could only hope that she could outwait them. She remained in the bathroom a little longer than usual for good measure. As she started to make her way home, she realized in horror that Russell and his whole gang of bullies had waited for her. This was bad, as now she was the only target. She had to think fast about how to get out of this predicament.

    Surprising herself, she yelled, I challenge any one of you bullies to a fight… just you and me.

    To her frustration, gales of laughter came back in response. This was more difficult than she had anticipated. She hurriedly replied, I thought you were all too chicken. You don’t want to look stupid in front of your friends when a girl takes you down.

    No laughter came back this time, just a volley of snowballs. Wendy could have sworn every snowball had a rock in it. She was sure every inch of her body had been pelted. She began to run as fast as she could. If she survived this massacre, one day she would have her revenge. Little did she know her revenge would come just minutes away.

    As the distance between her and the bullies grew, she was able to slow down and catch her breath. She thought to herself, now I’m going to have freckles and bruises, what a great combination. Suddenly, Russell came out of nowhere and threw one last snowball at her, hitting her in the head. That did it. Wendy was mad now.

    She turned to see Russell doubled over in laughter and was amazed that he was all by himself. She smiled to herself and took off running at full speed toward him. Still enjoying his laugh, he suddenly realized that a mad blur of something was headed his way. Too late to move, Wendy threw herself at Russell. To his shock, Wendy was pretty strong and started getting the best of him. She swung her lunch pail at his head, leaving him dazed. Next he realized he was eating snow as Wendy was smashing snow up his mouth and nose.

    To her great delight, he whimpered and started to cry. Feeling victorious, she gave him a few more punches with her lunch pail, washed his face a few more times for good measure, and made him say Uncle. Finally she got him to promise that he and his group of bullies would stay away from her or she’d finish him off now. He begged her to stop and cried that he would leave her alone.

    Feeling quite gratified, she got up and proudly skipped the rest of the way home. Her lunch pail was a disaster, but to her surprise, her Mother actually accepted her story of falling and breaking the lunch pail. Being in a dazed state of memory, her Mother snapped her fingers bringing Wendy back to the present, and told her to go and set the table for dinner.

    Summer was coming to a quick close and Wendy was trying to enjoy every last minute of it. Not only would school be starting in two weeks, but this would be her first year of Junior High School. She just had to be popular and this was the year she felt positive she could make it happen. Having a variety of classes and teachers, would open new doors to prove her charisma.

    Russell Rogers came to her mind once again as she remembered being stuck in the third, fourth, and fifth grade with him. Being a bully was his specialty. He delighted in teasing her and she was sure he didn’t sleep at night, but instead stayed up plotting how he could torment her.

    She laughed out loud as she remembered a couple of occasions where she had gotten the best of Russell. Her favorite memory was the day her Mother had made her style her strawberry blonde hair in a pony tail. She begged her Mother not to brush it that way as she knew Russell would delight in pulling her hair. Mother always laughed at her and complimented her on what an amazing imagination she had.

    As Wendy remembered that day, she could picture Russell sitting directly in back of her and the enjoyment he was having pulling her pony tail one strand at a time. When he tired of that, he would grab several strands and start coloring them with his pen. She tried to ignore him; however, he persisted. Finally it was lunch time and she could get away from the mean bully!

    When lunch recess had ended, their teacher, Mrs. Lyon, began explaining the weekly spelling words. Russell hated spelling and decided pulling her hair was a better way to pass the time.

    Wendy decided she had had enough and scared poor Mrs. Lyon and the rest of the class by

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