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Expressions of the Heart: Heart to Heart
Expressions of the Heart: Heart to Heart
Expressions of the Heart: Heart to Heart
Ebook148 pages1 hour

Expressions of the Heart: Heart to Heart

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If you have had any affiliation to any individual, this book is definitely for you. Expressions of the Heart is a collection of poems which emanated from the heart of the author, expressly for readers like you. It sets out to serve as a comfort and inspiration to all readers. It embraces real life issues in a manner that gives meaning to some of the experiences that are buried deep inside us as well as those we encounter in our daily living. The use of figurative language, sets to present you with novel ways of unfolding those feelings. Expressions of the Heart allows you to reflect on your situations, and encourages you to personalize the experiences of others so that the poems do not become just words on paper, but something that you can relate to or imagine; something captivating, something REAL.

It also presents life experiences from a Caribbean culture which can be quite different from that of other cultures around the world. For example, common law unions are often frowned upon, especially in times of death and people make judgements about the souls of those who died in those unions. Such issues are addressed in the book so as to allow the voices of those caught in the 'seat of judgement' to to be heard and understood.

No matter what your interests are, you will enjoy moments of joy and laughter coupled with feelings of sadness for unfulfilled love. You will experience something. There is something for everyone.
Release dateApr 26, 2012
Expressions of the Heart: Heart to Heart

Flora Emmanuel-Joseph

Mrs. Flora Emmanuel-Joseph is an educator and literary enthusiast from the small Caribbean island of Saint Lucia. She is a proud mother of two and has been an educator for the past twenty-four years. Flora is a graduate of the University of the West Indies, where she pursued her degree specializing in the teaching of language arts and ventured on to specialize in education at the University of Sheffield.

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    Expressions of the Heart - Flora Emmanuel-Joseph



    Heart to Heart


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    A collection of poems compiled by Flora Emmanuel-Joseph

    © Copyright 2012 Flora Emmanuel-Joseph.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-4269-9776-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4269-9777-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4269-9778-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011917742

    Trafford rev. 04/23/2012

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    Forbidden Love

    Love’s Message

    Memoirs of Love

    My Love


    I Cry

    Prisoner of Love


    The Road Ahead

    Love’s Friendship

    Stolen Moments

    And Love Came

    Reflections of a

    Wounded Heart

    Make a Wish upon a Star

    Promises for Tomorrow

    A Repentant Heart


    September 11th

    That Voice

    Caution Bells

    The Serpent’s Tale

    The Storm

    Tomorrow’s Gift


    A Heavy Heart

    My Heart’s Cry

    Look on the Bright Side

    Reality Check

    Common-law Union

    An Innocent Question

    A New Beginning

    Mirror, Mirror

    on the Wall

    Frustrated Mother

    Fear Factor

    Woman… that’s me

    The Sea’s Tale

    Celebrating Friendship


    Talk of the Night

    and the Day

    When Good News came

    The City of Corruption

    Teach Me

    Limited Possibilities

    And now… .

    The Making of a Stranger

    A Mother’s Cry

    Memories of a Loved One

    The Decision

    My Son I was There

    That’s What friends Do

    The Last Farewell

    When the Rains Came

    It Starts One Day

    at a Time

    The War of the Heart

    and the Head

    At Last It Came

    A Sunset Experience

    The Poor Man’s Response

    Lessons Learnt

    It’s Time to Let Go

    The Story of the Heart

    Stop all Activities and Listen!

    A Woman in a Man’s World

    The Hand of Time

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    Because of You I Can

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    The Plea

    The Verdict

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    Love Prevails


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    A Gift of Teaching

    A Word to the Men

    Love Wreck

    Confessions of the Heart

    Thank You

    From my Heart to your Heart

    With Love



    Sometimes all we need in life is a spark to set a fire going. I found that spark in a ‘friend’ who unknowingly triggered my creative juices and ignited a desire so intense in me to capture all those thoughts into poetry. It is therefore with undying love and heartfelt gratitude I dedicate this anthology of poems to Vernon F. You were the inspiration behind this book. Your belief in me was all it took to put my thoughts on paper. Thank You.

    Also to my son P.J whose wisdom and encouragement are far beyond his nine years. If every child displayed the interest and support in the activities of parents, then many parents would become successful. Your curiosity about what I was writing and how soon would the book be published, made a world of difference to me in getting this book completed. It’s just a pity that you can’t read most of the contents as yet. I love you very much.

    Love Always



    If words alone could paint the picture

    Of my heart,

    All you would see is a mixture

    Of love and gratitude

    From the start

    For your part

    In propelling the dream,

    My dream and yours, St Lucia.

    My sincerest thanks to the management of

    1st National Bank St Lucia.


    Nothing happens if it is not blessed by the hand of God. Today I say thank you Lord for your many blessings on me.

    The successful completion of a book takes time, effort and dedication. I was blessed in abundance to have received all of those in completing this book. Let me take this opportunity to thank all those who provided much needed support and encouragement to me in fulfilling this dream of making this book a reality.

    Firstly I wish to thank my dearest husband, Paul for his generous support. I could not ask for more from you. I love you.

    Heart felt thanks to my mother-in-law Mrs Carmelia Joseph -Albert for the small gesture of support. It will not go unnoted.

    Special thanks also to my family for being patient and understanding when I needed some quiet time to write. To my son Aldon I say thanks for taking care of things for me. Your maturity is indeed an asset to the family.

    I also wish to acknowledge the contributions of Keri Antoine, Olson O.P. Peter as well as Chris Huxley who provided some of the photos for the book. Thanks to my best friends Diana Fanis and Mrs Majorie Maxwell-Serieux who provided valuable suggestions for improving the book. Your comments were appreciated.

    I am immensely grateful to Monica Victor, Alexia Ernest, Claudia Bissette, Ms Chantal Sonson, Ms Donetta Cox, the Mon Repos Eastern Credit Union in Micoud, St Lucia, the St Lucia Teachers Credit Cooperative Union, Michelle Page of Trafford Publishing for your persistence in getting me to sign up with you as well as Dennis Taylor my check-in coordinator,

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