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The Akashic Field: It Makes Every Place in the Universe Part of the Neighborhood
The Akashic Field: It Makes Every Place in the Universe Part of the Neighborhood
The Akashic Field: It Makes Every Place in the Universe Part of the Neighborhood
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The Akashic Field: It Makes Every Place in the Universe Part of the Neighborhood

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From The Akashic Field: It Makes Every Place in the Universe Part of the Neighborhood

It is easy to entertain the idea that religions and spirituality make sense only when we consider the probability of the Akashic Field. What we call Heaven, the Other Side, and even Nirvana, are inconceivable without an Akashic Field. In using this concept, we are able, for the first time, to provide rational answers to where the soul goes between so-called death and rebirth. As if by magic so many of lifes questions can now find answers, even the concept of the existence of the soul coming from the unseen universe and returning to it periodically. It is only the physical body that perishes as eventually all material mustwhen it is no longer needed.

This field even makes the appearance and disappearance of photons possible. The actions of photons provide answers to non-locality in communication. We can communicate over long distances only because our thoughts enter and emerge from this stated Akashic Field. As Einstein said, There is no space between souls.

The actual appearance of the universe can now also be explained.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateDec 12, 2011
The Akashic Field: It Makes Every Place in the Universe Part of the Neighborhood

Sheldon Stoff

DR. SHELDON STOFF is professor emeritus at Adelphi University. During his years as educator and spokesperson for humanistic education, he established the International Center for Studies in Dialogue. BARBARA SMITH STOFF, poet, artist, and producer of Emmy Award–winning Poems of Wonder and Magic, has received multiple academic awards, taught English, comparative literature, and art at various academic levels. They are currently writing a book on evolution and the Akashic Field.

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    The Akashic Field - Sheldon Stoff

    Copyright © 2011 Sheldon Stoff and Barbara Smith Stoff


    Stan Padilla has exhibited his artwork nationally and internationally with works included in many prominent collections.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    We gratefully acknowledge permissions to reprint from the following sources:

    State University of New York Press for excerpts from Black Elk Speaks by John G. Neihardt, 1961.

    Steiner Books for excerpts from Cosmic Memory by Rudolf Steiner. Translated from the German by Karl E. Zimmer, 1959.

    The Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, Chennai , India, for excerpts from Vol. I. The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, 1888; excerpts from Man: Whence, How and Whither by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, 1913; excerpts from Ancient Mystic Rites by C. W. Leadbeater, 1926.

    The Society of Metaphysicians for excerpts from Esoteric Buddhism by Alfred Percy Sinnett, 1883.

    The Akashic Field: It Makes Every Place in the Universe Part of the Neighborhood is sponsored by The International Center for Studies in Dialogue, a nonprofit educational corporation.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-4309-3 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011961496

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/08/2011


    Chapter 1

    Understanding Akasha And Prana

    Chapter 2

    Evolution And The Akashic

    Chapter 3

    Meditation And The Akashic

    Chapter 4

    A Long Footnote For This Book

    Chapter 5

    Reincarnation And The Akashic Field

    Chapter 6

    Consciousness And The Akasha

    Chapter 7

    Love And Compassion In The Akashic

    Chapter 8

    The Akashic Field And Our Future On Earth

    To all those friends and teachers

    who are familiar companions on our journey,

    and especially to our patient and loving family members,

    we wish to offer our thanks.


    Conscious Evolution: The Dance of Intuition and Intellect

    The Western Book of Crossing Over: Conversations with the Other Side

    Universal Kabbalah: Dawn of a New Consciousness

    The Two Way Street

    The Human Encounter: Vols. I and II

    The Pumpkin Quest

    There is a primal essence that is all-inclusive and undifferentiated and which existed before there was any appearance of heaven and earth. It may be regarded as the Mother of the Universe.

    Lao Tzu

    George B. Benner

    What Barbara and Sheldon Stoff offer to humankind is a lovely jewel, a many faceted diamond. In this work they show the process of polishing the various facets of this diamond in order to reflect the light, the inner light, with which they are so conversant. The AKASHA is indeed a diamond with all its facets formed from lifetimes of experiences but often its meaning is hidden from us. Therefore we require a guide—in this case two of them! As each explains from a particular view, the reader will discover a sort of blending, a three part blending…two parts from the authors, and another from the readers’ own experiences.

    We can learn from this blending the meaning of the Akashic Record in our lives which enables us to see with a clearer vision the tasks that will lead us to the peace and brotherly love described here. I have known these two initiates and worked beside them for many years; it is always a spiritually uplifting experience, just as is reading these thoughts concerning what has been written since the beginning of our time and as contained in those heavenly records. –– Rev. George B. Benner, Author of Footprints, and A Guide to Contemplative Prayer; Producer of the documentary Upper Spectacle Pond; Bishop, Church of Illumination, Quakertown,PA

    Kingsley L. Dennis

    Sheldon and Barbara Stoff’s book The Akashic Field is full-packed with information about the Akashic Field. The investigations on the Akashic are some of the most dense I have come across, and so well-explained in so few pages. The range of material is impressive—everything from the holographic universe; quantum physics and non-local fields; to inter-planetary travel; reincarnation and karma; the energy of love; death & conversations with the other side; conscious and spiritual evolution, and more. And yet, finally, as they tell us—in the end it is all about love! This book is a wonderful mix of the scientific, the spiritual, the metaphysical, with the creative and loving soul. — Kingsley L. Dennis, Ph.D., Author of After the Car and New Consciousness for a New World: How to Thrive in Transitional Times and Participate in the Coming Renaissance, is a sociologist, and cofounder of WorldShift International, and author of numerous articles on complexity theory, technologies, new media communications, and consciousness. He spends his time between Andalusia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.


    Some might think of the Akashic Field as the ground which produces visible tangible flowers blossoming from the within to the without—blossoming into the outer world of form, time and duration. Sheldon and I like to picture roses bursting forth in beauty and symmetry. Human consciousness can do much to help the field blossom beautifully. Down through the ages, varying cultures have used interesting terms in reference to the figure-ground dynamic. Since the days of the Sanskrit, what we call the Akasha has been known by many names. Here we list only some of them:


    The Akasha

    The Akasa

    Holographic Consciousness

    The Divine Matrix

    The Divine Milieu

    The Akashic Chronicle

    The A Field

    The Akashic Field

    The A Record

    The Tao

    The Unseen Universe

    The Invisible Universe

    The Hidden Universe

    The Unified Field of Energy


    The Fifth Element of Creation

    The Great Net

    The Web

    The Cosmic Mind

    The Theory of Everything

    The Universal Field of Energy

    Ha Shamayim

    Cosmic Consciousness

    The Divine Mind

    The Mind of God

    The Attractor

    Divine Imagination

    Possibilities Located Somewhere

    Gaian Mind

    The Omega Point

    The Cosmic Christ

    Gaian Unconscious

    The World Soul

    The Soul of All Things

    The Mystical Body

    The Within

    The Soul of the Universe

    The Collective Field of Co-herence



    Kabalistic Astral Light

    The Universal Soul

    Kutastha Chaitanya

    The One

    The Life Force

    The Universal Agent

    Universal Life

    The Great Magical Agent

    Universal Light

    The Body of God

    The Logos


    The Burning Bush

    The Zoroastrian Sacred Fire

    The Egyptian Ra

    Abram’s Burning Lamp

    The Spiritual Life-Principle

    The Wind

    The Breath

    The External Hard Drive

    The Spirit of Light

    The Living Fire

    The Universal Mind

    The Yajna

    The Astral Light

    The Chaos

    The Hermes Fire

    The Matrix of the Universe

    Mysterium Magnum

    The Spiritual Womb of the Universe


    And we like to think about the rose itself—or the essence of the rose. So we have included some poetry in part two—ESSENCE OF ROSE: TALISMAN AND TRANSIT.

    I can read road maps—and do—when I need to get from point A to point B, but it is only from way in there that the world makes sense to me. That is where the poetry comes from—way in there. The most current and commonly recommended name for that now is the Akashic Field.

    For me, writing a poem is where the making sense of the outer world happens—and where transformation sometimes happens. For instance, with the writing of Black Holes: Space in Time – the line ‘Dante’s deepest center emits no light’ was critical for me. The line just came, from where I knew not, and when it did, everything changed. The pain ceased and all became radiant. A poem can always be a talisman for the transit.

    Sheldon says:

    Since we talk about poetry quite a lot, Barbara has asked me to write down some of my thoughts about her poems here. We both believe that there is always communication between the physical and the spiritual, between earth and heaven. We can always be open to that Two Way Street.

    She believes that writing a poem always involves a partnership with the other side. I believe that is the way the great works of humankind are done. They are intuitive-intellectual endeavors. Barbara has chosen poetry as but one way of outing the partnership.

    In her writing she never believed it to be a solo adventure. The concept of working with a muse readily comes to mind, yet defining the muse can become quite a journey on its own.

    When I enter into the experience of reading her poems, the door into greater realms opens for me. I hope this happens for you too. Also, you will share some of Barbara’s fondest memories. We hope they become yours also.

    Barbara says:

    And now, Sheldon has asked me to write a narrative, if you will, of how the concerted work on this book began. Although historically he has been a reader and researcher among ancient texts of many genre, I noticed that a concentrated focus upon the Akashic began as he was reading, copiously underlining and marginally notating, Ervin Laszlo’s Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything - Inner Traditions, 2004.

    Through the inter-library loan program and with the help of patient librarians, he brought in stacks of old tomes and was at the table for months and months, either meditating or reading. After each table session he would go to work in the garden. Good balance.

    When asked what he was doing, he explained his process to a friend in this way:Prior to writing, I meditate on the scope of the book and ask for help so that it might aid many. I spend many weeks involved in this process of meditation. I then write a table of contents (again, much meditation) and then a chapter outline for the whole book. Once I have a chapter outline, I proceed to outline each chapter with key thoughts. I begin again with Chapter One—writing perhaps twenty pages. I then seek authentication and look for verification, from sociological sources (published research texts), and experiential sources (published spiritual writings, some VERY old and available only through inter-library loan). If I cannot find any I don’t use my material. Having first written chapter outlines, I am able to keep on track. (During the actual writing, I condensed Chapters 1 and 2 into Chapter 1.)

    For my part, I know we will need to work on clarity here, because this book is also a mix of our readings and ponderings over the years. Yes, I can see this is an important opportunity for working on clarity of expression. As for the ‘mix’…how does one sum up and express a life? For years, I actually believed that I had a special communication with Teilhard de Chardin—that famed paleontologist/futurist in the same incarnation. It seemed Teilhard answered a lot of questions for me. Although he died in 1955, I did not learn of him until 1961, when a friend brought me a copy of The Divine Milieu. As I began to read him, he became a kind of Rosetta Stone for studying a lot of other

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