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How I Found My True Inner Peace: Book 1
How I Found My True Inner Peace: Book 1
How I Found My True Inner Peace: Book 1
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How I Found My True Inner Peace: Book 1

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How I Found My True Inner Peace shares what has brought Maggie Anderson to the divinely untouched part of herself. This book can act as a guidepost along your way to true inner peace, Kundalini awakening, and self-realization. Peace is our constant. Our soul is always at peace. And we can bring that to our waking consciousness, either in little steps or a leap. It is up to you. And it is Maggie's intention that this book will assist you in getting there.

Maggie will show you how to empower yourself with conscious awareness of your surroundings and what you create in every moment. She shows you how she found true inner peace and how you can get there too.

There is a place in you that remains untouched. No matter how much has happened to you, this sacred place within you can be fully awakened and blossom into your outer reality. You can access this anytime for healing, bliss, and love.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 20, 2011
How I Found My True Inner Peace: Book 1

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    Book preview

    How I Found My True Inner Peace - Maggie Anderson

    How I found my

    True Inner Peace

    Book 1


    Maggie Anderson

    Copyright © 2011 Maggie Anderson

    Meditation Girl image by Maggie Anderson

    Lotus image by Maggie Anderson

    Bagua Image by Maggie Anderson

    Photo of path by Herman Hooyschuur

    Photo of Author Maggie Anderson by Don Anderson

    Cover design by Maggie Anderson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. All contents of this book including imagery, unless otherwise stated, are copyright material of Margaret Anderson. For information write to Maggie Anderson, 33 Mowry Avenue #2, Cumberland, RI 02864.

    Balboa Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting:

    Balboa Press

    A Division of Hay House

    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    1-(877) 407-4847

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-3824-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-3825-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011915542

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/14/2011


    In Gratitude


    Part I

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33



    About the Author

    IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I write my experiences as I have experienced it. This is my experience. We all experience the Divine differently. We are all aspects of the Divine. I am offering my path as an example to serve. It is my wish that it brings you Clarity, Peace and Serenity. Remember the Divine is within you. As you align with pure intention for connection to the Divine, powerful transformation naturally occur within you. All in your Divine Timing. The ideas and opinions expressed here are those of the author and/or authors and do not necessarily reflect the community at large. Also, any exercises presented here, either physical or mental, are to be practiced at your own risk. Margaret Anderson shall not be liable to anyone. Consult your physician, therapist, guide, or guru before you begin or should you experience any discomfort or trauma from any of the processes involved in the awakening of Kundalini energy. It is recommended that clients see physicians or licensed healthcare professionals for physical or psychological ailments. Many people consider this energy force too powerful to work with on your own without the active assistance of a guide. Use your own best judgment. Be extremely careful, and progress slowly and cautiously on your path to Kundalini Awakening. It is in your best interest to do so.

    Sessions by Margaret Anderson are spiritual in nature, and are to be used for informational purposes only. A session is not a substitute for medical or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Margaret Anderson is not a licensed medical practitioner, does not diagnose conditions, does not perform medical treatment, does not prescribe substances, and does not interfere with the treatment of a client by a licensed medical professional. She does work with those individuals who have already received conventional medical treatments. She does and will suggest a visit back to the primary care physician or other medical specialists if she assesses it to be beneficial to consider. Energy Sessions and Energy Awakenings do not replace conventional medicine but can be a useful supplement to medical treatment. This is not a replacement for medical treatment for serious emotional disorders, nor is it recommended for substance abuse issues. By receiving an Energy Session or Energy Awakening, you acknowledge that you are of legal age; sound mind; have no history of mental illness; are not under the care of a mental health professional or taking psychogenic or mood altering drugs. Clients bear the responsibility for any decisions they take based on the information provided by Margaret Anderson. Margaret Anderson shall not be liable to anyone for any loss or injury resulting from the direct or indirect use of such information, and shall not be liable for any decision made or action taken by me or others in reliance upon such information. Margaret Anderson obtains information from various sources which she believes to be reasonably reliable. However, she makes no claims, representations, or warranties as to the information’s completeness, accuracy, currency, or reliability.

    Interior_Lotus_20110715033131.jpg  In Gratitude Interior_Lotus_20110715033131.jpg

    I‘d like to thank and dedicate this book to the Divine God/Goddess who sparked me into expressing on paper what is inside of me. This book is, also, lovingly dedicated to Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, the Angels, ArchAngels, Ascended Masters and higher beings, as well as to all those who have inspired me to write this book and finish it. Thank you so much to my Husband, Don, who lovingly and tirelessly assisted me in reviewing and editing. And I offer my utter gratitude and appreciation to the many masters along my path that have contributed to the expression of this book. To list a few: writings and energy from Eckhart Tolle, Kim Engh, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Denise Linn, Abraham-Hicks, Matt Kahn, Panache Desai, Maureen Moss, Joan Wood, Chrism, Louise L. Hay, Oprah and the beautiful yoga Sadhana & upliftments from Shiva Rea, Seane Corn, Denise Austin, as well as Chalene Johnson and sooo many more that I can’t list here that have crossed my path.


    How I Found My


    BOOK 1



    "Y ou’re so weird. Nobody else would ever say that to me, ever !" my Husband exclaimed. He asked how my day was going and I told him my day was going great as I had just finished doing some yoga in a bathroom stall at work. Gotta be me! Okay, just to clarify, I work for a very nice corporate company that keeps their bathrooms immaculate. Not to mention, when I practice yoga in a bathroom stall, it’s usually in a rarely used bathroom. And yes, I do wash my hands. :) So I thanked my Husband because I’m happy to be weird! Why be like everyone else. It’s not entirely possible even though we can pretend. We are each unique beings having a unique experience.

    We each have a Divine Spark within us. Embracing the Divine fire within you causes transformations that change you forever. It is beautiful and powerful. It enables you to discover that the Divine is everywhere—that there is no place the Divine is not. The Divine is all around us. The Divine is within you! The Divine is within me. My hope in writing this book is to help you find your divinity within—your true inner self.

    The ideas I will share with you are not new, but ancient wisdom that have come to my consciousness. We each have this inner truth and can tap into it at any time. You will read about awakening to a higher awareness of who you are, empowering yourself through conscious awareness of your mental surroundings and living in the present. It is a journey inward for truth, peace and wisdom. It is how I have been guided to live my life with the tools that will get you there too.

    With How I found my True Inner Peace it is my intention that it assists you in learning to find your true inner peace. All while assisting you in living your every day life in the flow. If your goal is to happily live a more conscious, authentic, awakened, joy-filled life, you will find guidance within this book. I share only the ideas that have come to me of raising consciousness for living an enlightened life. These ideas are not new but ancient concepts that have come to my consciousness to share with you. You will learn how to empower yourself through conscious awareness of your surroundings and what you create in every moment! Dive in and feel the wonderful powerful shifts within. And as you follow your inner hearts guidance system with clarity your unique path opens up to you.

    Now is the time. If you’re reading this, it’s likely that right now you are ready to embrace something deeper within yourself. You are ready to awaken the mystery and blossom like a lotus. Keep in mind, however, that truth lies within. You cannot find your truth in a book. Although books may guide and uplift, they can lead you only to the point of your own discovery that the answers are always—and always have been—right there within you. The truth lies within. It is my intention that this remembrance occurs for everyone and you are empowered to share your essence.

    Therefore, as you read this book, let yourself be lifted up, embrace whatever helps you along your journey into Self, and leave the rest. There is so much I still do not know and so much I know I am still only just now learning. I am simply sharing what I have come to at this point in my journey. Take what you like and leave the rest.

    How I found my True Inner Peace holds answers to many questions of real life expression, expansion and transcendence. I write this book, not just for you, but for myself. In writing How I found my True Inner Peace I am reminded of the lessons I’ve learned, the soul searching I went through and the lessons I am still learning. I’ve made mistakes. We all do. And we bless these mistakes that show us how we can correct it next time. While writing How I found my True Inner Peace I was reminded to take a step back and breathe; live for the blissful present moment. It is a conversation with myself and all of you who have helped me to help myself just by BEING. I thank you all from the depths of my heart.

    Through my experiences it became clear that the true path to sharing light with the world is to first work on the Self. We must be totally aligned in the higher realms and resonate at that frequency. In moving from this sacred space within we can then share light with everyone. As you heal your life you give others permission to do the same. In this book you will learn the tools I was guided to use in order to do just that.

    How I found my True Inner Peace was crafted through the powerful connection I received via the energy and love that poured through me as I vigorously typed away. This book is also shaped by my own personal experiences and the teachings from the many teachers in my life who have touched my heart, challenged me and assisted me in being the real me. Teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Buddha, Kwan Yin, and the many teachers from workshops I’ve attended, attunements I’ve received, books I’ve read, online learning’s I’ve participated in, as well as the day to day teachers of my family, children, friends and many strangers. All of these teachers assisted me in who I have become, which is more of the true me that I always was. Forever learning and evolving, I offer this part of me as a guide for you. It is my intention that reading How I found my True Inner Peace brings you more peace, energy renewal and conscious awareness in your life.

    How I found my True Inner Peace is crafted as BOOK ONE in a two-part series that will lead you on your path to Enlightenment. As I wrote this book it became clear that the book be separated into two clear visions on their own that are linked with each other in a progression. In this first book, Part I, we dive deep into the Natural Laws of the Universe and in Part II we go deeper into the steps of How I Found My True Inner Peace. In the second book much of the sacred mechanics of our awakening is revealed and a deep look at daily devotions and healing the self is shared. Both books bring with them amazing transformations as you integrate the learnings held within.

    In not wanting to confuse those who read this I wanted to explain when you hear me talk about our Light and the Universe. I use the word God and I use the word Divine a lot in this book. The two words are interchangeable for me. God is the Divine. And the Divine is God; the all encompassing energy cosmic consciousness of the All that Is. This is how it is for me and as you read, this become clearer for you as well.

    You may choose to read this book from cover to cover as it is laid out. Or you can have some fun with the soul. You can ask your soul to open up to a page for a lesson you need to learn that day. Then simply open the book and see what messages await you. Have some fun with it!

    What is Awakening?

    Prior to diving into the depths of this book, it’s important to define the terms awakening and ascension. As we learn to find our inner center and peaceful state of being we evolve and open ourselves up even more to the divine being that we are, or rather awaken. Ascension is the awakening to our true Divine Spirit—the Divine Spirit we have always been and are getting to know again. You are much more than your mind tells you that you are. When we are awakened, we are no longer asleep, rolling with the punches of life in the mass consciousness. We become awakened to life on a new and higher level. We become aware of the divine in all of us.

    Ascension gives us a higher vantage point from which we see that we are evolving into a much more connected race that is transitioning into a new dimension. You are so much more than your mind tells you that you are. You can do and be and are so much more! Awareness and love comes from within, but rather we *are* awareness and we *are* love. We are the Divine and the Divine is us. The realization of this is awakening.

    We see that life is miraculous at every turn. And not only that, we realize that we have the power within ourselves to make our life amazing. Ascension is the evolvement of Mother Earth and the Human Race. We are evolving into a much more finely-tuned connected race. We are energy beings and vibrate at different frequencies. We each have a frequency, as does Mother Earth. As these frequencies rise up we become more of the higher beings we’ve always been. We become awakened to life on a new and higher level. We are moving into a new dimension. Essentially, ascension is the constant releasing of the old (all that has been created before) and the bondage of the ego, while opening up to your true Divine Self. We are all Divine and we are aligning more with remembering our pure Divine Soul.

    It is happening now. No one is left behind. Some are already awakened and some are in the process of awakening and again some will soon go through the major changes that allow the process to go through them as well. The time is only Now.

    We each have a divine spark within us that is our core essence and our core essence is Love. Our ego’s or personalities cloak our true essence. It is hiding our true selves. Our ego is here to serve us while in this reality and not the other way around. Somewhere along the way the ego took over and we are slaves to it. As we awaken we will tame that beast. As we ascend we release more and more of our ego’s hold and the filter of our personalities. We, thus, show more of our true selves. Our true nature is peace. By bringing peace to ourselves we bring it to the world. As each of us align with our Higher Selves, our Light Body, our true Divine essence, we create a synergy of that light consciousness within that awakens and blossoms out to reach the depths of all souls. The seed has already been planted and now we are blooming. It is time.

    We eventually transmute our lower selves as we awaken and ascend and take on more of our higher selves and bring that guidance and light more and more within us. This brings the guidance clearer and stronger in our heart. In either way we always have this guidance and sometimes it takes a quiet moment to truly hear our true heart and soul and its guidance. Check in with your heart. You can do this even without meditating or years of practice. It’s always been there; ongoing, all the time. Can you feel it? Guidance is ongoing, simply getting present gets you there. Get present in every moment and your heart voice is heard loud and clear.

    Everyone is special and all of us have the gifts. Everyone can do this. Everyone can remove their own blockages for powerful healing. You have it. You can work towards it. In these ascension times it is our expansion of consciousness that is bringing us all to this expanded way of living and being.

    To understand the mechanics of awakening it is important to briefly explain our energy bodies and Kundalini. For the purpose of this book I am including only a snippet of information about these inner workings and do elaborate at length the larger picture in the second part of this two-part series, Divine Embrace.

    Our energy bodies are made up of a yin and yang, a male and female half. Each halves making a whole. We can’t have one without the other. Each makes up the other. For many many years we’ve been heavily in our male halves. The Divine Feminine energies are now emerging to complete the other half in a balanced connection. As the two merge together, we become one whole being. Shiva is our masculine side and Shakti our feminine. However, they are one in the same really. We merge these together and realize it’s always been both and not just one over the other. As Shiva Rea likes to say, What is the mover behind the mover.

    In our energy bodies we have seven main energy vortices or Chakras (out of hundreds of chakras) that align along the center of our body from the base of our spine all the way up to the crown of our heads. (More on chakras later.) Surrounding these chakras are three main Nadi’s (out of 72,000 nadi’s) called the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The Ida nadi is our left side of the body that goes from our left nostril to mid-brain all the way down to the left perineum. Ida holds the energy qualities of feminine, lunar, cooling and passive. The Pingala nadi is our right side of the body located in our right nostril to mid-brain and all the way down to the right perineum. The Pingala holds masculine, sun, heating, active energy qualities. The Ida and Pingala wrap around the seven main chakras looking seemingly like DNA strands or like two serpents rising up to the crown of our heads. Where they join is a chakra. The Sushumna nadi goes from the base of our spine straight up along the spine and all the way up through the crown of our heads (or Crown Chakra).

    Sushumna is the Kundalini life force energy, also known as Spiritual Energy, even Serpent power. We all possess this wide unknown, yet powerful creative energy life-force of Kundalini.

    During this process we clear our energy blocks within our energy centers (chakras and aura). Or rather Kundalini assists in the clearing via energy surges and experiences. Kundalini pierces the energy centers (chakras) as it rises and will continue to rise up as it works on any old past patterns and blockages that may come up through the rising of our Kundalini energy. As this happens a Kundalini awakening occurs that may or may not be smooth in its process. Kundalini rides up the spine seemingly like two snakes electrically charged flowing from the Root chakra all the way up to the Crown chakra. Now if Kundalini hits a blockage it will stay there while working on that blockage but it does not stop at one chakra till that is cleared. It will continue to work simultaneous on other chakras. It works in succession with other chakras for clearing. It will only give you what you can and are meant to handle. Some will have a smoother balanced ride and others are destined to have a wild ride. Kundalini is a lifetime experience. It does not stop with one nifty experience and you’re awakened, enlightened and all done. No, it goes on for a lifetime of experiences, even after awakened you will still go through your normal life. As the saying goes before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment you chop wood and carry water; only maybe with more joy, presence and awareness.

    The purpose of Kundalini awakenings is the preparation for your mind, body and soul in reaching the expanded state of consciousness. You will come to learn that it helps for a better way of being to keep your energy moving, never growing stagnant. Stagnancy is the only true death we may ever experience. Growing stagnant allows for built up emotions, negativity, complacency and ego to rule your unconscious living. Our bodies are transforming and the Kundalini awakening is assisting this to occur. If the body is prepared beforehand with a healthy lifestyle and healthy living, then the rising Kundalini will leave with it a balanced transformation over a balanced timeframe that is unique to each individual. If not, the rising is disturbing and sometimes painful for days, weeks or years (such as in Gopi Krishna’s case as told in his book The Awakening of Kundalini). Kundalini’s spark of life force will assist you in cleaning up your life in all ways. So the Kundalini spark assists with the spiritual awakening.

    If we have blockages and ignore the signs or experiences that are trying to assist us in releasing those blockages (releasing through experiences, meditation, Higher Self or Angelic guidance) our Kundalini awakening will feel downright awful and take longer than need be. These blockages are karma or rather old past patterns and actions needing to be released once and for all; preferably in this lifetime. Coming out of our attachments to desires and the positive or negative affect of experiences but staying in a neutral state of being always aware of our connection as the Divine (Atma) Itself is what gets us out of the cycle of karma and death and rebirth. This process can be smooth for most of us. As we listen to our hearts, our Angels, and the Divine, we flow through life awake, aware, joyful, and blissful.

    Honor your process. After all, it is only your path and nobody else’s. Have patience with yourself as well. Sometimes things won’t happen as fast as you, or rather your ego, would like. But know that it is all Divine and everything happens as it should. Your path is yours alone. You may have spikes of activity and bliss and other days, weeks or months are seemingly lifeless. But they are not lifeless. They are filled with life lessons and challenges that you may need to face in order to continue your process. Sometimes your awakening will be active with physical symptoms and other times you are only processing emotional issues. It is unique to everyone. Honor YOUR path. See it as Divine and stay in that positive mindset that all is truly in Divine order.

    It is amazing to see the transformations occurring within all of humanity. It is all divine and occurring in a timing that is just right for each of us. There is no

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