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In the Midst of God’S Grace, He Gave Me…..You.
In the Midst of God’S Grace, He Gave Me…..You.
In the Midst of God’S Grace, He Gave Me…..You.
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In the Midst of God’S Grace, He Gave Me…..You.

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Timothy, John found out about us the night of our argument. John was on the balcony listening. He said he heard most all of what we said to each other. Timothy, I have been torn down to rock bottom for betraying him. Timothy, I need you again. I need for you to help me through this terrible chapter of my life. Timothy held me so close and shed tears for me and for John. I never wanted John to know. Elise, I am so sorry about this whole ordeal, but I will never regret having you for mine, at least for the amount of time that we did have. Love never dies, I told Tim. It may sometimes lay dormant in our souls but will always live in our hearts.

Timothy, we must wait and I must choose. Time will tell just how our paths will go. I told Timothy that I had never been so torn between one love and another. You understood that didnt you Timothy, didnt you? It was always Timothys love that lay dormant in the back ground of my heart. I would not tell him this. Soon it would be time, that would make the decision for me and regret would leave me with such inexpiable guilt that would trouble my soul to the depths of the earth.

Release dateOct 12, 2011
In the Midst of God’S Grace, He Gave Me…..You.

Shayla Blankenship

In the midst of God’s Grace, He gave me…, is Shayla’s first novel in which she began writing in March 2008 and she finished her novel in July 2011. She began at the young age of eleven with an inner desire to write poetry and has placed many of her poems within her first novel. Shayla has taken many of her own experiences in life and those of others and wrapped them in what she calls (her little bits of truth, wrapped in fiction.) Shayla hopes to continue with a sequel and also would like to write a book of poetry. She wants to strive harder to perfect her gift of writing so as to please her readers and touch as many hearts as she possibly can. Shayla left her home in Kentucky for a new life in Maryland, where she lived for twenty years. Shayla worked in the Medical field and also in Data Entry. Maryland is the place she calls her true home, and after returning to her humble beginnings in Kentucky, she still yet yearns for home and plans one day to return to her home in Maryland, where loved ones wait for her return.

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    Book preview

    In the Midst of God’S Grace, He Gave Me…..You. - Shayla Blankenship

    © 2011 Shayla Blankenship. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 10/10/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-2420-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-2421-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-2422-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011916031

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty- Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven


    Author Notes


    I wish to dedicate my book to my Mother, for her undying Love and Support throughout my entire life. I love you Mom and I thank you for listening as I read my story to you time and time again, and all the while, in your heart, I watched as the pages came to life and I would see you smile once again.


    I also wish to give much thanks and lots of love to Kristin and Linda for their long friendship that I shall treasure forever. Even though we are far apart, it is the memory of our friendship that began in Maryland and still yet lives in our hearts today. I love you forever!


    To my niece, Stephanie, who always encouraged me in all my writings and was the one who said; Shayla, I believe it is time for you to take these new ideas of yours, along with your gift and write your book! Thank you Steph; for always being there for me. That was over three years ago! I love you forever!


    I want to give Thanks and Praise to God in Heaven for His hand upon my life and the gifts he has bestowed upon me throughout my lifetime. He is my rock! He is my King of kings and Lord of lords! He is my all, He is my Everything!


    To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under Heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, and a time to pluck what is planted. A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to build up; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to Love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of Peace.

    Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8



    In the Midst of God’s Grace, He gave me…

    Written by: Shayla Blankenship

    Memoirs of a young lady

    (As seen through the eyes of Elise)

    Hello, my name is Catherine Elise Sheridan. My story carries within itself an intriguing aspect of all emotions of one’s self. As we grow, our lives become intertwined with love, joy, peace and fun filled laughter with family and friends. As time passes, we do realize that tests and trials are always close behind, especially those of forbidden passion, betrayal, despair and the heartache of tragedy that cannot be easily shared. My story is wrapped in love, laughter, music and song, poetry, forgiveness, and many twists and turns as we travel down the road of life. I will share with you, many of the lessons of my life that I had to learn as I traveled along on my life’s journey until the end. Sometimes we must walk alone, if only for awhile.

    Most importantly, is our faith in our Father in Heaven and all good things that flows from the throne of Grace. His knowledge and wisdom that can strengthen us and the healing power that comes from the throne of God. When we hear his word, it will increase our Faith, as well as communing in prayer, and the courage to walk in his footsteps in the light or when darkness comes upon us. This is a story of a young woman’s encounter on a journey that will take her to a place far away and back again to her humble beginnings. A place where she will find her first love who teaches her that love never dies. Her second love will be the most enduring love of all time and in him she will find a different kind of love. This young woman will take you down a path that only God could lead her, and only God could save her.

    Her life’s journey will bestow upon her many great loves of all time. Only two great men will take her over the rainbows and over the moon to where she will share love and receive love far beyond her wildest dreams. She will give love freely and her heart will know for all time that love never dies. She will awaken deep within herself as the twist and turns of life teach her just how amazing that our God can and will lead our footsteps, if we will listen to his heart. It is time to tell you my story. I will take you on a journey filled with love and laughter that always survives the test of time. For all my life and now in my later moments as I look back, I say to you that I am the Lady who now knows how to give love as much as I have received. May you know your own dreams when they appear in the midst of God’s Grace.


    Chapter One

    A Time of Innocence

    I was born the only child of proud parent’s, William and Ellen Sheridan. I came into this world in the small town of South Williamson, Ky. on October 28th, 1958. My Mom told me that I was named after a young woman who came to my parent’s home one night in December. It was snowing so hard outside and the wind was fierce. The woman was dressed in a beautiful wedding dress and an elegant long ivory coat with a fur rimmed hood. It was strange Mom said, how her sandals just did not fit the type of weather they were having. Mom thought that the young woman must have been to a wedding or maybe even the bride.

    The young woman was hungry and thirsty, so Mom gave her plenty of food that seemed to satisfy her hunger. She told Mom that her name was Catherine Elise. Mom watched the stranger with intent curiosity, and then she commented on how beautiful she was with long brown hair and big blue-green eyes. The young woman didn’t say too much at all. Mom’s questions were quickly eluded by Catherine Elise, leaving an impression that she did not want to disclose where she came from or where she was going.

    Just after she spoke words of thanks to my Mother, she kissed my Mom on the cheek, and then whispered these words in Mom’s ear; another star, she said, would be placed in your crown, and one day we shall meet again. Mom told me how she cried for the young woman as they said goodbyes. As Mom opened the door, Catherine walked out, turning once more, she smiled and Mom closed the door. Mom said, she opened the door again and the beautiful young woman was nowhere in sight. Mom called out her name, but there was no answer and there were no footprints in the snow.

    I had forgotten about this strange tale for so many years, but one day I would look back and ponder its meaning. It was two months later when mom found out she was pregnant. It was then, she and my father decided to name me Catherine Elise, of course if their unborn child was a girl. This gesture would be to honor the memory of the stranger who left a lasting impression on a cold December night.

    I had often wondered what it would have been like to have a brother and a sister. I’m sure they would have loved me and protected me, and even fought with me at times but as it was, life would give me more than I ever imagined. Mom and Dad embellished my childhood with everything a child could want or need and some of the childhood friends that I held close to my heart still remain in my life today.

    Sadness overshadowed my heart though, when I thought of the day when I would leave my Kentucky home to pursue life in Maryland with my childhood friend, Kristin Harper. Kristin had left home two years before and was now was living in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, waiting for me. Leaving my Mom and Dad would be the hardest thing I would ever have to go through or so I thought, but little did I know then, where my journey would lead, and with whom my heart would carry along the way.

    Not long after graduation, in the Bicentennial year of 1976, and still yet at the young age of seventeen, I left home on a cold September day. I stood with my parents’ alone, waiting for an Amtrak train to come around the bend, just for me. My heart was beating with excitement and also sadness, for it would soon lead to tearful goodbyes. Goodbye’s were never easy for me and this fact would more than once move me into a place of utter sorrow and despair and into to a place deep within the inner core of my being where tears abide.

    I was somewhat eager to start my new journey. The scenery from Kentucky through Virginia and Maryland uplifted my spirit and soothed my anxious thoughts. Autumn was a very soul searching time of year for me. As I sat in my blue seat by the window, my gaze became fixed upon the majestic Appalachian and Blue Ridge Mountains, while in awe of their entire splendor. The trees swayed along the mountains showing off a vast array of colors that seemed to dance back and forth within the wind, much like my excitement that danced in circles around me.

    I arrived in Southern Maryland late that night. Kristin met me at the at the train station in D.C and then soon to come would be the end of life as we knew it, and though our futures were still yet unknown, our hearts were full of hope. The night slipped into morning as our laughter and long talks filled the air as the approaching dawn came quietly and unannounced within all of our excitement. I knew that my friend would never change and these moments would never be forgotten. Kristin would always be a part of the ties that bind. The circle of ties that would soon take me into a place of change and growth that becomes us all as we travel unknown territories.

    In the early months, I stayed with Kristin in her apartment prior to my getting a job and my own place. My calls to Mom and Dad were almost every day. I knew they were lonely and I missed them both so much and my Kentucky home. Soon I had lots to tell both of them. I loved my new apartment and each day I learned of the peace and joy that it gave me. I was gifted in many areas of my life and one gift was decorating. When my friends came to visit, they all admired my cottage style home that reminded them of a Thomas Kinkade painting, and one day I would hold that painting in the palms of my hands.

    I had spent most of my time attending computer classes at the local college. Then I began working at a local hospital as a part time nursing technician and then as a full time data entry operator within the same hospital. I must say that, at that time, I thought that data entry was the most rewarding work for me as well as all the friends who came my way during this time of my life. Today, there are those I have kept and those who have drifted away.

    It was during my work at the hospital that I met a new friend named Jake Danbury. We worked together in data entry and had a blast. He had thick light brown hair, gray-blue eyes and was tall, muscular and a very smooth talking kind of guy. He introduced me to his family and his friends and oh what a rollercoaster ride we soon found ourselves on. He asked me to take a trip with him to the Shenandoah Valley, where we climbed Old Rag Mountain, all the way to the top. It was all so magnificent! There were times I didn’t know if I could finish the climb, but Jake kept on encouraging me.

    Jake introduced me to his Mom and Dad, whom all through the years, I would continue to call them Mr. and Mrs. D. Jake had one brother named Brady, who lit up our lives in more ways than one! Brady looked a lot like Jake. They both had olive skin with those gray eyes that mesmerized me, especially when they both sang into my own.

    I have kept all the photographs of days gone by in an old hat box that I keep tucked away, and once in a while I’ll travel down memory lane. Jake taught be a lot about will power and pressing on to a higher goal. My life with Jake and Brady was the best! When we weren’t on our regular jobs proving ourselves to be computer wizards, then we were playing around with music. I watched the boys play in their parent’s garage so many times, that I felt as though I lived there. As time went on I began bonding with Jake a little more than I ever expected. I tried to keep my secret, even to him. One day Jake and I would come together after long years of separation. It would be a reunion that would pull our friendship back together as never before.

    I can now say that my dear friend Jake taught me that sometimes the love we want and need is not the kind of love we find in another. As we mature in our experiences, we can find that true love does exist within the hearts of two that God has brought together. Jake, well he was simply my friend but it was I that turned away from him. Not that I wanted too, but I felt I had no other choice. I still today remember him with love as well as his family. I took with me great loving memories for that is just who I am. I did not cut ties completely; I left the door open so that one day he could return. It is true; I would have rather loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.

    I do so much, miss the times that Jake played his new sunburst guitar for me while he sang with a great singing voice as well. Sometimes after work we would frequent the Sunrise club to enjoy a delicious breakfast and at night, Jake would take the stage! One night, he asked me to sing with him on stage. I was hesitant and shy, but I found my footsteps walking toward the stage to do something I hadn’t done in a long time.

    I used to sing and play guitar in Church at an early age. My cousin Ben was the one who encouraged me to pursue music, just like him. I knew that these gifts came after I prayed to God one night. Jake was in shock when my mouth opened, singing slow songs and some rock and roll. Jake played piano, guitar, organ and electric bass guitar and so did I. Well, he said later, you stole my show, Elise! Why didn’t you tell me that you had a voice like that, plus he said, was the fact that I could play different instruments? Whoa! Girl! You’re going somewhere with that gift of yours! You just wait and see. Will you take me along for the ride, he asked? Oh Jake, don’t play with me that way. You know you’re already famous! The rich part will come later on down the road!

    Afterwards, we would visit the different restaurants where great food and drinks were always waiting. It was a simple time to relax and enjoy our time together. Jake’s life was so full and I had felt so privileged to be a part of it. Jake’s Mom and Dad, who I never failed to, call them Mr. And Mrs. D. were like second parents’ to me and his only brother Brady, was just like the brother I never had. Brady was the clown of the family. He loved to make people laugh, even at his own expense! Jake and Brady had great confidence and high self-esteem which carried over into my life as well.

    One night while sitting together in his parent’s front porch swing, Brady asked me if I could love him more than a brother figure. Jake can’t love you for anything more than a friend, Elise. I replied by saying, my dear Brady, give me time so that I can truly love and know myself. He was happy with that and kissed me on the cheek, while holding my hand. I did love Brady so much, but I couldn’t let him know that I also loved Jake as well. I’ll be waiting, he said. I thought to myself, how could I ever allow myself to be in love with two men at the same time, or have two men in love with one women, and that young women, would be me. I made a vow that I would never find myself in that situation. Time changes as we get older and some vows are made to be broken.

    Brady wanted to start his own band one day and go on the road. This was what Jake wanted too. Jake and Brady asked me play as part of the band from then on. I was so excited to be a part of their world. I was beginning to sense that unknown doors were about to open for me as well. I would welcome all that was good and hold onto this part of my life forever. Although, every day that we were together, I prayed and believed that God would walk with me each step of the way, and that the sometimes, the nagging thoughts would leave my mind alone. Thoughts that were of a discerning kind, that were preparing me, for the day, when my life with Jake and Brady would not be as before.

    I thought at that time, that this one true gift would prove to be the most important God given gift that would lead me to the place where dreams do come true somewhere over the rainbow! As I tell you my story, I will take you on my travels as I journey on a path that will take me to my destiny.

    Linda Albright was another friend who strolled into my life unexpectedly. She became another tie in the circle of my friendships, and I expected her to be till the end. She and Kristin got along very well and soon became great friends. The three of us enjoyed taking trips to a place back in time, called Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia. Oh how this town gave me sweet serenity, as if I had been there before!

    We always loved our stays at the Hilltop Inn and the next day we would take pleasure in a luxurious spa treatment. The entire experience of walking through this place of such great history always left me with a feeling of serenity and peace, quite different than I had ever known. Quaint shops of all sorts seemed to draw me in for I was always born to shop! I hoped though, that I would return to Harper’s Ferry again someday, with true love in my heart and by my side.

    I remember clearly the night that the three of us went to a club in Charles County, called the Atlantis club. Jake and Brady were singing and playing. Jake tried to find me that week but I had been out of town. I introduced Kristin and Linda to the boys. Jake said the band was coming together but asked if I could come up with a name. I said I would try. Kristin knew I could sing and play different instruments. Linda didn’t know. I thought I’d sursprise her one day. The boys and I practiced almost every day after we finished our computer jobs, for months and months. Finally, Jake got us a gig at a great club in Greenbelt, Maryland. The crowd was high on music that night and high on us. It was a dream comes true.

    I gave the band a name in which all the guys approved. It was called, The Ties that Bind. Brady played electric bass guitar and Jake was lead singer and guitarist. Everyone in the band treated me with utmost respect and many times with lots of fun and laughter in their hearts. Bobby McVeigh played drums, Mackie Shiver played upright bass, Jason Myer’s played piano, Chris Olsen played the synthesizer and me, well, and I played it all!

    Chris was the smartest one out of the whole bunch. He was in college and was so intelligent, that in itself, made it easy for him to take the time to practice and do shows on weekends. Bobby had a heart of gold. Anything we needed, he’d say, was ours for the asking. His family had plenty of money from the family business of dairy farming up in Western Md. Jason was quite most of the time. He lost his girlfriend in a plane crash in ’76, and couldn’t move on with anyone else, but he put most all his focus into playing that piano as hard as anyone I had ever known.

    I thought Jason looked so much like Jackson Browne, and all my buddies knew how much I loved Jackson. Especially Jake! Mackie came from a long line of old money, so to speak. He helped Jake and Brady get started in the music business. He worked in computers too, but his true love was music. Jake said many times that my voice, and the way I played was incredible. All the boys admired my stage presence that rocked in every show. Jake always did know how to encourage me and lead me on to greater heights.

    I kept my job and saved as much money as I could. I had some help from Mom and Dad, now and then, when times got a little too tough. I appreciated everything that was given to me or that I earned. Jake, Brady and I were soon known as the trio that was making more news for the Music World. Jake soon got us a record deal and then we were on every radio station around. Our first song, written by all of us, hit the charts as number one in just a few weeks and stayed there for quite awhile. Our song was titled (Time will Tell)

    We started doing Music halls in and around Washington, D.C. and Virginia. We gave the audience what they wanted and in return we continued to perfect our gifts and talents. Fame and fortune never really became a part of our dreams until we were known in circles that circled around us! All of us still had our jobs in the world of computers and could not walk away to become a few has bens, that was, if our dream passed from us, leaving us to go out in new directions. This was something we all discussed now and then.

    One night we were so hyped up, ready for a show in Virginia. The Ties that Bind, were in an accident, but everyone was ok, after being transported to a trauma center in Maryland. Chris called Joe at the Hall, and said that everyone was alright. Joe asked the band, that was already set up that night, if they would consider playing back up for Jake, Brady, and myself! Yes, Joe said, it was a done deal. The band was fine with that, and I heard that they really thought we were great artists. Jake said the crowd loved us and wanted us back.

    My world changed that night after the show was over. I can only recall being at Jakes parent’s home for a long period of time. Jake’s parents as well as Jake stayed by my side, loving me all the while. I could only ask one question. Jake, I asked, where is Brady? He’s not here, Elise, just try to get well. The accident happened on the beltway. There was a pile-up, Jake said. It was ok not to remember, he said, because he couldn’t remember too much at that time either. I told him ok, that I would try to heal so the three of us and the band could play again as soon as possible. I caught a glimpse of a tear run down his face. Don’t cry for me, I told him. As long as you and Brady and the boys are fine, well then, that’s all that matters.

    Mrs. D. was the one that told me that Brady was gone. She tried her best to console me but I still could not remember the accident, and no one was saying much else to me about it. But Mama D; I was with Brady the other day in the garage singing Take it easy. That was his favorite song, you know. Yes Elise, she said, please let it go, she said, just relax and think of good memories. Brady would want you to be at peace with his passing. He loved you so much Elise and he talked about you to me so often. Just believe honey that he is with you in spirit and always will be. Yes Mama D. and I want you to know that I love you and your family so much and I thank God that he put you in my life. I can never repay you for what you have done for me.

    Elise, honey, you suffered severe trauma on the night of the accident. Just be glad that your mind is protecting you now. Whatever it was, just let it go. What, I wondered, would I do without Brady’s gray eyes singing into mine. His wonderful laughter when he teased me or when I comforted him after a breakup with a girl. All that Brady wanted from me was my love and I let him slip through my fingers like sand, thinking there would always be another day. Now there are no more chances for me and Brady. I hope that this lesson will someday remind me of what I have, and what I don’t want to lose. Chances are like the wind, we never know when or if they will ever come back again.

    Time passed in shades of gray, day by day. The pit I had dug for myself was deeper now. I wanted little or nothing to eat or drink. My daily routine of exercising just slipped away. My appearance had turned shabby. I hated washing my long brown hair and my face, once so beautiful with almond shaped eyes set with greenish blue color, were dim from the absence of light and of love. Jake’s Mom and Dad did everything possible for me during my stay in their home. It was also a time for them to grieve without tending me back to health. How could I infringe on their hospitality at a time like this, but I had no one else to help me deal with Brady’s death.

    The depression and emptiness that now ate at my very soul, was the only thing that let me know I was alive. Why not me? I thought. Brady had so much to live for. My last memory of Brady was of him playing music in his parent’s garage. It will be the last one that I will carry with me forever. It seemed as though the family were walking on tiptoes around me. What was it? Should I even want to remember? Adrian, who was my boss from my day job in data entry called me, asking if I would come back to work. He had held my job now for three months. He said he needed me. I told Dave that I would be back the following week. Later, I would have to call him to inform him about another turn in the road.

    A call came from my Mother in Kentucky. My Mom had called to let me know that my Father was close to death and wanted me to come home to Kentucky. I left the home and

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