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Ebook99 pages49 minutes


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About this ebook

Are you ready for Exhilaration? Do you want to experience cheerfulness, elation, gladness, high spirits, hilarity, a rush, galvanization and inspiration?

All of the above is available to you in my book..along with some other feelings I have not included, so you have some surprises left.

But, in all seriousness I will quote from my poem: Hearing

For the poetry I write
Is for all mankind
To bring everything that helps living be full, free and full of grace.

Within the pages of my book it is my desire that I will have achieved to touch my readers hearts and souls as they look inside themselves and ponder on my words, or maybe just sit back with a nice cup of tea or coffee and be entertained.

There is a wide variety of topics I have covered in this, my second book. I am sure you will find one or two, or perhaps three that will be favorites and will draw you back again and again.

Confucious says: Words are the voice of the heart.

Then, may MY words leave footprints in YOUR heart.
Release dateAug 26, 2011

Carol Cade

This is my fourth and final book on poetry. I was born and raised in Vancouver, B.C, Canada. I am retired and now have the “time’’ to really relax and grasp the meaning of “living in the moment’’ and cherish each and every day given. Any spare time I do have is spent reading books, going for my walks, enjoying nature and music. I had not counted on publishing another book, but sometimes ‘life’ has other ideas. This book you now hold was written during a very difficult period in my life. I was struggling with recovering both emotionally and physically. From these struggles this book was born. You will see many of my poems reflect the challenges I faced and my feelings that ensued. It is my hope that if any of you are facing difficult times...then my poems may help you relate. For those of you that are not faced with life’s challenges, then by reading this book, you may be more prepared. Truly my poems were ‘inspired’ and I hope the poems will leave “footprints’’ in your heart.

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    Book preview

    Exhilaration - Carol Cade


    The Rose

    The Language of Love

    The Man That Loves Me


    Momma and Poppa

    The Beginning

    Birthday Thoughts

    Turning Sixty-Five



    The Light



    First Born

    My Son


    Red Hat

    The Gypsy

    My Future

    The Bald Eagle

    Our Battle

    The Chief



    Gus The Goose

    Whatever Would I Do?


    Is This Progress?

    The Chase




    The Stones

    Fender Bender


    The Soul

    The Caterpillar

    The Man On The Roof

    My Thoughts


    The Creator


    The Creator has bestowed upon Carol the most wonderous of gifts…the ability to reach out to others from the heart by sharing her own personal experiences. I feel humbled and blessed as I read the eloquent poetry of Carol’s gift, as it uplifts and gives courage and hope to fellow survivors. I will look forward to meeting you and showing you our beautiful traditional territory.

    Cathryn Paul

    Tia’Amin First Nation of the Coast Salish People

    Carol has an unique way of writing that provides a refreshing honesty about life. Her candor, insights and wisdom engage the reader in a delightful and emotional experience. This is Carol’s second book and just as much a treasure as her first. Thank you Carol for sharing your gift and your life experiences so eloquently.

    Bett McLean, BA

    Trauma Therapist

    Couples Counsellor

    Life Coach

    I am not a reader of poems. I have never really understood poems and therefore have avoided them. When Carol’s first book came out and she asked me to read it, I thought I would do it out of obligation and that would be the end of it. When I got home with Moments of Reflection in hand, I sat down to read the first one. Then the second one, then just one more and before I knew it, I simply could not put it down until I finished the whole book. It gave me goosebumps. Some made me want to cry, some made me laugh and all of them gave me an insight that I never thought I could get from reading a book of poems. And now this second book is out and it just confirms what I already knew about Carol Cade. She is a very deep and spiritual person who looks far beyond everyday thinking and yet verbalizes what we already thought we knew. A must-read for every person who reads books.

    Sylvia Steffens


    ‘’Carol has an interesting way of painting real life situations with words. Drawing on her personal experiences she invites the reader to join her in exploring her inner world.’’

    Joy Borthwick


    Why I Wrote This Second Book

    It came as a delightful surprise to me that my first book—Moments of Reflection—was received very well.

    I then began getting requests for a second book and gave it serious thought. I decided to ‘‘go ahead’’ and hope that it will give as much satisfaction to my readers as my first book has.

    It had been a real ‘‘learning’’ process for me in writing my first book and so it is not such an overwhelming feat this time round.

    I wish to, once again, acknowledge my son, Mark… as without him there never would have been a first book!

    To be able to write down one’s experiences in life and hopefully pass on some words of wisdom, as an author, is truly a wonderful opportunity for me.

    Within the pages of the book you are now holding is my hope that you will return to it more than once, as you find various poems that may be up-lifting to you or, just a source of pure enjoyment.

    Remember, it is never too late to go after your dreams and make them come true!

    Thank you to all that requested this book.

    May all that read this book be blessed.


    I wish to dedicate this book in memory of my foster parents who provided me

    With the foundation for my life—

    Violet and Philip Walthers


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