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And the Queen of the South Shall Rise: Poems and Essays by G. Moor
And the Queen of the South Shall Rise: Poems and Essays by G. Moor
And the Queen of the South Shall Rise: Poems and Essays by G. Moor
Ebook103 pages47 minutes

And the Queen of the South Shall Rise: Poems and Essays by G. Moor

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About this ebook

"And the Queen of the South Shall Rise" is a deeply personal, but universal work, striking a chord that resonates in the ear of every person. The chord is the human experience of love, joy, suffering and triumph.


I have a chocolate house with chocolate walls
Chocolate horses in chocolate stalls
I have a chocolate theme park with chocolate rides
Featuring waterfalls and chocolate slides

I have a chocolate face under chocolate hair
Chocolate eyes with a chocolate stare
Bittersweet, so please beware
Because I have a life full of chocolate cares

And to the ones with the chocolate feet
That coincide to a chocolate beat
Know that my bloodstream is the ocean waves
Carrying ships full of chocolate slaves
Release dateJul 17, 2012
And the Queen of the South Shall Rise: Poems and Essays by G. Moor

G. Moor

G. Moor is a poet who has been writing since her childhood. She views the art of writing as more than entertaining or academic - but as a process of restoration. She is the author of the children's book "The Listening Ear" and refers to her poetry collection, "And the Queen of the South Shall Rise" as the natural verses and rhythm of her life. "Simply put, to read it is to read me." she reveals. She and her husband are owners of a bookstore and reside in the seaport city of Norfolk, Virginia.

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    And the Queen of the South Shall Rise - G. Moor

    © 2012 G. Moor. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 7/9/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2495-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-5227-7 (ebook)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    A Word About the Ankh


    I Need No Name

    What Will I Say?

    Born In May


    It Is December

    Ornate Door

    Rose Petals

    Give Nothing Holy

    The Way of the Woman

    Human Brilliance

    Red Leaf

    Circle in the Sky

    for Ali

    This Is Where You Are


    The Remedy

    We Are As Dawn

    For The One Who Passed Me By

    We Were Better Off When


    Mournful Things

    Perspective On A Hard Day



    A Million Reasons


    We Will Be Fine

    Rain Does Fall

    Glass House

    Truth Means One



    You’ll No Longer Be A Friend Of Mine

    I Think They Call This Happiness

    His Song

    What Will I Do?

    Me, Unlovely?

    When Men Ask


    No Room


    Table 23





    When The Coward Discards His


    Lessons From a Tree



    Wherever We Be


    Keep The Lamps Burning

    Shut The Door




    Preamble of Life

    Mere Man

    Pet Store



    Becoming Sane



    Things Higher



    Angels Unaware




    Religion Versus Spirituality

    Recovering Modesty

    Bridging the Disconnect Between the Physical and Spiritual Self


    It’s Written All Over Our Faces

    Envy, The Blessings Blocker

    Peace, But Not As The World Gives

    This book is dedicated to my family and friends.

    A Word About the Ankh

    One of the symbols on the cover of this book is called an Ankh. It is a most ancient symbol seen in Egyptian hieroglyphics. It resembles a cross with a loop on top. The Ankh is commonly seen clutched across the chest of Pharaohs. The symbol is often referred to as the key of life and represents eternal life. It is one of the earliest symbols if not the earliest symbol used by man. The Ankh is known as the original cross and was first created by Africans in Ancient Egypt. The Ankh is known to mean life in the language of Ancient Kemit (land of the blacks) renamed Egypt by the Greeks.


    I heard you two ran for the hills.

    Platinum bands and all the frills.

    She looked back, but it’s not your fault.

    She loved the world and became salt.

    I loved you more and got left alone.

    And over time I became stone.

    It’s strange how life starts again.

    Rain falls and light creeps back in.

    All the distress that seemed so near,

    feels like it fell on a different life in a distant year.

    Whatever these days do yield,

    I will walk through these flowered fields.

    Pain does lie in the path unknown.

    But, I won’t be salt and I won’t be stone.

    I Need No Name

    I am an afterthought that came too late.

    No need to cry or celebrate.

    An extra fragment that dangles down.

    Covered glory with stifled sound.

    With arms that feel ill-conceived.

    Reaching out, but not received.

    And this is where I often sleep.

    In a cavern, dark and deep.

    Whatever I cry out, the walls echo back the same.

    I am all alone. I need no name.

    I abhor these cold and rugged walls.

    That answer me whenever I call.

    They don’t talk

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