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Heroes: Volume I
Heroes: Volume I
Heroes: Volume I
Ebook286 pages3 hours

Heroes: Volume I

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Heroes Volume 1
A new era of heroes has just begun follow the stories of the Elementals as they try to defeat Edict, a evil power hungry man from controlling the youth of young heroes in Elementals: Enter Edict. Then join Samuel Sung, Archie Arcs, and Kelly Words as they become Team S.A.W and recapture priceless artifacts in Knack For Weapons but everything is not as it seems. After that read about the super heroine The White Siren as she foils the evil plot of a professional thief in Guardians: The White Siren. Then join Penetic as she fights a racists cop in Guardians: Penteic. Hornet is supposed to protect her brother but will she haft to kill him? find out in Guardians: Hornet and Powerhouse.
Unseen Heroes of the Supernatural
Heroes also reside in the supernatural; Peace a student by day and a hunter by night read as he fights Vampires and Demons in Demonic Hunter. He can see evils true face, but can he see whats coming next? Life their names spell but death and evil are constantly after them. Join Lucas, Izzy, Fred and Eric Blessed part witch and ghost whisper as they fight the various evils of Darkness Falls in Afterlife. After you have read your blessing go on a heart stopping heart pounding ride with Rebel as he fights undead partiers, and various creatures in Party for the Living Dead. But can he make it out of the city in time?
Release dateApr 26, 2012
Heroes: Volume I

Deon Durr

Deon Durr was born in Gainesville, Florida on March 30th, 1994, and began writing his first novel back in his Freshman Year of high school. Deon is a part of the NJROTC program as well. His hobbies include Singing, Rapping and song writing. And he hopes one day to become a Social worker and Journalist.

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    Book preview

    Heroes - Deon Durr


    Elementals Enter Edict 

    Chapter 1 

    Chapter 2 

    Chapter 3 

    Chapter 4 

    Chapter 5 

    Chapter 6 

    Chapter 7 

    Chapter 8 

    Chapter 9 

    Knack for Weapons 


    Chapter 1 

    Chapter 2 

    Chapter 3 

    Chapter 4 

    Chapter 5 

    Chapter 6 

    Chapter 7 

    Chapter 8 


    The White Siren 

    Powers Sonic Scream Hypnotizing

    Penetic Powers Telekinetic

    Hornet and Powerhouse 

    Demonic Hunter 

    Peace the Demonic Hunter 

    The Grave Yard 

    The Next Day at school 


    Volume 1  


    Chapter 1 

    Chapter 2 

    Chapter 3 

    Chapter 4 

    Chapter 5 

    Volume 2 

    Chapter 6 

    Chapter 7 

    Chapter 8 

    Chapter 9 

    Chapter 10 

    Chapter 11 

    Volume 3 

    Chapter 12 

    Chapter 13 

    Chapter 14 

    Chapter 15 

    Chapter 16 

    Chapter 17 

    Chapter 18 

    Party for the Living Dead 


    Enter Edict 

    Chapter 1 


    Downtown 12:00 PM

    During a regular day in Gainesville, the city is troubled by a large numbered of bank robberies. Also many of people say it is been caused by humanoids Hornets. A News woman is capturing it all on tape. This is very odd. Today people there are a number of, OH MY GOD! She is trying to get out her sentence while people are running passed her. As you may see, it is nothing but terror at its worst. She is then impaled by a yellow thorn.

    What the hell? As her camera man started to point at some huge bee or Hornet till he is impaled as well. As the camera shines many people see something big and shaped like a Bee, are seen on the camera. A young girl by the name, of Dawn see’s the event and heads to the Hospital. While at the hospital Dawn walked into reporter’s room and then stood over her. Then she lays her hand on the side of her head. Then she gave off a strange pink aura. She was using telepathy. She started to see images of what she saw and heard before she went there.

    Dawn get back here now a voice called her over a small communicator. Not now she says as she is almost getting to what she saw. Then a nurse came into the room. Young lady, you can’t be in here Then she just stopped in her place.

    Ok, now go back to work After she sent the nurse back into the hallway. The Dawn made a quick escape. Dawn heads to the woods. Where she enters a large tower, Dawn, what happened to them said Mike. Then another person came into the room You sent her there Mike. Dawn said I went there on my own Will ask Why? There is something strange going on here. With everyone trying to figure out what is wrong. Another robbery happens downtown. They all rush downtown, to see who is robbing the banks.

    Downtown there is much chaos, happening. People are running away from something. Out of nowhere a young boy falls from a roof. As he falls, he screams till Wind catches him with her Telekinesis.

    Don’t worry I got you Wind (Dawn) says struggling She tries to set him down, till she is hit by a brick. She losses her hold on the boy and so he continues to fall. HELP ME PLEASE! the boy starts to cry and scream. Till a girl by the name of Sonic Crow, comes and saves him from falling.

    Hey I got you She said As Sonic Crow sets him down on the ground, Fire (Mike) comes and greets her.

    Thank God, you were here Said Fire. She replies I seen the news report me, Earth, and Dark came rushing. Ahhhhh Sonic Crow and Fire rush to see what is happening. Water (Will) is been over whelmed by a large green, yellow energy. Sonic Crow uses her power which is a supersonic scream, she calls it her Sonic Caw. Everyone goes to him, after they see he is alright. They are almost hit by large yellow thorns. Till Earth, comes in and creates a shield, which blocks them. Guys, get him out of here now Earth said while trying to hold the shield.

    Wind is still knocked out, right where a large building is about to collapse on her. She wakes up and creates a telekinetic shield to protect herself. Though she is not able to hold it Wind, I am right here Dark comes in and fazes her from under the building. Water comes and helps Wind up Are you ok Sis he asked her. Yeah, if it was not for Dark I could have died. As Wind gets

    Up she sees someone in the smoke.

    Guys Police, are coming Earth said. They all left before they got caught. They went back to the tower. Where they look for clues for all the robberies and people in the hospitals. They find, no clues to any of the robberies, but all of a sudden they receive a call from a strange group of people. They say they have evidence on who has been doing all of the bank jobs. They head downtown.

    Chapter 2 

    Team X

    Down Town 11:00 PM

    When the Elementals got downtown they were looking, for the people who sent the message. Though no one was there, Wind used her telepathy to locate anyone. Guys, someone was pulling our leg. Sonic Crow said to everyone. Yeah, someone would have been here by now Earth Said annoyed. Wind was using her telepathy. Guys, there is someone here. Dark then received Premonition. EVERYONE HIT THE DECK!!

    A large car was thrown at them; everyone managed to get out of the way. All of a sudden a large grey cloud of smoke appeared with 4 strange figures. Trying to see who was in the smoke. Then a someone jumped out of the smoke and tried to hit Wind. Wind grabbed his hand and then said You’re not, the only one with super strength. Wind then threw him oven into a building. Everyone soon seen a girl, who pulled out a gun and begun shooting. Wind used her Telekinesis to block all of the bullets’ then she used her lavation to fly over to her. The girl then shaped shift into large huge lion. She was about to attack Wind. Till a boy teleported in and reflected the lions attack. Chessboard, when did you get here. Wind said with joy We went to the tower, to find you guys to warn you that you were heading into a trap..

    Hi, I am Mysteri, and were Team-X Were try in to put a plan into action, and you guys are in the way, by the way my name is Knight. As they all prepare to fight. Fire says ELEMENTALS GO! As they all rushed in to fight. Mysteri sent out Hornet who sent out, a stinging telepathic wave.

    Ahhhh, What is that said Fire ITS HER yelled Sonic Crow the wave got stronger and stronger till Wind sent out a telepathic blast That’s Enough she said as she hits her with the blast. Everyone was free from the hold. Who are you? Earth asked. People who want a change

    Wind using her telepathy read their minds only to sense another’s presence, She was determine to get the person who was doing this These guys are not the leader, their nothing but puppets.

    Knight replied by saying WHY YOU LITTLE! Wait Knight, I think it’s time they met our friend Powerhouse. A boy came out from the shadows looking like he was some kind of mind controlled puppet. He lifted up his hands and sent out a psionic wave. He caused everything to come alive. He was controlling them. The hero’s did the only thing they could do is run. Hornet began to say something RI. Rick this wrong stop it now Knight told her to be quiet. The hero’s barely escaped. Team-X looked at them running away from the battle. So pathetic Mysteri said with a smirk.

    Chapter 3 

    Wind vs. Hornet

    Elemental Tower 12:15 AM

    The Hero’s returned to the tower to plan. They are dealing with 4 strong enemies. So now they wonder what do they do now.

    So we are, dealing with a shape shifter named mysteri Said Fire A dude named, Knight with superhuman strength. Sonic Crow replied. A girl with, a very, very strong Telepathic abilities. Wind said And able to create psionic like hornets or bees Water said. Last but least, a boy who has the power to take control of anything, also has strong psionic powers Chessboard said sarcastically we also got our butts kicked up and down downtown

    Everyone looked disappointed, how were they beaten. It was like seven against four as Fire thought. Water was thinking how a small battle and we lost.

    Wind got a message from Hornet Come to the mall She opened her eyes only to see, everyone was knocked out by a psionic wave. They were knocked out cold. Wind made her way to the mall. Thinking she can bring down team x and hornet once and for all.

    When she got there, it was empty. No one was there. She looked around till she found a bee. The bee leads her to the roof of the mall. Where she seen Hornet. I did not think you would come Hornet said. I got a good invite I could not refuse. A short silence came till wind asked her why did she bring her there. My, leader feels you have great potential For what? She was trying to use her powers to read her mind. It won’t work. Hornet said your powers are not as strong as mine. I am sorry I am going to half to decline the invitation. Wind was soon then hit by the same wave earlier. She was trying to avoid the wave. But it was too strong. In the back round. There was someone in the shadows. Wind you are stronger than you think. You are the key to a strong force. He then sent out a wave. Wind sees in her mind walls being broken down, Barriers disappearing.

    THE LIGHT Wind screams out and Hornet is knocked out. The figure in the Shadows disappears. The other Elementals arrive there. But team X was waiting for them. Water rushes to Wind. Wind, come on wake up She was coming to, she was a little out of it. Wow, that was nice she said with amuse. What happened to you Fire Asked. Well me and Hornet was going at it, till a big white came and stopped it.Mysteri was watching from a window, With a man she having a conversation with him What do you think sir Mysteri said Well, she is strong. Her powers are unique What about Hornet? She is still a part of your team. The man walked away from her, and said before flying away. She is powerful and marvelous; we need her Mysteri" walked away.

    Do you still, feel light headed? Dark asked. No, but our friends are back. Team-X appeared on the roof. Dark then gets a premonition of the roof caving in. Knight then comes out and throws him, Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth off the roof. Everyone else seemed to fall into the mall. Sonic Crow woke up and seen them surrounded by an army of Hornets. Everybody wake up. Now Dark Sector says why? Cause, were outnumbered.

    Chapter 4 

    4th brawl

    Mall 1:30 AM

    The hero’s knew they were in deep trouble, as they looked around the bees and hornets were getting ready to attack. Team-x looked at them, they all stood up. Sonic-Crow said Elementals Go! . A fight then took place, within the mall. Sonic-Crow took on Mysteri, long time, no see Mysteri said to Sonic-Crow. Mysteri looked at her, with a face of disgusted. Sonic-Crow said You don’t know me anymore Mysteri. You never knew me she said to her. No one knows the real you. Mysteri jumped at her, turning her arms into twin Swords.

    Sonic-Crow dogged every blow she made. Till Mysteri, turned one of her arms into a machine gun, and started firing at her. Sonic-Cawww! She blocked the bullets. Then Sonic-Crow pulled out two swords you still carry those things. I thought after, I killed our master you would have gave up Mysteri said with laugh. No, I’ve been saving them just for you! As the two of them fought, everyone else, was about to give up.

    There is, just too many Chessboard said. Then why don’t you just give up said Knight before slamming him into a wall. Everyone was down for the count except for Sonic-Crow. Who was still battling Mysteri, Hornet came up behind Her, and stabbed her with a poison dart.

    They threw them all, into a corner. As they were about to kill them, A big explosion happens. Within the smoke, came help. Eight friends, Teck a mutant with superhuman intellect and telekinesis. He took slammed Team-X into a wall. Then came Flame, who had fire manipulation he burned a portion of the bees and hornets. Ace a girl, with the power to make kinetic diamonds.

    Are you guys all right. Teck said. Yeah you got here just in time said Sonic-crow. Flame, Ace let’s get them out of here. Teck said. Ace said where is everyone else? Outside Though you are getting to them Mysteri Said Wait a sec, there were eight of you Damn right" said Sony.

    Sony, Yin-Yang, and Dashing Flare came. Bring it on said Mysteri, everyone took on more hornets. Team-X was not giving up, either now they have Hornet and Powerhouse. No one was giving up, all of them were giving their all at it. Taking on anything that Team-X threw at them, each of them took out, as many as they could. Till, two more villains came into the fight. Teckna the sister of Teck and the Boom-Operator. They were welcomed with open arms from Team-X, except for Mysteri. Teckna and him brought in robots with bombs set onto their backs.

    Boss man, said to come pick you up Teckna said. So, I have it under control Mysteri Said to her. It does, oh brother I thought I killed you she said to Teck. No, I got up and walked away

    He said to her. Hornet’s eyes began to shift colors, and so did Powerhouses. They both fainted so Team-X left them. Why do you, want to leave them Teckna asked her. Cause, we don’t need them anymore. They all disappeared, from the mall. The heroes are left to die at the hands of the robots. None of them knew what to do. All the exits were being blocked. The Elementals were trapped, In there with no way out.

    Guy’s the bombs are ticking said Ace There, is no way out said Dark-Sector. Sonic-Crow got up and said. So let’s make one, Sonic caw. When the blast hit the robots they blew up instantly.

    Then all of sudden, all the flames stopped moving like time had frozen. They all thought it was, Water with his freezing power. It was really a boy whose eyes were blue. He told them to come on, and get out.

    Who are you? Dashing Flare asked. A friend, now move! I can’t hold forever. They escaped, and manage to get Hornet and Powerhouse. I am Counter he said I can control time" He said to them, going to the mall. He stayed Hidden till the right time to come out.

    Chess-bored said thank you. For saving them, then they wondered where the others are. Wind, Fire and the other Elementals were in trouble. Edict is coming for them. Everyone else has got to worry about Hornet and Powerhouse, before they wake up.

    Chapter 5 

    Enter Edict

    Eastside High school: 4 AM

    Each Elemental, wakes up in a class room. Not knowing what they are doing their, the only thing they know is that they are separated, from each Other Wind is the first to wake. She is in the lower Level of the school. She uses her, telepathy to sense the others. But she did not get a answer. Then she Heard sounds coming from, a room. She went to go check it out. All she seen was Mysteri waiting for her.

    Did you have a good sleep, Wind or should I call you Dawn? Mysteri said laughing. Where are my friends!? Wind asked with anger. I don’t, think you should worry about them, if I was you I’ll be worrying about myself right now. Mysteri turned her arms into machine guns and started to Fire. Wind jumped out the way. She then used her telekinesis to slam on a table. Wind then ran up and, tried to punch her. Mysteri moved quickly, Wind made a big dent into the table. She and Mysteri then began to fist fight. Mysteri had the advantage because she knows hand to hand combat skills. But Wind, using her telepathy predicted her every move. Mysteri then changed in to a lion. Wind, used her super strength to pick up a lab pole and hit her with it. She shape shift into a group of rats. Wind levitated into the air. But then the rats disappeared. She looked and looked but it seemed like she had left. Wind then let herself down to the floor. Wind heard something behind her, she turned around quick. There was nothing, behind her. Wind left the room. She walked down a long hall way slowly. Till she was ambushed by attack robots, she ran knowing she could not take them all on by herself.

    Where are you guys? She once again used her powers to locate them. She found Dark, locked in a cage. She tried to wake him up but nothing work. Wind turned around, and heard the cage open it was Mysteri pretending to be Dark. Oh I am, so sorry but Dark is out. Wind was them stabbed from behind and knocked on conscious. Master, we’ve got them all.

    Wind, once again wakes up. She sees Fire,

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