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Keys to Your Divine: A Road to Fearlessness and Transformational Recovery
Keys to Your Divine: A Road to Fearlessness and Transformational Recovery
Keys to Your Divine: A Road to Fearlessness and Transformational Recovery
Ebook261 pages4 hours

Keys to Your Divine: A Road to Fearlessness and Transformational Recovery

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About this ebook

Keys to Your Divine is a book about finding the light within you even in times of illness and hardship. Its about a state of fearlessness that may lead you to transformational recovery, becoming whole through healing.

Leena Maria Markkanen recovered from life-threatening illnesses. From the very first diagnosis she decided not to make any decision based on fear, which also meant she didnt accept chemotherapy as part of her treatment. Light messages, as Leena calls the guidance she received channeled through her various healers, helped her to work through her fears. Rising above suffering leads to a shift to a higher dimension that could be called heaven on earth.

Leena is a social psychologist with extensive experience as a well-being instructor and speaker. Today, she focuses on helping people find their own light, inner peace, fearlessness, and strength.

After reading The Keys to Your Divine, I had the profound insight that you can relieve your suffering and become free from fear by starting to truly trust your own guiding light, allowing the grace to flow into your life. Let the light guide you to the universal love, no expensive courses or gurus needed.

This book is intended to raise the readers spirits in the midst of their everyday struggles, illnesses, or sorrows. Through her own experiences, Leena Maria Markkanen is able to shed her light on this important topic and guide the reader on the path to the divine self and happiness.

Pauliina Aarva PhD, associate professor (health promote research)

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 28, 2016
Keys to Your Divine: A Road to Fearlessness and Transformational Recovery

Leena Maria Markkanen

Leena Maria Markkanen has extensive experience as a speaker and a well-being instructor for numerous companies. She has trained employees to learn to enjoy their work and lead more meaningful lives. After over two decades in the world of business, Leena decided to reeducate herself as social psychologist. During this time she also went through a life-altering experience through her illness and made some profound realizations that she now shares through coaching, courses, and her books. Leena focuses on helping people find their own light, inner peace, fearlessness, and strength. Leena Maria Markkanen lives in Finland with her art therapist husband. She has two grown-up daughters and a grandson. If you are interested in upcoming events, or new content on the topic Keys to Your Divine, please visit

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    Keys to Your Divine - Leena Maria Markkanen


    I had a dream. We were inspecting a new apartment, and through its large windows I was looking at a huge building on the opposite side. It was like the Colosseum. Suddenly, the huge building complex collapsed, leaving only the foundations. I went to take a closer look at the ruins. Then I heard a voice say: There is only one thought. It is My thought. You have to think as I do.




    Investigations and Interpretations

    People around us often impart valuable information without knowing it. You may hear someone say a key word, just an ordinary word, but you know that it was intended just for you.

    I’m lying down having an ultrasound examination and I’m afraid. My legs are shaking so hard they won’t keep still, and I stutter when I speak. Biopsies are being taken from the two lumps found in my right breast. Luckily, a really considerate x-ray nurse, Kristiina, is standing next to me holding my hand, she whispers: Whatever the result, everything’s going to be fine. The doctor advises me to prepare myself mentally for an unwanted result, and I’m told to enquire for the results in about a week. I think about my peculiar morning. As soon as I turned on the computer a newsletter by doctor Wayne Dyer popped up. In the letter, Wayne Dyer, a doctor of psychology and author of numerous books, told the astonishing story of Anita Moorjani. Anita declined medical treatment for her cancer, was in a coma for thirty hours, and then fully regained her physical health. The medical community is investigating this miraculous healing. Now here I am, being examined, thinking about the content of that news. Why did I get that message just this morning?

    Kristiina proceeds to tell me that she’s been thinking about me over the past few weeks, and then saw my name on the patient list. I told her about the energy healing session I had the previous day in which the healer concentrated on the possible reasons for the lumps. I needed to understand why these lumps had appeared in the first place, and cut off their roots, so they wouldn’t get any more sustenance from me. I believe we cause many of our illnesses ourselves, and that we also have ways of healing them. Kristiina, too, is interested in spiritual, natural healing and this makes her an appropriate ally in helping me stay on higher vibrational frequencies and maintain a trusting mindset. Prior to the ultrasound examination we’d discussed the idea of an integration of complementary/alternative medicine and traditional medical practice to allow people to get the best possible holistic treatment. We both really hoped that we could soon enter into more open-minded times, in which an either/or mentality will give way to the inclusive both/and way of thinking. I became preoccupied with these thoughts: could I in fact now be experiencing the effects of this integration?

    Immediately following this realization, I thought of my work and knew I had to let go of my heavy load of courses and my sales and marketing commitments. It was time to do something different. It’s amazing how life sometimes forces us to make a decision we may have been thinking about for some time, but haven’t had the courage to make. That’s exactly what happened to me. I’d already experienced several hints to stop, to slow down. Yes, I’d noticed them, but procrastinated, thinking that I still needed to get a few other things done, until I can stop and do the things I love. Clearly, we do get good opportunities along the way to seize the moment, to make a necessary change. However, if we don’t grab a possibility when it turns up, it might be some time before an equally good opportunity presents itself.

    Our lives are a stream of messages; therefore it’s important to learn how to read life and its different circumstances. We receive constant information through our senses and it requires a certain level of sensitivity to be able to determine the information that’s most essential to us. When we really start to notice and listen to the information around us, we can be astonished to find that people around us often impart valuable information without knowing it. You may hear someone say a key word, an ordinary word, but you know it was intended just for you. Similarly, you might turn on the radio - without giving it a thought - and hear a discussion that is exactly what you were just thinking about moments before. I don’t believe this is a coincidence. I believe it is guidance - a synchronicity of circumstances. This is how the universe speaks through, and to, each and every one of us - as long as we express our sincere desire to listen. That’s why Kristiina’s words were so invaluable, so precious, to me.


    Amazing Happiness

    I hear an inner voice telling me to stay with the higher frequencies where my mind is calm and serene. I ask to be able to remain there to keep fear at bay.

    As I ride my bike to the ultrasound examination I enjoy feeling the sunshine on my face and am thankful for life. I’m thankful for all my loved ones, for my childhood and youth. I’m grateful for my mother’s old bike as it takes me everywhere I want to go, which is now to the breast clinic. My mind is overflowing with gratitude. Had I known what lay ahead, I could not have fathomed this amount of thankfulness. At the clinic I’m grateful for the gentlest of nurses, Kristiina, who right now is there for me. When I hear the doctor comment that the lumps might be malignant, I’m thankful that I’m traveling to see my friend Tuula for an energy healing session that very same day. After all, that morning I’d woken to an inner voice stating: There has to be another way. Tuula’s sessions had resulted in marvels before, so why should I worry?

    If it was true that I have, at some spiritual level, accepted being a messenger of the healing power of gratitude and love then here I go! My mind is calm and it’s as though I’m observing the situation from the outside. At this moment I’m thankful for the feeling of being supported, and for being intentionally kept at some higher frequency in order to maintain a trusting spirit. I hear an inner voice telling me to stay with the higher frequencies where my mind is calm and serene. I ask to be able to remain there to keep fear at bay. This incredible place, or rather state, I feel I’m in seems like a parallel reality to this physical, material world. Although, I have to admit, I still need a lot of practice to be able to remain in that state, as right now my legs shake like crazy as I get down from the examination table. Funny that the first thought after the exam is that finally I’m free. At last, I can start to carry out my true mission.

    Right after the examination I get a visitor, my friend Maija, who’s a business consultant, a qualified psychotherapist and an astrologist. Over coffee I ask her to consult my astrological chart to see if there’s any information to be had there about my current situation. Maija hesitates a moment and ponders over the impact of the words she’s about to say. I assure her that I’ll make all my decisions independently, and release her from thinking about influencing me. So Maija interprets my chart and says that something explosive and powerful seems to be happening in my life now. She says this powerful image seems to be more related to communication than illnesses. According to Maija, this could involve digging up truly deep-seated knowledge. She says that she’s unable to interpret anything relating to illnesses and goes on to say that my chart shows no signs of any types of physical problems whatsoever, quite the opposite. She sees a very strong chart. From my birth chart she interprets that the triangle of Jupiter and the sun means a potent, strong and healthy body. The message of the chart is apparently a long, healthy and happy life. I want to believe in this with all my heart. Maija finds Chiron, a planet of caring and nursing, in a very good aspect to the sun, which in turn means that recovery will occur through wounding. There’s also the constellation of the Star of David in the transit chart, which was in itself a positive indicator, according to Maija. It symbolizes creativity and motivation in utilizing different opportunities and situations.

    The Star of David is beautiful with its six points. It’s commonly interpreted as an auspicious sign, but is also apparently a rare constellation. The reading of the astrological charts seems overflowing with mysteries. I listen to Maija in awe of the vastness of the universe. Maija says some people that have a Christ-like chart - whatever that may mean - seem to be destined for profound experiences. Although I don’t claim to understand astrology, I do realize it’s quite different to tabloid horoscopes. There was a time when astrology was considered a science and, who knows, perhaps one day it may be considered to be a science again. Maija’s account of the charts evokes a sense of respect in me. I want to hear more, and she continues to enlighten me. From the little I actually understand of it all, it does become clear that it’s high time I really started to do the things I’ve come here to do. Yet, what sort of communication is this all about?


    The Soul’s Task

    I was shockingly hard on myself and made the biggest mistake of my life by forgetting to treat myself gently and lovingly.

    For years I’d longed to get started with more reflective writing, but I never seemed to be able to find the time for it. I was diligently constructing a coaching concept for working environments. I knew I was doing important work by helping people relate to each other, by improving their well-being as well as their customer services. I also trained new coaches, teaching them everything I know so they could teach the concept each in their own ways. At the same time, I was enrolled in a fulltime master’s degree program and graduated as a social psychologist.

    Finally, I became so overburdened that I didn’t even dare think how much I was working without taking any breaks. Nobody would have understood, so I just kept on going, quietly forging on. I was shockingly hard on myself and made the biggest mistake of my life by forgetting to treat myself gently and lovingly. I kept on demanding more and more of myself, endlessly waiting for a time when the work would flow of its own accord, and I’d be able to have some free time for concentrating on the writing that I loved so much. Later, I realized that if I’d demanded as much of someone else I would’ve been considered a monster.

    I’d already gathered a vast amount of the content for my book, but most of it vanished when my computer hard drive crashed. Very soon after the initial exasperation I understood that it was no accident. It was a strong indication that my time to stop and take stock of my life had come. My family had undergone numerous crises in a short space of time. The severe illnesses that my child, husband and sister had to endure were to be a huge learning curve, as far as the power of the mind and having faith are concerned. In comparison, the loss of our house and property twenty years before seemed a tiny setback, although at the time it did plunge me to the very lowest levels of energy. I now understand that this was exactly as it should’ve been. These were all valuable experiences that I myself had chosen for my life’s path in order to prepare for my soul’s task. I wasn’t meant to write earlier after all. I was meant to write with a fresh perspective, about my very own experiences.

    My job as a trainer and coach of workplace well-being was a major distraction that kept me from writing. I thought long and hard about whether I could write freely about my thoughts and experiences of a spiritual nature. In other words, I still wasn’t living according to my own beliefs, didn’t fully dare to publicly be who I really was. During my courses and lectures I had, however, heard myself telling everyone else that real happiness and success stem from daring to be our true selves, at all times. I guess the truth is that teachers teach what they themselves want to excel in.

    In the beginning of 2012, I felt the strong need to open up my channels and begin to share with others the reality I was experiencing every day. So I started up my open lectures on the joy of life called Let Your Wings Carry You! As an extension of these, I started up a group by the same name to help people find their steps in the process of their spiritual awakening. It felt glorious not to have to hide anything anymore and to see that the participants were so receptive. I was extremely happy and felt as though I was moving on to a completely new level in my work. Little by little, I also allowed myself to talk about the numerous miracles I’d experienced. I’d already written about the miracles that my family had experienced in my book, in Finnish: Ilo tekee Ihmeitä (Joy works wonders - a guidebook to life’s insights).

    I felt greatly blessed when I began to receive sacred messages from the world of light. These messages came through my friends, acquaintances and energy healers. I haven’t been able to receive them directly myself, I’ve merely listened to them in wonder and tucked them into my heart. Still, I now had the opportunity to act as a scribe of sorts for these messengers of a new era. One of these first sacred messages came during the summer of 2010. A group of us were on the ‘Following the footsteps of Mary’ pilgrimage to Ephesus, Turkey. The highpoint of our pilgrimage - which took our breath away in awe - was the message one of us received directly from Mother Mary, urging us to bless our lives with the following prayer:

    I am light. I am happiness. I am the new human being of the world.

    I love everyone. I bless all.


    Vertical Communication

    Instinctively, I’ve always known that there are so-called ‘old souls’ in this world, who have a deeper understanding of life. You can tell from their eyes and their very essence. It feels good to be around them.

    I feel that one of my tasks in this life is to work with communication. For years I’ve taught courses on processes of interaction, written books and articles, and all this is horizontal communication - i.e. sharing information with other people. Through these past experiences I’ve understood that I’m now dealing with vertical communication. I’m at present on my own ‘retreat’, a sabbatical if you like (usually called sick leave). I’ve been listening to inner guidance that seems to come either from above, or from deep within me. Whichever the case, it’s a question of a completely different kind of communication to what we’re familiar with. On the one hand, I’m in almost constant vertical contact with the ‘spheres above’. On the other hand, I then horizontally share how this vertical communication became possible for me, and how it can be possible for anyone.

    Instinctively, I’ve always known that there are so-called ‘old souls’ in this world, who have a deeper understanding of life. You can tell from their eyes and their very essence. It feels good to be around them. I’ve had the opportunity of getting to know many of these people, and many of them possess the skill of receiving messages from the spiritual world. I believe that all of us are capable of receiving these messages, but most people turn their backs on intuition, that inner feeling, and just ignore it. However, if we can attain a suitable level of sensitivity, and tune in our antennae to the right frequency, then we have the opportunity of learning to consciously receive information from a higher level.

    I’ve always been surprised by the notion that those with the gift of receiving sacred messages, or prophesying, can only be found in the eras when the Bible or other holy works were written. I believe that people have always possessed this gift, and many more will find it in the future once their consciousness opens up to the unseen. It’s a question of courage, openness and broad-mindedness. One of these people is my own dear sister Eija. She has retired from being a physical education teacher and now offers healing, work that she loves, at her studio called Heijastus (The Reflection). Eija’s warm hands provide well-being through Reiki, Indian head massage and even infant massage. The intuitive messages that she has delivered to her clients, and to lucky me, have been like beautiful heavenly announcements. They come to her through writing, all she has to do is to put pen to paper. It’s totally natural to her. After our mother had passed, Eija received a message that was meant for me. There were things in the message that my sister didn’t understand, because I hadn’t told her about the conversation I’d had with our mother before she passed into the world of light. To me the message was absolutely true. Mother’s message included a poem to me:

    When shadows reach the earth,

    The heavens open wide.

    To life then bring your worth,

    Sketch a picture in your mind.

    Happiness won’t come at will,

    It takes far more to instill.

    The message ended: With Love, Your mother Liisa. And then: P.S: Remember what we agreed before my passing." We had agreed that the one of us who passes first into the light would keep in contact.

    Over the years, I’ve met many others who have passed on messages, besides my sister - prophets of this new era. The events told in this book seem like some greater life plan that has been entered into and agreed upon, and is to be experienced together. I’d never have been able to endure all my tough experiences alone without these ‘angel people’ who kept me above the earthly challenges with their energy healing, and the messages the healing delivered to me. As I’ve said, I feel that I’m just a scribe whose task it is to commit to memory all those sacred messages delivered from archetypical beings. I also want to write down my own feelings, which are at times ecstatic and sometimes very dark. The daily angels around me are just ordinary people, yet they’re so full of pure light. They’re best described by the words gratitude, modesty and humility, in all their undertakings. When looking for such a trustworthy and skillful person to guide you through a challenging time in your life, it’s good to remember the old phrase: a tree is known by its fruit. I suggest that everyone should listen closely to find out who would be the right and best possible person to support him or her in his or her current situation in life.

    My understanding of vertical communication has grown over the years. I’ve never actually denied the possibility of its existence, even though I hadn’t experienced anything like it personally, apart from one-way prayers and common meditation practices. Both prayer and meditation are vertical forms of communication at their best, as long as we remember that we shouldn’t just plead. We should ask for guidance and for the ability to hear, and then understand once we receive it. I’m absolutely certain that everyone receives guidance. My childlike faith and ability to experience wonder in things have been crucial to me as a recipient of these scared messages. They have served as keys to the understanding of this amazing technique of inner guidance.

    It’s said in the Bible that you should enter the temple and close the door and then all shall be given to

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