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714 Lyrics Book Ii: Until Death Do Us Part
714 Lyrics Book Ii: Until Death Do Us Part
714 Lyrics Book Ii: Until Death Do Us Part
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714 Lyrics Book Ii: Until Death Do Us Part

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Being is best felt in a song.
Release dateMar 9, 2012
714 Lyrics Book Ii: Until Death Do Us Part

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    714 Lyrics Book Ii - One Girl Inc.

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    Yellow MGB

    Within The Quivering Line

    Lavender Blue

    Fed, Fucked and Miserable

    Drama Queen of the Bucket

    So don’t hang up

    Imagine This

    Fleecing Me


    Flow On

    God’s Cauldron

    A Grail so to speak I have found one.

    Angels And Devils (Badminton Over Me)

    To play over again Adding Up

    (Lying To Myself)

    A River Needs Strong Banks

    Crazy Life

    Thinking Hard

    Softly Coming

    Teasing Time Again

    Blue Lightning

    Amazing Blue

    The Way Of Flowers

    The Weaving Room

    A Long Love To Make

    Until Forever

    Tropic of Cancer (Tribute to Miller)

    done george jones style

    Traveling Down These Roads

    Karma To Burn

    Yo-Yo Love

    Pretty Boy Mean

    Baby’s Done Gone

    Bronco Looking Fun

    Black Belt in Real

    (Leaving is What You Do)

    Sure I Do Sure I Don’t

    (A Round Tuit)

    Misty Morning

    Missing You

    How Heavy That Call (House Call)

    Sleepy Train Long

    Cryin Corner’s

    House of Mirrors

    Eternal Orchid

    Eternal Dove

    Love’s Engine

    Time Took My Heart Away

    Weary Heart Badge

    Too Long to Make

    Buddha Bells (tribute to Fern Gully

    and true Jamaican Winds)


    Griffins, Dolphins and Ouborous

    A Dollar Bill Never Hugged No One

    Diamonds in my Eyes

    Diamonds in my Eyes Version 2

    Twilight V2

    Wishy Washy Ways A Heart Don’t Make

    Can I Believe

    I’m not okay with you


    Blue Moon

    Love Without Hands

    Belief Walking Free

    How Can I Find Comfort

    You Have Oned Me Now

    Visited By Firefly’s

    Twelve Disciples

    Tablecloths and Spoons

    No I Don’t

    AQUA Velva Man

    I Saw A Vanishing

    Oh Sin and Sorrow

    Dumb Deaf and Cute

    Nilly Silly


    A Hymn of Thanks To The Trinity

    What Will Please

    Come Holy Prophet

    Take Aim My Destiny



    In Our Simple life

    No More Perfect People

    Ripple Creek Fudge Marble Roll

    I Want My Life Back

    What Not’s Rocks of Love

    The Confidence Man

    A Strange Turn Of The Real

    Hit By Hit

    DEDICATION 01.04.03

    Echoes in A Cave

    The Way of Flowers


    Action Figure Hero (Sirens)

    Action Figure Hero (Sirens)


    Mean Streak

    Weaving Room

    Weaving Room (2)

    White Malibu

    White Malibu (Expanded)

    We Bicker Love Away

    Count To Two (2)

    Talking To My Baby (take 2)

    Talking To My Baby

    Trip On the Ocean

    Trip On the Ocean

    Amazing Blue (2)

    Misty Morning (2)

    Misty Morning (expanded)

    Wider Blue Yonder

    (True Love Boomerang)

    OVER TIME, and looking back . . .




    special methods

    light inside

    (i wrote this song at 16 for Jason)

    hail america


    traveling down

    (version as if god speaks)

    larvael life


    i went to the mirror

    cinderella’s blush

    she slinks in blue

    21 march 1985

    hyper active reactive

    hard core status

    baby’s breath

    inner tension

    blue sky

    images and daffodils



    circles coming down the line


    hell travels down

    eggy batter/meaty vagina/hell travels down

    Hell travels down PAINTING SERIES

    respect no old sins

    The wings of uniqueness fly

    technicolor horror

    g. o. d. : generative operative destruction

    embalming words

    embalming words 2

    calendar daze Mournings oct 3 1994-oct 3 1995

    heart songs

    Meaty Vagina

    Measure for Measure


    (Cut What Kills : Rule 1 of Survival)


    Thoughts Fall Free

    No Talk and Tell

    God’s Cauldron :

    A grail so to speak I have found one.

    Stringing Pearls

    The Lonely Willow

    (Life is Long Circle on)

    Angels and Devils (Badminton over ME)

    Tribute to Carl Jung and authentication

    Catching Up

    Cover Up (Lying To Myself Again)

    Crazy Life

    Adding Up

    Paradise is Ours

    Waves Break at the Sea

    Tell It To The Wind

    Feeling Weak

    Fighting Words

    Our Pictures

    Moving Away

    Hollow Heart

    Play Easy

    More Thorn Than Rose

    Loves Lattice

    Spanish Moss


    Troubled Hearts

    Mean Streak

    Understand This

    I’m An Alien

    Pretty Boy Mean

    I’m Too Modern To Fall In Love

    (For Tim Monroe) 01.24.2012

    Wild Child 11.10.02

    Fly Buddha Child

    Winding Road

    Blackest Night

    Of The Heart

    (Against Your Will)

    PROMISES 01.04.06

    Made by TV


    Dylan in Battle Gear

    Of Man’s Seed

    Softness Given

    (An Ode to the Wind)

    Promises V2

    Glitter with the Dust

    You’re Gone

    Listen to Life

    Whine and Dine

    Tit for Tat

    Count to Two

    Air Golf Baby

    The Highway Clouds Roll Out Over

    Dig to China

    Talking To My Baby

    Sit You Down Honey

    Legs to Timbuktu


    Trip On The Ocean

    Carrying On

    Don’t Go Changing Anything

    A Sequined Life

    Soft Spot for You

    Are You Feeling That

    The Intimate Yell

    Echoes in a Cave

    Mean Streak

    Trailer Trash Cash

    Monkey Wrench

    My Hurtin’ Hands (if for boys)

    Siren’ Wailing

    (Action Figure Hero)

    Small Matters

    My Blueberry

    Love’s Black Eye


    Getting Out

    Let it Go

    Sleep On

    Pass Over

    Just Be Thee

    Wider Blue Yonder

    Too Strong To Ever

    One Injunction A Way

    Owing the World

    Make-Believe World


    Palms Play Silent

    Cool to the Touch

    We Bicker Love Away

    Top Heavy

    Wide Body


    Take Five Off Me

    This White Dress


    Nowise Nausea

    Moral Demise

    Projection of You On Me


    An Earth Radiance Ethereal

    Coming’ To Meet In The Offering

    My Liberty

    Riddle This

    Blue Paint Forever


    Sand, Rocks and Devils

    (with an apology to Zachary)

    Sand, Rocks and Devils II

    (with a tribute to Zachary )


    Love Knots


    The Rain

    I won’t But I want

    Pulling Freight

    A Miracle

    Walking Double

    Hating It Hating Me

    Dead Ringers


    Jonah was wrong

    No way but in:

    No exit

    School of Surf

    Love Notes to Home

    Primordial Seas

    Tanka* : Snail Hope


    Speak Love Softly

    The vein that feeds me bleeds me

    Angels Sail Their Laundry

    Angels Sail Their Laundry: Haiku


    The Jeering Crowd

    Tripglyph Odalisque


    SoBE Scapes

    The Guides

    Deluvian Delight Series

    The Fish Hat

    The Bitter Fruits

    The Light Within

    Story by Deborah Desilets

    The Noarks

    By Deborah Desilets

    Oh, Katrina

    Installation Miami Beach,

    15th Street Courtyard


    March 2006 for Javi

    Pillow + BLANKET NOTES

    Let My Shoulder be your Pillow

    Garden of My Heart






    I’ll Come To You

    My Heart Just Said Hello




    A Hymn of Thanks to the Trinity



    4 May 2000

    3 Mai 2000

    4 mai 2000

    5 Mai 2000

    6 Mai 2000

    7 Mai 2000

    8 Mai 2000

    8 May 2000

    9 Mai 2000

    9 May 2000

    May 4, 2000

    May 4 2000

    4 May 2000

    5 may 2000

    What is literature but the expression of moods by the

    vehicle of symbol and incident? And are there not moods which need

    heaven, hell, purgatory, and faeryland for their expression, no less

    than this dilapidated earth? Nay, are there not moods which shall find

    no expression unless there be men who dare to mix heaven, hell,

    purgatory, and faeryland together, or even to set the heads of beasts

    to the bodies of men, or to thrust the souls of men into the heart of

    rocks? Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey

    the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is

    true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet.


    "To accomplish great things, we must not only act,

    but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

    —Anatole France

    Once upon a time there was a young princess, a queen to be, who dreamt in abstracts

    while she played in concretes. She saw the world full of God’s playthings.

    They died each one and left behind things;

    play things making things for God

    to remember them by

    and to play with

    when lonely.

    She was sure she could make for herself

    all those fabulous things

    she saw while she dreamed.

    So she used

    her head her heart and her hands to guide her in their making.

    In this way God played with her dreams.

    Dedicated to Jason, Quinn and Zachary

    For Meme and Pepe,

    714 is dead. Long live 714.



    Mom’s favorite tree was the family tree.

    Dad once planted an orchard that never grew. Here my sister would raise her family.

    He would say God had a different tree in mind.

    The heart has many secrets better left untold. Muriel Desilets


    Book I and Book II

    At 714,

    Harvey built our family home.

    It took my father nine years to build a fence

    that never held me in any way.

    But deep within me lives that place, that swamp,

    those larvael years and day dreaming.

    Nov 8, 2001

    My Musings Today

    Music can save some people. It saved dad once. I thought OK. It could save him again.

    After mom died it seemed right minded to take a chance on sound.

    I’d wind up risking more than time, money and my love life.

    I’d risked losing what I really loved above all else, my dad.

    I started out one night in search of a guitarist. Just as on Oct 3, 1994 back from Glenn’s funeral I heard his voice so loud: get your puss-wa out of bed!, tonight was no different, except I heard another cry: Get a guitarist. I would meet Javier Garcia that night and find in me the courage to record three of dad’s songs. This was the beginning. Humble and deep there was a gravitas to the sound.

    I was in.

    Yet, I would never be an insider.

    No. Too many crossed paths had broken my dreams as a singer for my generation.

    I was modern, Mom would say. I was destined to be the observer. For what good was this distance? Yes, these eyes that saw shadows set in time: such distance! Mom was an anchor, Dad was the chain. Both held one another to the edge of the Void. All their conventional wisdom wouldn’t change my mind; I wasn’t going to marry into their brand of domestic bliss either. Yet, I am vicariously in their marriage: Their loyalty anchored my fidelity to them as a daughter. It tuned and turned me to this rightness: they had their own channel.

    Now what? Death removed the magic: the overflowing connection of love so ill-logical. It was too late for me to return; too late for dew-eyed love with siblings. As my parents though they held a special claim on my heart. Reduced to a study in a song I could manage to sing it. It wouldn’t save Mom; Dad either. But I could save myself. There was nothing of worldly value, prized art or overly beautiful objects in our home; but she was beautiful. He was sublime. They were stars in a constellation of their own. And universes don’t have to justify themselves.

    They don’t make handkerchiefs for these, their kind of tears. Oh and I’d cry. Hell, I’m sure we all cried. The loss of mother was a singular, instantaneous shatter in the rose colored glasses.

    Now, all delusions were off. As well all bets.

    714 was dead. Long live 714. May her memory be a blessing.

    Let the porch be torn down; let the physical house be destroyed.

    Let the roaches win. I had the music.

    A SHORT BIO IN CLIFF NOTES, Each line a story to tell yet.

    it is somewhere in the lyric mix.



    Not musical technique, but emotional vitality would be my measure if a song staid.

    ABOUT the MUSICAL MUSES IN MY LIFE… AS FOLLOWS My short encounters in music: 1958-2002

    Childhood with Music

    Blessed Sacrament Singing

    Neighbor singing

    Father singing: 3 Girls singing for Dad Country/Religious/Lawrence

    Welk/Ed Sullivan/ Music/R&8/Radio/Mom and Dad in Choir singing

    Valerie Stone/Jeanette Hadi/Charlie Harvey 6-13 BSS

    1965 Ricky Revell and Charles his Cousin

    1970 Neil and Aubrey

    1972Frank GoldenlTim Monroe/Jim Ballard/Bill McCloskey

    1973 Steve Wright ELECTRIC

    1975 Kenny BelL ACOUSTIC

    1977 Rick Ferrall/Bill Sabella JAZZ FUSION:WEATHER REPORT/Flora Purim

    Brain Eno: Tangerine Dream: Harold Budd

    David Hollister/Frank COUNTRY


    Velma Frye:WAKULLA BAND Lucy Beattie

    Melinda Trucks at 109 College Painting: Butch Trucks: ALLMAN BROTHERS

    1983 Claudia Bucher and George the WAREHOUSE: Sonic Youth/John

    Giorno/Laurie Anderson

    Paul Suhor; DRUMMER

    Hal Shows: LEAD GUITARIST Persian Gulf/Government Cheese 19oJ

    1985 Steven Diamond CLASSICAL PIANO 8 hours a day…


    Cindi Lauper/MADONNA

    1991-3 DASH STUDENTS all music focus on electronic




    1995 Writing and Walkin Glenn’s Song

    Bob Weinstock: JAZZ

    Morris Lapidus OPERA

    Larry Rivers: JAZZ

    Collette Miller GWAR Splatter Rock



    Dad/Stan Kellam: Jimmy Buffet

    Young Loncheik


    ONE GIRL INC named for publishing Music, may 13 inc.

    Oct with Dad songs, by 10.10.04 released

    Nov 6-Dec 6 2001 ZACH’S MUST HAVE BEEN GOD’S PLAN/12 songs for XMAS

    Dec 27-2001-Jan joined ASCAP

    January 6 ALL DAD’S DONE. working on CD #1

    Feb 6-13, 2002 CD #1 21 SONGS COMPLETED


    Mar 9, 2002 CD #2 16 SONGS COMPLETED

    April 9, 2002 CD #3 14 SONGS COMPLETED


    April 29, 2002 4 songs

    May 7, 2002 CD #418 SONGS COMPLETED

    MA Y 12, 2002 4TH CD ART DONE

    May 22 3 songs… . to YB in New York…

    Sept 9, 2005 Oh Katrina! Last Song Set with YB.

    +++ Many more albums 2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011+2012

    Photos to show NO HERO IN HEROIN

    OUTWARD BOUND… finally the music is for the healing it was intended. A start.

    40 ALBUMS + 1470+ songs from a collection of over 4000 pages of writing 2001-2011.



    In love I thought I n’evr would fall

    Past by my eyes could see

    Until that day that I met you

    Beneath the Willow Tree

    There you stood by the side of the willow

    Your hair blown back by the breeze

    The glow in your eyes revealing

    The sweetness of lovely Louise

    Love me Forever never to part

    Love me forever

    And I’ll be yours sweetheart

    At night while the firelight glowing

    Discloses your presence so near

    I know in my heart overflowing

    It’s your love I’ve chosen so dear

    Love me forever never to part

    Love me forever

    And I’ll be yours sweetheart

    As we strolled by the banks of the river

    The whisper off your lips telling me

    The joys that we now share together

    Will last like the wind blowing free.

    Love me forever never to part

    Love me forever

    And I’ll be yours sweetheart

    Yes Love me forever never to part

    Love me forever and I’ll Give you my heart

    Yellow MGB

    My best friend wished she was me

    My best friend wanted my everything

    But when it came down to you and me

    Who knew my best friend would get that too.

    My best friends Yellow MGB

    My momma wouldn’t buy for me

    Would be the death of you and me

    Baby you painted my heart blue

    That day I heard my best friend say

    She got you too.

    I learned just how low life could be

    In my best friends Yellow MGB

    When she cooed how did I sleep at night

    I knew she’d been wooing my baby in plain sight

    Her coal black eyes, her cold black heart

    Put a black pale on that day we’d part

    Those blurry white lines pointed the way we flew

    Down the blackest road coming home to you

    My best friends Yellow MGB

    My momma wouldn’t buy for me

    Would be the death of you and me

    Baby you painted my heart blue

    That day my best friend

    Cooed she had you too.

    My best friend broke my heart

    A long ride ago in that Yellow MGB

    My momma wouldn’t buy for me

    My momma wouldn’t buy for me

    Within The Quivering Line


    Seems I’ve got this wisdom

    To see into some other world

    And the one where I’ve been living

    Is a closed door

    Looking like a chapel

    In the far off line

    That waves


    Looking like a steeples gate

    Or like a huge celestial star

    There’s a quivering line on the horizon

    There’s a quivering line on my lips

    As I try to part them to describe

    All this magnificence

    If it’s a mirage I’m walking through

    I’ve got to see this through

    Ain’t no greater lights I’ve seen on earth

    This I’m telling you

    This I’m telling true

    You who

    I tell you I see it coming

    Looking just like a mirage

    It looks like I’m sitting out on a lighted hill

    I’m walking toward that still still place

    I see within the quivering line

    I see within the quivering line

    I see within the quivering line

    Oh I see within the quivering line

    They call that eternity

    And I’ll claim that as mine

    I see within the quivering line

    I see within the quivering line

    I see within the moving line

    Oh I see within the quivering line

    Line Line Line Line

    Oh quivering line

    Line Line

    The quivering line

    Lavender Blue

    Oh baby just now I looked at you

    From across those bottles and cigarettes

    I turned in time to see your blue eyes

    Tum a smoky lavender hue.

    Just in time I saw and everyone else did too

    You’re on a meltdown honey

    You’re falling in love It’s true

    But while I’m sitting there for waiting

    For you you you know it’s true

    I’m watching while you’re a chasing this one down

    While chasing all the others up too

    There will never be enough pleasure

    To stomp out the self hate you feel

    You’re my baby and a love shifting meltdown mix

    Don’t fit right on you

    It’s got your blues eyes

    Moving from gray to lavender blue

    Your hearts into stormy weather

    Happy endings aren’t your thing

    You’ll break a happy thing or two

    Fueled with your insecurity

    Just in time I saw and everyone else did too

    You’re on a meltdown honey

    You’re falling in love It’s true

    Funny you can’t see it

    You’re melting’ down for me

    Seems you’re just running out

    Then running back to me.

    You’re complicated honey

    Whose gonna figure this one out no not me

    Cause honey

    I’ve been through my own meltdown

    So I know I’m in love with you.

    Yes I’ve been through my own meltdown

    I’m in love with you

    Yes I’ve been through my own meltdown

    I’m in love with you

    Fed, Fucked and Miserable

    She keeps me fed, fucked and miserable

    Cause I’m a miserable man

    I can’t take a good thing

    Coming from a woman’s hand

    Never could nor never would

    Weaken my selfish self that way

    So I’m fed fucked and miserable

    I don’t know any other way.

    Well the food is always tasteless

    And the sex is never tight

    My misery is looming

    Each day she says it’s right

    She ain’t got that kinda feel in’

    That can feed a man’s hungry soul

    I am just your worn out star

    And you are my black hole

    She keeps me fed, fucked and miserable

    Cause I’m a miserable man

    I can’t take a good thing

    Coming from a women’s hand

    Never could nor never would

    Weaken my selfish self that way

    So I’m fed fucked and miserable

    I don’t know any other way

    Yes I’m fed fucked and miserable

    I don’t know any other way

    Drama Queen of the Bucket

    60 cans of paint for 60 ways you cry tears

    That never meant anything

    Except you’d get your ole damn way

    One more time one more day

    Tears to most mean something’s wrong

    But honey you’re a drama queen to the core

    You’ll whoop up a ton of tears

    Too bored to try to understand

    60 cans of paint for 60 ways you cry tears

    That never meant anything

    Except you’re getting your ole damn way

    One more time one more day

    60 buckets of tears

    Cried on command

    You’re the drama queen of the bucket

    And I’ll paint each damn wall to say

    Those innocent tears for you never were

    And I’ll paint our home sweet home pale gray

    60 cans of paint on your wall for every time

    You broke my heart walking these halls

    Youthful tears will win over words

    Every time it seems

    So I’m doomed to these ole rooms

    On each wall I’ll show my gloom

    How my silent teardrops fell

    How you made home a living hell

    Oh how my silent teardrops fell

    60 cans of paint for 60 ways you cry tears

    That never meant anything

    Except you’d get your ole damn way

    One more time

    One more day

    So don’t hang

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