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Remnants (The Order of Hakat - Vol I)
Remnants (The Order of Hakat - Vol I)
Remnants (The Order of Hakat - Vol I)
Ebook41 pages38 minutes

Remnants (The Order of Hakat - Vol I)

By S.B.

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About this ebook

It's time to be baptized.

Mark Atkinson was happily married and had the perfect job until he met Diana Connors, member of the Supernatural Femdom Society known as the Order of Hakat. When she sets eyes on him out of pure lust, his dream world is torn asunder by devilish, yet irresistible charms.

Remnants is the first volume in The Order of Hakat series, a dark mind control erotic story where sexual enslavement through magic and demonic deeds isn’t just a fantasy, but the harshest of realities. Can Mark escape his unrequited fate? Read this book to find out.

Release dateAug 21, 2018
Remnants (The Order of Hakat - Vol I)


Simple Being, middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for stories involving Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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    Remnants (The Order of Hakat - Vol I) - S.B.


    -The Order of Hakat Vol. I-

    By S.B.

    Copyright 2006-2018 S.B.

    Cover Design by S.B.

    License Notes – Smashwords Edition

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work and creativity of this author.


    -The Order of Hakat Vol. I-

    I know some people write to remember, seeking a way to preserve their memories for posterity, but I’m not one of them - I write to forget! If you want to find out what I eagerly seek to expel from my mind, tread carefully on these lines and never let your guard down. Despite their strangeness, the events I’m about to describe did indeed occur, not so long ago, in the busy City of Los Angeles.

    I used to have a life there, built on two pillars I thought unbreakable: a highly remunerated job at a prestigious Law firm and a beautiful wife with whom I had already shared ten years of my existence. These two elements combined were a promise of a future free of worries, doing everything I always wanted with no hindrance or hesitation. Nowadays, I feel more insignificant than a shadow, locked in a gloomy motel room, as I try to put back together all the pieces of my shattered self.

    If there’s someone to blame for my downfall, that someone is Diana Connors. When I first met her, approximately six months ago, I was far from realizing what a dangerous and menacing creature she was. My boss introduced her as the newest associate of the firm at a boring meeting on a Wednesday morning. In a long and winding speech, riddled with yawn-inducing statements, he praised her unique qualities as a lawyer, emphasizing more than once that hiring her was one of the best moves in the company’s recent history. Apparently, with Diana on our side, success would knock on our door more often, and that was more than guaranteed.

    I listened to his never-ending set of compliments with a shadowy expression on my face. We had all heard of Diana’s qualities back in the days when she was working

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