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Blessed Assurance Through Visions and Dreams
Blessed Assurance Through Visions and Dreams
Blessed Assurance Through Visions and Dreams
Ebook58 pages46 minutes

Blessed Assurance Through Visions and Dreams

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God answers prayers in sometimes radical and unexpected ways. Thats just one lesson shared by author Christal Bindrich as she recounts her many dreams and visions, including mystical experiences with deceased loved ones and even an encounter with Jesus in Blessed Assurance through Visions and Dreams. She writes her story to give voice to all those who have experienced wonderful spiritual events that give them blessed assurance of a loving God and an eternal life with our loved ones.

Through Bindrichs narrative you can awaken your own spiritual awareness and encounter her explorations of the mystery of life beyond, precognitive dreams, and visions of Jesus. Some might have had visitations from those who have crossed over but have disregarded them. In Blessed Assurance through Visions and Dreams, Bindrichs dreams provide her with spiritual awareness and valuable insight into the future; your dreams could illuminate your future as well.

In this inspirational testimony, Bindrich writes honestly and with heart to understand the significance of her own visions, ultimately leading her to spiritual awareness and a profound healing. Join her on her journey, and open yourself up to the power of visions and dreams.

Release dateNov 8, 2012
Blessed Assurance Through Visions and Dreams

Christal Mae Bindrich

Christal M. Bindrich is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church. She holds a BS in social work from the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater and a master of divinity from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. She and her husband live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and are blessed with four grown children and four grandchildren.

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    Blessed Assurance Through Visions and Dreams - Christal Mae Bindrich

    Copyright © 2012 Christal Mae Bindrich

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0404-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0403-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012920565

    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 11/05/2012







    Chapter 1 Answer To Prayer

    Chapter 2 First Spiritual Encounter

    Chapter 3 Childhood Memories

    Chapter 4 Letting Go

    Chapter 5 Trusting Self

    Chapter 6 Early Precognition Dreams

    Chapter 7 Saying Good-byes

    Chapter 8 God’s Call

    Chapter 9 Messages from the Other Side

    Chapter 10 Visitations

    Chapter 11 Biblical Foundation

    Chapter 12 Sharing Your Dreams

    Epilogue Near-Death Experience

    Questions to Ponder

    About the Author


    To Jerry, my soul mate, for always believing, supporting, and loving me.


    John Sumwalt

    I am grateful to my friend and colleague, Rev. Christal Bindrich, who, out of a loving heart, has taken the risk to share her dreams and visions in a culture that is sometimes hostile to this kind of testimony. There is an assumption in our scientific age that if an experience is not measurable in some way, it is not real. Our society, even in many churches, is not vision-friendly.

    Eddie Ensley, a Roman Catholic author, writes in his book Visions: The Soul’s Path to the Sacred, that Talk of visions went underground, at least in polite company, with the rise of modern science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Yet, he says, people have visions all the time. Ensley tells of a survey of two thousand Christians in mainline churches in St. Cloud, Minnesota, which found that 30 percent had seen dramatic visions, heard heavenly voices, or experienced prophetic dreams. Ensley adds, Almost everyone reports some partly remembered sacred moment—once they feel secure enough to talk about it.

    Many people have had this kind of life-changing experience, but have never told anyone. I went to the hospital one time to visit one of our older members who had received word the night before about the death of a favorite niece. I listened as she poured out her grief, and then as an afterthought, asked her if she had had any sense of her niece’s presence since her passing. She looked at me knowingly and said, Not yet, but after my husband died six years ago, he was often in my bedroom at night. One night, after I had been in bed for a while, trying to sleep, I opened my eyes and there were my husband and my late stepson hovering over me. I was so startled that I exclaimed, ‘Go away!’

    We both laughed, and then she told me that she had never spoken of this to anyone before.

    Who would you tell if this happened to you? Would you feel safe telling your family or your friends at work? Could you confide in your physician, your pastor, or the people you worship with at church? In spite of the many mystical stories we know in scripture, and over two centuries of mystic lore handed down by a multitude of saints and sinners, we

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