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We Bleed
We Bleed
We Bleed
Ebook108 pages1 hour

We Bleed

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I reflect on the many routes I travelled and I see the variety of landscapes my eyes beheld. I think of the many slopes and the stale hills. I walked through valleys and rivers, big and small. I remember the great few mountains I gazed upon and the trees young, old, and tall. I walked different trails and opened my eyes in different places.

I had seen grass dancing with the breeze and a clear blue sky. I remember a sunset waving to say goodnight and a moon trying to outshine the stars. I remember lying under the shade of a tree, watching a worm crawling on its stump. I have seen ants going about their business and insects great and small. I strolled between weeds and shrubs and played with their stems. As for my body, it knows how it feels to lie on meadows. I walked on sand and felt the tiny stones between my toes. Some late afternoons I heard birds singing with operatic voices. As a child I played in the rain and heard the thunder above my head. After the rain I saw the promise of God in the skya rainbow. Ive watched the flow if a stream breaking on pebbles, and when I gazed up to the sky I saw clouds moving by. I already heard the wind in its fury and witnessed the ocean in its rage. I have seen a desert storm and hid my face from its rusty desert sand.

I have seen flowers bloom and bees buzzing for their nectar. I know how to greet every new day with my prayers and give gratitude to the Creator for the creation. My journey is the recorded history of my time and in my time. I have seen what I have seen and know in my heart that life is a special gift. But I have also seen despair and troubled times. I had many encounters with dark days, but I rose from the pain. I have tasted my tears and seen my own blood. Every day I see my reflection in the mirror, then I remind myself that I am more than what I see. I go through bad times and also through good times. I sometimes fight fear, doubt, and tears, but I stand for the human race because it is my passion.

I have seen human tears, emotional pain, and human fears. Therefore, within me there is a warrior that knows how to bleed and survive. Each day I learn to cope with the pressures of life, and I never give up on a grain of hope. I breathe, I laugh, I cry, but I am here and I exist. I was in my yesterday and will be in my tomorrow. At this moment I am now. I am the sentinel of my life and with my voice I announce that I am who I am and I am here with you on the same planet called Earth. Now you know who I am; I am mortal flesh.
Release dateMay 8, 2015
We Bleed

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    We Bleed - Zuzu Alexi

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    © 2015 Zuzu Alexi. All rights reserved.

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    Names and characters in this book are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

    Published by AuthorHouse 05/07/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-4226-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-4227-0 (e)

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    Note from the Warrior


    Elna’s Story

    The Great Giant

    This War

    Game Play

    On Time and in Our Time

    Out of One Cage into Another

    A Made-Up Mind

    The Spider Web behind the Trap Door

    Dialogue with You

    Fly, Entrepreneur, as You Bleed to Survive

    The Plea of a Bleeding Human

    Greedy Lying Lazybones

    The Stonemasons Who Build with Scattered Glass from Their Own Glass Castles


    Meet Me

    About the Book

    Study to show thy self approved unto God,

    A workman that needed not to be ashamed,

    Rightly dividing the word of truth.

    —2 Timothy 2: 15

    We bleed for all the right reasons and sometimes for all the wrong reasons.

    But bleed we shall bleed because we are in the race of survival.

    —Warrior Zuzu

    This work is dedicated to those who bleed to survive.

    Note from the Warrior

    I reflect on the many routes I travelled, and I see the variety of landscapes my eyes beheld. I think of the many slopes and the stale hills. I walked through valleys and rivers big and small. I remember the great, few mountains I gazed upon and the trees young, old, and tall. I walked different trails and opened my eyes in different places.

    I have seen grass dancing with the breeze, and a clear, blue sky. I remember a sunset waving to say goodnight and a moon trying to outshine the stars. I remember lying under the shade of a tree, watching a worm crawling on its stump. I have seen ants going about their business and insects great and small. I strolled between weeds and shrubs and played with their stems. As for my body, it knows how it feels to lie on meadows. I walked on sand and felt the tiny stones between my toes. Some late afternoons I heard birds singing with operatic voices. As a child I played in the rain and heard the thunder above my head. After the rain I saw the promise of God in the sky – a rainbow. I’ve watched the flow of a stream breaking on pebbles, and when I gazed up to the sky I saw clouds moving by. I already heard the wind in its fury and witnessed the ocean in its rage. I have seen a desert storm and hidden my face from its rusty desert sand.

    I have seen flowers bloom and bees buzzing for their nectar. I know how to greet every new day with my prayers and to give gratitude to the Creator for the creation. My journey is the recorded history of my time and in my time. I have seen what I have seen and know in my heart that life is a special gift. But I have also seen despair and troubled times. I had many encounters with dark days, but I rose from the pain. I have tasted my tears and seen my own blood. Every day I see my reflection in the mirror, and then I remind myself that I am more than what I see. I go through bad times and also through good times. I sometimes fight fear, doubt, and tears, but I stand for the human race because it is my passion.

    I have seen human tears, emotional pain, and human fears. Therefore, within me there is a warrior that knows how to bleed and survive. Each day I learn to cope with the pressures of life, and I never give up on a grain of hope. I breathe, I laugh, I cry; but I am here and I exist. I was in my yesterday and will be in my tomorrow. At this moment I am now. I am the sentinel of my life, and with my voice I announce that I am who I am, and I am here with you on the same planet – called Earth. Now you know who I am – I am mortal flesh.


    It is obvious that I thought long and hard about this bleeding metaphor. The war has arrived, and we are here to bleed. We can either collapse and die or stand like warriors and fight.

    I took time to observe the daily lives and routines of a few people. After many interviews, I was convinced that the human race is bleeding like never before. I explained this project to my daughters, but they were a bit concerned about the word war – advising me that it is such a strong word, seeing that the world has had so many wars and is still at war. But after I explained the topic to them in detail, they showed they comprehend the metaphor. Therefore I am now working on this project.

    I meet and randomly interview people. I talk to people I know and just listen with attentive ears. With the research and recordings I put this cautionary book together to show how humans bleed. As a result, it is only what I say. Others have the right to disagree. Feel free to do so.

    After observing the sequence of many things and the way they work, my mind was taking on another route. To say the least, this word war has many meanings and categories in our daily lives. Then again, this is only my analytic way of thinking, but I need to share it. Honestly speaking, we all are in a concerted campaign, fighting continually to survive. Yes, the war has arrived. What I mean about arrived is not that it is new. No, it was here all the time. We just did not always know that it was a war. Not the war between countries trying to settle their differences. This war is a different one. It is about the clashes we come across in our daily lives. We fight just to make it through another day to stay sane, working through the torment of emotional stress, financial constraints, harsh words, disappointments, bad relationships, a variety of misunderstandings, coping to stay ahead of time, and many more problems. We need to fight, not because it is a way of life, but because the war is here. The challenge is exactly what the metaphor says – we can either collapse and die or stand like warriors and fight. However, this comes by choice. Die if you must – but stand up and fight if you regard yourself to be a warrior. At this point in my perception of this I say we are all warriors in a world of so many difficulties. It’s an invasion that stalks our daily lives. And how can anyone be at peace while being stalked? But it is the pains of life, the terms and conditions, and the only thing we can do is to fight back to make it through the day.

    In truth, we are in the war zone – all of us, whether you agree or disagree with me. The possible course of action is yours. For one thing, I’ve read in many quotes, books, and magazines that life is a journey. We are all faced with problematic circumstances. It is a daily war. To me life is a war, and we are on this journey in the war zone – always on the battlefield. Obviously, this very war has changed in many ways from generation to generation. Time is no respecter of person, and history does not edit its recordings to please anyone. As an example, in my time as a youngster, my parents had the last say. Meanwhile, I myself had no say because I was the obedient child. We were trained by adults to be obedient. It was how things worked in those days. But nowadays the adults have become the obedient parents. The generation of this day and age has too much say when they voice their opinions. Forget not how they can tell any adult about their rights. What is it called? It is called bleeding in the war of this time. The adults bleed to take their stand against the youngsters

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