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Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word?: I Believe God!
Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word?: I Believe God!
Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word?: I Believe God!
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Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word?: I Believe God!

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About this ebook

Evangelist Clothia Jean Roussell was called by God in July 1993, after having completed three years of study for her degree in the education field. Details of the call will be publish in her upcoming book entitled, The Lord Called Me. While glancing over her study notes for a test she was about to take, she heard the Spirit of God speak very clearly. He said, Jean, I am calling you from the education field over to My Gospel field as an Evangelist. In 1993, after hearing and accepting the call of God, she was then led by the Spirit of God to Tulsa, Oklahoma. There she attended Rhema Bible Training Center and Rhema Bible Church, under the leadership of the late Prophet Kenneth E. Hagin and Pastors of Rhema Bible Church, Kenneth W. and Lynette Hagin Jr. While there, she recall three highlights of her studies: (1) how to walk by faith (Gods Word), (2) how to hear and yield to the Spirit of God, and (3) how to walk in the God-kind of love, which she determines to exemplify in her everyday walk of life. She graduated from Rhema in 1996 after completion of her two-year study in Ministerial studies as an Evangelist. She is an active alumnus of Rhema and currently holds credentials and license as an Evangelist under ICCM (International Congress of Churches and Ministers), with Dr. Michael Chitwood as Founder/CEO. They are located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Evangelist Roussell travels from state to state as the Spirit of God leads her, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus, with genuine signs following in Jesus Name as the Holy Spirit wills. She also operates in the Gifts of the Spirit only as the Holy Spirit wills. She is a Visionary, Author, Psalmist, Song Writer, Motivational & Inspirational Speaker, Poet, Preacher, Teacher, Fashionista and Serial Entrepreneur. She is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, but has been residing in the state of Georgia for the past 16 years. She is happily wed to Mr. Michael A. Roussell for the past 36+ years and a proud mother of two young adults, Michael A. Roussell Jr. and Renaulda Roussell Hayes.
Release dateJul 9, 2015
Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word?: I Believe God!

Evangelist Clothia Jean Roussell

Evangelist Clothia Jean Roussell was called by God in July 1993, after having completed three years of study for her degree in the education field. Details of the call will be published in her upcoming book entitled, The Lord Called Me. While glancing over her study notes for a test she was about to take, she heard the Spirit of God speak very clearly. He said, “Jean, I am calling you from the education field over to my Gospel field as an evangelist.” In 1993, after hearing and accepting the call of God, she was then led by the Spirit of God to Tulsa, Oklahoma. There she attended Rhema Bible Training Center and Rhema Bible Church, under the leadership of the late Prophet Kenneth E. Hagin and the Pastors of Rhema Bible Church, Kenneth W. and Lynette Hagin Jr. While there, she recalls three highlights of her studies: (1) how to walk by faith,(God's Word) (2) how to hear and yield to the Spirit of God, and (3) how to walk in the God-kind of love, which she determines to exemplify in her everyday walk of life. She graduated from Rhema in 1996 after completion of her two-year study in Ministerial studies as an Evangelist. She is an active alumnus of Rhema and currently holds credentials and license as an Evangelist under ICCM (International Congress of Churches and Ministers), with Dr. Michael Chitwood as founder/CEO. They are located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Evangelist Roussell is traveling from state to state as the Spirit of God leads her, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus, with “genuine signs following” in Jesus Name as the Holy Spirit wills. She also operates in the Gifts of the Spirit as the Holy Spirit wills. She is a Visionary, Author, Psalmist, Song Writer, Preacher, Teacher, Fashionista and Serial Entrepreneur. She is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, but has been residing in the state of Georgia for the past 16 years. She is happily wed to Mr. Michael A. Roussell for the past 36+ years and a proud mother of two young adults, Michael A. Roussell Jr. and Renaulda C. Roussell Hayes.

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    Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word? - Evangelist Clothia Jean Roussell

    Copyright 2015 Evangelist Clothia Jean Roussell.

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    I Believe GOD!

    Author’s Preface



    The Lord Instructs Me


    What Is This Book Like Inside?

    The Validity and Authenticity of God’s Word

    Seven Fold Revelation To Those Who Believe God’s Word

    Mental Assent Verses - Believing With the Heart

    The Just Shall Live By Faith

    The Power In Saying

    Corresponding Action Follows What You Believe

    The In Between Process

    Those Who Believed God In Spite Of Contradictory Circumstances

    Unlimited Reward of Blessing Upon Blessings Awaits Those Who Are Doer’s Of God’s Word

    Personal Testimonies

    Birth of My Beautiful Baby Girl

    In Jesus’ Name A Baby Was Brought Back To Life From A Coma

    My Housekeeper Healed From Breast Cancer

    In Jesus’ Name By Faith I Spoke In My Heavenly Language

    How Do I Act On God’s Word

    I Believe What God Has Said

    Section II

    53 Reasons as To Why Should You and I Believe God?


    Because God’s Word Is:

    1. Is God Himself Jesus Christ the Living Word

    2. Is God’s Nature

    3. Is God’s Character

    4. Is An Anchor (Fix, Attach, Secure, Fasten) To The Soul

    5. God’s Word For Christians Is Like Looking Into A Mirror And As We Behold It We Are Constantly Being Changed From Glory To Glory Into His Very Own Image

    6. Is God Breathed Upon By The Holy Spirit

    7. Is Life Zoe The Eternal Life, God Kind of Life, God’s Divine Nature, God’s DNA and Substance Who Brings Forth Life, Sparkle, Vitality, Energy, Liveliness And Vigor

    8. Is Alive, Living, Breathing And Full Of Power Because Of Its Force, Potency, Ability, Vigor, Dominance, Influence And Strength

    9. Is Faithful, Devoted, Steadfast, Constant And True

    10. Transforms The Mind Meaning To Change, Modify, Shift The Mind From Its Old Way Of Thinking To God’s New Way Of Thinking As You Exchange Your Thoughts And Ways To God’s Thoughts and Ways

    11. Is A Solid Foundation Because It Is The Support, Substructure And Basis To Stand On

    12. Is Spiritual Food To Feed On, Enlighten, Develop And Train

    13. Instruct Christians As To Why The Holy Spirit Has Been Sent To Us

    14. Will Not Return Back Void To God

    15. Is Medicine To The Whole Man Spirit, Soul And Body

    16. Is A Lamp To The Christian Feet

    17. Is Forever Settled And Stands Firm In Heaven

    18. Gives Rest To Christians Who Will Believe It

    19. Is A Cleanser And Pruner

    20. Is Like Water That Washes

    21. Is To Be Meditated (Think, Mutter, Conceive, Contemplate, Picture, Believe, Ponder) On Both Day And Night

    22. Brings Peace To The Mind

    23. Shows How Jesus’ Blood Has Sealed the New Covenant

    24. Shows How Jesus Christ Is The Guarantee Of The New Covenant

    25. Shows Jesus As The Author And Finisher Of The Christian Faith

    26. Shows Christians That Jesus Christ Never, Never Changes

    27. Shows Jesus Is The High Priest Of The Christian Confessions

    28. Shows That God’s Word Will Fix (Mend, Repair, Settle, Adjust) The Heart

    29. Builds Confidence and Expectation for Supernatural Manifestations

    30. Encourages Christians To Walk In Their Redemption Because Jesus Christ Have Already Paid the Price to Set You Free From All Bondage of Any Kind

    31. Is The Christians Shield (Guard, Cover, Veil, Cloak, Clothe, Defense, Shelter, Protection) Of Faith

    32. Enable Christians To Have What We Say (Articulate, Declare, Express, Speak, Tell, Utter, Remark, State)

    33. Shows That Love Is the New Commandment for Christians

    34. Rewards Those Who Diligently Seek (Inquire Of And Require Him As Their Vital Necessity In His Word) Him

    35. Teach Christians of Their TRUE IDENTITY In Christ

    36. Teach Christians Who They Are By Christ

    37. Teach Christians Who They Are Through Christ

    38. Teach Christians Who They Are In Him (Jesus Christ)

    39. Teach Christians Who They Are By Him (Jesus Christ)

    40. Teach Christians Who They Are Through Him

    41. Teach Christians Who They Are In The Beloved

    42. Teach Christians Who They Are In The Lord

    43. Teach Christians Who They Are In Me (Jesus Christ)

    44. Teach Christians Who They Are In His Name (Jesus)

    45. Teach Christians Who They Are In Whom (Jesus Christ)

    46. Teach Christians What They Possess By Jesus’ Blood

    47. Displays Great Dividends To Christians Who Are Diligent

    48. Displays How Families Are To Love, Respect, Honor And Commit To One Another Part I, II, III, & IV

    49. Displays The Goodness Of Our God

    50. Displays That God’s Word Is God’s Will (Legal Document, Covenant, Testament, Agreement) To His Children And All Mankind

    51. Teach Christians That God’s Word Can Be Trusted (Have Confidence In, Depend Upon, Rely On, Hope And Believe In, Entrust And Confide In)

    52. Teach Christians How God Desires An Intimate Relationship

    53. Teach Christians How God Is A Loving Father Who Loves Us His Children His Sons And Daughters



    This Book Is A Blessing

    I know that this book, Why Should You and I Believe God’s Word? I Believe GOD! will be a blessing to everyone that reads or touches it. My apologies, but I cannot pinpoint a chapter because all the chapters that I have read has truly impacted my life. Each one has enabled me to know how to fully embrace life head on knowing that I am not alone. By understanding God’s Word, it has helped me to become a better women. By me becoming a better woman I am now a better wife and mother. Standing on God’s Word alone and not my own actions have been a learning process for me. Just reading God’s Word, obtaining an understanding of it, and knowing that God is a God that cannot lie is truly remarkable to me. I learned that as I continue to put God first in everything that I do the results always turn out to be phenomenal. Phenomenal in my personal, professional and business life. This book has also taught me that since God cannot and will not lie He is a God that will be there for me when no one else is around. He is a true God to the child and the young adult when there is no mother or father visibly there for them. Someone once told me, You don’t look for friends because friends will leave you where you are, but a Mentor will take you where you need to go. Indeed, I have truly found that in this Author and my Mentor, Clothia Jean Roussell. Thank you my Mentor! Continue blessings and success!

    Charnetta Todle

    Sparkle and Bling2

    Emerald Director#16242

    The Power in God’s Love

    This book makes me want to keep reading and learning more about the Love of God. That is what everyone will be saying about this exciting, anointed new book, "Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word? I Believe GOD! I have known Clothia Jean Roussell for quite a few years now. I see her as a powerful, anointed, blessed woman of God, so it comes to no surprise that her book will touch the hearts and lives of many people as she does with just her presence. Whether you are a Christian that have experienced the love of God and walk by faith or you never grew up in church and are just a little curious to know more about God’s love. I can assure you that once you read this book you will be highly motivated to experience for yourself the unconditional, unchanging love that God has for us all as He manifest His love to you just as He does for me.

    Michelle L. Robinson

    Real Estate Agent

    Solid Source Realty GA

    (678) 230-5295

    A Powerful Book

    This is a powerful book with simple truths from the Word of God. It will assist you if you are going through trials or just looking to increase your faith in the Word of God. The testimonies and examples are faith builders to encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

    Chandra Winford

    CEO of Winford Financial

    Providing Financial Consulting Service and Workshops in the areas of bookkeeping, taxes, policies, procedures and operations. Author of Money Does Matter and So Does How You Handle It.




    Clothia Jean Roussell

    Author’s Preface

    There were many who asked me, What led me to write this book? I wrote this book after having started to teach a lesson on Faith on a social network. As I was teaching, I was prompted in my heart that some believers did not believe God’s Word. Then the Lord said unto me, "Stop teaching that lesson and do this one instead as a book and entitle it, Why Should You And I Believe God’s Word? He then went on and said sub-title it as, I Believe GOD! I was then very eager to start this new lesson.

    Now the Lord was showing me that first His people need to have knowledge of and hear about His Word because when they hear God’s Word then faith can come because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17 KJV). Faith begins where the will of God (God’s Word) is made known. Before starting the lesson I asked the Lord, Lord why do believers not believe Your Word because it seems very strange to me? He then replied, There are many reasons involved, so here are several reasons, which He revealed to me and listed below are the reasons:

    1. Some have never been taught My Word the Holy Bible.

    2. Some have been taught My Word, but they have never been taught how to believe My Word and walk it out by faith.

    3. Some have been taught My Word, but they refuse to release, confess or say it because they believe it does not take all that.

    4. Some have been taught My Word, but they refuse to obey it because of a rebellious spirit.

    5. Some have been taught My Word, but because of a slothful or lazy spirit they will not continue on through with it, so they stop in the middle of the process.

    6. Some have been taught my Word and know how to walk by faith, but because of fear and doubt that the Word will not work for them they do not have confidence in what My Word says.

    7. Some have been taught My Word and know how to walk by faith, but because of their friendship with the world and the worldly system they have become dull of hearing My voice.

    He then went on to say that in spite of the seven reasons just mentioned, He is and will always be a Father of tender love, compassion, long-suffering, encouragement, peace, patience, comfort, grace and mercy unto you as His child. This is one of the reasons as to why He has led me to write this book. But not just to tell you, but also to show you from His Word how much He cares and loves you as He states in John 16:27 with an unconditional and forever tender love. Therefore, He wants to show His children, sons and daughters how good and loving of a Father He really is.

    Secondly, so that you can gain insight with skillful and godly wisdom, which is a higher wisdom than this world wisdom has to offer, and additionally so that you will have knowledge and understanding of the blessings, benefits, rights and privileges that are all found in God’s Word by and through Jesus Christ. They were once hidden, but now have been revealed unto us through our Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit through His Spirit of Wisdom (I Corinthians 2:9-12). Now all the blessings and much more can only be revealed to those who by faith believe, receive, and expect. In turn, you will experience the manifestations of all that He has promised unto you through steadfast faith and patience; then you will inherit the promises as stated in Hebrews 10:35-36.

    As you read this book, I pray and believe that the Holy Spirit will rekindle, stir up and ignite such a passion in your heart that you will become so motivated and inspired with eagerness to believe and receive all that our Lord Jesus has freely given unto you by faith. Now just for a moment stop and welcome the Holy Spirit as stated in James 4:5b and ask Him to assist and teach you just as our Lord Jesus has said He would do as stated in Psalm 32:8; John 14:26; John 16:13-15. As you yield to the Holy Spirit, with an open heart that is receptive and a listening ear to hear His voice, each day He will show you how to renew your mind, thoughts and ways for God’s thoughts and ways with God’s Word Isaiah 55:8,9; Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:23.

    Once you allow the Holy Spirit to assist you in becoming skilled to renewing your mind with God’s Word and apply it, I promise you this, you will never ever be the same again. So get ready as you journey along with me to read this life changing book, so that you will be able to experience and enjoy for yourself a daily supernatural, joyous, peaceful, fulfilled, adventurous, exciting and very rewarding journey of faith in God’s Word with manifestations. More importantly, you will experience a daily intimate relationship/fellowship and communion with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as stated in Psalm 25:14; Proverbs 3:32b; John 16:7, which will be so refreshing and rewarding.

    Know this, as stated in II Corinthians 3:8, this is the dispensation of the Spirit (the Holy Spirit); this spiritual ministry whose task is to cause men to be obtained and governed by His Spirit. So, I say to you just as Jesus’ mother said unto the servants at the wedding feast, whatsoever He said unto you, do it (John 2:5-11). I will assure you of this, after reading this book and releasing your faith in what you will have seen, read and heard from His Word and the Holy Spirit you will never be the same again.

    It is manifestation time, so get ready to receive as you experience our God’s supernatural blessings upon blessings and increase in super abundance because our Father God loves you with His tender, unconditional, unfailing, never ending love which He is so eager to display unto you as you hear and yield to His voice through His Word and the Holy Spirit promptings. Receive by faith in great expectation as you experience for yourself our God’s GOODNESS in every area of your life for a lifetime with blessings and manifestations upon manifestations because our God is a GOOD God and a true Father of love.


    I thank with all my heart my Savior, Lord and Commander in Chief, the Lord Jesus Christ. I acknowledge Him because it is He who has called, qualified, gifted, privileged, and graced me with His enabling power of the Holy Spirit upon my natural abilities to do all that I do in life and accomplish as He leads me. It is His Spirit the Spirit of the Lord, His Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, His Spirit of Counsel and Might, His Spirit of Knowledge, His Spirit of Quick Understanding who rest mightily upon me and works miraculously within and through me with this penmanship. Therefore, to God my Heavenly Father, God the Son my Lord Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit be all the glory, honor, praise and adoration for this book and many, many more to follow as my Lord God continues to prompt, lead, guide and instruct me by His forever indwelling Presence.

    Clothia Jean Roussell


    I dedicate this book to my loving husband Michael Anthony Roussell, who is also my business partner, manager, team player, coach, mentor and very best friend whom my Lord has filled with much godly and practical wisdom. Thanks Honey for your years of steadfast patience and endurance with me throughout the process of my book from conception to completion. You are the greatest!

    To our precious and loving children, M. J. Michael A. Jr. and Renata Renaulda C. Roussell, who are both my greatest cheerleaders and encouragers. Thanks for always seeing to it that mommy as my daughter calls me and mother as my son calls me, I always press toward the finish line no matter what comes my way and that is no matter how long it took me to get there. I love you both so very much and am extremely proud of you!

    Now, how could I forget my two precious god-daughters? First, Martinique Breckenridge who is all grown up now, but yet still calls me, as I love to hear her say, Nana. I love you, Nika. Also to my precious sweet, very bright, perky and energized god-daughter, Adiah Winford who also calls me Nana, whom I also love so dearly because whenever she is around there is never a dull moment? Nana loves you, Dee, Dee. I have been truly blessed and privileged over the course of my life to have been loved, raised and surrounded by such great parents, a wonderful mother-in-law and many older great women of God who have all instilled godly and practical wisdom, mother wit and genuine love into me, which were all taught by example. They all have taught me everything that I know today about life in general, the value and importance of the fear of God, how to love and value God’s Word, the Holy Bible, prayer, and how to be a First Class Lady of Class wife, mother and leader of love, integrity, dignity and character. Because of all that I have learned from these great women of God through the years, to my Lord Jesus Christ, I am forever so grateful that He put them all into my pathway just to teach me about life. How blessed I truly am! Thanks a million to each of you for having poured into me your wisdom, mother wit, love and support.

    Also to my best friend Pastor Barbara Hughes of California who is a native of the Virgin Islands; it was the Lord who put us together while attending Rhema Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Thanks my best friend for always and that is 24/7 and 365 days out of the year for having the patience and a listening ear to always hear me whenever I speak and that is no matter what time or day it may be.

    Then to my precious and wonderful sisters and brothers who all call me Big Sister I love you all so dearly. Finally, to each of my Precious Family members, Church family, Social Network extended family, Students and Friends. My, it is always a blessing, honor, privilege and delight to see you, commune and be connected with each of you. That is, whether you are near or afar because it brings me great, great pleasure and joy. Thanks a million for all your continued love, full support, commitment, encouragement and prayers. Because without you, you and you all that God has birthed into my heart to do could not be accomplished alone without you. Thanks to the each of you for bringing so much joy in my life! I love YOU from the bottom of my heart. I speak blessings, blessings, blessings and increased favors in superabundance over each of your lives in Jesus’ Name!

    Enfolded In Jesus’ Love,

    Evangelist Clothia Jean Roussell Jean


    The Lord Instructs Me

    I the Lord will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Psalm 32:8


    I do recall when I was just a little girl sitting on the floor at the feet of my grandmother, the late Sarah Jones, in Centreville, Mississippi. As she beheld her Bible, I would always hear and listen very attentively to her talk to Jesus, and sing old spiritual hymns as well as read the Bible to me every single day. As I sat there, she would say to me as only my grandmother would say, Claudi Jean, always read your Bible and believe the Lord. As the years went by, I did not understand what she really meant, yet I would still just read my Bible, well to the best of my ability, but I did not know how to believe the Lord. But just as God has said in His Word in Proverbs 16:9, A man’s mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure. Proverbs 20:24 says, Man’s steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way? Now, I can sure enough vouch for what my Lord has said. Then as I became older in age is when I actually started believing God’s Word by FAITH, I found it somewhat strange since I had never been taught how to walk by FAITH. After my grandmother had taught me what she knew, I carried it out and then I found myself always having a love and passion to know more and more about the Lord and His Word.

    Now as the years went by, I do believe and realized that God must have already predestined for me to walk by FAITH before I was even birthed into my mother’s womb, which I do believe just as He said unto me in Jeremiah 1:5, Before I formed you in the womb I knew and approved of you as my chosen instrument, and before you were born I separated you and set you apart, consecrating you… Then as time went by year after year I would act on God’s Word, a little bit at a time and as I held fast to it, that is when I started to see a glimpse of God’s Word manifest in my life. My, how exciting it was to see God’s Word come to pass in my life!

    Then as the years went by and I became much older, endeavoring to pursue and obtain my degree in

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