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Beceivability: Self Development
Beceivability: Self Development
Beceivability: Self Development
Ebook325 pages1 hour

Beceivability: Self Development

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About this ebook

Welcome to the Beceivers workshop were we Working on the me to be. The Self Leadership and Self Management Workshop is about 10 principles foundation we use in our system of beceiving. These principles are the keys to helping us help ourselves. As Robert Terwilliger said
Committing yourself is a
way of finding out who you are.
A man finds his identity by identifying.

How you see yourself in your own eyes is a start to making the changes you want for in your own life. If you dont see yourself as needing any improvement or if you are comfortable with whom you are, then you dont make any efforts to change.
This workshop is about seeking to develop your personal excellent in developing you. You will be focus on applying these foundational principles to yourselves to develop the purposeful you. This program will be using proven principles from people from the past as well as present day principles users. When you develop what in you, you can develop the things around you.
We know that you will find this workshop beneficial to helping you develop you. As an old proverb says, You can only get out of the pot, what you put in.
So, do what you need to do, So I can see you with your dream. Go Beceive It,
Dr. James Delton Jackson
BECEIVABILITY is more than an interesting read; it had helpful advice on how to incorporate empowerment thinking into ones daily life and how one can use abstract thoughts to grow, take control of themselves and help empower others.

BECEIVABILITY will be working with three basic principles, (1) Knowledge-- getting information to establish a foundation, (2) Understanding is learning the operation of the processed information to set a goal and (3) Wisdom is applying learned information in your present place to carry out your plan. With this book w hope you can become well rounded and getting to the right No/Know.
Release dateAug 14, 2012
Beceivability: Self Development

Dr. James Delton Jackson

Born in Portsmouth, Va. In 1961 moved to North Carolina with mother and with his sisters and brother because his father died. Working with his grandparent on farm learning that work hard is only affected when doing the right thing. Playing sports in high school and college, learned that being apart of a team is working hard as a individual to do your part to may the team great. Begin in ministry in 1976, studying, learning, sharing and teaching. In 1982 begin working large soft drink and youth outreach program teaching different aspect of personal development in youth sport and help youth gain scholarships for colleges. In 1985 started own business and studying business principles of personal development. Wrote book “The Thoughts you thinks ….Makes all the different in the World. Working in ministry for 35 years and from layman to Bishop.

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    Beceivability - Dr. James Delton Jackson

    © 2012 by Dr. James Delton Jackson. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 07/25/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-7646-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-7645-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012906535

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    King James Version of The Bible used

    Book Cover Art Work By Yvette Renee’ Hawkins

    Pictures by T. Staar Fields and Ty Jackson


    1. Self Leadership And Self Management

    2. Independent Service Provider

    3. The You Factor Managing Yourself For Self Leadership Growing To Make A Profit

    4. Purpose + Potential + Passion = Profit

    5. Working In The System

    6. Isps And Beceivers Beceive With Faith

    7. Perseverance With Inside Information

    8. Looking Into The System

    9. Petition Prayers

    10. I Am Rewarded According To How Obedience I Am To The Instruction I Follow Dr. James D. Jackson

    Deltona, Florida—"Success is peace of mind, a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming, and not just in a physical way: seek ye first the kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be yours as well."

    John Wooden (The Greatest Coach Ever)

    Beceivability by Dr. James Delton Jackson explores the power of the mind, soul and spirit with the empowerment of words and thoughts from the past to face the future with purposeful actions.

    This book is builds upon the concept that a person’s thoughts, dreams and desires could become real with the right motivation. A person’s potential is seemingly limitless but takes the right thoughts and discipline actions to make the most out of their potential. Readers will gain insights on the thinking process and how thoughts influence one’s life and he people around them. Furthermore, readers will get that knowledge applied leads to understanding that produces wisdom (having a purpose, goals and a plan in this place). The book also includes words of inspiration from philosophers, authors and thinkers from the ages as well as ancient writings, who shared the same beliefs that the mind is a point of empowerment.

    Beceivability is more than an interesting read; it had helpful advice on how to incorporate empowerment thinking into one’s daily life and how one can use abstract thoughts to grow, take control of themselves and help empower others.

    Beceivability will be working with three basic principles, (1) Knowledge—getting information to establish a foundation, (2) Understanding—is learning the operation of the processed information to set a goal and (3) Wisdom—is applying learned information in your present place to carry out your plan. With this book w hope you can become well rounded and getting to the right No/Know.

    "Empower the Spirit, Encourage the Soul and

    Equip the Mind."

    This book is dedicated to my sisters and brother.


    Della, Retha and Ronnie

    This book is dedicated to

    My family and friends who support and encouragement made this project a joy to finish,

    I would like to give a special Thanks to my grandparents Mr. Dan Henry Mc Nair and Mrs. Kate Mc Nair for the love and support of help reaching me. Mr. Joe Louis Blue, to helping me to believe I can do it.

    Coaches Mike Warren and Joe Twitter, thanks for taking a chance on me. Frank Mc Duffie Jr. thanks for believing in me to be part of the LNII football and basketball teams and the counsel to move to the next level. Thanks to Coach James Webster for teaching me that opportunity and potential are only good when you take advantage of them. To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bartlett and Mr. and Mrs. Theodis Greer for being a great extended family support and I would like to thank the Hawlett-Packard Support Team for saving the information on my computer.



    Self leadership and Self Management

    "You only have a wish

    when you expecting someone

    else to make it happen for you,

    You don’t have a desire


    you make it happen."

    Dr. James Delton Jackson

    Deuteronomy 1:21 Behold, the LORD thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as the LORD God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged.


    Take action with a purpose. Let everything that you do be done with a purpose. From the dawning of man in the earth, he has a purpose and he has also taken action to fulfill his selfish desires and not always his soulful purpose.

    All of these growth steps come from what I call Beceivability, going to possess with our time, thoughts and opportunities to develop our potential, NOW.

    Growth comes from a response or a reaction to thoughts or words. When in life we are faced with one or the other, we are prepared ourselves by learned conditions. We learn through relationships with others, thoughts and words. These Growth’s Steps is to help us focus on the thoughts and ideals that will help us to stay on track to reach our goal.

    Take an action to add a life.

    Dr. James D. Jackson




    The Eye of the Eagle


    The Courage of the Lion

    Dr. James Delton Jackson

    He who has done his best for his own time has lived for all times.

    —JohannVon Schiller

    Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.

    ~ Stephen A. Brennan

    Self Leadership and Self Management

    In the world we live, we are governing by leadership and operate by management. These two elements of our society are the maintainers of law and order by which we live. What we do with these individually as persons, will set the tone of how things work in our world. Knowing the different between leadership and management help us to operate and fulfill our dreams.

    Leadership is having confidence to go into a confrontation with beceiving authority to overcome: Self Leadership is discipline learning of how to use the beceiving attitude that have been learned and applied from wisdom to go into unknown excellence.

    Management is the using of the power of the things around us with authority: Self Management is the choosing to operate your skills and gifts to manage the things around you by the things in you.

    Self Leadership and Self Management come with personal growth. It is what you choose to learn about you and the things around you. Your area of growth is about developing your skills and taking actions to fulfill your purpose.

    ‘Where there is a will there is a way. Is an old true saying. He who resolves upon doing a thing, by that very resolution often scales the barriers to it, and secures its achievement. To think we are able, is almost to be soto determine upon attainment is frequently attainment itself."

    ~ Samuel Smiles

    What You have to Offer

    You are the most unique person in the earth, and what you have to offer to this earth is priceless. Your assignment is to provide a service that is representative of you and your uniqueness. You do have a purpose here in the earth, to choice a standard for living, to be responsible and accountable for what you place in you and the service that you provide to those things and people around you. Don’t get caught up in what other people are doing to fulfill their purpose, but focus on what you need to get from the right sources, to fulfill your needs, to fulfill you purpose. Beceivers wisdom Principles are truth operate in by laws and rules in order. The actions are the facts, principle are what cause the facts to happen. Each of us has experiences from physical and mental actions, herein we learn what we refer to as our work.





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