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The Adventures of Corrie and Trix
The Adventures of Corrie and Trix
The Adventures of Corrie and Trix
Ebook42 pages24 minutes

The Adventures of Corrie and Trix

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About this ebook

Corrie and Trix are two happy little border terriers who live at the foot of the local mountain in the heart of the Welsh countryside. They are sisters who share their home with their mistress Dora, Tom the horse and the Simba the cat. Come and share their adventures the dangers they face with their friends who live wild on the mountain, and the new friends they make as their courage and loyalty are tested to the full as they battle storms, burglars and fire!
Release dateAug 10, 2012
The Adventures of Corrie and Trix

Caitlin Jones Fullerton

P. M. Gunning was born in Southend, Essex but brought up in the countryside of North Wales. Having spent nearly 30 years in Manchester, she returned to her beloved Welsh countryside where she was once again surrounded by the green fields and mountains she had so sorely missed during her time away. An enthusiastic amateur writer, and with a lifelong love of animals, she decided to combine her passions by writing stories for children which would, hopefully, entertain and delight her readers. It is her sincere hope that her stories will be as much fun to read as they were to write.

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    The Adventures of Corrie and Trix - Caitlin Jones Fullerton

    © 2012 P. M. Gunning. All Rights Reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/06/2012

    ISBN:  978-1-4772-1950-8 (sc)

    978-1-4772-1951-5 (e)

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    The Adventures of Corrie and Trix

    P. M. Gunning


    Caitlin Jones Fullerton

    Corrie and Trix Make a Friend

    Corrie and Trix were two friendly little border terriers who lived with their mistress, Dora, at the foot of the local mountain. They shared their home with Tom the horse and Simba the cat and they were the happiest, friendliest dogs you could ever wish to meet.

    Corrie & Trix Make a Friend 1.tif
    One day they were out on the mountain with Dora when they heard the unmistakeable sound of a sheep in distress. Sheep roamed freely on the mountain and Corrie and Trix had become quite friendly with several of them over the years.

    ‘That sounds like Debra,’ said Corrie to Trix, scampering off in the direction of the ‘baa baa baaaaaa,’ they could hear. Trix trotted after her - being sisters they were rarely apart and had never been separated. Their mistress was happy to let them run free as there was no danger of them getting lost on the mountain they knew so well. They loved to hide in the bracken and sniff all the different scents left by the various animals that lived nearby.

    Corrie & Trix Make a Friend 2.tif
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