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Scarlet Flow
Scarlet Flow
Scarlet Flow
Ebook181 pages16 minutes

Scarlet Flow

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About this ebook

The small volume of verse, Scarlet Flow, is a selected record of one decade of the authors thoughts, which celebrates the value of beauty, perceived, whether in painful or more pleasant circumstances, of the past but also that in the moment, spontaneously; these two portions of our lives are seen to flow into each other, giving the wisdoms necessary for the sustenance of a healthy self. No perceptive experience is too small or grand, neither positive or too negative to be included into what becomes a cathartic record as much as a worded picture, illustrated, of the feast of life: the past is, because it was, and the moment is a celebratory journey in itself. Therefore, a memory of the childish pleasantry of playing marbles with brothers or catching back the residual beauty of a past relationship allows the flow of ones life to become a record and a release toward a good peace.
Release dateOct 31, 2012
Scarlet Flow

Elizabeth Clayton

Elizabeth Clayton is a retired college and university professor in fields of Psychology and Literature. Since retirement, she has written almost daily and has produced twenty-three works, primarily poetry. She has received numerous commendations including membership in Sigma Kappa Delta, nominations for the Eric Hoffer award, and representation at numerous world book fairs. In addition, she has received several U S Review recommendations. She has also received several Golden Seal of Excellence Awards by her publisher. Her first work was I, Elizabeth which dealt with her struggles with Bipolar illness and her most recent work was published in early 2019, a review in poetry of the fable/myth of the White Hart. Other outstanding titles are Scarlet Flow, Quiet Sheba (a trilogy), We Lesser Gods, and Addendum, and The Kept Ecclesia of Agatha Moi. She lives alone in her country home near Jackson, Mississippi. In 2018 a large volume of poetry was published, The Kept Eclessia of Agatha Moi, and her most recent work, a review of the myth\fable of the white hart, Jason’s Pause, was published in early 2019.

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    Scarlet Flow - Elizabeth Clayton

    Copyright 2012, 2014 Elizabeth Clayton.

    Illustrations and cover by Elizabeth Clayton.

    Assisted throughout by Tonia Germany.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or

    otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-6140-1 (sc)

           978-1-4669-6139-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012918580

    Trafford rev. 12/19/2014


    North America & international

    toll-free: 1 888 232 4444 (USA & Canada)

    fax: 812 355 4082

    The moon and stars where beautiful,

    The brook, the shore, the forest and the rock,

    The goat and the golden beattle,

    The flower and butterfly were beautiful.


    Hermann Hesse

    Table of Contents




    The Verses

    Forward Conclusion



    A small number of individuals have helped with the adventure I began in 2007, that of publishing some several of my many compositions, most of which have been written as poetry, and small pieces of prose. The players have changed, somewhat, but they, each, have remained interested, and helpful, to certain of my needs.

    My first salute goes, still, to my psychiatrist and friend, Dr. John Norton, of the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, MS – for his insistence that I publish, after reading my work, and offering continued support with each project. His help, as physician and friend, simply defies worded description.

    And then, there is my girl Friday, Tonia Germany, who has, in recent days, performed, cheerfully, almost every task in submitting my manuscripts: putting all materials together, revising and correcting, imaging, discharging correspondence and other such responses. Though some others have helped in varying degrees, she has, and does remain, at my side.

    Finally, there is my beloved nephew, William J. Derrick, of the University of Mississippi School of Law, who was among the first to read my verse, and the only reader, to memorize it; he continues with carefully

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