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Angelic Guidance
Angelic Guidance
Angelic Guidance
Ebook205 pages2 hours

Angelic Guidance

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About this ebook

If you have ever wanted to really connect with the angelic realm and feel their presence and assistance in your daily life, this book is for you! This four-part book includes a guidance system called Domino Angels, which can be used with or without cards, to give you clarity, assistance, and support from the angelic realm.

You may have never heard of many of the angels that are featured in this book. The messages from the angels, as channelled by BDevine, are life-changing, honest, and easy to read.

Perfect for beginners to advanced, you will find this book a valuable source of knowledge and love from the angelic realm, who work with us constantly.

If you have never had success working with angels in your life, then this will be the book to change this for you.

Connect with your guardian angels & the spirit realm.

Open your psychic abilities on all levels.

Learn how to safely perform automatic writing.

Learn which angels will help you to deeply heal, even the most difficult types of healing.

Turn to a random page to read the message for you, with the Domino Angels guidance system.

Read the answers to your most asked questions as given by the angels themselves.

Release dateJun 12, 2013
Angelic Guidance


BDevine, author of “Domino Angels” guidance cards, has been working with the spiritual realms for over twenty years and has given countless readings to people all over the world. She teaches us that we are each gifted with multiple abilities, and no one is more special or more gifted than anyone else.

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    Book preview

    Angelic Guidance - BDevine



    About this book

    PART ONE General Information on Angels

    Who are the Angels?

    Guardian Angels

    Connecting with Angels

    What’s my Angel’s name?

    A few new ways to tell when your angel is nearby

    Automatic writing

    Daily affirmations

    Everyone is gifted

    Candle blessings

    Abundance Blessing practice

    Fun Blessing practice

    Angels of the zodiac

    PART TWO Domino Angels and extended messages

    Domino Angels messages

    6-6 The Angels of Abundance

    6-5 The Angels of Fun (Smile)

    6-4 Archangel Michael (Legalities)

    6-3 Archangel Adnachiel

    6-2 Archangel Verchiel

    6-1 Archangel Haniel

    6-0 Archangel Uriel

    5-5 Archangels of Beginnings

    5-4 Archangel Raziel

    5-3 Archangel Muriel

    5-2 The Angels of water

    5-1 Archangel Chamuel

    5-0 Archangel Azrael

    4-4 Archangel Gabriel

    4-3 Archangel Raphael

    4-2 Archangel Bariel

    4-1 Archangel Zadkiel

    4-0 Archangel Michael

    3-3 Mihael

    3-2 Archangel Cambriel

    3-1 Archangel Raziel

    3-0 Archangel Metatron

    2-2 Angels of Patience

    2-1 Archangel Barakiel

    2-0 Archangel Sandalphon

    1-1 Archangel Haniel

    1-0 Archangel Ambriel

    0-0 Archangel Michael

    PART THREE Angelic guidance messages

    Angelic Guidance Messages

    Your Soul Purpose—A message from Archangel Michael

    Archangel Michael Speaks

    Here are so simple ways to evaluate your progression towards your ultimate soul purpose.

    Another message on healing, from Archangel Michael—the question was:

    Message from the Angels of Abundance

    Message from the Angels of Fun

    A message from Archangel Michael

    A message about Karmic Relationships From Archangel Chamuel, who is one of the Angels of love

    A message about Soul-Mate relationships

    A message about Twin Flames

    A message about healing, from the female counterpart of Archangel Raphael

    Archangel Gabriel on Emotional Healing

    Healing from addictions and negativity

    Some of the Archangels of Emotional Healing:

    The Angels of new life!

    PART FOUR Angels to ask for assistance

    Angels of Love

    Angels of health/healing/miracles

    Angels of wellness

    Angels of blood disorders

    Angels of disabilities

    Angels of disease

    Angels of Pain—(All Types)



    Speech—(All Kinds)

    Addictions—(All Types)

    Cancer—(All Types)




    Weight Issues

    Angels of chakra balancing

    Angels of perception

    Angels of Intuition


    Angels of ancient knowledge

    Angels of Mediumship

    Angels of spirituality

    Angels of automatic writing

    Angels of Abundance

    Angels of psychic abilities

    Angels of past lives


    BDEVINE has been working with the Spiritual realms for over 20 years now.

    She started to read about Tarot & Cartomancy, as well as healing, and spirituality, at age 15 and has since given countless readings to people all over the world.

    Over time and with patience, BDevine began to rely on her own intuition, more completely, and the Angelic guidance, to help heal not only herself, but everyone who comes into contact with her.

    Unlike a lot of readers, psychics, or mediums, BDevine teaches each of us, that we are each gifted with multiple abilities, as no one is more special or more gifted than anyone else.

    Also, she teaches you to find your inner wisdom, connect with the Angels, guides and the entire spiritual realm, whilst teaching yourself to remember how magnificent you really are.

    As we heal ourselves in this way, we heal the World. BDevine is the author of Domino Angels guidance system cards, and has many articles, video lessons and advice throughout her website.

    About this book

    This book is for YOU.

    This book is written for those, who wish to feel the connection of the divine, and to work with Angels more closely.

    Whether you are just starting out on your spiritual quest, are accomplished readers, work with Angels already, or whether you are just a total beginner, this book is designed for you.

    I wanted to create something that is easy to understand, and also a more in depth look at the Domino Angels cards, and the Angels that accompany them.

    If you already have the Domino Angels cards, then this book will give you more information about each card.

    If you do not have the cards, it does not matter, as this book can be used as a guidance system. If you need a special message you can just randomly flip to a page, and the message will be of some importance to you.

    This book will also show you ways in which to connect with the Angels, and your guardian angels.

    As you read, you may it notice the sensations that the Angels are close with you! Goosebumps, sudden warmth, a light at the corner of the page, a feeling of healing and love, or even the smell of incense or flowers, is all some of the most common signs you will experience.

    As you read, please do not think that you are unable to connect or receive messages. You only ever need to accept, and trust and become aware of your feelings, and you will then see and feel your own unique connection too!



    Information on


    Who are the Angels?

    Angels, who are celestial guardians of humanity, are said to be messengers from God, and have been traditionally depicted with wings and halos as well as looking quite human in appearance.

    Angels show up in almost every religion and throughout ancient history, where they have been drawn in caves and on ancient artefacts and tablets, which show them as mighty help from the sky, illuminated with light.

    Traditionally, the Angels are divided in ranks that are mostly known as different Choirs. These are (from Highest to lowest):

    Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels & Angels.

    Although there are some differences in opinion about the ranking order, this is the one that is most often agreed on.

    However, the Angels have told me, that, they actually do not have any kind of ranking order, since they do not see themselves beneath or above each other.

    In fact, the Angels say, that they recognize the need we have for names, and order, and will answer to those traditional names, but they themselves, are not placed into any particular order, nor have the emotion of being better or mightier than another—they also have adapted to the way that we think, and think of them.

    All Angels hold the same abilities, and also show that we have these abilities within us. In a sense, anything that you think an Angel can do, we can do also.

    The Angels work with you, on your abilities, miracles, hopes, dreams, vision, healing and all things that pertain to your life path.

    The biggest emotion that I instantly feel with the Angels is that they love us, unconditionally, and ask that we see this love within us. In fact, I truly believe, that they are the energy of love itself.

    Obviously, if it was so easy to love ourselves, we would each live blissfully happy life!

    But we must try to remember to love ourselves, or keep this thought in the back of your mind always. This will bring you closer to the Angels, and sense them quite strongly.

    When we think of Angels, we may wish to see the Angels, closely, and since seeing is how we know something is real, we may actually try too hard to see instead of just experiencing-or ‘feeling’.

    This expectation, of something BIG happening in your vision, can block you more than open you.

    Over time you will begin to focus on your feeling, more so than your physical vision, in order to have a wonderful connection with the Angels. Your feeling becomes the vision.

    There are many different accounts of what the Angels are, or what they look like. In my experience, the Angels will show themselves to you, in ways in which you can relate.

    Some people have actually witnessed figures of light, with wings and perhaps even a sword much like a warrior.

    Other times an angel has been sent to your side, in the guise of a human, as unexpected help, and then left without warning, or ever having ever seen them again.

    You may also experience dreams, in which you are visited by beautiful beings of light, and quite often, you will experience the Angels in this way, as you are growing and learning.

    Angels will at times show themselves to you, in a way that you can relate too. Some people will see light and energy, some will actually see an Angel as described above-but, to have acceptance of them first, and trust in this, is very important for your own personal experience with them. It must be unique to you, as the Angels will appear, in your own unique way-trust this always.

    You will begin to become aware of the subtle energy of Angels more and more every day, and hopefully after reading this book!

    As you are reading, ask to have your guardian angel with you, or if you like, you can ask for an Angel that you are familiar with, to be with you and see if this makes a difference, in what you experience as you turn the pages.

    Most importantly, Angels are everywhere, and with every one, no matter what. Your acceptance of them in your life, will be your greatest awakening to your spirituality, your career, family, love, creativity and healing. Every part of your life, has an Angel that guards this. Every situation, no matter how great or small, has an Angel that is dedicated to it.

    You are never alone-unless you do not want the Angels in your life.

    Some people are afraid of everything, and thus, even when the Angels want to assist, they cannot intervene, without express permission from us.

    Be sure that you give permission, for the Angels to gently work with you, and don’t forget to ask when you need guidance!

    Continuing to ask, is better than waiting-over time, you will not need to ‘ask’ as much but instead, you will feel the response, or what you are being guided to do.

    Guardian Angels

    Every soul has guardian angels, but we must learn to stop limiting ourselves with how many you actually have.

    The number of guardians with you is more than you can imagine, and more every day come into your lives and help you.

    Even if you have felt totally alone, you have never truly been alone. Angels are given to you before you came to Earth, to protect you and help you to remember who you really are—that is, that you are a soul in a physical body.

    Guardian Angels cannot tell you what to do, or perform magic tricks on request! It is sad that many people will not believe unless they see with physical eyes, more often than not, you will not get an answer in this way.

    We believe in air without seeing it—but as we see leaves on a tree moving, and swaying, we see the effects of air, so we believe in it. In time, you will also see the effects of the Angels in your life, and the difference in how you feel, and look and how your life begins to improve.

    This is because you are asking for and expecting change, and following your instincts—and this is how the Angels will talk to you & guide you toward the life you want.

    Your guardian angels are there to help you to help yourself—not to do things for you! In fact, they cannot interfere with your life path at all, and there simply are lessons in life that you need to learn, as requested by you, before you were born.

    Your guardian angel works ceaselessly with you, in this sole purpose, and wants nothing for you, but happiness, and unconditional love.

    It does not matter who you are, or what you think

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