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Why Did the “Loving” Cross Turn into a Swastika
Why Did the “Loving” Cross Turn into a Swastika
Why Did the “Loving” Cross Turn into a Swastika
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Why Did the “Loving” Cross Turn into a Swastika

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Judaism and Christianity differ from each other on the most fundamental issues. Yet both use the same Jewish Bible as the foundation of their faiths. Only one of these belief systems can be true.

Those who talk about Judeo-Christian heritage have no idea that Judaism and Christianity are the most fundamentally conflicting principles in the history of humanity. They inherently cannot co-exist, as light cannot co-exist with darkness. History since the beginning of the Common Era testifies that humanity cannot afford to regard Christianity as an innocent lie, as a bad idea.

A real war is being waged around us between alien spirits and G-ds angels. People usually ignore this unintuitive and invisible reality, but this ongoing celestial conflict often affects our everyday affairs, as if no one is in control.

The Torah and the New Testament cannot co-exist, despite ongoing efforts of Christian preachers to prove the contrary.

This book is intended to be an encouragement to those who have already begun to see though the vicious veil of the Christian delusion.

The basic principle of Christianity is nonsense. Any human being with the weakest sense of justice would reject the idea that someone else died for his or her sins. The fake god came up with the death trick. Death will be its everlasting reward.

Christians are desperate to support their faith with fabricated references from the Torah and Prophets, while those who live on the Torah have never needed the New Testament to support their faith.

Everyone on this planet should have realized the issues presented in this book by now, as theological qualifications or credentials are not necessary to understand them. Mankind has been given more than 2,000 years to comprehend these ideas.

Humanity has paid a heavy price for false rationalizations motivated by a wicked desire to cast off the Torahs requirements. Let us value and safeguard this wisdom acquired with difficulty with unspeakable gratefulness.
Release dateDec 12, 2012
Why Did the “Loving” Cross Turn into a Swastika

Istvan Bodnar

Istvan Bodnar was born in Michael’s Village in Romania of Hungarian parents. He acquired an Electrical Engineering degree at Timisoara in Romania and graduated in Computer Programming in Budapest, Hungary. In 1998, he immigrated to Toronto, Canada, possessing Hungarian and Canadian citizenship. Humanity has been given more than 2,000 years to realize the issues presented in this book—without theological qualifications or credentials.

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    Why Did the “Loving” Cross Turn into a Swastika - Istvan Bodnar

    Why did

    the loving cross

    turn into a swastika?

    Istvan Bodnar


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    © 2012 by Istvan Bodnar. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible—Public Domain.

    Scripture quotations taken from the New English Bible, copyright © Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press 1961, 1970.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/05/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-4710-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-4711-2 (e)

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    Chapter One Alien Spirits

    Chapter Two Belief And Reality

    Chapter Three The Religion Of Science

    Chapter Four What Is Clean? What Is Unclean?

    Chapter Five The Sacrificial System

    Chapter Six The Gospel Of Judas

    Chapter Seven The Law

    Chapter Eight Body-Soul-Spirit

    Chapter Nine Blessing And Curse

    Chapter Ten Love And Forgiveness

    Chapter Eleven Typical Christian Tricks

    Chapter Twelve Was The Vile A Torah-Observant Jew?

    Chapter Thirteen Korah’s Rebellion (Numbers 16: 1-40)

    Chapter Fourteen Why Did The Loving Cross Turn Into A Swastika?

    Chapter Fifteen The Spiritual Holocaust: Christian Missionary Tactics

    Chapter Sixteen What Is Our Technology Good For?

    Chapter Seventeen The Seven Laws Of Noah: Seven Universal Laws

    Chapter Eighteen The Place

    Chapter Nineteen History Of The Future

    Chapter Twenty The Antichrist


    Human civilisation has to confront the fact that the final curtain has arrived for Christianity, the world’s most sophisticated and colossal deception.

    Judaism and Christianity differ from each other on the most fundamental issues, yet both use the Jewish Bible as the foundation of their faiths. Only one of these belief systems can be true.

    Christianity hatched in the nest of Judaism as a deceit to discredit the Torah in the name of G-d.

    The fairy tale that is the New Testament is irreconcilable with the requirements of the Old Testament.

    Christians are desperate to support their faith with fabricated references from the Torah and Prophets, while those who live the teachings of the Torah have never needed the New Testament to support their faith.

    Those who talk about Judeo-Christian heritage have no idea that Judaism’s and Christianity’s principles are the most fundamentally conflicting that humanity has ever experienced. They cannot co-exist, as light cannot co-exist with darkness. History since the beginning of the Common Era testifies that humanity cannot afford to regard Christianity as innocent. It is a bad idea.

    We need a radically new way of looking at the world.

    A real war is being waged around us between alien spirits and G-d’s angels. People usually ignore this invisible reality, but this ongoing celestial conflict is often manifested in our everyday affairs as if no one is in control.

    In the last 2,000 years, Christians have heralded their good news everywhere. Thank G-d people have started to realize that:

    The good news is that Jews are returning to the G-d of Abraham.

    The good news is that more heathens, those who are not the descendants of Abraham, realize the colossal deceit every day and turn away from it.

    The good news is that the gods who did not create Heaven and Earth will perish from under Heaven and on Earth (Jeremiah 10:11).

    The good news is that the re-gathered nation is going to build the Third Eternal Temple.

    The time has come for honest men to denounce false teachings and attack false gods.

    The Christian idol has fortified his position in the last 2,000 years, building millions of churches all over the world and sending missionaries to every possible corner of this planet. When North America and Australia were first discovered by Europeans, Christian missionaries were among the first arrivals. Not even countries like China and India, with established religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, escaped the Christian pandemic.

    . . . and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. (Daniel 11:36)

    For the vile person will speak villany, and his heart will work iniquity, to practise hypocrisy, and to utter error against the LORD… (Isaiah 32:6)

    The Christian idol was the first cuckoo that laid its eggs in the nest of the G-d of Abraham, and today we can see billions of them. The vile could have created its own religion, as the Buddha did, but the goal from the beginning was to spoil the genuine religion and make it ineffective.

    The guardians of conventional wisdom may dismiss the polarizing claims of this book as rank nonsense, as an unthinking attack on reason, or as futile muttering.

    I say to them that you should not take any of this book’s claims on faith. Check the facts for yourself. Truth is not relative, and two truths cannot exist simultaneously. The truth does not depend on the viewer’s perspective, and it is usually not intuitive.

    This book is not about being sympathetic to the Jews or a pro-Israeli claim. This is about being correct, just, honest, and impartial.

    If witnessing a peaceful family fall victim to murder, any normal person would feel offended, not because of love for the family but because of an inner sense of justice.

    Millions of Germans, Hungarians, Romanians, Ukrainians, Croatians, and citizens of many other nations were missing that inner sense of justice during Hitler’s nefarious paroxysm. This is what the spirit of Christian idol was able to wreak in them.

    Nazis always regarded themselves as a civilized nation, but no primitive, barbaric tribe has ever committed more inhuman atrocities than they. This is what the spirit of the vile was capable of perpetrating through them.

    Unfortunately, Jews have not always been loyal to G-d, but they are the only nation for which history counts and provides indispensable lessons for us and for generations to come.

    This book is intended to be an encouragement to those who have already begun to see though the vicious veil of the Christian delusion.

    Everyone living on this planet should have realized the issues presented in this book by now, without theological qualifications or credentials.

    Humanity has been given more than 2,000 years to comprehend that. There are no better supporting documents to corroborate the fact that Christianity was devised to discredit and replace Judaism than the Torah and the Prophets.

    Some might say, Why are you inciting division, controversy, and hostility? Are we not divided enough? It is a sad situation when one has no choice. Fire-fighters used to burn the thicket by intentionally setting fire to fuels inside the control line to prevent out-of-control escalation.

    True religion is not a matter of luxury. It is above science, above life, above existence.

    The twenty chapters that follow have been designed to give the reader a comprehensive overview of the most fundamental issues concerning our daily existence. I wouldn’t call myself the author of this book, as others made sure that I wrote it. All Bible quotes were taken from the King James Bible. Only fragments of the Gospel of Judas are included.

    The contents of chapters 2, 5, 7, 9, 14, 15, and 17 are partially based on information procured from the Internet.

    Chapter One

    Alien Spirits

    My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

    —Albert Einstein

    Jethro’s remark when he visited Moses in the wilder-


    Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods: for in the thing wherein they dealt proudly he was above them (Exodus 18:11).

    For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods (Psalms 95:3).

    . . . The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens (Jeremiah 10:11).

    We must admit that besides our tangible physical world,

    there is a world of spirits. The concept that there existed only spirits before the G-d of Abraham created the tangible, visible world appears to be a realistic view. The spiritual world is a separate realm of existence, but one that constantly interfaces with the physical world.

    We have no understanding of what the spirit is made of, and we do not understand dark matter or dark energy. All we know, by experience, is that alien spirits affect us everywhere we go and affect everything we do.

    Spiritual forces can override the laws of nature. Usually their manifestations are hidden, however, so people tend to regard the works of these forces as mere coincidences.

    Where did the alien spirits come from?

    There are three opinions on the origin of alien spirits:

    1. The G-d of Abraham created everything, including them.

    This is inconsistent and illogical. What could the purpose of their creation be? If they were intended as rivals of the Creator, there would be no victory in defeating them. Also, if this were so, it would imply the Creator’s indirect involvement in countless human sufferings.

    2. The second is the Christian view, that God did not create evil but instead, His angels rebelled against Him, and they were expelled from Heaven.

    This view cannot stand, because angels are static beings. They can be very powerful, but they do not possess the drive to perfect or degrade themselves that humans do. Consequently, they inherently could not rebel against their Creator as humans did.


    3. They existed before the creation of that 4 per cent of the universe that is visible, tangible matter, beside the 23 per cent of the universe that is invisible dark matter and the 73 per cent that is dark energy.

    There is a Supreme Spirit above all gods and above all men and above all creation (Job 9:5-13).

    For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods (I Chronicles 16:25).

    God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods (Psalms 82:1).

    The LORD will be terrible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth; and men shall worship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen (Zephaniah 2:11).

    The most likely reason why these alien spiritual forces (the Torah calls them gods) were not destroyed is that G-d wanted humans, the crown of His creation, to defeat them.

    If we accept the two-stage of Creation, which states that Earth was created and stood for 4.5 billion years uninhabited, then it is easy to imagine that these alien spiritual forces were given a chance to prove what they were capable of. Dinosaurs, brontosaurs, and other archaeological discoveries reveal the answer.

    The chronological order:

    • At the beginning, the universe was populated exclusively by spirits. There was no physical existence at all.

    • During the first stage of Creation, planet Earth was created.

    • Earth was left to be taken over by alien spirits for 4.5 billion years.

    • During the second stage, the six days of Creation, light, Heaven and life were created.

    History shows that most alien spirits are intelligent beings that can appear in a large variety of visible manifestations, even imitating a dead person’s voice or mannerisms with surprising fidelity.

    Depending on our actions and interactions with one another, these alien spirits (gods) can gain or lose power. Normally we cannot see these alien spirits around us, but some people can see them, as Elisha could.

    And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha (II Kings 6:17).

    Our actions have an impact on the outcome of the battle between spiritual forces. Below is an example of Moses’s involvement.

    And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed (Exodus 17:11).

    The king of Moab was desperate to stop the Israelites’ attack on his country, so he sacrificed his firstborn son for the gods (alien spirits).

    Because of that sacrifice, the alien spirits gained control, and Israel withdrew.

    Then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned to their own land (II Kings 3:27).

    The Torah doesn’t say explicitly that we are surrounded by invisible evil forces that harm us and influence people to commit improper acts. It says instead that sin lieth at the door.

    If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him (Genesis 4:7).

    The Torah calls them gods, implying that if you don’t control these

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