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If Someone Could Remake the World
If Someone Could Remake the World
If Someone Could Remake the World
Ebook397 pages5 hours

If Someone Could Remake the World

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"The advice of the author" in English
" Conseil de l'auteur" in French
Release dateOct 26, 2012
If Someone Could Remake the World

Claude Saint Laurent

My book writer name is: CLAUDE SAINT LAURENT DOB: 17/10/1953 Marital status: Married I've been working in Cameroon's Ministry of finance where I've been appointed in variable positions: Personal department Cabinet of the genera secretary of Cameroon's Minister of finance Central treasury in Yaounde Provincial division stamp duty at Douala Central treasury at Douala Central treasury at Bafoussam Financial department at Cameroon Embassy in France/Paris Retired/off sick since 1998 Live in the UK/London

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    If Someone Could Remake the World - Claude Saint Laurent

    © 2012 by Claude Saint Laurent. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/02/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2972-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-2981-1 (e)

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    Where Is Going The World?

    The Global Economic Crisis In Africa


    Chapter 1: Solutions

    Chapter 2: Health

    Chapter 3: Education

    Chapter 4: Employment

    Chapter 5: Solidarity



    A naturalized immigrant is a victim of acculturation.

    This is in fact the life of a naturalized immigrant.

    Where is going the world?

    The Causes And Decision to immigrate

    The immigrant rejected

    The Hands On Naturalization


    Dual nationality

    The Death Of An Immigrant Abroad

    A Hero Without Knowing

    Constraints Due To The Distance

    Stages Of Preparing To Return Back For Good To Your Home Country.

    The Preparations For The Definitive Return Of An Immigrant In Its Home Country

    Identity And Differences Rights And Duties Of The Immigrant


    The Advice Of The Author



    The Global Collapse And Its Causes

    The Life

    The End Of The World

    Generation Of Succession

    The World United

    The Dream

    Having A Weak Memory

    Inequalities In The World

    Advice Of The Author




    The Causes Of Civil Disobedience

    Mixed rebellions



    Important note


    Professional history

    How Did I Be Come A Book-Writer?


    Psychological thought of the author

    Important Note


    Oh how awful, and how did they do to get there?

    The inhabitants of the planet Earth have plunged the World into a pool of blood… So, if someone could change the world, I will have my say.

    Why then to kill each other?

    Why to kill the innocent people?

    And even committing suicide, leaving a great sorrow to all those who love you, as it is a hurt fullness for them?

    Is there any thing more painful than loss of someone you love?

    A loss through death seems so final, so wrong… And it is even more traumatic if the death has come about violence such as: "riots, wars and so on" . . .

    Then can you imagine that, somebody who has experienced this trauma all life long, and one day, just because someone has changed the world, he lives this mixture to meet again with all those people he has loved so much, and it will be declare to him that, they have raised from death and never to die again. This is the truth that underpins the gift of joy in our lives. It is not a superficial joy that comes and goes as life unfolds.

    Indeed, life can be difficult and painful, but deep down, this gift is there… "Why then we kill each other"?

    It is the assurance that I have a dream, one day someone could change this world and I will say it loudly and proudly that: "my vision was right" . . . For sure, one day, this could happen, I believe that will happen, and it is not within this generation, but the ever-present help in every situation that we will face in life is a prove.

    In this World, no one is born to suffer and it must not even be like this…

    So, whoever kill or push somebody to die, must face a punishment at the level of his fault, but not by a death sentence as this way will avoid him to suffer. So, stop to kill people, the World is not belong to anyone.

    Yes, the World today can be considered as a poker table where you have to block, cheat, tear or divert attention from your vis-à-vis to enrich yourself. Yes, to more intrinsic, it looks like we are living at that time in an enchanted world, where everyone, without distinction of class or category, but smart and crafty, climbs onto others… This joins as to give meaning to the book of the great French writer Jean-Paul Sartre who said and I quote: "Les mains sales (dirty hands)".

    Yes, dirty hands are making dirty money, therefore, illicit enrichment. Subsequently, this book will tell you more about this.

    Thus, we will develop four subjects among many others, which challenge the World today:

    —   The awakening of Africa

    —   Naturalized immigrants

    —   The World in jeopardy

    —   The civil disobedience




    Where Is Going The World?

    At the beginning, the world was ONE and indivisible, the world was with love, the world was the pride and glory, a paradise for humans.

    But today, we live in a world of fear, a world of bigotry, a world of massacre, a world of crime, a world of wars, a world of nonsense, a divided world where every one is fighting to dominate, a world of competition, a world of despair where the Nature has hit harder the strongest (riches and most industrialized) and free the lowest (poorest and least industrialized) in its fury.

    The world today gets down more on technological research so that historically, the great needs of humans in the world in general are: Getting something to eat and be Healthy.

    Global Hiv Very Concern Areas Map

    (The Case Of Africa Is Deplorable, Isn’t It?)

    Despite the good results of this search technology, the world has more problems than in the past, why is this? . . .

    The world lives now in alert, natural disasters are increasing in the series, and life seems to have fallen back, because the occupants of planet earth are suffering, it is necessary to find faster solutions to remedy this situation which is going from bad to worse.

    What do you think about this?

    Technology keeps human beings busy, but the technology does not feed them. So together, let us focus in the search for natural needs of humanity.

    The Global Economic Crisis

    In Africa


    Africa holds endless potential, resources and means with sufficiently enlightened Citizens who can make him avoid the heavy economic global crisis which has hit all the countries in the world: even those so-called richest and most industrialized.

    The economic crisis is global (it does say) that, being a chain, it is ultimately the weakest links (developing countries) which will yield very quickly to it violence, and their nationals will suffer doubly and atrocities.

    The base of the developed countries is that: like other countries in the developing world, Africa must remain vigilant to each (African countries) in its sphere of evolution.

    We say that: Anyone who sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind?.

    While Africa is now or never that, you should build your cocoon to put in the shelter of this scourge which is none other than the economic crisis in the process of contamination and thus to generalize the dump, and the repercussion pain will be no forgiveness without pardon, so beware, because you are to aware that, you are the most vulnerable target of the five continents, you had already suffered too much from past events.

    Only then Vigilance…

    The army also, and above all, in Africa, must play an important role in the economy not the least important role as fictions and that the use of weapons of war… and even the war against whom?

    The real role of the army was to protect citizens, their property and their land against the constant invasion of foreign forces, whether army in Africa would have the same role as in the industrialized countries of the other continents.

    In this book, the author who I am, will give his explanation in the chapter employment later his purpose

    Chapter 1


    Africa, not to be choosy, has always been a dumping ground for world’s woes, not doubt.

    As some examples:

    —   The two world wars, where the least concerned you were, thee, left in your land sequel and let’s say, unparalleled than any where else.

    —   The slave stripped thee of thy human values and all your resources to the benefit of the construction and development of other countries.

    At that time, we talked about slavery by force, but as of today, we live in the era of slavery voluntary namely, that your children voluntarily give themselves up to the exercise of dirty and poorly paid jobs compared to the cost in the developed countries and where they have obligation to live…

    Is not this a voluntary slavery?

    The high intelligence of these same developed countries has already set up a limitation to filter the input of your children in their territories, but by process of elimination.

    What is even chosen?

    —   Your human values

    —   Your natural resources.

    Then and only then, your children, at the head of government, must quickly realized, they become much more rigorous beautiful, strong, responsible and vigilant in exercising their positions which are: management of the states they are called upon to lead;

    Daily lives of their fellow citizens.

    In these developed countries, there are not only manufacturers but also bumblers and thugs, with the exception of those, squares to the management of their states, which are increasingly linked to manage according to the structures put in place.

    We must accept that when you spend more time as leader of a group, you become short of ideas.

    For the fact, I remind this to African heads of the government: before leaving the good things, make sure that the good things never leave you .

    Africa, seeks to stay a little more self limiting, avoid infiltration and foreign influence in the internal management of your property and citizens, make yourself useful and indispensable in the evolution of the world (in a wide sense); that means, you should also make you a space to naturally remains indispensable in the evolution of the world if this world wants to get out of the economic crisis.

    Key points, of success at this heavy operation (without exception all the continents combined) are:

    —   Health

    —   Education

    —   Employment

    —   Solidarity

    The spirit world is collapsing in all areas, then, only those who will fight to reach the last line in the best good level, of these key points, will come out easily, quickly and more easily from this economic crisis.

    So, why do not you… Africa?

    As much as others seek ways and means of escape, stand to body and blood of conquest points above cited articles that you may be among the first out (defeat) winner of this global crisis… was not suspecting it, thou hast the capacity, capability and means to achieve these key points… you must just work a little harder and the rest will follow.

    Here is my point of view with examples that illustrate the effectiveness in the fight against global economic crisis:

    Chapter 2


    Health is the mother of success and development (security interest), so it stands at the forefront of the evolution of meaning and success in life and the ability to overcome the barriers evoked above.

    Life is precious and short, then we must always seek to cure its ills as quickly and whims.

    Africa seeks to do so without the formal support from abroad. Is this possible? Yes… and Yes!

    Suffering that I give you my reasons and the manner with examples to support this idea;

    The government in each country is the breast of his nation, he must always be the largest employers in the state, and be able to use vaster majority of its citizens;

    The government must create jobs in different areas in order to enable everyone (citizens and other residents in the country) to contribute to the evolution and development of their nation.

    Having said that we will proceed with compulsory to achieve certain objectives such as health care for all that we called: contributions of care health for all (HFA).

    What will give live to HFA?

    Annual dues for the maintenance of HFA are mandatory and payable at the beginning of each year (end of January at least).

    In other words, the funding of the HFA in each African country must come from the arm strength of all citizens, foreign residents, tourists and visitors in the country.

    Take example of Cameroon with an average population of twenty million.

    The case of contributions of HFA for Cameroon is as follows:

    If for 20 million people, the working population is 15 million and is thus decomposed:

    —   12 million adults (21 to 59 years of age) and 3 million children and young adolescents, and the remainder represent the non-working population (disabled and elderly over 60 years).

    Over all, we subdivide as follows:

    a)   * On 10,500,000 adults (citizens and resident aliens alike) active and living in Cameroon which each with source of income;

    b)   * 2,500,000 Cameroon citizens living abroad (whatever their country of residence or their status);

    c)   *2 million children living in Cameroon;

    d)   * 500,000 children Cameroon citizens living abroad.

    The case of contributions of HFA for Cameroon is as follows:

    If for 20 million people, the working population is 15 million and is thus decomposed as 12 million adults (aged between 21 and 59 years) and 3 million children and young adolescents, and the remainder of 5 million represents the non-working population (disabled and elderly over 60 years of age).

    * People living and working in Cameroon:

    A contribution of a modest sum of 100 CFA francs per week, equals 5,200 CFA francs a year by each must be paid into the coffers of the HFA later than January 30 of each year, and that means a total of 54.6 billion CFA francs.

    The contribution per child resident in Cameroon will be 25 CFA francs weekly, that equals 1,300 CFA francs per annum or 2.6 billion CFA francs in the coffers of the HFA.

    *Cameroon citizens living abroad:

    An assessment of an equivalent of 200 CFA francs per week or 10,400 CFA francs per year (a little big more) will be required and paid in the cashier of the HFA which will be open to each Embassy in their country of residence before January 30 each year, thus a total of 26 billion CFA francs per annum.

    The assessment of an equivalent of 50 CFA francs per week or 2,600 CFA francs per year will be required at any child Cameroon citizens residing abroad, that will add in the HFA funds a sum of 1.3 billion CFA francs per year.

    * Visitors and Tourists:

    For visitors and tourists in Cameroon, they will be required to pay into the coffers of the HFA, while their visa application, some money as follows:

    —   An equivalence of 7,500 CFA francs for the visa less than or equal to three months;

    —   An equivalence of 10,000 CFA francs for the visa of six months;

    —   An equivalence of 15,000 CFA francs for the visa more than six months.

    In case of an extension of stay (visa expiry grants) of a visitor or a tourist, a further payment of dues of the HFA is for the period exceeded, these amounts will be due and required at the exit from the host country. This applies to all visitors and all tourists aged from three months and more.

    It is required to everyone to demonstrate good character and patriotism to proceed unrestrainedly to the payment of the funds used for benefit of individuals and the Nation.

    That means, any citizen, friend, visitor or tourist in the country must feel concerned and interested in the success of this project.

    The management of the HFA will remain independent of the management of state’s budget of the country (the coffers of the HFA are totally autonomous from the state coffers).

    Rigour and greater morality in the management of these funds will be put in place.

    * Person who are disabled and elderly people:

    All people with severe disabilities, or persons older than sixty years (expectancy of life forced) are free on payment of contributions to the HFA, but these people are fully supported by the services of the HFA, that is to say a hundred percent for any illness and other social needs (depending on current rules).

    * The HFA, its contributors and their benefit:

    Each contributor to the HFA or a person claiming is entitled to the benefits listed after:

    For all those who reside in the country, four free of charge medical checks per year, they are granted (deep checks) and all costs shall be borne by services of the HFA.

    That said a thorough medical visit once every three months.

    The same benefits will also accrue to tourists, visitors and citizens of the country living abroad and stay in the country for holidays or visits.

    All those who are not resident in the country get their appointment, less than forty eight hours after the date of their entry into the territory, for free medical checks gives by the HFA.

    If screening an illness or a disease from mild to severe on a person in good standing with the HFA, the medical care administrated on the person will be supported by the HFA services as follows:

    —   100 % for the first month of the illness;

    —   80 % for the second month of the illness;

    —   75 % for the third month of the illness;

    —   50 % for the remaining time of the illness.

    For health and social reasons to visitors, tourists and citizens living abroad, the HFA will continue, as long as they stay in the country, to give them the benefit of renewal of medical checks and treatment.

    But for the visitors and tourists in the country, the HFA gives them a support 100% for a period time of one week, so the person can have time to return to his country of origin.

    Beyond the benefits listed above, the HFA will offer the country and its members:

    —   Pro-pharmacies with an important department of import of any pharmaceuticals hard to find in the country home land.

    —   Construction of laboratories and research centres for the processing of medicinal plants, with the full support of the local authority.

    —   Construction of school canteens in all schools of the territory with a free school meal for students.

    —   Provide 3 school uniforms for children, free basic school necessities (note books, pens and pencils, boards, rulers, filling and papers).

    —   Increasing contacts with friends in developed countries, non governmental organisations (NGOs) and charities which can donate books, computers and other hardware to establish public libraries.

    —   Provide free milk to babies until the age of two years of age, flour and sugar to their mother during that period (2 years).

    —   Provide disabled and elderly people basic foodstuffs (milk, flour, and sugar, and rice, bread, cooking oil, salt and food cans).

    —   Offer to all members desiring an insurance called rights to the funeral at a low coast. This says the member’s lifetime; he/she will contribute a sum of:

    a)   250 CFA francs every week, or 13.000 CFA francs per year to be paid into the coffers of the HFA and so, in case of death, the HFA will donate to his successors the equivalences as follows:

    —   A coffin of a value of 100,000 CFA francs and 25,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for 125,000 CFA francs after 10 years of contribution;

    —   A coffin of a value of 50,000 CFA francs and 10,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for 60,000 CFA francs after 5 years of contribution;

    —   A coffin of a value of 25,000 CFA francs and 10,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for 35,000 CFA francs after 3 years of contribution;

    —   A coffin of a value of 20,000 CFA francs and 5,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for 25,000 CFA francs after 2 years of contribution.

    For a contribution period less than or equal to 1 year, the total amount contributed will be reimbursed to the family of the deceased.

    b)   1,500 CFA francs per week, or 78,000 CFA francs per year, will be paid into the coffers of the HFA, and so, in case of death of the contributor, the HFA will donate to his successors the equivalences as follows:

    —   A coffin with a value of 500,000 CFA francs and 250,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for the sum of 750,000 CFA francs after a contribution of 10 years;

    —   A coffin with a value of 200,000 CFA francs and 180,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for the sum of 380,000 CFA francs after a contribution of 5 years;

    —   A coffin with a value of 180,000 CFA francs and 40,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for the sum of 220,000 CFA francs after a contribution of 3 years;

    —   A coffin with a value of 100,000 CFA francs and 30,000 CFA francs in cash, or all in cash for the sum of 130,000 CFA francs after a contribution of 2 years;

    For a contribution period less than or equal to 1 year, the total amount of the contribution will be reimbursed to the family of the deceased.

    We are all aware that the division of Africa since thousands of years can not be changed now, but in respect of these Nations erected in independent and sovereigns States, it turns out BEFORE: other wise important and desirable, even imperative that the African Union (United States of Africa) is still due to emerge.

    This organization will be prioritized as a normal State with itself and put in place of national representation in any of the African countries, but with a self-management completely independent (not link to the country’s management);

    Namely, it will be divided as follows:

    —   The Union national secretariat—general;

    —   The Union national Assembly;

    —   The Union national executive Direction of the HFA.

    Thus, by turns, all the countries of the African Union will take by turn, the presidency of the Union for a period to be determined in open assembly of all member States which form the United States of Africa, and the vice-chair will be the country that will be put in place to preside the next term.

    The national general secretariat of the vice president’s country of the Union will be home all departments of the above named organization United States of Africa and as follows:

    —   The Secretary General of the Organization shall be elected from among all national general secretary of the Union to each country’s member;

    —   The President General of the Assembly of the Organization shall be elected from among all National president of the assembly of the Union to each member country;

    —   The Director General of HFA of the Organization will be elected from among all the national Directors of the Union of each member country.

    —   General Secretariat (National or headquarters) of the Union:

    The General Secretariat is divided as follows:

    * Secretary General (national: appointed by decree of President of the Republic of his country of origin; for the General Secretary of the Union: elected by referendum.

    a)   Directorate of Personnel and Human Resources (National Director: appointed by the National General Secretary; for the General Director of the Union: elected in open assembly).

    b)   Directorate of Finance and Management Credit (National Director: appointed by the Minister of Finance of his country of origin; for the General Director of the Union: elected in open assembly).

    c)   Directorate of Mail and Communication (National Director: appointed by the Minister of the Territorial Administration (Home Office) of his country of origin; for the General Director of the Union: elected in open assembly).

    d)   Directorate of Security and Maintenance (National Director: appointed by the Minister of Armed Forces of his country of origin; for the General Director of the Union: elected in open assembly).

    * Assembly (national or headquarters) of the Union:

    This is the House of common who must apply and revise the regulations and the evolution of the Union: "this is the parliament of the Union".

    The parliament of the Union at the national level consists of eight members elected by the contributors of the HFA, so there will be three members to the rank of parliamentary of the central community of the Union, among the other five members remains at the headquarters in the country, one of them, by internal vote, will be elected president of the national assembly of the Union.

    The President General of the Assembly for the Union shall be elected from among all the members sent by each member country of the Union.

    * Directorate General of the HFA:

    In every African member country, there will be a national directorate of the HFA, which will be responsible for medical treatment of members, responsible to make a deal with all suppliers and any work-shop on behalf of the HFA, responsible of the wages, responsible of all movements of funds in between the Directorate General: finance department and management of credits with the national directorate in the country.

    In term of presidency of the African Union, a general inventory control

    And detailed in the financial operations of the HFA (for entrances and exits of funds) should be applied: preparation of the book-keeping of the organization.

    The outgoing president of this period will become the vice-president of the Union (so he will still be involve and direct the new president to run the Union without gap of transition).

    NB: Cameroon is being taken as an example; there are no worries that the various fees required by the HFA will be practices in any local currency of each African country.

    This means that the CFA is symbol to guide the evolution of the project.

    African wildlife is rich and

    Diverse and

    Worthy of the Garden of Eden

    (The beauty of the landscape, led to envy)

    Chapter 3


    The education plays an important role in the development, succession and the constant progress of the country’s Citizens and

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