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Terrorist Invisible Attack
Terrorist Invisible Attack
Terrorist Invisible Attack
Ebook258 pages4 hours

Terrorist Invisible Attack

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The book involves internaional travel from Iraq to Sydney,Australia, to Mendoza, Argentina, to Hong Kong and other cities around the world. The main characters are being held against there will to carry out assignments for Alquida's plan to attack America. Main characters are from Jackson,Mississippi and have traveled extensivly in the US and Europe in there normal business practice Food Brokerage Business.
Release dateMar 7, 2012
Terrorist Invisible Attack

Bob Beare

Born in Jackson,Tennessee have lived in Jackson all my life. Married to Frances Welch Beare. We have two Daughters oldest is Penny and Frances the youngest. After college started to work in the family business started by my Grandfather in 1890, original business was ice manufacturing then later a Cold Storage Warehouse Company, warehousing frozen foods for some of the major food producers in the US. My Father Robert Beare Jr succeeded my Grandfathger Robert Beare Sr in the late 1920's. I began work in 1958 and continued until the company was sold in 1990 at 100 years old. My wife and I took our retirement and traveled around the world for three and a half years introducing some of our local produced products from Martha White Foods in Argentina. Australia was our first country to visit and then to Eastern Europe primarily Chezk Republic. While Duck Hunting with some of my younger friends from Brownsville, TN. they encouraged me to write a book on our travels and so I did. It was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed evert minute of time it took from start to finish.

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    Terrorist Invisible Attack - Bob Beare











    In the Night

    Prague, Czech Republic

    2:00 a.m.

    A black Mercedes and a small black truck pull into the driveway of Yulipszk Hotel and Restaurant. Eight men dressed in black move quickly to the rear door near the kitchen and back stairs. Carefully and quietly, they pick the lock and rush up to the third floor with two coffins. Efficiently, they pick the lock to Bill and Frances Barns room. Moving with lightning speed, they muffle the faces of the Barns and proceed to give them a shot to knock them out. After handcuffing the Barns, the men place them into the two coffins.

    The men pack up all the belongings, pack the bags, stuff the rest of the clothes in the coffins, and make their way down the back stairs. They load the two into the truck and are gone in five minutes. Stealing their way into the darkness with no lights on for a couple of minutes, they proceed to the airport.

    They make their way onto the field and drive up to the plane with the plane’s engines running to a waiting Gulf Stream. They load the two coffins on board, six men climb on board, and the other two drive off into the night.

    The pilot and copilot taxi into position for takeoff. The pilot pushes the throttles forward, the engines roar speeding down the runway liftoff, wheels up: their destination, Baghdad. Frances begins to stir first, being dazed from the drugs and not quite awake, and then Bill begins to groan, and his eyes roll around as if he were at the beginning of a big hangover.

    Frances’s eyes pop open, and then she gasps for breath as she looks into the piercing dark eyes of their assailants. Bill begins to focus and he is so surprised he cannot believe what he is seeing: six big men all dressed in black from head to toe.

    The Barns are shackled through the seats in front of them like hardened criminals. Neither Frances nor Bill could speak from shock. Abzahr, the leader of the group, spoke first. His first words were, Good Morning. Welcome aboard. We apologize for the abrupt and frightening manner in which we captured you from your hotel room, but you see it would have been most difficult for us to persuade you to come with us on this journey. Where we are going would not normally be on your ‘places to go see next’ list. We are taking you to Baghdad.

    Frances and Bill look at each other in utter amazement. Neither one had spoken a word. Finally, Bill squeaked out one word, Why? Frances began a tear down her cheek and was trying to hold Bill’s hand but could not reach him. Abzahr said in his beautiful English voice that we would be met in Baghdad and then we would be told why we were there.

    Abzahr said he been educated in the US at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and how much he enjoyed being in the Southern states. He had traveled extensively during his six years of college life. He had acquired a degree in biochemistry and a Masters in Business Administration.

    Hoping for some reason for this madness, Bill and Frances listened intently to every word Abzahr was saying. To be chained to your seats like this was absurd. Bill asked if he and Frances could be released and, of course, the answer was no. They were allowed to go to the bathroom one at a time and then right back into the chains.

    Five hours after take off, we were told that we would be arriving in about an hour. They brought us coffee and a sweet roll and that helped. Frances and I began to talk to each other in a low voice so Abzahr could not hear and he said to stop, so we had to speak louder for him to hear.

    Why is this happening? What in the world is going on? What have we done to have this happen? We are totally stunned. We look at each other in complete amazement, and then we both begin to cry. After a few minutes, we both quit crying, and then we try to get our wits together to try to remain calm and see what will happen next.

    Abzahr came back from the cockpit and announced we would be landing in about 30 minutes. The Barns look at each other in complete bewilderment as to what to do, what to expect. For about twenty minutes, they both began to tremble. As much as they try to contain themselves, it is impossible. They shake and sweat and try not to be so afraid, but the uncertainty is overwhelming.

    Just then they feel the wheels bump the ground, and then the pilot reverses the engines and they begin to slow down and turn left off the runway to what they suppose is a terminal. Then the plane stops, and the engines begin to wind down to a whirr and stop. Abzahr says to remain seated, and he will tell us what to do next. He goes to the door in the front of the plane behind the pilots.

    He goes out the door and returns in about fifteen minutes, which seems like an eternity. He then tells us to stand up and walk to the front of the plane. Fortunately, we had been allowed to get up and walk to the bathroom several times during the flight; otherwise, they probably would have had to carry us off. We go through the doorway, and the walkway down the steps is covered in a black curtain where we are not able to see anyone or anyone see us.

    On each side of us are two men, walking us to a parked car where we are told to get in. It turns out to be a huge limousine with seats for ten people. The six men get in with us and Abzahr sits facing us. He then turns and tells the driver to proceed. We can hear motorcycles and several trucks and a lot of men talking just before we start moving.

    Abzahr then tells us we are going to headquarters for a meeting and afterward we would have some food. We have had nothing for hours since the coffee and sweet rolls with the exception of an occasional drink of water. We are starving.

    We feel the limousine start forward and pick up speed and can hear the other vehicles as we proceed to Headquarters. We can hear the sirens whaling as we speed through town to our destination.

    All of a sudden we stop; the driver presents his ID, and then we can hear the gates open. We proceed just a short distance and we stop again, while a gate is being opened. Then we moved forward a short distance and we stop. Abzahr tells the men to remove the shackles. This is the best feeling we have had so far.

    The five men get out first and then Abzahr. Next, he tells us to get out. The light is very bright, and we are squinting trying to make out what we are seeing. Standing around us must be 100 soldiers with AK 47’s, all of them glaring at us. We are met by a high-ranking military official in his uniform with more bars and stars on him than we have ever seen.

    We later find out that he is al-Qaeda third ranking General. In front of us are two doors that must be eight feet wide and twenty feet tall. Two men open the doors, and we walk in with the two men holding on to both our arms as we walk into a large, very ornate room with a table and ten men sitting around this table.

    There are three seats empty, and Abzahr tells us to sit down and he sits with us. Abzahr begins the conversation in his native language. All of the men at the table sit expressionless as he describes the past few hours’ events. As he finishes, we see an older gentleman to our right begin to talk to the person on his left, and then he starts talking to us in his native language.

    Abzahr is the interpreter, and as he looks at us, he begins to describe the instructions the older man is saying: Mr. and Mrs. Barns, we have selected you from a collection of several candidates for the following reasons: You have had experience in the food business through your family Food Brokerage Business for over 35 years. You have been married for over thirty-five years, you both have white hair, and this brings an air of trust to your character. Besides these characteristics, you are the right age.

    We have been reviewing our six pairs of candidates for two years before reaching our decision. You are our second choice. The first couple refused to co-operate, and they were executed. Please understand the seriousness of this movement we have been preparing for several years. It is top secret and can not be discussed with anyone.

    Should you refuse, you understand the consequences; however, should you be willing to assist us in our plan, we would like to explain your part of our movement. Mr. and Mrs. Barns, would you like to have a short break before we begin? We tell Abzahr yes, and we proceed under armed guard to a restroom near by.

    We look at each other in amazement, not having a clue to what the older man is about to say, but we know it is not going to be good. We both go to the bathroom, wash our hands and faces and return to the table. We are still dressed in our pajamas and barefooted. We have not said anything to each other, only that we loved each other.

    We take our seats and the older gentleman begins: You have had experience in International food brokerage business after you sold the family business. This is of great importance to our mission. For people that have been traveling around the world for several years, this will not cause suspicion from friends, family, or your other business associates.

    Your mission with us will involve a lot of travel to many countries. We will be in constant contact with you by the following design. You will have surgically implanted in your buttocks a capsule about the size of a Tylenol capsule. This capsule will have a device inside whereby we can track you anywhere in the world. If you have it removed, we will have you assassinated. When you remove this device from your body, the temperature of the device will lower 3 degrees in a matter of seconds (from 98.6 degrees to 95.6.) Then we will find you, and you know the consequences.

    Mr. Barns, you will also have a pacemaker for your heart surgically installed. This device has a small space that we will be inserting a communications chip to transfer information. It will require surgery to get the chip removed. You will be administered novacaine and will be conscious during this process.

    Do you have any questions so far? We will expect you to broker food products with our trading companies in Hong Kong, Prague, Baghdad, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Sydney and Bangkok. Since your brokerage company has already sold four containers of soybean burgers from the US to Czech Republic, you have the knowledge of irrevocable letters of credit from world banks so that merchandise can be delivered and deposits made upon receipt of goods.

    We will have $2 million dollars (US) deposited to your company accounts in banks in each of them, and they will be administered by one of our trustees in each of these cities to your company account, BarnsCo. Each transaction will be approved by our trustee.

    All of the profits from the sale of merchandise will be deposited to a numbered account in Switzerland; you will be able to withdraw from this account at anytime.

    There is one more detail. We have chosen you two because of just enough experience not to arouse suspicion of customs authorities. Do you have any questions?

    Let us mention another item of business. Should you decide to escape, your two daughters will meet with strange deaths; everyone in your family, cousins, nieces, nephews, as well as twenty five of your closest and most influential friends will receive the same fate. We have the ability to do this without being discovered.

    You will now proceed to the dining room for a gourmet lunch and fine French wine. You will have the rest of the day to yourselves; feel free to roam around the Palace. If you want something, just ask. We will convene again tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. Meeting adjourned.

    Abzahr accompanied us to the dining room and before we sat down, he said, Bill, your clothes are in your room if you want to change first?

    No, that’s all right. Thank you. We are okay dressed as we are. We sat down and both of us began to feel better.

    Abzahr says they have prepared rack of lamb, boiled new potatoes, fresh asparagus, and key lime pie for dessert. (The al-Qaeda know quite well our favorite wines and foods.) We tell Abzahr that sounds wonderful.

    The food is prepared to perfection, and we do get our appetites back and finish most of everything they serve us. We had a little dessert wine with the key lime pie; both wine and pie were about as good as we had ever had.

    After we had eaten and are being escorted to our room, the stark reality began to set in that we are in it for the duration, whatever time frame that is. As we enter the room, we look around, and it is beautifully furnished with a big king-sized bed, lots of sofas, and a big sitting area off to the side of the bedroom.

    Abzahr bids us bye for now and says he will pick us up at 7:00 a.m. and will have a meeting at 10:00 a.m. with the general and his staff; at that time, we have to declare if we are going to cooperate or suffer the consequences.

    Frances and I sit on the sofa near the bed and just look at each other. I think we need to cooperate with them and just see what happens. I see no need in our throwing in the towel at the beginning of the game,’’ said Bill. I realize that we are putting our children, family, and friends in a potentially dangerous position, but I think we ought to move forward, don’t you, Sugar?" Frances agrees, and we both bow our heads and say the Lord’s Prayer together. This kind of breaks the ice and eases some of the tension from us. We ask for forgiveness and help from the Almighty in this dire time of need.

    We have no idea what the demands on us will be, but tomorrow we will find out. It is about 6:00 p.m. and about 8:00 a.m. in Jackson, Mississippi. We need to make a phone call to our banker friend and get him to pay our hotel bill in Prague, since we left so quickly. No one could imagine where we are; our children haven’t the foggiest notion; neither would our friends.

    I go to the door and there are six armed guards standing there with AK 47’s and all kinds of gear on them, looking very intensely at us. I hand one of them a piece of paper with Abzahr’s name on it; he nodded and left. A few minutes pass, and Abzahr knocks at the door. You need to see me, Bill? What can I do for you?

    We need a cell phone to call some friends from home to let them know we have altered our travel plans and will be arriving later, and when our plans are complete, we will confirm our arrival back to Jackson, Mississippi. We also need to call our banker and get him to pay our hotel bill in Prague.

    All your charges in Prague have been paid in full. I will have a phone in just a few minutes. Of course, everything you say will be monitored, and your conversation will be cut off if you say anything about where you are or what you are doing.

    No problem. Thank you for the phone.

    We were going to call Harold Anderson, our banker in Jackson, Mississippi, but since our charges were paid in Prague, we don’t need to call him, so we call Sarah, our oldest daughter in High Point, North Carolina, and tell her we got a call at midnight on November 30, and we left in the middle of the night to catch a plane to Saudi Arabia. We got the message we would have a chance to bid on several containers of Lamb for the Middle East.

    Sarah seemed satisfied with this and never asked any more questions; I let her and her Mother talk their usual 45 minutes to an hour. After that, Frances and I sat down and looked at each other trying to figure what to say.

    Bill, do you really think we need to go along with these folks when we do not even know exactly what they want us to do?

    Yes I do, and for this reason; if we say no, they shoot us. If we go along with them… uh oh, we need to talk real low; you know they have this place bugged. Sugar, we may have a chance to escape down the road.

    We are both exhausted; all of a sudden, we both are sleepy. We look in the closet and all of our clothes are hung up; our shoes are placed neatly in a line. We look in the drawers and all my shirts are neatly folded. Although we are being held against our will, we are being treated nicely, but firmly.

    We pull the covers back and get into bed, both of us with our eyes popped wide open. We lie there for about an hour and Frances says, Bill, we got to talk about this.

    We get up, turn the lights on, and go sit on the sofa near the bed and Bill says, We do not have a choice but to cooperate with these people. I do not like it; it’s wrong; it is against all our principles to be involved with this country on a mission of any kind even though we do not know exactly what we are going to be doing completely.

    They have told us generally what we will be doing, but that may be to get our reaction; and if we agree, they could make us do something else. I just hope they don’t hand us a gun and tell us to go kill someone like a close friend, or congressman, senator or whomever.

    Frances tells Bill not to talk like that and begins to ramble on for the next 20 minutes, wondering what if this turned out and they kill them in a week or two or if they decide they are not doing what they are supposed to do.

    It is now midnight and we have not slept a wink. We are so exhausted that nothing we say makes any sense. We finally decide to try again to go back to bed and get some sleep. In about two minutes, Bill hears Frances snoring just a little and then he falls to sleep.

    At 6:00 a.m. Bill jumps and wakes from a deep sleep, which wakes Frances, and they both wide-eyed realize that Abzahr will be there to get them at 7:00 a.m. They both go about getting dressed in silence, both scared to death, not wanting the other one to know how frightened the other one is.

    We both are dressed and ready to go at 6:59 a.m. and in one minute, there is a knock at the door. As we open the door, there stands Abzahr, right on time. He smiles and says, Come with me; we will go have breakfast. Did you sleep well?"

    Bill answers for them both and says, Well, I guess we did. We went to bed early and had to get back up because our eyes just would not close. We got up and discussed for a couple hours our choices, and then we went back to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly.

    Abzahr says, I am so glad you could get some rest; this may be a long day for you.

    Right now, you must be hungry."

    Oh, we are, said Frances. We are always hungry."

    As we make our

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