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Mystic Wayfarer: One Soul's Journey into Light
Mystic Wayfarer: One Soul's Journey into Light
Mystic Wayfarer: One Soul's Journey into Light
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Mystic Wayfarer: One Soul's Journey into Light

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Faith is the Path
Grace is the Bridge
Surrender is the Gate
Love is the Garden

Over the course of more years than I care to admit, Ive been witness to Kristinas multi-faceted talents as actress, musician, writer, composer, fellow spiritual seeker and dear friend. Of all of her worthy endeavors, perhaps most compelling is her poetry. It is a reflection of her soul; an out-picturing of her inner and outer travels and, as such, a daily mantra of a visionary creative spirit; an expression for you to share and experience with her in consciousness. Mystic Wayfarer, One Souls Journey Into Light is powerful, purposeful, intimate, and, like Kristina herself, utterly unique in its power to alter your world. It is profoundly personal, yet it reveals a recognizable, emergent collective wisdom. As you revel in each stanza, you are invited to delight in your own quest for ecstasy, seeking union with the Divine through a discovery of your own unfolding divinity, held in each painful, joyful, cherished moment of humanness. ~ Donna Walker, Host/Producer "Pacifica Performance Showcase," KPFK 90.7 FM, Pacifica Radio.
Within the rhythm of her excellent poesy, Kristina Sanborn walks us through a life well-earned. One wants to travel with each individual poem in a front pocket, and take it out to look at its map - which means there will be the pleasure of dancing through its theme once more - and then satisfied, ready oneself for the adventure of the following stride. And though they each stand on their own, I found the collection of poems to be mighty and muscular when read in a conscious promenade, for the complete work engages the readers mind to an insistent and necessary wayfaring, a forward motion, a need. The prize is a most certain peace of mind, as her beautiful images leap up and encircle you on your walk - like luminous autumn leaves in a very brave wind. ~ Randall Stuart, Founder & Director of CERIMON HOUSE, A Sanctuary for the Humanities
Kristina's poetry, in her new book Mystic Wayfarer, moves in the serpentine ways of women's mystery. Seeping into the soul and dancing you from the inside out. Her journey carries you to places near and far, inside and out and brings you back to the home of your own body with infinite grace and beauty. It has been a joy and a privilege to bear witness to her journey and dance in the mystery with her. May others come to find as much joy, pleasure and value in her words as I have.~ Sandy Pendleton, MFT, Teacher and Coach, Embodied Wisdom
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJan 25, 2013
Mystic Wayfarer: One Soul's Journey into Light

Kristina Sanborn

On February 14, 2010 Kristina turned 55 years old, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s and her beloved Shar-pei died in her arms late that same evening. Quite a day. Fortunately she has been blessed with a profoundly loving marriage and a life fi lled with good friends and caring family. Yet even with caring parents, Kristina was still the product of a broken home and an early childhood fi lled with addiction and abuse. In her adulthood Kristina found healing through the hard work of therapy, spiritual studies and the arts. She has laid down her past surrendering to love and the Divine as they express themselves through her creativity. Kristina has always lived her life as an artist; fi rst as an actress, singer and dancer then later as a stage and screen writer. Th roughout all her artistic expressions she has writt en poetry. Her writing coupled with her strongly held spiritual beliefs has given her an outlet to deal with her latest physical challenge. And in a magical way it has deepened her experience of life. “Mystic Wayfarer”r is not about Parkinson’s although this disorder has informed her work. It is a book celebrating the light, dark and many shades of grey which we all experience every day of our lives. Kristina has been a student and practitioner of the Divine throughout her life. It is from this deep love of Spirit and the profoundly personal love she shares with her husband that her poetry is born. It is her greatest desire to share her experiences so that she might help others heal the wounds within their own souls.

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    Book preview

    Mystic Wayfarer - Kristina Sanborn

    Mystic Wayfarer

    One Soul’s Journey into Light


    Kristina Sanborn

    Copyright © 2012 Kristina Sanborn

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6430-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6431-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-6432-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012922532

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    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/17/2013





    We Are…

    From Dark

    Red Rose

    Spilling Words

    Erupting Memories

    I Am From

    Boredom’s Light

    Choosing Naiveté

    Why Now?

    I Breathed in With a Smile

    Being Done

    The Mending

    Descending into Gaia

    Yesterday’s Ghost

    Through Love


    Just Waiting

    Forever One

    Love’s Invocation

    Filling the Dew

    Our Return

    Holding Vigil

    Winding Unwinding

    Love’s Call


    Passion’s Devotion



    Touch to Touch

    Basking in the Light

    Sweet Ginger

    Falling Gently

    Love’s Embodied Call



    To Light

    Fresh Start

    Time Travel

    Healing Yesterdays

    Chocolate Lullabies

    Gaia and Me



    The Wounding Pond


    Finding Ma

    Returning Home

    The Painter

    Cooing in the Moonlight

    The Clarion Call

    Wild Goddess Calling

    Dawn Awakening

    One Light

    Corners Electric

    Come Sweet Sisters…

    Sweet Surrender

    Empty Full

    Moonlight Dancing

    Awakening the Dream

    We are the Giants

    Brightening Skies

    Moving Forward

    I Am…


    Kristina Sanborn - Author

    Clarice Luebbert – Illustrator



    The female mystic is an unusual thing to find out in the wide open these days. Oh, we may see them self-advertised at expo fairs and in high end self-improvement retreats. But this is not wide open. These are diversions of the glitter of perfectionism. The female mystic is not concerned with product, self-improvement, and the glamour of being held on a pedestal. She has one all-consuming aim. Union.

    Internal union is the passion to unite all of one’s own parts into the field of God/dess and yearn for its reflection. In the mystic’s path it is only through the deepest surrender and truth seeing that one can unite with God/dess. And even this may not be guaranteed. But so hungry is the yearning that the true mystic is choice-less. There is no other way than what the soul calls for.

    Yearning is what allows the heart to be set ablaze. A fire is then born in which to keep offering the hard shells of our defenses against absolute love. I have born witness to Kristina’s offering to this fire again and again. What emerges from here is the mirror of her poems. These poems which reflect an unedited kaleidoscope of the deepest human experiences which in turn become the deepest roots of our Divinity.

    As we bear

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