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Saved, Unwed & Motherhood
Saved, Unwed & Motherhood
Saved, Unwed & Motherhood
Ebook31 pages23 minutes

Saved, Unwed & Motherhood

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Single women often feel alienated and as if their lives are no longer useful after becoming a mother. Nothing could be further from the truth. Each and every goal you often imagine is still within your reach.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 1, 2012
Saved, Unwed & Motherhood

Valerie P. Laster

As a single parent, I have observed those who sometimes are made to feel “less than” because they are unmarried with children. Coming to the conclusion that God loves every one of us, no matter what our station in life, single parents need encouragement even when a situation arises such as being single and unwed. As a current Colorado resident, living here has given me the courage to write, reach out and touch others who are struggling as young, single parents. With the Lord’s help, I have accomplished much during my single-parent tenure: an AS degree in secretarial sciences; an AS degree in paralegal studies; a BS degree in paralegal studies; and law school. Also, I have had the pleasure of employment with some major corporations. Always have my needs been met. Last but surely not least, authoring my first manuscript, “Saved, Unwed & Motherhood”.

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    Saved, Unwed & Motherhood - Valerie P. Laster

    Copyright © 2012 Valerie P. Laster

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-6771-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-6770-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012917596

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/29/2012


    Plain Talk


    Your Relationship with God


    In Your Heart of Hearts, What Outcome Do You Desire?


    Miscellaneous Topics





    To Mrs. Eunice Stephens, my high school English and Journalism instructor: Thank you for all of the inspiration and encouragement. You said I would be an awesome author and thus, I have taken the plunge.

    To my son David who has been such an inspiration and has been so positive: Thanks for all of your help with this project and your moral support.

    Forever grateful,


    Note: I am indeed a believer in Jesus Christ, but in this book I will not overwhelm you with the Bible or scripture although there will be some scriptures quoted and scriptural references. This is plain talk.

    This book is dedicated to

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