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An Angel's Way
An Angel's Way
An Angel's Way
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An Angel's Way

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An Angels Way, although fiction, contains real Scriptures, ready to fill your heart as you find your way to healing in this tragic world in which we live. In the story, we follow the life path of two people. We begin with an angel born human, and then as she gets older, she meets a man, a medical doctor, and they fall in love. Tragedy strikes, and he loses her. The world was near the end, with thousands of people injured in terrorist attacks, new diseases, new resistances to drugs, and then the children began to die. Although he was full of grief, he pressed forward, searching in desperation for cures. He was about to lose all hope when she re-entered his life. Unknown to the man, God had sent his angel to Earth to teach healing in biblical ways, as the revelations of end times were at hand. Earthquakes and storms were everywhere, but he continued his work until he was finally able to heal the children. The world going crazy, thousands dying, and one man had the answer to true, divine healing. How far would he be willing to go in order to heal the sick? Why do we suffer as Christians? How much is it worth to be able to serve God? With the ultimate price comes the greatest blessing!

Breathe in the healing
No matter the danger all around
We still have, instilled in us, the God-given desire to heal the sick.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 15, 2013
An Angel's Way

Barbara Ann O'Keefe

Barbara O’Keefe lives a quiet, peaceful life in the hills of Tennessee. From the moment she learned to read, her preferred book was always the Bible. After years of dedicated study, she learned about scriptural healing and the supreme power of God’s Word.

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    An Angel's Way - Barbara Ann O'Keefe

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-8446-1 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-8445-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013902374

    WestBow Press rev. date: 2/19/2013




    A Child Is Born

    The City

    The Fall

    A Special Day

    The Accident

    The Search for Answers

    First Stop

    Watching Sam

    A Wish for Hope

    The Amber Trail



    Finding Sam

    Still Searching

    The Promise

    Going Home

    Helping William

    Flee to the Mountains

    Someone’s Coming!

    The Final Chapter

    Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

    Hebrews 13:1-2

    For Daniel

    to life and those who embrace it


    There was a huge explosion in space. Planets appeared and began rolling this way and that. Then a pattern began, a rhythm formed and began to establish some sort of order. The planets began to align and rotate. Earth had been created among the planets and was placed in its perfect position. The spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    Genesis 1:3-4 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4) And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    Then God created heaven and he divided the heaven from the earth.

    Genesis 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

    The land and water began to separate. Once there was dry land, grass and trees began to grow.

    Genesis 1:14-17 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: 15) And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16) And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17) And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

    The sun and moon were placed the perfect distance from the earth. Then, the stars appeared in the darkness. The light and darkness were given a distinct separation. In the light, birds appeared. Fish began to swim in the oceans. Other animals appeared after that.

    Then, God created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

    Then a rib was taken from the man and the woman was formed from him. They were both naked, but they were not ashamed. From as far back as The Garden of Eden, God made the man and woman as one being, soul mates that were destined to be re-joined together, to touch hearts and to feel the fullness of the other’s love for all time… Adam & Eve would spend much time with God.

    After some time, they were disobedient to the law of God and that disobedience created shame. Therefore, the man and the woman clothed themselves and they hid from God. They were the first of many. They would multiply and learn and they would grow. Even though they were spiritual babies, they were a sweet man and woman and were the first to define the flaws of humanity. They would make mistakes, but they would still look at each other with love and they would look to God as their Father.

    Years passed and what once was two were now many. In the course of time, people turned from God more and more. Most had begun to hate and forgot about love.

    In Genesis 6, verse 5, it says: And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And verse 6 says: And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

    There was so much evil that God flooded the earth so that all of the evil ones would be removed all at once. In verse 8, it says, But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. The few faithful were safe on an ark that God had instructed Noah to build. They would stay there until the waters subsided. After, they would dwell on the earth again. And again, they multiplied into many.

    As time passed, again, there was too much evil in the world. The people would not look to God and instead, they did bad things and would hurt and kill each other.

    Then Moses came. He listened to God and did God’s work. He gave the people rules to live by because they had forgotten how to love. The rules, if followed, would teach the people how they should be and how they should treat one another. Hearts had become cold and the rules, called the 10 commandments, were guidelines given to a race of dead-hearted people who couldn’t grasp that whole love thing. (Exodus 20)

    When it was time, God, still watching over the people, decided that it was time to help them be able to love more. Through the commandments, he taught them about love. Now it was time for them really to feel love. They needed help very badly. Something that was so natural to God just seemed too hard for the man. Therefore, God thought up a plan. He had made the man in his own image, but still, love did not abound. The ability was there, but something was still missing. Man had been given free will and with this free will, he usually made the wrong choices.

    Evil was all around and it, being evil, was very forceful. It, being evil, would always attempt to control, would always confuse and deceive. The people needed God’s gentle love. But how could something so sweet and passive conquer something that was so demanding and pushy? How could they hear God’s sweet voice when evil was shouting so loudly in their ears? God knew of a way.

    God was so pleased that he would be able to help the man to feel his love. He was so pleased, that he sent someone ahead to spread the news of his coming, to give hope. His name was John. John listened to God in his heart and he knew someone was coming who would help people. He began to wash the people in water as a sign of the coming, as a sign of the cleansing that he would bring.

    As promised, God sent someone to the earth, someone very special. His name was Jesus, his father was God and he was sent to earth through a woman named Mary.

    After God’s seed, Jesus was like his Father. He knew how to love. He looked upon all the other people with the love of God in his heart and he felt compassion for them. He saw how they were hurting and scared and he was always helping someone. He taught as much as he could while he was here. His love and compassion were so strong that all he wanted to do was help. He loved with such a strong, undying love. He saw the emptiness of the people’s hearts and wanted so much to fill them, to let them overflow with the fullness of God.

    No one understood at the time, but Jesus came to do much more than to teach and to heal. Jesus came to wash away sin and as John had washed them with water, Jesus would wash them with the Holy Ghost. He was a man of such great power, yet his main goal was to lay down his own life so that many more might find it.

    People wondered why Jesus would not defend himself against the accusers. Jesus came, expecting to find a cross. He came, knowing the pain that he would bear. Jesus loved in a way that made it all worth it. I imagine when he passed from this earth, along with the darkness that swept across the land, that there was great thunder and lightning as well. There had to be darkness as black as the souls who hung him from that cross… there had to be loud, crackling thunder that rumbled and shook the earth. There had to be earthquakes and strong winds that cried tears of pain throughout every corner of the world… Someone so beautiful… all of heaven must have cried when they witnessed one so perfect, so lovely, experiencing such pain. How painful it must have been to have been nailed to that cross and hung from it for hours. The very people Jesus came to help had killed him in such a painful way.

    But it turned out good, for us and for him because after he had gone, he was able to conquer evil. He was able to send us the comforter, the Holy Spirit. He was able, finally, to help us to fill our empty hearts with love. He was able to teach us and to give us love, power, and dominion. He was able to give us the angels to keep watch over us. We were finally able to connect, to be close to God. We were finally able to understand love.

    In John 14:23: Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 26) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

    Through the years, the people would forget the cross. Again, they would forget how to love. It was there for their taking, but the evil spoke so loudly. God, such a supreme being, was full of ideas. His love, so strong, would always be enough. He would send the comforter and the angels and he would not give up on his children. Never would he give up. God wrote the book on this world, and he knew how the story would end! He would teach his children how to love. He had given them Jesus. He had given them the ability and he would show them the way…

    … An angel’s way.


    In heaven, everything is so beautiful. There are, of course, many places in heaven. The place I am taking you to looks much like the clouds misty clouds, with pieces of light here and there. Here, there is such tenderness and beauty. This is where I stayed for quite a while, before I went down to the earth. Time as you know it isn’t the same in heaven, so I don’t really know how long I was there, but it was glorious!

    I was an angel with the task of sending babies to the earth. This was a never-ending job of receiving souls and sending them, through my veil, to the babies as they were born. Oh how wee they were so innocent! Day after day, hour upon hour, minute by minute, I took the tiny, naked babes in my hands and placed them into the passageway of my veil. The trip was so vivid. I saw the place, the parents and the destiny of the life. Sometimes the kind of life I saw the child was destined to have was so terrible.

    The hurdles in life are there to make people strong, to teach them, to help them to grow up. But sometimes, the conflict seemed too great. I would try not to look most of the time because heaven was such a wonderful, happy place. But when a very special child passed through my hands, my protective instinct sometimes overcame me and I looked and would grieve.

    Serving the Lord is a wonderful thing. You never tire; you only feel a deep-down wonderful feeling all the time. But, I messed up. There was one very special baby I could not bear to see touch that horrid earth. How could a world so full of Satan be trusted with such a precious, unknowing baby? I just couldn’t see it. I knew I should never question one such as God. God is all-knowing. I knew God could do no wrong but still I questioned. Why? I went to God and pleaded with him not to send that very special child.

    Please, Lord, not this child, he is too tender, too helpless. Where was he to go? Who was to care for him?

    For the first time, I, an angel, felt pain. My heart bled for this frail baby. But our all-knowing Lord insisted on sending the baby onward to the earth.

    I, a mere angel, knew I had no right to question God’s plan, but I loved our Lord and I knew that he loved me enough to be patient with my honesty about my feelings. As I held the babe in my arms and raised my veil, a tear fell from my eyes. The Lord held out his almighty hand and wiped away the tear. Then he told me not to send the child… yet.

    He said We will send you first, then the baby. You will become human and will have things to learn. Give me your veil and I must also take your wings. You will live and die on the earth. You will have no memory of this for a while, and you won’t understand the child or what he represents until after your death, when you have grown spiritually enough to accept the memory once again. Once this has happened, you will find the child and you may care for him as your heart leads. And it was so.

    I have lived my life, and now I understand so much more. I know what it is like to lose my wings and walk with tender feet upon the earth. I know what it is like to be fragile and human. Once humanity is given to you, it is never lost.

    I walked the earthly walk. I was made weak so that I could do the work of the strong.

    Now that I have remembered these things, I must tell you the complete story of my life. Don’t think that I have decided I am special. I am not. We are all God’s creations. We are all God’s children and a part of God’s plan. Our souls are interwoven and we don’t even realize it. We are all a very special part of each other…. connected, single.

    And I, the angel who worked so hard to keep that wee infant (I held in my hands so long ago) from the perils of this land we call earth… Well, I found that the paths we take in this place, painful as they may be, build castles in our hearts and a wonderful home in heaven. Sometimes the way we find truth is not as we would have liked but, perhaps, the only way to find the real meaning.

    With all the love and efforts I had, the child still had the same hardships, I had seen so long ago.

    And had I looked deeper and longer, I would have seen myself and such a wonderful end… an end that was, in fact, really the beginning. It was the beginning of a new humanity. As we have all grown, so shall we continue in the growth, day by day a little closer to that most wonderful day the day we find God.

    Once the time was spent, the messages certain, the job done, I returned home to heaven.

    "It came to me after a million years,

    How you get mixed-up in all your fears.

    You don’t know whether to come or to go.

    Right and wrong are no longer clear.

    So I come to you tonight

    And command to you to do what’s right.

    You will know it by the feel.

    I’ll teach you the different from the real

    And I’ll watch you while you sleep.

    In your heart, I’ll always be.

    So why don’t you sit under the mistletoe?

    Nothing’s wrong with love that’s pure in soul.

    Come sing to me while I watch…

    Flicker all the candles go."


    The sky is orange and the ocean, a tranquil gray. Everything is calm. There is a ship sailing on the waters, ever so still, as if it were a part of the whole, its silhouette a massive beast, against the clouds that all have stories of their own.

    A child is born a beautiful baby girl whose dreams were as sweet as the sunset was beautiful. She would sleep so quietly, smiling even in her sleep. Innocent as she was, her delicate ways were her strength; even then, as they would be in the future. Mysti, her father named her Mysti Lynn Morning. Her father kneeled beside his wife’s dead body; holding the tiny newborn baby in his arms. She had died during childbirth. His skin was dry and aged from all the sun and salt water. He was a big, rugged man but as tough as he seemed, a tear fell.

    She’s beautiful. She is as beautiful as you said she would be, he said.

    He sat there, by his wife’s side, holding the tiny baby, crying. The lady he so loved gave her life for this precious little one.

    The orange in the sky faded as the sun set and night fell. The old ship floated silently in the still, quiet darkness… like a ghost ship on a forsaken strip of the ocean.

    Sam Morning had never known anything but the water. He and his wife had lived and worked there for many years. The water and each other were all he and his wife ever felt they needed. Child in arms, he said farewell to his beloved wife. He brushed away the tears from his sweaty, tanned skin. Dark hair, mustache and beard, he was a rough-looking fellow who cuddled the wee infant so carefully. As he grieved for the only other thing he had ever loved in the world, he knew that he now had the responsibility of raising a child. Knowing this, he sought land. Living on the water the way they had, they had put a lot of the money they had earned in the bank because it simply wasn’t needed at the time. As a result, he and his wife had saved a lot of money. Now it was needed and he was glad they had put it back.

    Sam bought a small home in the country. He purchased several acres of land with the home so he could grow crops and raise some cows. He also

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