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Ancient Timez: The Great Lesson Within Ancient Timez with Divine  Extraordinary  Synchronicity
Ancient Timez: The Great Lesson Within Ancient Timez with Divine  Extraordinary  Synchronicity
Ancient Timez: The Great Lesson Within Ancient Timez with Divine  Extraordinary  Synchronicity
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Ancient Timez: The Great Lesson Within Ancient Timez with Divine Extraordinary Synchronicity

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What you are about to read, in short, is a book that will shed the light of truth on things kept in the dark by the silly beliefs, stubbornness of man and the deceptions of Satan. You will be brought into the light and you will see things as to the way they TRULY are.

This book will expose the TRUTH that has been covered up for centuries by the many inconsistent ramblings of organized religion. The author of this book was taught by NO MAN! The truth is simple when led by the Holy Spirit. You will see conformation of Almighty God leading the author. Anyone can write a book and say anything they wish, and anyone can claim that Almighty God led them. But this book has something they don't have! In this book you will read of "DIVINE EXTRAORDINARY SYNCHRONIZATION" from Almighty God leading the author. The TRUTH has now been exposed. Come on in and receive it!

Release dateJul 5, 2012
Ancient Timez: The Great Lesson Within Ancient Timez with Divine  Extraordinary  Synchronicity

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    Ancient Timez - Jerry Arthur Newcomb

    Ancient timeZ



    Jerry Arthur Newcomb

    iUniverse, Inc.



    Copyright © 2012 by Jerry Arthur Newcomb

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    CHAPTER ONE                              (The Beginning)

    CHAPTER TWO                              (Cain and Abel)

    CHAPTER THREE                           (Abraham)

    CHAPTER FOUR                             (The Abomination)

    CHAPTER FIVE                               (Numbers and Letters)

    CHAPTER SIX                                (Jesus comes)

    CHAPTER SEVEN                          (Religion)

    CHAPTER EIGHT                            (The USA)

    CHAPTER NINE                              (Cleaned up and back with God)

    CHAPTER TEN                               (TOUGH LOVE and REGRETS)

    CHAPTER ELEVEN                        (Understanding God’s plan)

    CHAPTER TWELVE                        (Questions and answers)


    CHAPTER THIRTEEN                    (About the author)



    In this world today of greed, power, and the constant thought of me, me, me… This book may be considered controversial by some, but I guarantee it will force you to think. Keep your mind open and the TRUTH will come to you! This book was not written to please the scholars of the world or to be politically correct in the way things are said and done in the world. As you read you will simply learn the reality of truth!

    Ever since the languages of man were scrambled, man has come to know and love the environment each has grown up in. Many beliefs and customs were formed throughout the expanse of time. As we all get older we only know things which we were taught within our own upbringing. If we continue to confine ourselves to only that in which we were brought up, we then become stuck in that same old rut, knowing only that which we were taught. Many things we have come to believe as truth, in reality are not as such. This is in no way anyone’s fault. Each family has in the past and up until now had to look out for themselves the best way they knew how. We are never in control of how we are brought up. We are however in 100% total control of who we wish to be as we grow and get older. Man has been on his own and families have been formed with traditions and beliefs that have been handed down from generation to generation. With that said, we can continue to only believe the things we were taught, or we can venture out and seek to know all that is TRULY the TRUTH! If we do this seeking of truth, we will find that many things that we were taught were just simply nothing more than a fairy tale. The best and the most obvious example that I can give you is Santa Claus. We grew up believing in him only to find out later in life that this was not true. Many in the world today have become comfortable believing in things that simply are not true, and we even see some killing each other for these things. There comes a time in our lives when we all start to think for ourselves and realize that we must break away from these things and, for our own sake, go out and seek to discover the reality of the real truth.

    Allow this book to help you in your quest for the REAL TRUTH!

    Hello, my name on my birth certificate is Jerry Arthur Newcomb. I, like all of us alive in this world, enjoy some things, and other things I do not! There is both good and evil in the world. We all know this to be true. When I was young I learned a little about God. He is good and the Devil is evil, but to me they were just another thing that I learned about. As a young child I really did not put any importance into any of it, (either God or the Devil). I just saw that He (God) is good, and that He lives in Heaven. As a kid I thought to myself… I live on Earth, so what is so important about knowing about God who is in Heaven?

    I grew up in a small southern California town known as Santa Susana, today it is called Simi Valley. This was a very small valley with many vacant lots, orange groves, fields, and rows of big 70 foot tall Eucalyptus trees, and was surrounded by mountains. There was an extremely low crime rate. My parents were very good to me, they had very high morals. My dad and mom both cared very much for their kids. I had one sister. The two of us were just like all kids, go to school, play, and sometimes we would fight and then get in trouble. Not much was different about our family than most other good families living in the U.S.A. My dad had a very strong voice, and when I did wrong he let me know it! I was brought up in a very loving environment.

    As I got older I saw that the world was not the fantasy world that I had once thought. One day when I was very young my mom sent me down to the corner dairy to get some milk. She told me the man would give me "change. The dairy was about the distance of three football fields from our house. This was around 1965. A little kid could walk down the street and not be bothered as little kids can be today. It was quite common for kids to go to the store for their moms. Dads all worked. Well, as a little seven year old kid, the word change to me meant magic. For example, to change one thing into something else. In my 7 year old mind I thought I was going to watch the man do some magic on the money my mom gave me. I was so excited that my mom was letting me go see this. So when I handed him the money, I was waiting to see him pull out his magic wand to change the money into the milk and smaller money. I was so disappointed when all he did was reach back and get the half gallon of milk, and then put the money I gave him into the drawer and pull out different money. Hence the word change." This became my very first perception of the true reality of life. As all kids back then, I also believed in Santa Claus.

    As I got older, I saw the movie The Exorcist. It was very scary because unlike the Wolfman, Frankenstein or Dracula, the demon in The Exorcist could not be killed. You could not "see" the enemy. I really thought about the actual reality of GOOD and EVIL, God and the Devil. This was when I truly began to understand the real gravity of the situation of the two. The thought never left me after that. This was beginning to really make sense to me. I continued on with my life.

    As a teenager in the 70’s I fell into the drug trap. Like most families in those days, when I was 18 years old our family was destroyed by my dad’s unfaithfulness. I found myself with all my friends doing drugs with no way out. I became a product of the environment I lived in. (This story is in this book, Chapter 13.) Around this time I was thinking about God and how great He was, and that He created all of us. The Devil fooled Eve and then Adam followed her. They went against God. All mankind are descendants of Adam and Eve. The only thing stopping mankind from doing wrong, (killing, raping, stealing, lying and cheating etc.) is another person pointing it out, or the lessons learned from our own conscience and experiences. I started to think on just how "wild" we all truly are. I thought to myself… If Almighty God is truly so great and if He can truly do anything, why does He allow all of this to take place (Good and Evil)? There surely must be an extremely good reason for it. I started to wonder why we can’t see Him. Then I saw how difficult it was to talk to most people about God. Most who did not know about Him would turn from the truth as if it were the plague or something. I wanted to know why this was happening, so I started praying to Almighty God for knowledge, wisdom and understanding. He gave these to me and much, much more, as you will read in this book. Everything you will read came to me from receiving this gift of knowledge, wisdom and understanding from Almighty God. This knowledge, wisdom and understanding was not taught to me by any institution created by man.

    I noticed that all mankind truly loved this thing called LIFE, but not many thought of what it was really all about! I mean, I really saw how silly mankind was for the first time. Then I saw many silly beliefs that many put their faith in. I started into a sarcastic laugh, although it was not funny in any way whatsoever! I had to find out why many believed in so many different, and some even very SILLY things. I would talk to some people about what I had found, and they would become very uneasy. I wondered what was going on inside them to make them feel so uneasy. As I learned more and more, Almighty God worked with me more and more. I noticed that most who don’t know the truth were really rebellious of the One who gave them the very life that they say they love, but they live only in the NOW and do not want to think about the "Tomorrow." I just had to identify this thing that dwells inside mankind that does not want to allow each individual to see what is true.

    If something was bad in someone’s life, or they experienced a death, they would talk about that, maybe very sadly, but they would still talk about it. What made man not want to talk about this ever so precious thing called "LIFE?" I don’t mean just mere LIFE in general, but the reality of each of our lives and the boundaries of this thing we call LIFE! ETERNAL LIFE! I saw that many treated the subject as if it were a disease. Many would accept a cuss word, but if anyone say’s anything about God or Eternal life, it is not accepted. This did not make any sense to me. Even kids embraced the icon of the skull. This is accepted as cool, but in reality, what is cool about DEATH? I had to know why, so I asked God. He led me to understand that it is because He (Almighty God) is Good and Satan is Evil. This evil being, that fallen Angel Lucifer, known as the devil or Satan, roams free in this world to deceive and use all his power in any way he sees fit, with very little restrictions from Almighty God. He is the great deceiver, the great manipulator, and the great imposter. Once again I saw that our loving God must have a very GOOD reason for allowing this. I did not understand it, but I was positive God knows what He is doing! I saw that Life is GOOD and the existence of Death is the result of EVIL. So if someone is uneasy talking about LIFE, then it had to be something evil working within them. Satan and his demons are evil. That’s it!!! I realized that Satan is ALWAYS at work trying to keep mankind in the dark, and believing silly things. We are ALL born into this world as descendants of the two (Adam and Eve) who turned their backs on our Creator. We all have inside us a fallen nature, and to top that off, there is a very intelligent living being working on us to twist us into thinking the opposite of reality and truth, and many of us actually fall into this trap. Think about it. The evidence is everywhere. Just turn on the news. He is so cunning and deceptive. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, our loving God has allowed all of mankind to make our own decisions, right or wrong! He in essence has stepped back and is allowing all mankind to do as we wish, even to fall flat on our faces, so we can learn some kind of a lesson.

    I realized that we are all alone and naked in the world and only if we ask God to, will He then protect us or shield us from the evil one so that we can comprehend and see the reality of the truth. The ones who are uneasy talking about God are those who don’t know God, but nevertheless God is the only way for LIFE to exist. Even those furthest from Almighty God know that we came from somewhere! So I asked Almighty God to teach me the best and most efficient way to know and express all of this in a very easy way for all to understand and to see! I asked and I did receive.

    From the beginning Almighty God knew that He would have me write this book. He demonstrated this in the form of Divine Extraordinary Synchronization in my life. He laid all this out well before my birth. With Him doing this, it became so easy for all to see that He is the One leading me! He arranged all of this Divine Extraordinary Synchronization in such a way as to show as confirmation for all to see that He was behind me ahead of time. All of this has been a part of His Grand Plan from the beginning. He fore planned all of this and knew at the offset of His Divine GREAT LESSON that He would have me write this book.

    Ephesians 2:10

    For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    Anyone can write a book and then say God is behind them, and we have to have faith that the author is telling us the truth. Well He did something a little bit different with me. He has given us something all can see and identify with! So many things that are so coincidental, that only He could arrange. He did this in the way of His Divine Extraordinary Synchronization in my life. He revealed this to me for two reasons. First, so I could see that He is leading me. Second, so that when I came to a certain point of Him teaching me, I could in turn show these things to the world with this book. This, also together with the Divine Extraordinary Synchronization in the Holy Bible which He brought to my attention, and with the Holy Spirit He led me to write all I have written here in this book.

    At this point you are probably wondering what exactly is Divine Extraordinary Synchronization? (Chapter 12 Question #9.) You will see all of this in chapter 13. It is at the end of the book because the author is not to be the focus. The information is the focus. The Divine Extraordinary Synchronization is simply the clincher that Almighty God is behind me so you can trust the words you will read. Almighty God has commissioned me to write this book, and I have accepted this job! I earnestly prayed to Almighty God for only the TRUTH be written in this book. The only motive I have by writing all of this is to help all my brothers and sisters get past the silly lies and deceptions in the world today so that all may see and understand the TRUTH! Feel free to read chapter 13 first if your curiosity has gotten the best of you! But you will also be very amazed how simple everything is as you read the entire book. Man, together with the deceptions of Satan, has made a mass of confusion as to what is TRUE! Once you read through this book the simplicity of the reality of TRUTH will be exposed for you to see! Some might say… "How does this ‘Divine Extraordinary Synchronization’ confirm that this message is from Almighty God?" This will be clear to you after you read Chapter 13.

    In this Divine Extraordinary Synchronicity you will see many things that only Almighty God Himself can arrange! Way too many to be just mere coincidences. It is like us being very close to a very large painting and not able to really see it. We have to step back and then we can see it plainly. Only Almighty God could paint this picture as it is intertwined within time and life itself!

    Then as you look at the message of this book, you will notice that it is 100% in line with the Holy Bible. This book just makes it easier for the reader to see and understand the reality of TRUTH. It is like a flashlight shining in places we have not seen before.

    Then you must ask yourself… Is our Creator so great He can do anything? And of course the answer is… YES, He can! With that in mind you will see that I was at the door step of death two different times. But something kept me alive. Only Almighty God has authority over Life and Death. That makes it obvious that it was Almighty God keeping me alive! With that said, do you think our Creator would keep someone alive only to deceive those who He loves? With all the Divine Extraordinary Synchronicity you will see, do you think He would arrange all of this just to lead you AWAY from His perfect love? Of course NOT! We are now living in the days just before the worst time to ever be experienced on Earth. This book is one of Almighty God’s last warnings before all this will take place. Remember the Devil is fighting against Him, and Satan wants all mankind to NOT see the TRUTH. Read this and you will know the TRUTH. Satan has NO authority over you!!! DO NOT give him any power over you!!!

    Now you must ask yourself this… Does Almighty God want us to know the truth? The answer is… YES! But, Satan has deluded the truth with so many lies, and many have come to believe them. If Almighty God were going to raise up a man that actually has the REAL TRUTH in Him, how would He go about laying a foundation for this man to be believed in our present day and age? Especially with so many saying and believing so many different and conflicting things? He would have to start with the foundation. (1) The parents! (2) God’s word. God wants the first fruits of everything. (3) Birth of the man whom Almighty God wants to be believed. It would have to be a day of recognition. (4) What kind of heart does this man have? (5) Who taught this man? (6) What does he have to show that is from God? (7) Does it all tie up and meet with Almighty God?

    All seven of these points will be covered in Chapter 13. This book is not about the author. It is like a flashlight to shed light where the TRUTH is! The only reason for Chapter 13 is to allow you,

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