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Gedoodles Ii
Gedoodles Ii
Gedoodles Ii
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Gedoodles Ii

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About this ebook

Inspired by Bernard Shaw's dictum that the Earth is the lunatic asylum for all the other planets, GEDOODLES II is the jaundiced expression of Harry Geduld's profound insights into the human condition. The book contains a sample of Geduld's juvenilia, a long interview with the author, his Ultimate Ph.D. Examination for Comparative Literature, an heretical short story entitled "Not This Man," and a collection of deathless verse that is certain to leave an unspeakable impression on the masochistic reader.
Release dateMar 6, 2012
Gedoodles Ii

Harry M. Geduld

According to the impeccable authority of the Indiana University Administration, Harry M. Geduld, now a DEmeritus Professor, is notorious as the only faculty member who did NOT create FIlm Studies at IU, having spent his 34 years at the University doing nothing. He was also the long-forgotten Chair of Comparative Literature, responsible for the department's Dark Age (1990-1996). Most of the numerous books, articles and reviews ascribed to him were probably ghost written by his two doggies, canine geniuses known as Gedoodles poodles.

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    Gedoodles Ii - Harry M. Geduld


    1663 Liberty Drive

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    ISBN:978-1-4685-5554-7 (sc)

    Copyright © 2012 Harry M. Geduld

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse: 3/1/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-5554-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-6003-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011962656

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

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    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    By The Same Author

    Motto of this book:


    Further Acknowledgement


    Part One: Perverse Verse and Even Worse Verse

    Part Two: Limericks Shlimericks

    Part Three: Juvenilia

    Part Four: Comparative Literature: The Ultimate Examination

    Part Five: Doyle Sharp interviews Harry Geduld

    Part Six: Not This Man – A short story

    Part Seven: Addenda


    By The Same Author

    Published Books:

    Prince of Publishers

    James Barrie: A Study

    Filmguide to Henry V

    The Birth of the Talkies


    German Requiem: A Play in Two Acts

    Lecherous Limericks

    Purim Spiel: Thirty Short Stories on Jewish Themes

    Chutzpah Sauce: Four One-Act Plays and Two Interludes

    The Final Solution of the German Question: Two Plays

    Dogspeare: Thirty More Short Stories

    From the Heart: Biographical and Autobiographical Memoirs

    Gedoodles or From Bad to Verse

    Books Edited:

    The Rationalization of Russia [by Bernard Shaw]

    Film Makers on Film Making

    Focus on D.W. Griffith

    Authors on Film

    The Definitive Jekyll and Hyde Companion

    Charlie Chaplin’s Own Story

    The Definitive Time Machine

    The Literature of Mystery and Detection [44 volumes]

    As Advisory Editor:

    The New York Times Film Encyclopedia [13 volumes]

    Co-edited with Ron Gottesman:

    Sergei Eisenstein and Upton Sinclair: The Making and Unmaking of ‘Que Viva Mexico!’

    Guidebook to Film: An Eleven-in-One Reference

    An Illustrated Glossary of Film Terms

    The Girl in the Hairy Paw

    Robots, Robots, Robots

    Playing to the Camera

    Co-edited with David Y. Hughes:

    A Critical Edition of H.G.Wells’s War of the Worlds

    As Series General Editor:

    Visions series [Indiana University Press]

    As Series General Co-editor with Ron Gottesman

    Filmguide series [Indiana University Press]

    Film Focus series [Prentice-Hall]

    Perspective series [G.K.Hall]

    As Editor, Co-editor, Series Editor and Advisory Editor Harry Geduld has published over 100 volumes.


    Even More Bad to Verse

    by Harry M. Geduld

    (Poet Laureate of Meshugahss)

    Motto of this book:

    Laughter lubricates Life


    With grateful appreciation and abundant thanks to:

    Palamedes (putative inventor of Jokes)

    Edward Lear (putative inventor of Limericks)

    Max Miller (the Cheeky Chappie)

    Tommy Trinder (You Lucky People)

    Will Hay, Graham Moffatt and Moore Marriott

    Big-Hearted Arthur Askey and Stinker Murdoch

    Jimmy Edwards (Whacko!)

    Tommy Cooper (the hysterically laughing Magician)

    Eric Idle

    Charlie Chaplin

    Groucho Marx

    Lenny Bruce

    Woody Allen

    Tom Lehrer

    Donald McGill (for his saucy seaside postcards)

    Gershon Legman (for Rationale of the Dirty Joke)

    Leo Rosten (for The Joys of Yiddish)

    George Orwell (for Coming Up for Air)

    Christopher Hitchens (for Arguably)

    Philip Roth (for Portnoy’s Complaint)

    H.M.Bateman (for A Book of Drawings)

    Karl Shaw (for Oddballs and Eccentrics

    — even though he omitted me)

    And above all

    My wonderful Dad who told the jokes I love best

    The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the following works without which the writing of this book would have been far better:

    Heretical Beliefs by Ike Onoclast

    Archimedes by U.Reeka

    My Dear Watson by L.E.Mentary

    The Anthem by Jose Canusee

    Once a Year by Ida Bath

    Infidelity by Don Teller

    Idiot’s Delight by Jack Ass

    Bats in the Belfry by Lou Natick

    The Lost Organ by Cass Trayted

    Fallen Panties by Lucy Lastick

    The Female Delinquent by Miss B. Hayvure

    The Wrong Answer by Stu Piditee

    The Padded Cell by Cy Kottick

    What’s Behind? By Hugh Jass

    Pay Up or Else by Bill Collectors

    Twin Peaks by O.Wat Boobs

    The Dripping Nose by Y.Pitt

    College Knowledge by Eddy Fikation

    Up the Nose by Q.Tipp


    A River in Egypt by D.Niall

    Further Acknowledgement

    When he wasn’t wasting his time writing encomiums to some Egyptian floosie named Cleopatra — who was bitten on her ass by an asp – here’s what William Shakespeare wrote about me:

    "Old age has sadly withered him,

    And rusting’s staled his obnoxious impropriety."

    Thanks Bill!

    Manifold thanks to my son


    for correcting my computer illiteracy

    with his usual expertise


    I didn’t shirk:

    It’s all my work.

    It shows I’m zealous:

    So don’t be jealous.

    I did write this ’ere ’ere

    Yes, I did write this ’ere ’ere.

    Ev’rywhere else I wrote that there

    — But I did write this ’ere ’ere.

    [Adapted from an old Cockney song]

    Before I’m laid out on a slab

    I’ll admit all my verses ain’t fab.

    Though sometimes I babble

    And occasion’lly gabble

    I’m a Cockney with gift of the gab.

    Part One: Perverse Verse and Even Worse Verse


    As infants and kids each son

    Brought me delight and much fun.

    And then they grew up – and have since made amends

    By becoming more fun and my very best friends.


    They haven’t a clue, said the Wandering Jew.

    "They’ve mixed me up – one hundred percentile

    With my younger brother, the Meandering Gentile."


    On the subject of dirt

    Let me alert

    You. I wont try to divert

    You or even convert

    You. The truth about dirt

    I refuse to skirt:

    I’ll simply assert

    Without being curt

    Or pert

    Or flirty –

    That the truth about dirt

    Is it’s just plain dirty.


    "It’s really quite crummy

    To live in a tummy.

    It’s because mothers eat us,"

    Said an ignorant foetus.



    A miser,

    Had a bad incisor,

    Which she tried to fill

    With a power-drill.

    She didn’t complain

    When it entered her brain,

    Or even despair –

    She had Medicare!


    A Classics Professor

    Made a mess-a

    His trip in a toga

    To a local Kroger.

    When he tripped

    It ripped.

    And alas, he was stripped,

    And a female checker

    Caught sight of his pecker.

    The situation

    Caused a sensation.

    His unfortunate caper

    Made the local paper,

    And the Dean said, "Ben, yu’re

    Going to lose tenure.

    Finally came this story’s sad closure:

    Life in the jug for indecent exposure.


    Missionaries, said one, Are really quite nice.

    Agreed, said a cannibal, Especially with rice.


    I find it exceedingly odd

    That we ask Almighty God

    To Lead us not into temptation.

    It’s a subject for deep contemplation.

    Isn’t the Devil

    Supposed to revel

    In tempting us? So why do we ask Jehovah to rob

    Beelzebub of his allotted job?


    Nine a.m. – a knock at the door:

    It’s just me, Millie, the hotel whore.

    The man within looked up, quite vexed.

    "I was poring over my Gideon text,

    And kindly address me as Reverend Georgy.

    I paid for three: I want an orgy."


    It’s easy to miss

    The orifice.


    He removed a fowl’s gizzard

    In the midst of a blizzard.

    The outcome was gory

    It snowed cacciatore.


    It’s invidious

    To be hideous.

    But since you’re my friend I’ll make you elated:

    You’re appallingly ugly and universally hated.


    I wanna see a dog about a man –

    ‘Cos there’s one thing any dog anywhere can

    Detect when sniffing another dog’s ass:

    He’s aware if it’s crap or if it’s just gas.

    Yes, I wanna see a dog about a politician

    And like-minded jerks

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