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Keys for Discipline: Insight for Godly Living
Keys for Discipline: Insight for Godly Living
Keys for Discipline: Insight for Godly Living
Ebook114 pages2 hours

Keys for Discipline: Insight for Godly Living

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Keys for Discipline contain short compositions of wisdom, insight, and behaviors presenting in serious simplicity and truth that living a godly life requires wisdom, discipline, and self-control. Youll learn how to better relate to God, parents, children, one another, and neighbors. Its authenticity makes for great reading for all ages!
This book covers various characteristics of spiritual self-discipline including the ability to reject instant gratification of the flesh and the subliminal messages from the devil and his crew. The Keys for Discipline is a unique approach of expressions for common sense living of a godly life skillfully in an ungodly world. These nuggets of truth fit in every arena of life --home, school, work, church, or traveling abroad. It's designed is to teach the Believer not only how to have self-discipline, but why we need it including the benefits thereof. Although most Believers acknowledge its importance, few do anything to strengthen it based on the Word of God leaving them with unpleasant and sometimes dangerous or deadly results.
Release dateJan 24, 2013
Keys for Discipline: Insight for Godly Living

Bernita Scott Weston

Writing since the tender age of 9 now at 43 Bernita could hardly contain herself when God called her to the ministry of teaching and writing full time. After many months of meditating, praying, and trusting God, He answers her prayers. Stepping out on faith in August 2012, she fearlessly bids Corporate America farewell. Leaving her good paying job with the workforce and after dedicating 21 years in customer service and marketing, she was finally free to fully commit to the call God placed on her life. As an author her writings are inspired and based on her own personal hardships, tragedies and testimonies. She openly shares her life's battles, her smiles and her trials as only she can do. Her unique style of writing offers hope, encouragement, education and inspiration to all ages. As a weight loss expert, her first book “Reach Your Weight Loss Destiny and Keep Your SKINNY Victory” is based on her personal life story on how she lost 96 pounds and kept it off for 6 years! Her second book "How to Count it All Joy When Faced With Insurmountable Circumstances", came at a high price when she and her husband loss their home and everything they own to what was dubbed the flood of the century in 2009! Her faith and passion keep her strong.

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    Keys for Discipline - Bernita Scott Weston

    © 2013 by Bernita Scott Weston. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/22/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-0907-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-0906-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013901143

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    Quotes, parables, statements or otherwise, provided in Keys for Discipline may or may not contain portions of Scriptures. Quotes inspired by actual Scriptures will contain the following statement Refer to Scripture: and will include chapter and verse of the Scripture referenced. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas

    Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from the King James Version of the bible will be marked (KJV)

    Scripture quotations are taken from various sources as outlined below. Quotes, Prayers, statements, and confessions paraphrased from specified Scriptures and verses unless otherwise stated.

    Some Scripture quotations are taken from the Bible Reader Software. Product version 5.1.8 Reader Version: cf090fo Copyright © 1998-2012 OliveTree Bible Software

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    A Message from the Author


    LOVE and the Spirit

    LUST and the FLESH

    Disciplined Cooling Statements

    Grieving the Holy Spirit

    (Flesh) Behaviors to Avoid

    (Spirit) Behaviors to Embrace

    Spiritual Rules and Gentle Reminders

    Personalized Prayers

    Room 110

    Leaving a Message for Mom in Heaven

    Our Vision

    Our Mission

    Prayer of Salvation

    Prayer of Rededication

    The skill to write and the patience to teach was given to me by God

    My passion to write and to teach comes from within

    My desire to write and teach comes from my love for Him.

    I dedicate and all of my writings to the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit,

    It is for this purpose that He made me.

    To the Saint Pray always and have faith in God

    To the Unbeliever Repent, change your mind and your ways, receive His salvation

    To the luke warm Believer—Choose you this day whom you will serve

    To God Almighty He is the Alpha and the Omega

    He is the Beginning and the End,

    He is The First and the Last,

    He is the One Who is, Who was and Who is to come.

    He is the great I AM!


    Scripture references: Exodus 35:35b.36b; Luke 21:36; Mark 11:22; John 3:16; Revelation 1:8; 22:13; Joshua 24:15b

    In loving memory of Minister Patricia Ann Scott

    August 22, 1949 to November 22, 2012


    I thank God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the gift to write and the wisdom to share the good news of the gospel.

    A special heartfelt thank you to my family for all of their love and support. To my wonderful husband, Bernard Weston Sr., to my father Lorenzo Scott, to my late mother, Minister Patricia Ann Scott who went home to be with The Lord on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012; To Joyce Underwood (Grandma Joyce) who’s always been like a mother to me and my kids. To all my siblings (Shennill, Wanda Mona’, Nottra, Tre and Nicolas). To my two wonderful children LaJairous and Keyra. To my precious grand baby girls Jada Pooh and Baby Jo. To all of my nieces and nephews. To my church family at Body Of Christ Church International, USA. and to all the Born Again Believers in Christ around the world.

    Other books by Author Bernita Weston

    Reach Your Weight Loss Destiny and Keep Your Skinny Victory!

    How to Count it All Joy


    Instruction (Precept)

    To bring under control

    To teach

    To punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience

    Perfects mental faculties or moral character

    Training that corrects, or molds

    Control gained by enforcing obedience or order

    Orderly or prescribed conduct

    Pattern of behavior


    A rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity

    Harsh discipline is for him who forsakes the way, and he who hates correction will die. {Proverbs 15:10}

    Knowledge is spread by people who are wise, not by fools. The LORD is pleased when good men pray, but hates the sacrifices that wicked men bring Him. The LORD hates the ways of evil people, but loves those who do what is right. If you do what is wrong, you will be severely punished; you will die if you do not let yourself be corrected. {Proverbs 15:7-10 TEV}

    A Message from the Author

    Discipline falls into two categories: One deals in punishment and correction, while the other offers self-control and perfecting moral character. In a sense, the Keys for Discipline merely help the Believer gain a clearer understanding of God’s instructions for the practical affairs of everyday life, while reminding us of the negative outcomes of the lack thereof.

    Self-Discipline is necessary and vital in the life of any Believer. Because it is not always, comfortable or easy people resist it. God is clear in His word about what happens when there is no discipline or self-control in our lives.

    The God kind of self-discipline enables you to choose wisely followed by your actions thoughts and behaviors in order to accomplish a goal. It gives you the power to overcome behaviors that are hazardous or harmful to the Believers Christian way of living including addictions, procrastination, and laziness, and to follow through with whatever you do.

    A characteristic of spiritual self-discipline is the ability to reject instant gratification of the flesh and the subliminal messages from the devil and his crew. According to the Book of Proverbs, discipline is often mentioned when describing two classes of people: The wise, upright, and righteous, the fool, and the wicked sinner.

    Keys for Discipline is a unique approach of expressions for common sense living based on kingdom principles for living a godly life skillfully, in an ungodly world. These nuggets of truth fit in every arena of life—home, school, work, church, or traveling abroad. It’s designed to teach the Believer not only how to have self-discipline, but why we need it including the benefits. It teaches how to better relate to God, parents, children, and neighbors.

    This book has uniqueness to its structure to make for easy reading. It contains a combination of quotes, catch phrases, and good sense rules to give divine perspective necessary for handling yourself in any given situation, especially when dealing with life’s issues.

    Discipline is necessary and plays a crucial role in our survival in this ungodly world. Self-discipline is crucial and necessary in the life of every Believer. Although most Believers acknowledge its importance, few do anything to strengthen it based on the Word of God.

    Contrary to popular opinion, discipline does not require a brutal or harsh restrictive lifestyle. You can enjoy life the way God intended while at the same time have this skill well-developed. Discipline gives you the power and the ability to stick to

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